o )n «h imhore is the only .tract of land left in the state along. Dake: Michigen. _ Mr.-- Weieg'.bill provides .that it shall--become a * ~~ place whe: }" le may go and feel that they are not intruding. It % -- data 'i ul spot and is no longer needed as a rifle range and C _ his : fi used very little during the past few years. The belicf is 4 * to insure its passage but he needs help to do it and perhaps some éka is of Lake Cour y will feel.interestéd enough to at least j * S--talk to friends they may have in the legislature to make that task «1 _ Local radio fans are becoming worried owér the fact|f --* r»amopppe _ f a::f#m three more, super--broadeasting stations are abont' -- TRANSFERS > -- MR > "fi'w by Zion's new station, which is in TRUST COMPAMY. 6 _~. Shis class, that it blanketed the dixis between 'W C _ wavelengt} of from 300 to 400. Th local fans are not 880 Washisgten i 1 :) Voge much concerned over WCBD,--which is owned and i\ eon o p m --------aperated by a lake cour _resident who pays taxes here, 4 E3 *gf C whm thmfiiaxo promoters moved to locate their " FEB. 12 1925. t ~lr, **~~'Stations here, the-- local fans began to sit tip and take| A C. Kronquest and wf to C. T. § _~1", If one of Mlfihm get a high wave length| . J i. Maraic ane xt io Maree Waks _1 _ _ ---- and another a low bne, the Lake--county fans would sc ae e 144 1+ i'L 3.--1L Shaw's [E . either be m to listen only to these stations or go | _Mxrg® Wais ant hus, to P. C. Paxet k : * 'bed, the two stations would completely cover|gubda. SAE Lut 194 --), 1. Shnkct i range of their receiving sets. .':'nn and w1 to T. P. McVicker § us i?bflzm;hn (hi:'lcofmdom are all broadcast-- :aln;..:-::?:?' Murk S4 45. 166 32 °m next to impossible for fans in that city to get wt ot a1 to Capt. R. _| _ _ amy stations cutside of that city: 3:1; oo 4s, Sn 1} ab0 AA, B 1. mar. a--------------For that reason Chicago is making efforts--to have "'""',,? i t« * e hroadcasting stations move their stations outside of sain wio. né'&.'f'}"{. ez County.. Plans,are under way to locate one om "vg Tig »--~* € ~ at €, another at Decrfield and another :z ing and f-'-'-','-?-'-"n'-'-&"m"'v'% mumplewy umnflm'mfldbt"w&fllduh k¢égan. % + ~ ue rapl e A. Gordon and wf to K. Johnson "~~~~; --Many fans have complained about Zion w (pu| es "" Mn: o A Neinck Bitk e . @M&hm&nwm' two or timesg | _ E. Johnson to A. Gordos W. D. $10. [ -- . C aywe What if three powerful Chicago stations, which Pes Let & MX 1. Jitle J Pritthing _ _ broadcast practically all gay and eyery night except Mon--| pa**" *J hm w 'bp '3e. *mi. C3 % t44,. L i Un iss onl o enane of national co--opera acite probletn of the farmer until a system. of national _ marketing is established. He asserts that last year 5,000 car loads _of Georgla and Alabama peaches rotted in the orchards because ~The price off red would not pay the cogt. of picking and shipping, _ while in New York consumers paid $3.50 ner half bushel. San An-- ténio, 'Téxas, consumers 'paid --10 cents a pound for dnions while ~ h !; of that state dumped them into ditches to get rid of %Hem. Chicago consumers paid $12 per crate for cucumbers while : S Aetaube t ceived 65 cents. Christmas turkeys retailed in never will be able to get any DX one. : The local fans may be making, a tain out of a rfl.»m.tnyntethey-honld e more tests and their fears are borne out by , steps should be taken immediately to keep the Chicago stations out. These would not even give Lake county any free adver-- cago and will be operated by remote controk ' ates organizatifh on sound economic basig like other indus-- ¢ of the business world is co--operation--combina-- untles *tm'-b-pnp'ldlmpmccuiontheywm Wrrim 33 Biinict . per prrant. _aroadlipticarriesat s;. poaff he * cents for meat. 'He asserts that Farm Loan Banks do nok -#mammmmmm Texas alone, : the United States there are 3,000,000 tenant farmers. He 7 C als 'm IUST COHBINE. _of this, the Eighth District--of course ) repres ves from this district will support the ¥ <of the Farmer to Consumer League, AIndependent Ht -- Waukegan Weekly Sun with any legislator outside of Danville, --1i1., --Feb. 11--« Relatives | the Russian clty. > oo seathace ts it o s momber|. Home--The |Tink]-- decrl --said to be a er | . Rome--The. final decroo for FACES PRISON|:: . Ky., family |canonization of the Blessed Barat, oft serving a|founder wof the order of the Bacred a'filflswmtum». mon | proviag two miracles advanced as a J «»}} |{) AIRCRAFT FIGHT --jg; ; TURK AVALANCHE a«c| "|| INRFAL FARNEST| commumen Tox. mm A7CGTmends _ / *B. Lowenmeyer apd wf to W. 8}} sock and w1 jts WD $1. Bt. $5.50,. Lot 40, Ravine Forest. 0. Menard and wl to C. J. Block WD $10, 88L $1250,. 1Lot 4 Resubda. uuuo.n-u...u.h, T. W. KAwards and wt to J, Posing ¥. D. 310. Loat U, EL. A. Cunmmhg & Co's N. Ave. Adin. 'r.m.c-tnw,;?ra and wf Jt teans WD $1. Lots and _ A. Gordon and w1f to E. Johnson WD $10. St. $15.. Lot J, Butrick Bivd. B. Johnson td A. Gordos W. D. $10. BtL. 19. Lot 6, Blk 1, Eflce 1. Britthins Umilh W.D. $10. St. $1. Lot 4, Wash K&, H. m ¥. to W. U Hard-- uummmmw $10. Pt of Lot 55, Org] Bubdn of Lake :3:,._,;-. : ....'- *4 dbr w m s CE é' j :".-j ". "" have returied _to thelr prigetice of let any form of public tri@l, whfimmw CooK county 4s --credited with the] y in delivering wail by air or| largest loss, $7,486640. Macon was the promotion of commercial avia--| next with $1,239,323, while Tasewell tion." M *~1 took third place with $1,053,579. Los# Britten's attack stirred up new ag--| ey Jn all--other counties were under itation in the aireraft committeo for | $1,000,000. passage of a resolution which would| --Dwellings were hardest hit. There . absolves Mitchell from all blamse for| were 7,109 fres and> $5,01%,151 ' any statements he made reflecting on | Stores were next with 1,563 fires and | other government officials ---- a $4505,339 loss. Factories followed | mm mm smm mtiemy with 486 fires and a $3,922,974 loss. | muou. it woeuld tend to destroy sive and --defensive action in a highly specialized department like the thto the aircraft "batt!l6" started by Brig.. General-- ~William --Mitchell's charges against the war and navy do partments. R "Mying general" testified, was prepar-- ing 'to--come to his detense, & -- verbal bomb--was hurled in his--direction at of the House naval affairs a mg_"br Representative Britten, ~who Tollowed a ¥igorous defense of Admiral Moffett, the nary fying chief, by charging Mitthell with "very bad form" in attacking ot-- Britten took a fling at the army|year was $24,187,649. The largest pro general's petty hobby of.a unified air vhutnulloumhu".vc unu.mama.wwm.lntu grees has stirred up the present fuss. mrm'ponn.fill "Mitchell 4s confusing ariation with | loss in January and tloged a national defense," said-- Britten, "and| $3,111,268 loss in *December. These, while his suggestion for a unifed ser--| thé--report shows, were th6 months vite might promote efficiency in some| which were most largely responsible Washington, Feb,-- 11 °~ Congress thék sides today and flung itsolf anew Rign--Secret pdlice at Leningrad Grand-- Avre: -- TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKBD COUNTY AND TRUKT COMP, % Abstracts of Tit}e; ® Ounranteod. 880 Washisgtes h. Waukegan, DL Talephone 4 OFFICIAL LIST OF committée, before which the fls L en may Fu-_'&'. neae" Oe Turidah 3 e ty hefraseniaty t ie ns use ns Dt _ UP -- AGITATIOR almost a whisper "not guilty". Dorothy. EKllingson, 16 yearolid "jai wvm.a'uwht&-w'd: persons were killed and many hous-- Total Loss by Fire in the State : of Minois for' 1924 Was vbegyun by ihe slale Hre marshal's of-- fast o Yarmrecteme se 1924 suffered the largest fire loss STATE FIRE OFAICE REPORTS LARGEST Ban Francisco, Calil., Feb. 11 Springficld, !IL, Feb. 11.--Illinois in 1044 ANNUAL FEBRUARY FURNITURE SAIF 20% to 50% Discount on Entire Stocks During Our Great February Sale of Fine Furniture ||-- o. onmmage .. If you are going to furnish a Bedroom you should . ¥. / ." | /2 -;:r.w:':'}m. genuine Wainut Suite, $13050. _ Ved * ABE . PW L SE , yrees wrore gou ts to pay a 5 piy Watant Poster | DATE OF THE ELLINGSQN TRIAL hase, speciu 14.95 LOSSES SINCE 1920 j smat>e saastmisat's0 come to the 0> Red Htar Detroit Vapor Bto ioi' aB modeh now on diz-- We Defy Anyone to Equal This V alue.--» 3--picce Gennine Jacquard Velur Suite in the popular roge toupe shade Outht consists of Davenport, Low Chair and" Fireside. Best Spring--web bottom con-- struction. 'Marshall gpring cushions. Carved frame, tassels on all pieces. A $200.00 value 5129 50 on onr Fflbmm Sde....'.....-.'_.;.........'._ * * "* $30 dntas ¢ t# i of 1t --White ename! base, complete with drawer, Italian Living Claim Famous Comedian Liv _A n.fl'fi:' ds Example to f sns ¥Outh--Of U,-- 5.. HEAVE VERBAL BRICK _ --BATS AT--CHAPLIN ; The clyb --voted . unanimously to send Chaplin a statement of protest agninst what i belleves to be a mods Charlie never hg% a custard ple with--more the --Opti-- mists hurled verbal brick bate in dis cussing the film commedian's private "We ar Optimists, have. been work-- Ing here in Evanston trying to halp ed soft ple hurler, has caused --consid tflhhsvmmmrm- tation one who has come to be a popular idol of thousands . of -- boys throughout the country, and~to recom-- mend that his pictures be barred in BAR-- FILMSIN-- EVANSTON _ Evanston, 111. Feb. 11..--Charles hapliv, in his own fashlion the Waukegan Business College | 117 Washington St. s * * 16.9$ writing, ENROLL NOW ng, Bookkeeping, Business 1 Writing and other business ' subjects. #i > --that sells regularly at $100.00 81' g Full Porcelain o "airee shaner or "tioady Wwit gan, or y WIl-- mlty." lett a threat and a challenge behind him today when be went to Miuourt on x visit. _ % "I am leaving in accordance with terms&--A --the~ agreement and t intend--to w good fuith, but other parties to the pesce pact must do the same or I am --coming back to use all lawful mesas~to cope with and© girle t0 -- set "up as>an 'Ii.!.--ifitf_ s¥ ~and> 1 feel that these people in promfent places who are disregarding the idea}s of home life such as we are trying to teach --Oour children, should be taught. they cannot do. such things as . this without ~sufering the disfawor of a'll ~ "I have sacrificed to the lHmit. NeF ther 'Klan nor AntiKlan must dic the 'boys. of this elty .to Aevelop 53 highest ideals of life," explained .DF. Frank :O. Bock, prosident of the club, "PThen, &s if to make the task more dificult, Charles Chaplin--a man who is idolized by the youth of the coun, try--eomes out with 'the revelation Mthdnnrmuymlodh:{ only_16 xears old and is about --to. come a mother," 5.. + ' *Even though he seem$ to have kept within--the law, this. is not the kind of life which we want --our boys . Choice of 6 paterns. This is $18.00 nation-- all priced to 1 i AF THREAT < Washington, Fab. ~It--Representa~, tive Nicholas Longworth 'of 'Ohig,. seemed assured today of clection a3 _ speiiker of the House for the Bin{c ninth Congress.~ > i. Congressman Muwiin B. Madden * Niinois. was indigated by an» . AM-- Of the thirty--six Republican coungress men from Pennsylvania wl support "Now . let--a dozen busy--bodics, Bfidi_ll one cor two> preachors, les the counr'y and I wiate my lite to there'll --be peate in a woek.' tate. _ ~They ~wust . counzal. togel: in gooad faith,. I Jdl-oomwomla'g; . ---- Phone 636 per square y6é About 25 in all. Some 39¢