--_ --($180,000 DEAL IS ~--PLACED ONRECORD --~~CURIO COLLECTOR . ~DIES, SEARCH FOR ====--=RPEEATIVES HERE and the body torm ofl. LOSLlIOK @"" | £ injured across : the 'breast when be . was thrown against the steering wheel. With him was Albert Got-- man, who was cut about the face by fiying glasse. .__--_--_---------- Stark was taken to the Office Of guneitsiisggan IDr. Maurice Penney for first aid o m _'l'boYmBrvtmtmtv-mul , bound and Hawthorn farm truck was geass & travelling in the opposite direction £*. Dr. Pennywas called away and Dr. e J. L. Taylor attended the three men. § ~------_ Stark was later removed to his bhome In Area. -- Dr. Taylor reported this mfternoon that the X--ray eramina-- ga--««.~ --%lon of thark indicated that his in jujries werse not as serious as first reported, and -- that Stark's chances for recovery are good. w4' oo M KA _ 2C 2 AAIW 1 . . erncades Mhartatrcaditv catien penin in _Iing as to relatives of Wines in M $ +. . _ _2 P .. cwnn l ----» cons cmont ie ons tm cnran L around libertyville Mr Hubbard rw, ' a celved a leter from Wines about a| EVERETT DESTROYS * v year agp, but had lost track of i'm + EY \~ aince ~that ~time ho --<oo--arn L. _ ho f S LUNHAM'S STORES«:: i >2 HUGE TRUCKS _ ~ _ DEMOLISHED; 3 MEN ARE INJURED VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER 7 * Think Nebraskan a Frormé Waukeganite; Left Fortune in Antique Collection. gounty ~These people are &%ked to get +m~ tou with the police med{fate!y. | C#A latives, Ev Moore of BrooktynX and 8&/':' Evans. of! 121 CGranfe a farmer e. are also | m.t Bloomfield wrote , to, J j , town cferk, inquir-- / jng as to relatives of Wines in lfid' around Libertyville Mr. Hubbard re , Truck Driver Sustains Internal Injuries as Machine Goes Into Ditch. of milk, beleonging to-- Yore Brotb--. ers, Ariven by George Stark, was overturned into a deep ditch, and EStark received internal injurics. The treck was completely demolished The other truck, owned by Samuel In#ull. from Hawthorn Farms, was driven by John Dostick. it was bur}-- aAd tn the oppaosite side of the ro@a4 J. L. Taylor attended iRe iNTP® Stark was later removed to his In Area. -- Dr. Taylor reported mfternoon that the X--ray eXA Mlon of tRark. indicated that h jujries werse not as serious as reported, and that Stark's cb LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT off. Dostlek was F COUNTY INDEPENDENT : £24 Jan. | | ~ $28.000 FIRE AT _ 'MELBTERERIEATS,, ALFRED BORN IS _ , Fire. that started Tturaday in tbo; Lunbham Bretvor« store. at Ivere!., rwept from the *asement --'"b su~*~ rapHMMNy that wi h' two horre th* two rtory *+ad be~ ruted with an e timated }o«« Af 1?.,00% C Ftremen, from Everett and lake Forest. looked on helple«es. They were unable to reach water to combat the fames. € Kothing but the basement, Aled ,"'::";":,;"'.: 1 in with charred timbers. n.-lu% tell | lc atroithy the story of the fre, that starthd be-- ,m 0d many bru tween the coal btn and furnice. ac-- ;""m' ©oGY. A s t Waren. Ar c uike Porest TPorted _,"'" That bls Tack to A ho d * "of t'" * l ihis nroved nntrue who held a part the buildtngr. lanham bad gone to the basement |"" \" _ _ ~ cva mnasnital in a weok & in the morning to discover fire eating | to leave the bospital in a week ar so. Its way atong the coal bin. j | _' re--~--m--A~a~ taimed a band fire extinguish but | | cosld not comtrol the Games./ which £0+ | worked rapldiy upward to first * % C ""T3e frm mow oo m _ -- ROAD FOR COUNTY The first fodr w3# reservred for ' | store with fheral _ merchamais % * o Charles E. Russe!i county saperin valued at $1%? a l'"':""' s ; tendeft of highways, and other mem-- tnelr bamer®n the second Moor. Ah1 | bers ot ine Mehray denartment con the building ie estimated at §3 800 ferred Friday qlth' hl:h;ny. officiale The building itself was worth preb: '".z;:;::' &'";g;o:':' :":'"":;;:2; $15 006 | co 'hu", of snmm" Mm*mrrmf nt the AreaWanuconda road. pdiatt This is a state aid and state bond 'h%';:"':.g;'fig"fl':';.'::.":o" TS | route, it 1s aulte crooked in tts pres avail, it § reported ent condition. It also comes out [ ts L * ~_| quite a distance south ot Wauconds. . \__*__| and it te planned to have it run more ul DTDnnV i €VC directly into that village. cery and Meat Market While Firemen Lovk On. E. W. BERRY ASKS ~FOREXTENSION I{Ln W. Berry. formeriy of Wau-- keceaWeand at one time head Of the »wntofi Tea .m-%:ufiof the officials bf the Union company who were convicted on a charge of conspiracy after a trial in Milwankee, and who was sentenced to pay a fine ot $10,000 and serve twenty--five years in prison, has asked for an extension of time in which to file exceptions to the sentence. This action was taken in Milwaukese today. : BOY, HURT NEAR WAUKEGAN, DIES dent ';'m'"z&h-" i last July, died Saturday & ho# 1. a victim of his m:fln He 7 7 s Cz P epyy'o® aprpyv? # Fred Wallace, 12%, of Chicago, who 1« ~infjured in a#» automobile acci-- of the tnsurance on Aren't Happy Unless They're Showing Off| IOYS | m pegyy tog i sacorcer mer> / SENTENCED TO 90 _ hg was the ""1;1:';"::;:.:';;"3::-' -- i ORESeqrrtaies t Ee o moee ~----DAYS IN C0. JAlL Gro--| * :'"&'." ':;':.'3"2."".'-':';.:." when Given Stay Oof Execution toi -- | way e & nine Ck.. > XyaLQ~be reaeneg the worts shore Elec'ric| 'Worep 11 to Prepare Bill Of -- most _ of LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL--INOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1925 IDr Taylor #as called #n8 hbad Mr. Butterfield removed , to, the Victory Memor'al hospital in Waukegan. An examination revealed a fracture of the skmit and many bruises and cuts on though: the automobile would walt for the car to pass and put on more pow-- et. Just at this time Butterfield wenl abead,. with the result that hbis auto was struck by the car and demolished. skull and many brui Butterfi#ld's body, At this proved untrue At this time Butterfibld's eendition is much improved, and hbe will be able to leave the bospital in a week ar so. 'ship. and is striving to reach 95 paid lv'm by May 1, to save Com-- mander Carlson from having "to ban: 'M the Waukegan officers. It would never do to have Waukegan win this AMERICAN: LEGION NOTES The bowling tea mof Libertyyille Post of the American Legion journey-- ed to North Chicago recently and bowled the team reptesenting the post in that city. The report has it that the Libertyville Post won. but for some reason maodesty has kept the box score from appearing for publication. Illinois now? leads the country in paid up members, being 7.000 abead t last year at this time. The local Past is nearly tolast year's member-- to -- s memnt!" State headquarters is DrOAGCASUINR Information regarding two imposters working under the guise of the Le-- gion:----One, --Ciyde--Quinn, is selling ghances on an automobile, as if for the benefit of some post. The other, Ré-- ward Daley, is selling magazine sub-- Information reégarding two imposters| The S working under the guise of the L€--|1907, its gion:-- One, --Clyde--Quinn, is selling 40. dahances on an automobile, as if for the | in the ve benefit of some post. The other, BJd-- | that Wa ward Daley, is selling magazine sub-- | the way scriptions. -- Warrants for the arrest | Ind., on of Quinn are out, and Daley shoald be| That t sivan no arders If anproached, notify | business fivfi :oord z ers. If approached, 4 6 *'g! in 3 4 headquatters is br(.ndcaltlnl Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyville, Aucsc on' J Alfred Born. of Pos lake, who re eent!> was convicted by a jury of vio'ating the prohibitory law. today «*s1 acntenced to % days in the coun-- 'v jaf} by Jodge Perry 1. Persons, in t*e rounty court. He has given 3# days to prepare a bill of exceptions for the purpose of taking the case to the highet courts, and granted a etay of execution until Mar. 11. William Faris, former constable at Half Dary. who last week was also found guilty of vielating the prohibi-- tat} law, was up this meos seg--o2 a motion" Tot & new tWwikl ~~~****~% Blomdahl 'against Russell 1. Moore, was overruled, and the court entered judgment for $409.15 in favor of Blomdahl. NEW LINE WILL _____ CONNECT CITY ! WITH INDIANA _ The South Shore line was built in 1907, its tracks extending from South 40 Kensington, Chicago. With-- In the very near futnure it is expected Waukegan People Interest in Acquisition of New Line by Insull. Residents of TLibertyville and Take County are much interested in the announcement that the Insull inter-- ests have purchased the Chicago, Lake Shore and South Bend rallway, better known as the South Shore means an ertension of service for the North Shore Hime. -- _« Waukegan residentse now ran board a' @treet car and ride all the way to Sirty--third street, Chicago, on the North Shore Line. that w.«ianuh residents can go all the way from.t to Bouth Ben4, Ind., on the Norazn Iine. That this will result in an increased business on the alectric railroad is anttcipated by the Wealds of the !Ine. County's Big Weekd, --WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN as Second Clags --Mail Matter. Interested I" | * c. guso * e E l us ce ty on o ie x We o Gaachs & k« ' -- 1 | LINDAHL WILL IS | PROBATED; WIDQOW .. ns t The Will of August W. Lindahl oti Lake Forest was admitted to probate in probate €ourt in Waukegan Monday | the entire estate, valued at $2.500, to the window, Anna. ~Other proceedings in the court Monday were as follows: Albertina Griese of _ Waukegan. Proof of heirship taken. Letters of Administration issued to Albert Sod-- man of Highwood. Estate consists of real estate only. Bond of $200. Ethe! E. HiK, st al. minors Zion. Revort and account approved. Guard'-- an~ «#thOPtEI ~ to Invest ~tundk"~v. --';':'f.,' A _'."'.'.""l",_;» mosthyes, LR i' _ Albert L. Hendee of Waukegan Fimna report and account approved Eutate closed. o proved Auwust W. Lindabl} of Lake Forest WiHH admitted to probate. Leiters of Administration with will Annexed is-- sued to Etate Bank of Lake Forest Fstate valued at $2,.500 all given to his wifte. Anna Lindahl. 7 _ Allre Sullivan of Highwoned. WI!! admitted to probate. Letters Testa-- of Wirhwaosd.. Hond of $200. Proper ty begueathed <to four --chitdren-- and one grandchild. Pmrm Hecht McMahon of Liberty-- viie. Final report approved. Ektate Wankegan [L2tters of «hip issued to Vaibery Bond of $200. _ Nathan A. Grifm of Waukegan Hearing on petition to probate '_Wl*l enntinued to March 2nd4. -- _ ATbert H. Acher of |Ah_£nmt. In ventory and appraisement bill approy Edmund Strang. Autoch. Letters ventory approved. Stanisliawa Knietek et al. migors of North Chicago. Letters of Guardianr-- ship tssued to Joseph L. Preyboraki. ment bill approved. x Evelyn Louise Hingther of Wauke gan. Appraisement bifl approved. Bond of $10,000. Thomas -- Barnstable of AAntk_x-p Fiearing on Final Febrvary 16th. CR SE Jobhn Walr, Invsestory enproved. Ernes: E. Moad, in~nsarc. of Graye Iake. Sale ~f real estate ordered Augurt i1. Kuebker of Wauconda Invemntory approved. BOLL IS MEANS 3 OF KEEPING MAN -- OUT OF COURTS Two other matters precesded the Perguson case. Louls Pregenzer, of XBtidch, Charged wWth running beer. came w,fl:fl and pleaded "not " and a réleased in bonds of 200M We was arrested a week ago W ~epenge squad --near LAke Villa. io the squad that his cargo l(\.fi:'" beer. The Hauld was A. C Ferguron, of: libertyvy{Ta charged with assault with a deadiy #eapon,. growing out of the shootine Salotico, of Rondout, Jan. 1. hich left the Italian with a paralyz ed arm, was given a continuance in the bearing of bhis case \inp countr court Tuesday when his ey astated that be was suffering in-- tense pain from --a boil.. The mat-- ter is to come ap next Tuesday. ' Ee was arresated | by m ~gear o the squad th: &r beer. Th tealed by a chent"st later . Sam Steinbersz, Highwo« teafed by a chentffit later. -- Sam Steinberz, Highwood inn keep er, also ylended "not guilty" on & charge of violating The prohibitory dJaw. He was arrested by the sponse 'squad abont two waeeks ago in a raid on his pixce CATTLE BRING "TOP" MARKET BR T Dooley of Grayslake sold two carloads of yearly beeves to Morris and Company in Chicago yesterday at the';bp;arket price of $11.65 per hundred. is is a bute to the Hne cattis mw%'&bm man for other beet was selling as low as §9 a hundred. There were thirty-- 'thres head of cattle w Awo cars Lnou by DPooley and averaged 1064 pounds. Under thaiterme of the --John A. Lahey of North Chicago In 'nh monre!!y ~f Wakegan. in mtofty a18 just and tr=> account ap saie Dooley recetved 34,086,//0 inuance in County Court. y --Cases in Session Last Monday. Decke of Zion. Appraise ATED' wmw An -- enthusiastic . crowd _ of Imke * county farmers was present at the An-- nual meeting of the Lake County ISLEFT mm Buread last Saturday at the t Presbyterian--church in Libertyville. Court -- Completes Letters of -- Guari'an~ report continued to et s1. mino:is 0 of Gueardiansh\p Stramg. Bond of er G. E. Metzger, of the Hilinois AEtTH | mi " BA Rhik) sl cultural Association, and Dr. J. J. Lint-- Clty_ and .& ner, of Chicago, vg;:dulten&:d; towvlt}\' by Impe great interest. on. * + -- ¥s * Sehreck and L. A. Hum'ldie':e: FOQ Hm Tm to the recent meeting 6 a smm S 4 NOE t |Champaign, made good um.,ud}':h"nxa"mb" blanket 0 e |talks were also made by D. H. Minto, at n _ Friday '; President H. E. Flood and Farm Ad-- remained practically all w :'g'vbor J. J. Doerschuk |numerous lccldenta'd':-ol." es * _ tar and train sch es $ Y ! M¥ Metiger's ctear anaiysats of A4F/M--g#ryyn--automobile--trafitg. iY |conditions and marketing probleM® | nans the worst fog @Vver held the attention of the well flled in TLake county. E D: |hall. Speaking of the surpus of but--,. geveral automobiles crashed t 0' |tar, which has held the price of thll!., and landed in the ditch in 4: | great dairy product about ten cents a dan road near Beach early this ts |pound under a year ago, he said that ing: 'Considgrable damage was it tht spigots of all our dairy COWS® ;p yarious machines and _ WT n--!leould be shut off for only f've days. cars were called from-- 1 d4--|this bugabear of surplus would all be them back onto the wl eonsumed in that short space of time. ; and occupants of machines # 'm'; These surpluses of farm--products in | scratches and bruises but no 01 * *~~*~ cases are really ;&ry smtll, but bort sufficiently to require hb '"Tafe used as great clubk in UUKLHE * UCtus:«--~erh t 'Ifi-_,g I, -- Tiu. 2. Ap mue 1*~ COs cce dn : A i Li i G. E. Metzsger, 1 cultural Associat! ner, of Chicago, : great interest. Behreck and L. 4 to the recent mee | Champaign, mad | talks were also 1 ANNUAL MEETING OF FARM BUREAU HELD SATURDAY was imported into this country. he quired his attention. 2 stated, wh'ch contained just enough ; BICYCLIST 18 WIT .. butter to tast --one breakfast-- for the ! C.~ Ganatla®o, 537 C city of New York. However, this 00#' riging his bicycle home from ship load was exrcuse enough to break | pn, of the plants on the fats the price frgm three to five ceDts D°T ; was struck by an automobile . pound. Farmers are getting at the | gnerigan road. The driver Of the root of the marketing problem in, &' enine did not stoOP. A W% few products, and the dairy industrY )n4 yoward Webb of Grayslake ~--sotre--ttr--mhariceting--proble®&--snug--m--tetr--car and tound t8e--b! also, be stated. . | ust Ixing in.the street. They ate Dr. I/ntner paid Lake county a high | their car to.&88ist them and A8° compltment for the splendid progress | did another car _ came _ AlODE.. \ made in the tuberculin testing work bumped into their machiné.: A 1 Dr. I/ntner paid Lake county a high their car to.@ssist them anod 8# M comp!iment for the splendid progress did another car _ CAM® o 3 + made in the tuberculin testing work | bumped {nto their machiné.; A ® in this, a part of the "black belt" o"wlllo bumped Into both a! .. NO -- Nlinois. He said Lake county wAs ' serious damage was done. GADAMSS : letding the state in th's work, when it | was taken to his home where he i5 Is cronsidered that the per cent of this , artended by Dr. Kelier. ~It tound ~_ disease is zo high in this territory, and | that be had suffered from num@f0§8 . the progress made here was being taik--| cuts and bruises but had nOt k of all over the state=-- DPr. Grinnell had | hurt internally. "**-- just completed a map of the cOuntY.| _ a1 trains, both electrie cam, . which showed 577 herds under SUP®T-- were late last Saturday. Some * vision, 'a tremendous _ increase OY°T; stectric trains were wore than an . l'm- Sixteen months ago, when b* | nour behind schedule. This was u8 . started work here, there were only 40 , ; the tact that the motormen bad fe» _ The--Parm--Adviznor'a--regort--abrowiad | -- SA .. BR UAE ---- tss * $ considerable progress Auring the MTJB""- driving nporth is -- Nord year in the testing work, cow testing avenue, crashed into the car associations, boys' and giriw clubling to Jre Horn of. : work, ceammunity meeidgs and solls street at the Intersection of Cef projecta street. Both ~ars were An amendment to the constitution | considerably. Moody claimed . vq.ulom-d.vmmflo"nmfubltoflh.' 4 be rof the executive committee m-%t:lm sign at North l each township of the county. This wil alippery pavement * make representation equal in every . him from avoding the accident. __ {mpoct. and should result in greater | cug Tra"tie Hailts _ f Interest taken in the various town-- Chicago, . y--Chicago was abipa. keted by an impenatratable 10€ / T%e officers elected were ta follows 'toduy--Maybe it was the t President, D. H. Minto; vice ml-,w-floWfi cloud . gone dent. Willard Darrell. secretary, Gor-- . tray--which . mant ~-- Wnt A0n Rg¥: treasurer; L. A. Huebech; | pended --0'-}5%- . hoingn P reioateret--dnbaintr O ie nc on eP reraaiimer is ol nsm e PEsE ORMEREEC& NP CR CCC PA i e which sBowed 577 herds under #UDP®T-- were late last SAaturday. Some of 1H8 vision, 'a tremendous increase OY®T| cractric trains were wore thad . ® -- last. Sixteen months ago, when h# nour behind schedule. This was 008 . started work here, there were only 40 , ; the fact that the motormen bad e -- heurds&. _-- During the past year lAKk"| saired instructions _to proceed _ SHE_ ecounty tlone has received nearty $100,) a} nmnesinle care. They The tre--surer's report sbhowed that a $3,000 debt had been cleared up the past year. and that tho fidances were county tlone has received nearly $100,| a1; possisvle care. They slow® 008 of the state and federal Indemnity | :rains down at every crossing paid on reacting cattle. Farmers bere | yent the possibility of accident know the relation this work has to | CcaAR HITS BRICK TRUC the'r-- dairy and ~marketing problems| _ a pord touring car amashed and are determined to prosecute m]w..m...mn-au: work, Instead of waiting until the tim® worthbrotk early Saturday, w1 may come when less moneYy MAY 08 wmg was at its height.. No OW may come when less mon pald, tad Tthe taat miay be Comtmsittee are George White, Ira, Stephens, R. B. Griffi., E. L Shaw, W . J. Schreck, Spencer Wells, E. B»' ris. Levi &1& C. Hallock, Rarl Kane, leo Wilyring, Paul Sits, E. 1,; Vineyard, Chris Jemsen, E4 Umbden-- staock and Bert Hoimes. ' CONVICT ONE; FREE _ ANOTHER INBOOZE | TRIAL THURSDAY Edward Dorsey Found Guilty °. "®.}" wom thair bede. ---- _ B on Two Counts for Violation . of Prohibitory Law. w Ed4ward Dorsey® was found gullty ___ # more Lag*+ «966 [MANY ACCIDENTS _ ATTRIBUTE o THE DE im Cl tR m n m i l hy 20. «4 ts < Fog Halts Traffic... _« 4 , An impenetrable bltlm flfi'fl that settied down Friday % s remained practically all} day, ~ er and ianded in iNC GILCH i0 3 dan road near Beach early this 8 ing:. Considerable damage was to various machines and WTG cars were called from fl'x to them back onto the = and occupants of machines scratches and bruises but no OBeé buort sufficiently to require ho $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE _ | All taxicabs of one company wore _ 0. | withdrawn from the streets bz-gr 'orar hours when the fog-- ~ 'd«n chauffeurs reported it was . impossible to navigate with safety. . _ . | _ Thousands of workers were lite _ | tog also hampered firemen in fighting ----._--. .'-"'"!_ _caused by the 1to%, elevated and Interurban | unable to maintain sch streset, driving porth avenue, crashed into th ting to Joe MHorn OL-- pelied autoists to park their cars and seek temporary shelter. ; Lone woman drivers, -*.z even five feet absoad of -- their chines and fearing nccident of * dits, entered polje stations to rescuing relatives or the the air { % Another accident occured josat ont of North Brook on the 3 road, a touring car getting ' s«mashed, but North Brook police ' no report on the crash. x 1 "'r uts --Moody Oof 1§0% Hitkory _ ali possible care. They slowed UHGIT trains down at every crossing to P¥ vent the possibility of accidents. .. No -- seriqus have been ref becaus®e START TWO SUHS OVER RENT THLT erfield Farm, Orten; Arcti¢, Peary The & The Coalonial Twine raut tor a building at the --northeast corner of Betvidere and . West stroots Ippery -- pavement promim®na . om avoding the accident. _ _ Chicages Tra'tie Haits t _1 go, Feb. 7--Chicago was blam _ y an impenetratable fog early _ Maybe it was the ~me--s~ltes. . She World" -- clood gont. &8« -- hich . toe._ many -- bhouts --s8% . cabs of one company woere _ _ : from the streets for ##9+ _ x when the fog became 80-- auffeurs reported it was . to navigate with safety. ide of workers were lMle . of tangled traftic condits ed by the fog, stroot Cars, .. and Interurban lines being _ . maintain sachedules.. The _ g' ®4