CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Feb 1925, p. 4

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_ store and persons connected with _ which this advertisement appears, where you live or whether vou h. . s k -- bewig he widest shoes. Z-.'i'r-l'._' .'"""-n T f he HWind of styles we carry. tomer of our store. It costs noth i iro oi + puzzle ,iu.flv N. $ Libertyville, get fl,h short theme which must 17 _\ _ " yYou Iive or whether you have ever been a--cus-- tomer of our store,. ~ It nothing 'to enter--you don't have to buy a si m'ihm to lneom? eligible. Just busy puzzle and mail or bring :l to _':Y N. S Libertrville IWMinaia Tfi 2 * ecommittee of disinterested persons will Ret as judges and the winner M be announced in issue'of The Imdependent of March 12 The which must ..2:....., each solution.--must be writtéh on piain Quthfi'-hr';rm by us on request. The accompanying may be used, or d.knanfimc.;dmoopled. If a copy I Ki# muat be an exract reproduction. If additional wTking patterns are be had(by writing or appiying * ~Sull--name and address Appears upon !-q-. and the lettar H meugiings..... CBPE tb use You do not have to be a scholar or m econtest, as the five letters revealing Ing footwear at this sthre will no . 1t HMere are the Prizes: 100 --Per Cent Corréct So lutfons' s Will ~Rank First in Deciding Winners and Making Awards contest is open to all CONSOLATIONX PRIZE--One 1 Pair of Fine Shoes each to boy ar milting the nearest correct solutions 1 pair each of Men's and Wonien's Best Shoes k o sHle & _ __ Go), S3 05 [ineriuailty to cash in on your cleverness as a solver of r& Word Putciles. J&i take your pencil and fill in the necessary m in the pattern below"~and mail it, together with a themé&® of 50 or less, on "WHY RAY N. SMITH*sS I8 A Goop PLACE TO wom",~qr bring if"to our store not later than Saturday. March. . )--Bolutions postmarked or brought m after that date wil not be tounted. . m C AY N. SMITH Closes Saturday Night, March 7, 1924 Here's an opportuni%ito cash in on your is WOrd Puziizles Just take your bnenci1 DOTIWEAR at this store will be adjudecg mP beet to all except employees of this ent appears, It doesn't matter ["3 you have ever been a--cus-- t nothing 'to entcr...i'm, 'boi"-z.xl? nd ? b.-....' h pu and mail or Libertyville, Ilinois. Don't for. boy and girl under 16 years 0 utions and best letters." pair of high quality Rubbers" or master of English to compete in th ME L cexike! uo ! 12 logical reasons fto=buy-- best, regardless of gram-- for the two nearest I9 i Aunad Accwmakl. NJ T6 or: tb \il bo 5 ) R Fing | dacd, to Willard P arrs} OCD $16. opy , EL. $.60--Pt-- es "T. Waneorda. nal Eimer Orvis and wi, to Marv Krug-- ring e*r. QCD $1. 3t $530 Lot 45 in Addn pon to NW Addn. * C "~ G. Wehrenberg n",u Mrrtle VW ehrop. berk, to Herman elfer WD $1o pt M 1t . $ M NW cor. Prair'e ~View t Depot Grounds. * Alerander F. Beaubien and wf, to ~--~ 41 W.--J. Wiard--and--wt~$10. 8t.~08.~P¢-- Bi*® # Tagra B. 8ub, ig H / C. LitchBeld and wf, to o ..,'2'."#-..., QCD $10. Lot 36, Bik . 5 and Lot 18 Bik ; Bumbers's Sab pogpd A of ake sub-- 13 G. Wehrenbe rerk, to Herm: M ft $ af x Depot Grounds Alexrandor y +W.--J. WArd a BX 2 taara B. ~ Hermags C. _ Mildred A. 'thews and hn« : bus, Myrtie 1 \rel. Deve 1. 1 --< . 3"°_,"CZ AHE wWL T. 30- Cullougth and w1i, to Anna Warren, v:n ¥278. PI Sec. 23 Warren. G T., MeCullongh anéd @14 T Mo. %',hm and .wi, to Warrenp Puller, TD 3275. Pt. Sec 33, Warren. (Warren Fuller and wf, to Anna Warren, D $10. Pt. Sec 23, Wharren. . Elmer Puller and wf, to Marion Me-- Clure. wT $10. 8t $1 50. Pt. Seo 33. Warren. = s Nathan g. Schoenbrod and w!, to Leon Wineske, WT) $10. St. $2.50. Lots 62 and 64 Pay] Dealind's Sub, pt See 20. Wkegn. Wtarticciny --, _ OV Hepriksen and wf, to City of Wken, wt)m Lot 13, Bik 1 4. wards Sub. bt Seb. 21. Wken. Mildred A. Hoffman. Maraq Mat. thews and hus Mario® atthown asa Culloue®' and $275. Pt Sec F. Beaubien, 1 Geld* Heb @0 A. Skudstad #10 8t ;t ®t. WD $10, Lots 98, Heights Sub, Sec. 19 John Conne} and wt. & wt, w ;g1. St. $10, LK View Helghts, 7 Sac ;W. B. Turvoistad and ww coglo0 _ Julius Anderson and wf, t, Reckling and wf. WD gio. 81. LOt 74, Sec. 31, Wken. Fraak ¥*--sdlund g' #1.. to fi";;,fliifinra' I $ maemp~ , 20 "oots CS#% North Addn. Wkgn. L. B. Jolley and w1, to Henyr PT. WD $10, Lots 08. 99 (irac , Myrtle Darre} P c 0o ce conke M Manor Sub, Sec, 27, I R. 1. Hand and wf line and wf, wD 31. P @Mit s d oh. _ __ E. H. Bluhm and wt. rand, WD $10. !a 45 8ub. Pannie Moscato ang >K§fd-lrhi.n*'. and : §8. PL. Sec. 9. Newport. $* «m s us P Shore wi, Agmt for C070 077009 0®,F * i# # 4# + > «REAL ESTATE TRANSERS .Z:lll:lllh.' bY the LAke (M*anun+ Lossman din. It aiso poin Dorrisville Grad county District N'c is amply able mto pils. The state bulle'in comparing vari-- ous school districts and _ counties shows that the valuation --of District 50 In Laxe county alone is greater than the valuation for school pur-- peses for the entire county of Har-- din. "_..'.'A",..'.'_'"",us?" _compared to years Efforts may be : the taxation for «ch this wil} necess'tate as there annears i 1 C x t Cor THT UGG school board contmually has a big problem om its hands. But they are doing splendidly despite their handi-- p,. and by raising the lim#t are able to get along some way. Efforts may be made to equalize the taxation for s hool purposes, but this will necessitate State legislation me GR.EL 0000 3 which has six pupils d&nd the . a fine oneroom school, -- clent left over to provide income from interest. Th vaypation does not benef the other school district coumftry, as some may sup An example of the oppo thom--4s a district in Nort. ['G. Blair, state superintendent of pub-- | lic~ instruction shows some start}-- ing inequalities in educational oppor-- tunities in th& state, one of the most {etrrittig--examptes betng-- focated in Lake county. The buHetin shows that rural districts differ greatly in their ability to furnish school sup-- "port. ~This is due to the fact that in some districts where the number of pupils may be exceptionally large, | the taxable property values are com-- | paratively 'low, while in others the exact opposite is the case. Mrs. K. W. Sears. In addition to the annual réwenue available for school purposes, this district a few years ago obtained about $18,000 back taxes, siufficient to provide for _ For instance District No. 50, which is. known as Gages Lake school, has &n enrollment of about 25 pupils. The 'Agi,nqnflwrgmr!z-lfl"fi' in this dis-- trict is so large-- that it has an assessed valuation of $2,394,345. This high figure is due-- for the most part to an accumulation of personal prop nwt in NDR o2 4z L1 " 1 Mrs. .R. W ' DATA SHOWS MUCH-- Green Bay i INEQUALITY TN TRE * TAXES FOR SCHOOL . Deed $10. g: Philyaw and wt Cirgular® Shows Lake County Men, WD $10. st $3 1 b Sec 20. wken. ---- MceCallough and wf, T and wi, to Anma arten Sec. 23, Warren. MOCullough and wt T Has Some Odd Kinks® in Taxes for School Purposes -- .. 0 EM mt Bartl6tt's First k 80('731. Wkgan. e 5s C state bulle:in compar hbool districts _ and that the valuation --of ake county alone is WD $10. 8(,'.,"_ Bay Heights Sub B'"i'jf; 'tl;or s bulletin just issued by Francis Lot 5 {. WD $10. St. $1.50 Lyon's Third Sub apped"& nan ge 0. Tt to Victor --g. ). 8t. $1. Lot 57 Sunset , 21, Deerfleld. a nd w1f, to Ralph Reck-- Fm A.2 W t --room school, with -- suffi-- ver_to provide a special m interest. The assessed loes not benefit any of school districts in --the wWD §$13250. CJ VDIstrICt in --Saline ~O, " 'fl u..'mwy to care for 4.5090 pu-- ' ©e no wa ty & --ToF & uambel of «'in comparing vari-- & lnation ' is | Uittle , I ubuod_l:lu.a'!loir_h "uf_f_}?. Ft .VQW ..', "atthews and "iam F --fNar. 'District ; sant Hill 8yp |4 and 5, bik 3'l:w80' : Cctegrer . to Alefander}ter and wife, WD Eimer Landis & 3250 Pi --Lot 1 st Addo Norts #1. 1. to Alec Chart 45 Ravrine Slone ¥1. _ to may suppose. . the opposite sitw«z w1, WD $1. si North Chicago _z t l VrO0L Soc. 5. Whkaen. . Lots 81. | w A. Morrow to Mary H. Patter > 8e¢. 19. | sop. QCD $10. Lots 1, 12, 3 and i L:bd'l;-d m r'tm-'miflm"l" 150, 161, MJ&MM * Y?io Forest. * in North Cyrenius A. Newcomb Jr. Tr. to taa in' IM. ~O. Slearer l' f. ""~ 1t M #3 | 15. Antioch -- a big }8t. $1 y are | Washi: Eo e V 222 20 MmHICC 3. Burdick. Deed $1. 8t $1 25. Lot #55, Bonnle Brook Sec. 5, Wken. W. A. Morrow to Mary H. Patter son. QCD $10. Lots 1, :, 3 and 4, a W. 8. Johnston Yub. Lt¥ 1¥ 150, 161, MJ&.MM Y?io Forest. * | Cyrenius A. Newcomb Jr Tr to M. "G. Sleerer. Deed $95. Lot 10, bik 93. 8. Wkgn. \ Akiitce--C:--Oibbons in OHR m_Lll. Women's Colored Chambray Buster Brown COLLAR AND CUFF SETsS B. H. Watts and 'W Schuenemann and wife. -- Br. §$12. Pt frct Sec 27, Benton. _Edmond J. McCarthy and wile to C. H. L'Hommedien. QCD $10. Lot TF, DK 72 H PC ' B. Lowenmeyer Tr. to <~Alfred s Libertyvilie. Emii }udolph and wife to C 1 Co--Tr" wWD ;10. 8(\50¢ Pt 26, Libertyyitle. ¥a) * Arcessa Beliei lg_LAupp.q-Bellel.'f gCD. Pt._lot 8.49 in Everr and Jet | trey's sut~-- + -- , F. E. Runyard and wile to-- F. E. Runyard and wile. WD J1. *?t.'Bec~1 114, Antioch. . A. Irving Jordan and wife to Al--! bert Pick Sr. and Albert Pick Jr.' WD $1. Lot 1g¢ s T 8 Sec 16, Deer-- 1 vi_ia fie}A Chartes A. True to C. T.# T Cto I'r. WD €1500. s1 $4.40. Pt. Sec ?6, Libertyyille. _ Charles A. True to Emil Randoiph Deed $1500. St 50c. Pt. Sec. 26 Em s CY . B. Godfrey 77. #1. /LOt 62 in First adda Washington PKk. Sec. 20, Wkgu. A. F. Beaublen and wife to 1 est Swanson and wife. WD $10. 50c. Lot 2#1, blk 2. ;. K-- Orvis Dt Sec. 29. Wken 59¢ John Strobach to 1 WIh $1.. Sp. $1... 4 * as-- and 34, Anttoch. J. M.'Fiyan --to Delia Kelly. $10. St. 50c. Lots ?8 and 29, 10, Fox River Springs, Sec. 9 10,-- Aptioch. H. Eiliott 33--ant 31 "The Quality Store" J. A. Krupka and w@ son and wife. WD $1425 Lots 35. and $& bik 8 Ra lands Figt iivr P SarePreccmccdt Bsc ... 1A 2 2t 2 Deed. $10, Bt. $2.50. Lot 17, bik 8 BnZ/n; Bros Woodland Park Sub. O/_B. _Von Linde and E. Reliner to Caroline W. Collins WD $10. St. $5.50. . Lot 2, Ravinia Ct. e Deed $10. St. $2 Branigar --Brog.: P kie Ests. -- eareu allt ooo it .. WOs . _ C l K. Sutter. WD $2500. Bt. $2.50. Pt oft Bee ~#; --Grant. + * M. Weglarz and wite to. F. . Ochaia and wife. QCD $10. Lot +. DK . 1 Frederick H.--Bartletts North Shore Wa+a ---- Roy A. Miller and wt, to Herman C. Litchfleld, WD $10. Lot 20, Blk § and Lot 18, Bik 2 Blumbergs Subn of Lots 22, 23 and pt Lot 24 & T S Sec ll.' PERB-- 3. ~ 9t _ ----__--__-- Lots 22, 23 and pt --let 24 ".-m We en pecs Aaloce a»----~-- Hunter and wire wWD $10. St 3: ve and Birdella M. Han D $1. Pt of Sec. 15, An-- :( liott k _38, So. Wken,. -- Lowenmeyer' to W E. Skilien and wife cove and wile to Mica jah and wile. WD §10. tP See. Wken Tr Cg,"_ioii;ry. Iar-en. Tr CoAto Mary 'Larsen r _ Tr. to ~Alfred s [" Reserved Seats at Decker's and Lovell': Drug Stofes, also from $1.. St $125. Lot S e * 0 2. Tot 19, bik. 1, Woodiand --P¥. ~Sub-- d wife to Erp-- fe. WD 319. st. J. K-- Orvis sub Toh P e 20 C ce Ppenremmnengitaeemn viw mersss 0) COVT. SEEKS 1O -- w1i, to Herman C. M #:4 J 2 Lt 20, Bik § and | AAUIK'FaAAM amue _il t se ouis _ Breger. _ +1 Te a.Z J of SHec Ml'" t W1 blk. and :' Insurance .of all kinds" _ to There is no obligation asking !nfoflncm;; ': ; '::,':: I am always glal! to be of service ~A NSURANGE 1< _ PROTECTION s MMYE3TMEN Phones 442--M--455--M -- BARTLETT &tauty Chas. D. Proctor "Incident _ to growth of broadc Capt.~Evans, "it p, some Of the naval CppV EY YUiuD Uitiediintatite, e s the government far in excess of the expenditure invoilved, and, in addi-- tion, a marked Increase in nava) communication efficiency, both afloat and ashore. * ' 'During the present y Capt. Evans, "he Bureay eering of the Navy Depa concentrated at the nay; laboratory ~its research 'v dio and underwater so concentration has resulte mmmt"imi ~T As is characteristic of work, much was done t unprofitable, but the net FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent _ developméent of portant means Ja a statement issued Capt. Waido Evans, U. commandant of the (} Naval Training Station. Ing -- discussion . is mad Pprogress and Aactivity, closely allied to the U Navy, and. illustrations -- 4 Tow OL N6 malns' Arn The --apt. Waldo Evans Refers to Efforts Being Made to Make _ Air Better for Radios. _ _ 66 OVERCOME TROUBLE. BY WIRELESS STA: _ Provident Mutual Life Insarance Co. In the L. T. H. S. Auditorium February'ZOth and 21st, 1925 $50 Cash------$5 Monthly and Interest An Irishman Abroad, An English Governess in Difficuities, An American Lieutenant in Love, and the Belie Engaged to a Villian. -- "10108 Station. an interest-- ussion. --is made. of / radio And activity, which is so ied to the United States -- illustrations a (made of the major tzeb'?' taken by As its. contribution to the °d Al the naval research 'its research 'work in g'l underwater sound. Thie on has resulted in-- an in-- Libertyville Musical Society's _ Greatest Triumph m on e o tm N Een broadcastinz," continued PLAT AT OPFPPICE O¥F ThHg ~ $500 ( the "increasingly im-- of communfcation. present year," said 'he Bureau of Ehgin-- Navy Department has bhas been found thet al high--power trans isit to Historic Old Spain done that proved the net result has the _ phenomena, Issued. Tuesday by s, U. 8. Navy, the the Great -- Lakes Members at the Door these ~IBes research L% g ----/_______ °_ "° ThIkE Libertyville, Hlinois THE INDEPENDENT--Only $1.50 'or a yhole year. Subscribe now. "A large amount of work has been || 4# done in developing -- loud speakers adauptable for use on battleships for 'ntertor communication purposes Pn based both on sonic principles "Progress has been made in the development of more effective Iinter-- comu{nlcatlom between--ressels by the use of underwater sound waves, "Automatic -- recording apparatus has been developed which seems to indicate that such apparatus, is, val uable-- for ship as well as shore sta-- tion work. "Alrcraft--radio transmitters have been designed with master osciliator to insure a constant wave length. This transmitter makes possible an increase in the numbes of planes which can be used for spotting pur-- C En uo on n eomie on most frequencies without inter-- ference with this reception. . This alone more than-- doubles the eom-- munication efliciency of vessels so fitted. + 1e e o t 2200 CC OHP m PECEcaoai stady of such interference is being made to-- find means for. removing this objectionable featuré --without ex-- cessive cost to the government. "A& of" multiple reception on a gle antenna has been worked t, and--trial m service Installations shows that' vessets are able to-- Te ceive several messages simultaneous-- ly over a single antenna at the same time permitting tube' transmitting 'mitting sDFLLIDE __ _ cause interference in. rmm radio programs in their immediate viciaity, _ These sta-- tions ~were constructed at great ex-- wemmi | replace them at Lots 'Vl&?ND SERVICE ¥#~ is not available once with more ¥SDAY and WEDNESDAYy «--3RUARY 1710 and 18th: in the Mountains of Virginia Di stincts o l o -- -- .'--" ',."..'1'.'2.'3' Cay-rfi. Comedy. "SAVvAGE. LoOve» PATHE NEwE. western Drama. Aiso Review. m OE 0C C e The Play you said you could see a& dozen times, so we brought it back for you to see. Atso comedy. The matinee at 2:30. Admission: 106 and 25¢, CHANGE or PERFORMANCE IN THe EVENtNG. Libertyviile Man in the Movies! Mr. William Whigam, past 80 years 0f age, is shown doing a skating stunt on the ice at Cook e 0 ES With Alice Cathoun, Cullen Landis, Alan Forest, Ben Alexander and Charlofte Merriam. Love a good horse race? _ Sure;--}--: ®everybody does. You'l) see a cork-- ¥ &r in this play, -- _ _ > "Also, LARRY SEEMON in s o ce e Crama lives in the cabins of the dawiess. Here is stag: ed the story of a mountain boy branded a» a criminal and a village heiress whose Uves are intertwined throe drafia--crowded years. 'fPampered Youth" Adapted fom ul'ait'h Tarkington's THURSDAY and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 and 13:--. _-- SUNDA y SATURDAYy, FEBRUVARY 14 MaTiNEE OoNLY, TFIUWA'KHEUGHAN in "HORSESHOES" EXTRA ATTRAcTiON: U Bgliar : It's 80"| Uves hAtbe cabins ; Memoriat tib UDITORIUN L-- THEATRE _ he Magnificent Ambersons" one --0 t h a r ..'!llh. Eigantic drive of 10000 steers 4 Cross the Texas border, amid _ blasinge \ By . P. J. Hudson The Love Knot A \Ionderfifiy beautHfual =f o. FEBRuARY 35 m Myoui)® DFAT Comedy ang 2s «e i #r (8

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