CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Feb 1925, p. 7

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e Loi. " DTE W of the city of Chicago. __ Work on the studios,. to occup emedks PP MR ECCC ~ Programmes wil} include entertain-- ment, religious, patriotice and educa tiona) features. Studio¢ of the station in the Wrigley building will be in Spanish design. and equipement will .include a $37.000 specially built radio m:r----?' ... jg~_ ~ 3. mee heen, te: -- w conduct the Sn.t{_ Tl"" one of the largest and most elaborate-- ly equipped in the: world, will go on the air from Chicago shortly to. broadcast netional and international programs, it was announced <Thurs by the Radiophone Broadcasting cor--. poration, which has. been formed by several prominent Chicagoany * to operate the station. £ | The station, to be known as "WHT,» in the Wrigley Building," will have 5,000 watts power and will cost more than $200,000, according to George E. Carlzon, g::'tl manager. Carlson is a former missioner of electricity .00 t k6-->+dusithesialbre ty un oipy C E has been started and negotiations have been completed for erecting the towers and plant near Deerfield4, about __t'gg;.gl:lg, miles from Chicago. W1 » --Hale --Thompson, ~former mayor of Chicago. is president of the corporation; U. J. Herrmann, < vice president: H. H. Maler, treasurer, and J. H. Kiel, secretary, ;. C. Cox eand Carlson are . also members of the board of directors. , L O3L K 32 sosarbaln. ._......50.......0' * DEERFIELD * The Doreas Bociety of the Presby-- terian church will give a dinner Tues-- day, Feb. 17. beginning at 5:30 p ®-- A cordiat invitation is extended to the public. C The Deerfleld Woman's Clob wil} boid their tnnual mother and daughter PC °* (0 _ Prosbyvferizn church on .000 : ho Pool i P 2 C e kn s the first fAoor of the W:'l'hy b:il.t'lnl:: W dinner at the Presby(erian church ~f Monday evening, Feb. 23. Mrs. Ed Gagne. who underwent an operation at the Evanston hospital last Friday, is doing nicely The Ladies Ald of 8t Pau!'s Evan: gelical chburch were Phtertained last Thursday by Mrs. Henry Segert. The odeling of 81. church hts been compieted and now the déetw rators are at work. s Mrs. Douglas Dye, who spent sev erst '..i..'"h ber mtj Rev M C 't atéowaf left Tuesday for Da+ STATION TO GO ON ~= TB AIR SHORTLY ewen ®o PRCCCCCCOC The smallpor. and chickenpox eP{ demic is a thing of the ptst; as all who were in quarantine, hbave been re taken a position PEqEmieihe Mrs Guy Newcomb is sponsor and Miss Dorothy Lidgerwood guard'an ic mxm group of Camp Fire Girls w eet Wednesday afternoons al the school bouse. The following offic cers were ejected: President, Ethel Kreh: vice president. Lois Clark; sec-- rotary. Margaret Galloway:; tretsurer, M¥r and Mrs. E. H. Johnson and daughter, Mra. George Pettis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaitman at Itascs Bunday. --i; Arthur Kiest and chiidren vie-- Ited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell at Area. --~ S -- NB --Aloaly -- t ce -- oo o ty --or ons -- Oe t ts E feel utterly worn--out and use-- during the day, and by quickly miz'th system h"hm Tomk, tan now 'Ue provigely shecked by heq b.tmz--t. Peo-- A pn-m'tmm-bk" rest on account of coughing spells hnnfmdtmmz'vm iwhch night undisturbed after the very first trial. ':'uwnm:&n:::; snfi"-:-?-,."-tnmuh-z m.nnm'nnn::nn'-v onds befors ewallowing It. The pre« wcriptinn has a double actiod It not only soothes and heals the sorencss and m%mnmm-'w moves phiegm ABA congestion which Iin' ie Tont pou nrosny ntece as sounais u.uumv&vm-:nulm couth goées in « vyery short time. The prescription contaihs no opinates of harmful drugs ExrceDent for children loss of val $0ty 4 as well as #rown--ups. For coughs, chest mm"t'nfl.m asthma. At all good Ask tor How to Stop It 1 ' R. E. Pettis, who has been sick with pueumonia, is slowly improving. ---- All! whe aitended the party given at _the wimot school Saturday night re-- Little Esther Dixon is much better to be on tbe--road to_re-- covery. * Il1 at the home of her son in Wauke Mrs. Harry. Mublke is teaching in Northbrook for Mrs. K. E. Pettis. _ F. W. Wutzke and E. M. Metcalf at-- tended the annual milk ~meeting io Chicago the past week. . Mn * s 102. 20, at Masounic hall. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Leith and their daughtet of Chicago -- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Plagge --~Phe M W. A. will give a danceand at Masoni¢c. hall on Satur-- Uay evening, Feb. 21. 3 Mr. Alarcon of South America wili speak at the Young People's meeting Feb. 15 at 7:45 p. m. Everybodyg turn out and have a good aitendance, Mr.| Alarcon will also attend the morning George Reid was peasantly surpris| Mrs. Marion McClure entertained ed Thursday evening by the church | Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Washburn and choir coming to his home for rehear-- Mrs. Jda Murry at dinner Friday. . sal This was planned as a birthday | --. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillings, Mr. and surprise party. The evening was Mrs. George McCullough, Mrs. Cynthia Mrs. Anna Sherman left Saturday ior Springfield, where 'she will visit her daughter and family for several weeks. ---- 8 HEAD OF CATTLE--AU T. B. Tested. 5 Milch Cows, 2 fresh, balance rtilkers; 1 two year-- old Heifer; 1 Yearling Heifer; | Yearling Bull : a Pure Bred Holstein. 4 HEAD OF HORSES--!1 Team of Gray Mares, 7 and 8 years old, wt. 2800; 1 Gray Mare, 10 years old, wt. 1300; 1 Brown Driving Horse, wt. 1150. 1 BROOD SOW n ~HAY, CRAIN, FEED, ETC.--30 Tons Clover and Timothy Hay. part baled; 4 tons| baled Oat _ Straw ; 300 bu. White Oats ; 150 bu. Barley ; 14 feet of Silage; 10 bu. Potatoes. K. T & ' % [3 Head of Livestock HAVING SOLD Y FARM, I WILL OFFTR AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THE PREMISES 3 MILES SOUTHWEST OF WAUKECAN AND--i MiLE--¥EST OF NORTH CHICAGO, ON GREEN BAY ROAD, COMMENCINC AT 12 : 30 P. M, SHARP, ON PUIBLIC AUCIION Tuesday, Feb. 24th Machinery and Miscellaneous Articles 2 Walking Plows Riding Plow _ Hay T wo--section Harrow Deering Corn Binder Dump Wagon TERMS OF SALE--Al sums of $20 and under,cash; over that at will be given on good bankable notes, bearing 6 per cent interest be removed until full settlement of same. THOS. V. MURPHY, Prop. || DANIEL HOUL Hay Rake a & the following personal property: \ The Bible Training Class wll meet ihbmry 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amstutz. Everyone over the age of 18 years is invited to attend these The Warren Cemetery. Assn. will meet m'u with Mrs. Ruby Faulkner for an all day meeting. Visitors are The tractor and engine course given by the Agricuitural Dept, of the high school is well attended. There are at present 20 men enrolled and have 8 tréctors, working. This is a two weeks course, starting Feb. 1st. _ _ Mrs. Celeste Amstutz and daughter returned to their to their home last --Miss-- Mildred McCullough of Mil-- waukee and Miss Evelyn McCullbugh spent several days' vacation at their spent in games. Refreshments were sgerved, and sudra'nodnam hour, wish-- ing Mr. Reid many happy returns of the day. C 'The Original Circle held a party at the home otf Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Ben-- well and all reported a fine time. mrs. Agnes Cunningham and Mar-- guerite J. Daiziel were Chicago shop-- 'The Origina! Cirocle met Thursday at the Home of Vera Zimmerman for an all day meeting. Mrs. Ellien Wirth assisted in entertaining. se«== Amstutz _ Melvin Amstuts of Evanston spent Tueslay night with his brother, H. B. Wagon Box Bo Farm Truck Wagon Rubber Tire Top Buaggy Rubber Tire Surrey Platform Scale Corn Sheller, Fanning Mill 2/, H. P. Gas Engine Gas Engine Jack Slip Scraper ring of | Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Reid attended served, |the Farm Bureau meeting at Liberty-- r, wish--| ville Saturday. urns of| Miss Mary Sceott of North Prairie !.pont the week end with Miss Helen arty at | Griffin. . }'&tnfluy. Feb. 28, 1925, commencing ' ing decided to take up veterinary work and quit farming, will sell at public auction on Deerfield avwenue, 1 mile east of Deerfleld, 2 miles west of High-- ind Park, the nilewing: _ =. --_ Rabert Panzer spent Sunday with his grandmother. _____ P . --The--Gurnee W.--C.--T.VU. held an day meeting with Cynthia--Potter on Wednesday. Feb. 11th.. flgln. Teeneman, of the Young Peo-- plé's branch--ofthe W.--C.--_T.--V. o will speak at the Young People's meeting Fobruary 22. o The Lincoln Valentine party wAs given Feb. lith,inst ead of Feb. 14th, asannounced in last week's paper. Mrs. Francis Smith has been having an attack of lagrippe. Mrs. Pearl Mc-- Claskey has been staying at the Smith home the past week. _ Messrs. Reid, Amstutz and Milligan attended the Father and Son banguet at the Y. M. C. A. in Waukegan last Tuesday night . -- $ horses, black Rorse wt. 1000 Tbs.; black horse, 9 yrs. old, wt. 1500 lbe.; white horse, wt. 1200 lbs.; 15 cows. "FThis is a fine herd of Swiss, Guern-- seys and red cattle. Two springers, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Taylor and chil-- dren spent Sunday with Mrs. Marga-- ret Sponenburg. -- e HERMAN J. GASTFIELD AUCTION W 2 Sets Double Harness «_ S5ft. knife Light Set Double Harness Janesville Cultivator Forks, Shovels, Chains and John Deere Caltivator Small Tools > Hay Rake Some Houschold Furnitare Hay Fork, Tracks, P1 mount a credit of 1 year . --Absolutely no property io 18 Head of Good Livestock DENT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1925 5@-'% . | i it Atlioinnts 1 Gray Team, 7 years old,: weight 2800 ; 1 Bay Team, weight 2600 ; 1 Bay Driving Horse, 10 * M Ymgzflh%!'fimd'm& se mss =--~ |Ailley and @rrfer , 74 WA 34 of s 305 * _ r t . 2 stoves and some house--/ --V|~ hese cows arE BROWN SWISS, HOLSTEIN®, GUERNSEYS AND JERSEYS.--They.-- e U| E. Tested, and a 60--Day Re--test Guarantee will be Given With Each Cow. _ A great many of the _ § --| \ mmhvehu-hhwhflmhfigyfluflm&,hpfl' 4 C \ First Class Cows for your dairy, be sure and attend this sale. * + w:mwommummmmmnmm-wus--rmm «4 :M a plow, | 8: | truck wagon, fron W :',hnx. bob sleighs, $ m , surrey, -"m-. N MeCorm 10110 brodgder hous --|of barbed wire, 16 Saturday, Feb. 21, 192%5, 12:30 p. m.. Conrad Nickols, having decided to quit farming, . will sell--at pubic auction, % mile west of Prairie View, Lake Zur-- ich road, route ? the following: ~~~~~ §5 Head of Good Livestdck _ ~ i HEAD QOF HORSES--Gray team, 11 and 12 yrs. old, wt. 28 lbs.. bty ing corn binder, Asburk gra'n binder, upright piano, and many other articles too numerous to mention, ' 20 tons of baled hay. Terms--Over $25, 6 mos., 7 per cent. +-- John Wick, Auctioneer. a---- G. Gimmel. Clerk. Farm Amplements: McCormick grain. binder, . McCor-- mick corn binder, hy rack, Deering grass mower, hay loader, Corn King grindstone. 2 sulkey pulverizers, 2--sec. hartow, 12--inch--disec pulverizer and trucks, corn planter, nearly new; sod and e plow, gravel box, $inch truck wagon, iron Wheel truck, wagon box, % bob sleighs, light milk wagon, 2 mt . surrey, road cart, 10 milk rm-. II MeCormick corn shredder, )10!10 brogder house, pump jack, roll of barbed wire, 164t. ladder, 50--gal. gasoline tank, 2 cooling tanks, pails, 2 sets team harness, 2 single harness, t of fly nets, 90 ft. hay rope, forks, im-y «hnd "C:Ptler , 7 EPA A..of ~ 3t* |er trough, 2 stoves and some house: 11 HEAD OF COWS--3 with calves by side; 2 springers; milkers ; | Big Auction Sale: months old. other articles too numerous to men-- Hay and Feed | 180 bales choice timothy. hay, 200 bu. oats, 10 ft silage, 6 baskets seed ' corn, 150 bu. ear corn. Good lunch will be served. Terms. Over $25, 6 mos., 7 per cent. , CONRAD NICKOLS AVCTION HAVING SOLD MY FARM, 1 WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON THE PREMISES KNOWN j _< AS THE, HOULIHAN FARM, ONE--FOURTH MILE NORTH OF LIBERTYVILLE, ON MILWAU-- -- KEE AVENUE, ON > . A < J 'y 26th |_ hursday, Feb'y 4 3 od sows, due in April; 15 15 Ibs. each; 100 Rhode Island Hay, Grain, 60 Tons of Alfalfa 3 tons of Straw ' Janesville Corn Planter, wi Hay Fork, Tracks, Pulleys 2 Ton Ford Track Set Bob Sieds 3 Running Gears McCormick Corn Binder MMM Two--section Harrow M":--Aflmdwmdmdér.cuh; overthat an giveflongodd.bmh!:lenotp.beuins6petcmtm O Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., M,&f&vfi(wwm, s Grain, Machinery, Implements, etc. HTC \D OF EXTRA CHOICE HEAVY COWS HORSES . an-d under, cash; overthat amount, a credit of 6 months will be % tes, bearing 6 per cent interest. Nothing removed until settled for. : FREE LUNCH AT NOON H f E A REAL Lot 50 x150; beautiful high lot; has several fruit trees, good _ §f*___ lawn and garden patch, shrubbery, etc. \'mare *% *;*!: Stucco House, with fine large porch across front of houses # Living room 15x24; 2 bed rooms, dining room, kitchen ":Il _ Second floor has 4 bed rooms, all hardwood floors; nice hall (JJ _ -- and stairway; outside entrance to hall leading upstairs, so --1]f 'one can have roomers without them coming in or going Out, _ {.4y --through your private rooms. ' T l e House completely remodeled in fine shape ; all ready to move * right into: Furnace heat; electric lights, gas water, seWer.-- BJ --. 3 ie Tasks _ 1k Task FARM AND STOCK SALES A SP Phone 41 & -- Lak 2 Wagon Jacks 2 Side Saddles Western Saddle 4 Sets Double Harness 2 Sets Single Harness 2 Tank Heaters Shovels and Forks 10,000 F-ghl-b- 10 Barrels 1 Rolls Roofing Paper 125 eight--inch Tile 12 Milk Cans Hay Racks Big Bargain In Libertyville _ Modern Home _ *' Price is the best part of all SELLERS & PETERSEN PROPERTY CLOSE TO DOWN TOWN DISTRICT AND SUBURBAN TRANSPORTATION. -- Lot of Shingles can be arranged on part payment. 4 4 10 to 12 ft. long 10,000 1q. ft. galvanized tin roofing « 10,000 ft. lnmber--beards 1112--10--16.ft; also 214 . I--16 feet long :z A number of 2 to 3--iuch boards, 116, 10 to 16 ft. -- 200 Wire Gates, 5 ft.x3 ft. -- _ Roofing Tin ¢ Half Barrel Roofing Tar _ 4,000 Bricks 175 Feet Hay Rope-- Cable Wize Ladders: 7 Poles, 25 ft. long 12 W::hm 1/ in. by 16 s Furniture of a 1@ireom house including rugs, stoves, etc. Many other small tools, too 40 Pieces Strap lron, !/, in. numerous t omention. SPECIALTY _ _ Lake Zurich, Mlinois.

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