_\ . ____ --\LaUNDERERS, CLEaNERs anD DyERs _ _ || _ Phone Libertyville 67--R. _ Libertyville and Highland Pirk _--_~--" Stanley Ralus, 159 Edwards Atreet. '*_> He will recover. X. V' Marcheskio, the driver, dfed in the «* hospital, as did Sofie Zaireski. x _ ----The accident happenéed just shortly --------* before 12 o'clock npon. The autoists _ :. had been mur:.l}t from Sommers. C 'They were struck by the north boynd ~*' IUimited. and picked up by a train ~*... trom the opposite direction and car-- ..« ried to Kenosha. s P l 40 Horses _|FOR SALE i8.® --| OTTO H. GROSS <** § ----PhiNics, Farm: Desplaines 147. Residence Park Ridge 1132 RIVER ROAD, ONE--HALF MILE SOUTH OF MILWAUKEE AVENUE. THREE MILES NORTH OF DES PLAINES. ~| 'RELIABLE : LAUNDRY BJ' RSmen. Amame® SMMLg ENE CC CC+ # m ' e l i . s 1 e C x Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pettis of High woud were guests of Mr. and Mrs. v___Five people were killed at noon : lay at Birch Crossing of the No 3. line,-- Sommers, Wis., . near * Ken when an automobile load of ts n#s--was hit._by 4 northbound s ed 'of the North Shore line. _' . The dead are: «_' Mre, Anton Zalreski, 159. No. Ed-- _ --wards street, Kenogha. * of friends Monday afternoon, ~~ MF. and Mrs. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reynolds Lt Waukegan Sunday. Miss Laurg J. Mublike of Oak Park ~spent --Monday --with --her--atster, Mre. UX U 4 4 *4& * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 U O U 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % % % 4 . Mr. and Mrs. George Engstrom and children spent the week end with rel-- Mrs. Raymond Clavey entertained her nlece, Miss Russell, of Highwood, Monday. © Mrs. W. H. Kist is visiting hber daughter, Mrs. Raymond Clausen, at La Mars, towa. _ _Tony Marcheskio, 159 Edwards St Kenosha. * *' 4e Sofia and John, children of Mre. Louis Lorbut, 1273 Prairie avenue, BXPRESS HITS _ __CAR NFAR KENO, WHY H AVE 1'-\ ;' "BLUE MONDAY 1 CUARANTEE SATISFACTION. COME--AND GET JUST \ WHAT YOU WANT. Die Instantly, 2 in Hos-- and One Will Recover LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINCERS. WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDCERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. from Injuries,_ RFFHE WET WASH & company 20 POUNDS FOR mup mss °... 95¢ F # 4 _ _ YVera E. Gagne (nee Plaggke) died on Monday morning, Fab. 16th, at the Ev-- anston hospital, where she had been for several weeks taking treatments dor abceases. born is Deurhers Sop 5. 1968, 253 mlomae the Deerfield grade and high schools. The Woman's Club held the annual Mother and Daughter dinner at the Presbyterian church Monday evening. After the dinner the company was e-- tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Frazer, American Indians, who are attending Chicago University. The first of April sh:&mje_ Oklahoma to do community w among their own race. They de lighted their audience with a day in an Indian canmp, with--song and stories of the primitive life of the Indians. leg was fractured below the knee. She is being cared for at her home by Dr. Word has been received from Mrs Sarah Adams, who is at the home of ;maz'u; E. 8. Adams, of Waukegan, she is slowly conyalescing from. --~Miss Midred Knickerbocker was the The Men's Club held the regular meeting at the Masonic hall Tuesday corn crop. Tests of the first thousand ears received revealed the fact . that more than 50 per cent are unfit for seed. Any farmer, farmer's .. wife, son or daughter may enter by sending an ear of corn 'to E. B. Heaton, manager of the National Seed Corn show, in care of the Sears-- KRoebuck Agricultural Foundation, CBicago. -- Entries close March 1. Fverv corn grower is urged to enter his or her best ear. [ Delivers Her "Best Ear" to Spod Corn Show ||. |BOY THIEVES GET _ is sro--<--) ... AODAYS INSAIL -- 2l olfi mmmmomszaom ------| --_ONGULTY PLEA PHONE 306 SNQO W'S Eqdward Gagne, of Chicago, where they lived until the latter part of Decefber, when she came to the home of 'her par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Plagsge, where her little son, Jacak, was born Dec. 29, 1924., Sho_is aurvixest.*~~_ser husband, infant son and. daughter, the ranks of teh 29 grandchildren of George Rockenbach. Funeral services were held at the home of her parents Thursday afternoon, in charge of the Rev. V. Stakemilier. Interméat was in the Northflield cemetery. . Maro! parents. ~three B ;g',-.;% and Hardia; two The Junior Department attended the services last Sunday in a body and edified the congregation with a special Monthly workers' meetins of the SBunday School was held at the church Tuesday evening. s Week night meeting for prayer and bible study every Wednesday ut' 8. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Adult bible class taught by Dr. Wm. Cutler. Morning worship at 10:45.. Evening services at 7:30. Missionary Society at the home last Thursday afternoon. ._Henry Weinsheimer of Round Lake ¥/ farmer, was raided by Constable C. A. Brune Saturday night He charged that Weinsheimer bhad a gai-- lon and a hallt of alcohol and moon-- shine on the place. The victim was teleased in $2,000 bonds by Justice Hervey Coulson. BOOZE RAID IS -- MADE ON FARMER SUNNYSIDE PARK TRACT Office 469 Res. 186--M List Your Property With Us gmwm OFrFICHER: ~«Over --Pearoos's Drog Btoes, Good Meals 50c¢ ARLINGTON 4# HOTEL # Office Phone 1%3; Res. 131. Oftfice Hours: | 10 to 11 a n., I to 4 a n 1 to 8 p. m | We Also Write Ingurance PRESBYTERLIAN CHURCH B. Jolly Stanley Routo, --21, of 509 Market street, and Frank Podobnik, 18, 'of 501 Market street, were fined »$200 and costs each when they were r'dy.'" raigned in police court last Saturday on a charge of having stolen a quan-- tity of sheet copper--rorm the back yard of the Dr. N. J. Roberts' home, Sheridan Road and Washington St., Waukegan.-- , ~The charge of l&@rceny which bad been preferred criginally, was die-- missed when the youths agreed to plead guilty to dfsorderly conduct: They were unable to pay their fines and will be required to --serve forty days in jall. ~--Ste Chief Value-- _ _ The Chassis is Patented Admit Having. Stolen Quantity -- How to Stop It open to the most dangerous infec» ttons, can now be promptiy checked by a ur{:'lmil: treatment. --Péo-- ple who votolidlybeenthlgto rest on accoun spells have found that m the loss of valuable sleep, often makes you feel utterly worn--out and use-- less during the day, .nd,tz quickly W'eahni'll'i.th's'lyqtm Jays you open to most dangerous hloo- trons, can now be promptiy checked by a nr'.dmfl treatment. --Péo-- ple who have 7 orfdl' been .h:di.; rest on accoun have found that m the whole night through undisturbed often after the very first trial. _ of Copper from Dr. Norman J. Roberts. = The treatment is based on a remark= eble Mfln-invt as Dr. King's New. Discovery, ~Fou stmptly take a tem« only soothes and heals the soreness and lrritation, but it quickly loosens and re-- memu::.rhkn-uomvtul is the cause of the cough. The result is that you usually sieep as soundly as a babe the yvery frst night, and. the courh goes in a very short time. -- _ croup, bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthmas. At all good drugsists Ask for _ 'The prescription contains no opiates or harmful drugs. 2&110-!"'% as well as grown-- For coughs, chest colds, hoarseness, sore throat, spasmod!« Ni throu, JA revagore leom odten mance CHAS. M. BERNARD, Pro This Essex--6--Coach woneCanCopy Just as Coach name have been exten-- sively mi even by costliest cars, so must future mechanical design seek to appfoximate the results Essex gives: The ndmi.em of large, costly cars. The handling + ease of a bicycle. Utter simplicity in design. * The lowest maintenance cost, we believe, of any + _ car in the world. § Two of every three Essex tuyers -- But the patents which make the come to it from those whoform-- _ Super--Six the most enduring, erly owned cars bought chiefly smoothest motor and give it all for their low first price. * AVBDNIBPEAE AlSG NTAUANt anw '895 Essex is a totally different type. It gives sults no other car ever gave. _ MAIN GARAGE Stability and highest roadability without sary weight. s ' ' Economy without sacrifice of performance. Low price, without disappointment in 8E V ICE WORTH WHILE ', 7 45 North Milwaukee Avenue THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR| T ~=>= > DELIVERIES MADE . ON SHORT~ NOTICE 'x . M is one of the very neces-- ----. sities these winter days. . We are always prepared to f furnish --just --the--size--and _ kind you need in both hard _ and soft coal. 4 aas ; C s Mosts First and Third i4 . Friday llmfilfl » & i ie In. Mall, First Buni .. C "O =A'L 2 1| i nds nange 3 S ) Telephone 50 d V # W g..g . F. Franzen, Jr. ._ deliver promptly. . _==; ---- with less than Essex offers. Its cost is but httletrmt!mm o'thebwwm ®@ A smootihiest motor and give it all advantages, also prevent any fromm copying its chassis. Surely you cannot be satisfied Telephone 456 & m Phohe Libertyville 145.R--1zm 2R | _ Res. Phone 2588 :--Office 344 FRED GRABB AUCTIONEERING R. L. GONSAL Office in First Natioral Bank Bullding Hours : --1 nl:flm'lw';-' Residence on Broadway. opposite Par» of Each Month at Masonic Hall -- Visiting Companions Cordially Invited ______ EDW. L DuBOI8, H. P. Meets First and Attorney at Law LUIBERTYVILLE, ILIJNO!IS LZUCE BUILPING Res. Phon« 13§ M Office Phone t» . wumnf-"u... and material on your house complete for a set figure so you way know just what cost will be Meets Each mmx Night at 8 o'ciogn MRST NATIONAL BANK BLOQ visiting ~Members. Cordially (Invrténa ROY WATERS,; N. G. Going to Build? Phone 217.M . LIBERTYVILLE INSURANCE Cattle Tested for Tubercuom FREE OF CH ARGE A SPECIALTY > 547 NORTH COUNTY T. FARM AND STOCK SALES C. GUrir noll, insp. MARBLE AND GRANITE [ ; / VETERINARY SURGEON TELEPHONE 68 LUBERTYVILLE, ILILJNOI8 LIBEBRTYVILLE ILLiONIS 116 South Gemese St. WAUKECAN, ILLINOHS Offics With Farm ..r... -- WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pres. GEORGE C. SMALL, Secretary. MANUFACTURER OorF WILLIAM Mc=uLAIN Seo'y A. A. Grandy DR J. L TAYLOR AYTTORNEY ATLAW No. 272, R. A. M. Home on Cook Avenue Third Monday Nights No.: 131