<~~ Coroner Seeking to. Learn ---- ----Reasons for L. C. Barthel's _ hi o_ SA S --_ T\ n 1iA +.3 ~--ELECTRE T°AINS _ L residence in the village. . _ _ ~ _ Besides his widow Barthe! léaves A verdict of sulicide by nanging while despondent, was returned by -- _ the coromer's jury Thursday in the . -- Inquest over the body of Barthe! at *J fhik FARMER FOUND BY _ WIFE HANGING IN BARN: PROBE OPENS They recall, however, that he nad lost a team of borses in TB# 1ak# sometime azo, anid hbad not enjoyed ghe financial suvrcess in the past ing the past week, anmd had hbeld Cevera) ~--Cheartyt Tonversations with men alopg the business section ol the viNuge> we . JIng.. over {inances had nursed any domestic grievances that he had kept them to bimseif. ~Antioch was-- ablaze with-- rumore bll..v'h. the suicide, the coroner sta &fl.b'l was a highly respected citizen of the ¢illage. | Coroner Taylor expressed the optu: len that the suicide was not worry-- rear end collision of the car he was running and a parce!l dispatch train at the Highland Park station early Tuesday morning. mss 5 The ha.'lcr car was following close behind the express, but officials Oof the road are unable to explain how the accident occurred as Simpson was #upposad to slackan speed for the satety stop. Because of the serious mess of his condition they woere un whie to question him. There were no passengers on either of the trains. While other members of the train crew were shaken up considerably Simpson-- wasthe --only one who was hurt. The front=of the h':'ca car was crushed in by the foree the collision. Other: members of the train crew caused Simpson to be rushed to the Highland Park hoapital as soon as he was removed from the wrecked car. He was given medical attention im medixstely: and it --was found that in to having both legs crushed m»»wm fracture of the akull; and poke! thternal injurtes. ing bis Hite.""Himpson is married. and Inz.\:qu his wife in Highland Park. Ha also has a month--old béby. , Bbein or duty asince yesterday morh Ing and they think fatigne® may bave inancial sucrcess in thge past that bad beep hb's during bis * a* ~LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ OF ONE IS DEAD Th ----NUMBER 11. PAID $50 AN ACRE FOR FARM . AND SELLS FOR $825 AN ACRE Sellers & Petersen report the sale of the Peter Duba property of 58 acres north of the North Shore railroad, east of Bt, Mary's road. This is a very de-- sirable piece of property, and the sale price was $825 per acre. -- It is reported that Mr. Duba paid $50 per acre for this land about 35 years ago. The new cement road leading into Libertyville on Park Avenue, is on the south sideé }u a patrolman would do a desk | sergeant of a city police force. In [thio way the sheriff was in touch with his men constantly and in a position to send --them to any --part of the county for emergencies. After lcm SLICKERS | _ SEIP UP UNDER -- --~----sAOOTH TALK®R -- He states that he is inconvenienced this year by the fact he ts# short o( experienced deputies, or at least with fewer than he started the winter with. 8 en ine e bnmcesiatys natntes ~--~Last year he had six men oper-- s§ort _{iine if ~the weather stays faveralls according o Sherif? Ed Abistrom,. the . fatner. ol the plan tat worked so favorably. last year. _ Last year he had six men Ooper-- ating througXh tbe county and they reported _ati..intervals to <the Office, county. lound that he could give ten He is not certain how many men he will put on this season, --and has not developed his su-nerr_pln minute, according to Libertyville res idents, who yawn and announce that a few more Chicagoans have been _ Fopur city slickers out of the sec ond city of the United States, dropp-- hired to take! care of. The polo pony nurse maids were to receive good returns for their efforts, but there were no--polo ponies. For three hours the four© men searched-- the city ~and TisnafNly --admitted they bad been gyppeéd4. n The men had been picked up in Chicago by a distinguished looking gentleman, with spats, cane and a clean~collar. He--told them of the job he had open in Libertyrille and stated that if they would pay the carfare. . The carfare, he said, would be $3 each. --_They willingly forked aver the porper amount and set out for LAbertyville accompanied by the distinguished gentlieman as far as Lake Bluff where be made exrcuses and left. j The distingulabed man made abort §6 amd the four men were anriched 36 and the four with exrperience 'Patrole of the county bighway de partment: are out, working on the state aid roads. \The gravel roads are beginning to woften and the pa-- trols are grading them up to re-- move --the rats which are --gtarting. By working on them now" it will be sgasier to keep up the roads when the 'frost goes out of the gsound, it our Willing Victims Go to Take Care of Polo Ponies at They're born more frequently and ore innocent now than when Bar-- mm LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLJNOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 AL Splé[é%m, MURDERER |"Tis? it Cticaco 1 PE caf}is BEFORE |. 32 egyt m opaal! Pike V ('_:;dm;,uj'--,:!.'rfi:':clyi--{.m('_ ies 1--THURS. P e#3" in o o son, and passed ~:.y",; b:':; who with three others stands accus«d of the murder of Russell Sage Dick-- ey in an effort to rob the Chicago & --Northwestern "Viking Express," wus> arraigned in --the --circuit court last Thursday, the courage hbe has displayed many times as An officer failed him and hbe stood mute, un-- able to say whether he was "guilty or not gullty." * § Policeman, Arraigned, Stands: Mute Unable to Enter Plea | ---_m_mm- | cm. '_i ey, expresa messenger who . was killed, was committed -- outside of Lake county, Judge Bernard Barasa, ot Chicago, attempted to have the murder indictment against, bis cl+ ent, Bernard Smith, overruled, he made a motion for a Separate trial which was denied. Ralph Norris McKee, of Chicago. another of the four alleged murder-- ers, was represented by Atty. James G. Weich of Waukegan, who entered a motion to quash, But it was de-- nied Bernard Mylin, charged with [ir-- ing the TWO whots that kiled Dickery, and Edward Smith, both of Milwau-- kee, were not represented by coun-- sel when arraigned and therefore did not enter pleas. J , States Attorney A. V.--Smith char-- ucterized--the effort to challenge the jurisdiction as a "consgpiracy" on 1 P EsY Li T RrLLc Ac*atbarka s ie q icnden TT s 1 i the part of the défendants to "evade triat in LAke county. "The murder was committed between Highland Park and Ravinia," Proseeutor Smith said, "about one minute. after the train left Highland Park. The trial will start March 16." _ GIRL KILLED WHEN AUTO HITS TRUCK When _ Policeman _Bernard _ Smith, +450 +561 3+ EVER ONWARD AND UPWARD "'* idecame . days later. s She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockman and was born at, Diamond Take May 6. 1899, where she grew to younsrg womanhood.. , )n marriage to J. Marshall this union two children were Dorn-- Mildred Anna, aged five, and the little son born March 1st. s . Mrs. Hutchings was of a quiet and loving disposition, devoted to her home and loved ones; a loyal friend and a good neighbor. Her death was a shock tmhm number of rela-- tives and &. s parents AGED COUNTY RESIDENT DIES John H. Waters,. 7%, of Lake Bluff,: died Wednesday evening, March 4,| at the hbome of his daughter, Mre. | w o vrittar %70 First court.> He mi been in 111 hgaith for some time. Be sides his wife he leaves two daugh-- ters, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Klias Berg. Whiting, Ind., a son, William, North Chicago, a sister, Mrs. Frank Bartie, Los Angeles, two '!nnd_c'hndnn and eSenee | OeCO n onl n Oe e ies ol ue ce F one great grandehild. The deceased came to North Chicago in 1897 and lived there until five years'ago when he moved to Lake. He was a prom-- inent member of localt No. 20, Brick-- layers union, baving served for 22 years as the treasurer of the organt ration. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 3. o'clock at the Lake Blu#f Methodist church with BOXED HER EARS MADE HER DEAF burial in North Shore cemetery 'c".zl'm qblained --a uivorce iroim® NT ler on charges of cruelty, She testified he bored hber oars and made \her deaf, and knocked her sver--a" davenport injuring her. She teatified that aw a regult of ~the IRS. MARSHALL HUTCHINCGS _| DIES IN CHICAGO HOSPITALAu'EfiED BURfil'ARS xo s s0pnst se ties oo ARE RELEASED IN _ oc ce it ie se / __.__ LAKE BLUFF--CASE County's Big WeekY _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN. -- 1917,. she was united in Chandier, of Waukekan, ied 'a divorce from Will «cdoorded hber she at Mt Covl tClaim Serious Mistake H>s 1899. vhm' Been Made in Issuarice--of nhood. . , Pn Warrant for 0. Adier.. away four K. 'Adier, 1213 Wadsworth avenue, who --were pamed in warrants in connection with the -- burglaries-- of three homes in Lake Bluff, were released on their own recognizance Friday night before oPlice Magin trate J. D. Doyle, pending their hear-- ing, which was continued until March "Adler ig an assistant in my labor-- atory," Mr. Pfanstiehl szid. "Out-- side of business bours he does radio repari work as a private sideline." Adler stated that~ the radio | set waw brought to him by. Gramer. He said he became suspicious about it because 'the connections were clipped off instead of being discon-- nected as a radio fan would ordi-- rarily do. He showed the machine to Alifred Danieisa fellow emplove, and Daniels being a Lake Bluff man, identified the radio as belong-- ing to Vanderkloot. _ "It was through the bonesty of Adler," Mr. .Pfanstiechl said, "that the stolen radio© has been identi-- ~Mr. Pfanstiechl was so positive about the innocence of Adiler he went to see Village Marshal Bar-- new Rosenhkagen in Lake Bluff, and Magistrate Doyle this afternoon to see if the matter could be straight-- see if the ened out. It iz reported that warrants have been issued for two others in con-- nection with the -- burglary of the Vanderkloot, Mrs. L. H. Noel and Bluff Postieal Burmazse Beliet This is a belief of people of Boresa. beliieve that the in the tform of a butterfly, leaves the body while wa sleep. 'nnywfilnmrnk-n" er for tear his butterfiy may not be .fle-nmmmgfinnm habltation. the sout hetving wone wam Wm. MéComb homes in Lake during tiae jirsom's sicep. < aigy -- IS THIS CASE OF SOUR GRAPES ~| * OR ONE OF HOMESICKNESS? 'FThe items in the Independent re garding | the summerdike weather ,,,4' February and March are read with in-- terest by Lake county folks in Florida and other southern climes. The way the robins have been billing and coo-- ing the past week, and to see them busy selecting the right place to set, up housekeeping, seems to assure one that spring is hére. Of course, those robins have a touch of frogt on their whiskers these crisp mornings, but that is to be expected." The bright sunshine and.the warm southern wind gives one that tired feeling, and the urge to dig lh,hl.zx worms is stron£. r. --H. D. Hughes, sojourning in Florida, writes the following..:. weyies >unk ie > John Lossman, Town of~ Wwarren, Heartur on finat report contisuted t6 March 16th. -- _ m tm mrs on tmz eoperticmm.. s 4 PROBATE COURT IN BUSY SESSION Wirts. ~Bond af ¥3800,. * Nathan .A' (}flm Waukegan. De dimus to take depositions aubscrib, tog witnesses to wili mgvd lssged W'tuitn. »Wuk'--s. Clita-- tion red lmsued for Rxecutrizx to #lim 'Renort and Account. * "largke--number OV estale mattets were acted uopn in probate court Conservatorahip _--~Irving E. Stieglits, Highland Park, Claim of Milton M. Myerson diamiss-- o0 peF SHpUMKE Om *: 1 ------_----:£*----r-------- CHILD ELOPERS ARE ARRESTED Margaret Rogan, Highland Park. Inventory approved. _ __ Sidney F. hetringer, minor, High wood. Letters of Guardianship issned to Geraidine l:'na. Bond of $100%: Guardian authbdrized to settle claim againet C. & N. W. Ry. for $475. Horatio M. Maxham. libertyyllle, Horatio M.. Maxham Appraisers appointed. Lawrence Ventufi, aged 20, and Adele Taylor, 17, who eloped to Waukegan from Milwaukee on Sat-- urday and were mafrried in Wau-- kegan. have been placed under ar rest in Milwaukee on complaint of the girl's mother. It is reportad that charges of perjury in syearing falsely in taking out the martiage wense here may be brought against Venturi COOK MEMORIAL LIBRARY NOTES Best SeHers" for the week at the tAbrary . * ¢ The Thundering Herd, by Zane Grey. The Little French Girl by Amné Sedgwiek.-- °0 s 0 |o cs ~. 0| '"M"'"'W}_l--nrt«. by John MaséeTield. Red of the Redfields, by Grace Richmond :; ot ts ' Poliyanna Oqco Blossoms, by Harriet Smith. In .'.mm' Garden, by Mrs. Lonu-- ""n'.'. Out 'Trail, by Mary R _ The Fruit of the Family m Louis Huson. insane. Letters Blanche Mitchell, Librarian. o o+ $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE EXPLAINS MATTER _ OF GETTING RIGHTS ON NEW HARD ROADS 1300 miles on the. $60,000,000---- » issue system and it will not s position to take up the question of To« _ | cation of any rautes--under the second -- | bond issue --sysfem until-- some ume: . | during. the aummer. c t l _ "Any Attempts to secure 'right : 1# ;ylg before the locations e 'und surveys and plans are made--are_ . | inadvisable. _° i rrip ong Th c i es ' "Before Bnal! decisions as to I.t.m tions are male, the Department, in _ | conformity with its past policlées wHI * | notd public hearin@s at which all --the.: | praponents of the various. possible _ | locations will be heard. Rtenographic i records of the hnnmu"gba \.-%;; tand we --will study 3 im-- _ { tormation . thus obulu&.m- he | ous routes, after which a final ; a view of giving the greatest 33 Lm_mm number . of . paople, _ lb'fl'(l' ANAI iminithum distance to ° [; build and travel and mlaimam fi_ First Bond Issue Routes Must Be Done Before--Other Con---- tracts are Made. C. R. Miller. Director of the Depart. . mert of Pubiic Works and Buildings,*~ '. and Frank T. Sheets, Chief Highway | . Engineer, today issfed the following -- _ statement regarding the location and .. | seeuring of--righi.of way. on.the BOW -- ; . bond issue routes. 7 52l on oi the Department for a deci on As + S the location of the $100,000,000 bond--> . . issue routes and forwarding petitions --.. accompanied by right clm%. which they are interested. The new bond.issue._la w_provided that all con ; tracts for the completion of construe=t tion of the routes in the first bond is-- | _ "We will appreciate mq i tion :f 't'ho keneral public along | HNnes herein stated." sue. wfluo;: sahail be awaerded " aAny Con ts are awaros routes. <In view flm Department le--r _ ~~ ~~~~*~~-- 4 "No community lose any rights > by detaringa conferan cyr on the routes * outlined in the new lasne law and we do not see any advantage of . delegations coming to Springfeld at . _ m' m b -- Mu"fl'«"!"fl. bhear-- --_ E9O where those M'infn% HOME, UNDER PROBE, . _ DESERTED TODAY, -- | plained to States Attorney states that the children were 00# . ered with vermin. + | 4 S e l OSCAR F. BELL _ DIES IN H. PARK ter when it comes up _ Assistant States Attorney .3 ',[j,q Block . will have charge of.the mat °_ . Oscar F. Bell, who was the SraE president of the Traftfic club in ' cago and the Arst traffie the Crang pany, from / tion he "m.nm Y""a " suddenly at his Highland R USnrturday. _ He:was 74 years old. _ believed tThat beart tailure k Wl death. \ 3 _':Z.'_fl " 'A widow and ten wonk _ Mr. Bell, long active. in h? politics, was an alder in 1889, and later sarved on at the Bluff is Emptied of Orphans _ and instructors, It is Said. -- the communities® ~ which. post | ' # Park home s old It is 4 Mr id > _ 3\ <ge