_ 1. --$. E. Martis with a 40 /. majority, in4e voie® by precinet ran: + m.c * .oz .. Browa .m HSKMS ....,.....s.ir. . s..s 1B . MReeond +b ----«%, § (6.>,.'* BfOFKAR o se tarr¥erst's ararsaa«s vhik i ie ..:........:.r+........M / Brown total'617: Harris 210. 4 I+ the race 4or justice of the peace _--';fi:.uflnmmmm-ww, s 'Ehurch'l1 by 323. Vote by «precinet: ~_ _ _ LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT | J. C. James and 8. B. Tarbell, were reeléc:ed to the office of Justice of the peace. befhg unspposed. They re-- erived 2%0 And 200 votes respectively. --John L. Ho#a®, editor of the Anti-- __bch Xews, was defeated for reelec-- . _ wes roeflecied and Thomas Burnett was the second winner.> --~'. The iotel wete. for the three men w ie' «'--~--w4-- N E. Senlonser 436. «*\ .. (JN SHIELDS TownSHIP : _\ . Shietds township, which includes +~ tave Porest: Lare, Biutt _ And "North *z stered Its election around . _ A¥rop ,'_ *° _ChutcHill ~.....4...s kx« 6+« .0. 688 *BHevond : Z ' Muson. .......<i..., .v.......AbB * MHuson tota & % #: ¥: t:%humnfl:m | B1, A.--#. second with 496; Mrs. Allen J. Régerton, the Independ-- ent candidate by a majority of 13%4. Naftriger regeived 1579 votes and Mr:. Edgerton got 365. _ AT NEWPORT ".q'v. PAE amoept AEREE C CCC Ee C for supervisor in a botly contested face. **' s Martin ki s iatirs 64 i2 ie e e%e. «BB W elch serX1% * trarr4r¥ 1x ¥es 1« 882 Far Justico of the beace Thomas Hogan and Nicholas Brown were slectnd, Kider P. McDonald, former Waukegzan policemin, being defeated. The vote was: * Hogan 'fl.: M\. ....--'ocot.-l'\-co-lo.' dofeating LAo Schioksor. F The vote was: M on DPoyle urirsrirrrratsssessrarss .o For the position of school trustee Henrr Ames was clected without op position, recelving 281 votés. AT ANTJOCH R P Naber easily detfeated 1. B. Grice for reelection as s#uperrisot. Hita total was 227 as against 28% cast for Mr. Grice. The latter bad not wased a «pirited 'a_a'_u!'.' 4 van,. nroved easy and Ne @inpp®et =" |rt T. tHartisa with a it majority. The At Q:aniey The J. L. Horan ___ Nn aAvow TtownsHP . Whet looked to be a hard fight for van,. nroved easy and he disposed of Ttowa« Bursaett result was as follows ho wb éed and Thomas Burnett reond winner.> al vwete. for the three men Pursett [........... .150 Thompson ...........172 Wiklk .. ¢.%i,.. 5 11s«+:.:9L _----NO, 15 ----_----BECTION--TWO_--_----~--LITBERTYYVILLE, LAKE.COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, Martin, the in-- AIn Application for Permi pile structure Olled with stone, welt {:'.ctod with tiptap. The outer ber-- just described will connect with an inmner harbor or slip about 200 feet wide ind 1200 feet long, to be ox-- carated on ihe company's propeTrty. It is proposed to dredgse t" outer and Tager harbor to a depth of 12 feet below Waukegan city datum, or 14| feot below Chicago city datum. "Please advise me whether you know of amy objection to the issuance of a permit for the proposed harbor by this department. If I do not hear Myunwult'fll"mg ed that there is wo objection on part of the city of Waukegan, so far . James Huxtable, a saloon keeper at Highwood> garing *the paimy hgr t thy --"tong mabogany"'--wis--avept uB der in the mayorlal rate at Evanston yestarday, ranning on a Sunday mor ie ticket and polling lees than 100 rotes. HWurtable ww well kanown to Waukegan people and was making the race for a wide open Evanston the race for a wide open Evanston on Bunday opposing ~former Mayor Harry P. Pearsons, and Mayorelact Charles H. Barlistt a building con-- tractor well known here. -- Bartliett was elected with a vote of §,83%3 while Pearsons polied T7717. , ; Orleans, France. April 8.--Captain Jaeque*® Sadoul; accused of high trea-- army to the Soviet forces in Russia, was acquitted by a court martial here today. The vote was fourt to three. 8. 6 . C. Thompson of Zion Who Was Re--elected Tuesday for His Sixth Term; Mr. Thomp-- son Has Served Ten Years With Distinction: His Re-- election is a Tribute to His st --ubore 1ine. m:w-na water consists of a #ubstantial ation for Permit Is M: to U. SM o IN TREASON CASE RE--ELECTED BY THE P.S.C. of Zion WhOQO| made is impossible * UERNARKU »SKTTH® «PPINCIPALS JN.MU!PDER LASE.... «-->-- yass _ ----a=m> -- & --WHEREIN JURY DISAGREED CATTLE PERISH IN FIRE THAT _ DESTROYS BARN Charles Sprague Farm, Near Prairie View, Suftfers $4,000 ._.___ First locally published pictures of four men who have been fighting for their--lives in--the Lake . 'County Court and whom a jury oould not agreos on as to guilt and punishment--Also --picture of Russell ham.-qfldakd"flkil'lxpu"vfiiiukilldwluntzchudlfitfid'hlm-nur'w SAVE GRANARY AND HOUSE Fire. that s thought to have started tfram a gasoline engine, today de-- ktroyed the barn, corn crib and hog pens of Charles Sprague, Prairle Four helfers ayd a yaluable bult perlabhed in tho NMamex that consumed the buildings for a total loss of $4,000 ed in 'Kenosha as a ro'vofl:r and zradually acquired . n the com-- pany ntfig hc.:g: 'a --principal ownaris ; --~' AE¥L i Walter Marlatt, editor of the Keno-- aBba News and one of the best known newspaper men in Wisconsin, died Friday at his home, aged 51. He had been alling for somes time with heart trouble but had made daily trips to his office in a car,. He start-- ~--Mr: Marlatt some years ago. was U and His nurse was Miss Colby, eunips nperintendent " of xchoos tounty'a of schools, m.."m started-- a romance which , in their marriage, _ . of Neighbors and prople from Prairle YView rusbed to the aid of Sprague and formed a bucket brigado ~and were able to save the bhouse, granary A large quantity of bay in the barn made the structure a certain loss as the fire was not discoverad unt!l it bad made considerable headway. and a-- number of smaller buildings. They made no attempt to fight the flames in the born or corn crib as theso"fires were beyond control. Farmers tried 'to remove some of the stock and were partly successful. but the rapid advance of the fire and the terror of the fivre head of cattle male. ~» 2 . The tarn was burned 18 the groun" in a short time, leaving a buge pile of embers that smoldered through the day. KENOSHA NEWS ----FEDITOR IS DEAD EDWARD --J. --BUITH Loss in Buildings. to save the ani-- Lake Coun Circulation Greater than . for FINE NEW M. E. CHURCH AT LAKE Fire long years of patient «h4 an-- tiring effort flowered into a mosu-- Sunday at Lake Forest, when the First Methodist_ Eptscopal church was dedicated. _ The Retr. Stuard© B. Edmondson, the man who a few years ago be-- came famous because be gave up a $10,000 x year business position to accept the call to Lake Forest, which Rev. Stuard B. Edmondson, Well Known Here, is Pastor in charge of the. ceremoniées The church has been Tinanced largely through contributions from Lake Forest citizens. .Thé dedicatory services wore held at 34 p. m Bishop Edwin Holt HMHughes was the speaker. _ _ Dr. J. Hastia Odgers of the Chica-- go morthern district spokeée in the morning, while the Rev. m-m' delivered the evening ad Kill be On April 9 the new organ y dedicated by »Siefried E. Or'ouzul. with Merl M. Tibbetts as soloist. under construction dufing the past Winter, is an impressive butiding of hewn stonse and brick, with a smail spire and a Norman turret. In add+ tlion to the usual rooms of worship, there wili be, a community hall 'and _ of New Church. ® L etr magh soas . Oe -- DEDICATE NEW ORGAN . Ford production has been increas-- e4 to 7,000 cars and trucks a day, It was stated at the offices 6f the Ford Motor @€ompany Friday. The --company -- has been cyerating on a full week echedule {for some time in all--its manufacturing plants and the present produstion <sched-- ule represents an increase of 600 units a day over that of a few weeks ago. It was salid that'company re-- ports, coming in from. practically all sections of the country, show rap-- idiy Increasing spring buying with deéaler requirements mounting and Fordson tractor production _ had been movred un to 150 & day to care for growing demands it was also annodnced. POLO PLAYER 'DIE8 Rugby, Leg., April 8.--Lteut. Col. Cecil Ntckalls, famons polo playet, and member. of the English teath which contested against the Ameri-- can players io 1902, was found dead st' Stantord ~today, with a--revolver hestde his body. Polics believed h# a result of'a firse started yostercaay | and -- Ad" in a hay loft "by children Mon-- wh there: with matohes..= Fifteen Bbuild4 4 p. m. hacbalit 3 25. Paccdeiiise .214 tul ies E9N ~ P Pevaia d ::m. hi F boliered hel s "?«?n m?l' s # hoq e ' pringfield) 1t : R%>--Amend had committed %.m Jo l _ _AAA nréats to} eliminaate '?n \pomon\ 4 TOWN IN RUIN®_ would requirs that all* radio sets be 2'"'" April #. -- This|instailled by master electricians, were town was virtually in ruins today as|argued briefly in the senate today FOREST DEDICATED RUSSELL SAGE DICKEY .___{who was kiiled) $3,000 a year, was the minister TRUCKS PER DAY > vflv----' M t C T a--'-- ""c" w r l m'mr'. .."n..-m sMM Aegied M'Ifl--fln that hady reconvtencs At ty's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN tary Chamberlain denied in the House ot Commonas today that the Tulure of the allles to évacuate the ° Cologns zone was due to negotiations for a peace security pact. * County and government a«thor Itles are <seeking clues that would lead. to the arrest of a number of men who ou Tuesday might of last week destroyed 25--cural mail bores along the Milwaukee road in the Residents of Milwaukee Road, Victims of Night Sortie; Sheriff Gathers Boxes. ¥ANDALS DESTROY 25 MAIL BOXES; "I~-- think, on the whote," '\\e--said. "mattats will proceed satis{aworialy, and with patience and good will we may yet arrive at a solution of our troubles." day in an effort to get clues. One woman stated htat the men came through at midnight and were driv-- ing a high powered touring car. victnity of Grand aveaue and the Yotkhouse church: ~ ~ Sherift.Abistrom, in company..with Postmaster Taicott, of Waukegan. scoured the country. tha followihg Some of the mail , boxes were found as far away as Belvidere street, Waukegan. Efforts to get finger prinats have been made. The matter was taken up with the pos-- tal authorities in Washington, D. C. Immediate action is erxpected, _ The penalty for defacing Oor tam-- pering with a mail boxr is a fine of not more than $1,099 or three years in jail or both, in each instance where it can be proven that a mail WASHINGTON 'IS NOTIFIED DENY PEACE PACT l CAUSED DELAYS| geo London. April 8.--Foreign _ Secre BEARNARD MYLIN U. S. PROBING body reconvenes 9, 1925 they NORTH WESTERN TO_ _ INCREASE SPEED OF FOUR TRAINS Ruoning Time Between Chi-- 'cago and Milwaukee to Be Cut to Hour and 45 Min. NON--UNION MINERS IN HUNGER STRIKE Moundeville, W. Va.. April 8$----EKx.| '!Ais Pespe tending the West Virginia mine | {®at of tw strike orders into the Pan Handle' The bat fleld, it was. estimated today that Proved to eleven of thirty large nouw--uslon Contest of mines in the United Mine Workers| Harry Hoj of _ America -- subdistrict extending| Y*J Cou!s from here to Wheeling werg l4ie as|all receivi of the Methodist Missionaries in Pe-- king were given the fright of their livres when they wers motoring to ward Peking their car was stopped by bandits who were engaged in a Light with governmenst troops siryt miles . northwest of this city,.Accord-- fag to their stafy told here today After _the automobilé had been searched ~for arms the three Am ericans were given the pase--word to take them through th¢ basdit lines and were permitted to proceed. 1 result of the strike called by Frank l::'vhu. president of the sub--dis t s Mining company officials dAenied the strike hbhas seriously hampered produstion* but --union statements glaim it is one--third effective. SHELL KILLS FOUR Milan, Italy, April 8%.--A shell ex-- ploded aboard the Italian warship Duilio in the harbor of Speria to-- day killing four sailors and injoring 15 others. : -- 5 BANDITS HALT CAR _ OF MISSIONARY For four years I had hidden from LaOg Pynte the fact that 1 did not know how to ride. 1 simply did not dare to confess to Lady Pynte that I could not ride. I had already thiet'to pare the way to that denouemmnent by confessing that 1 came from--the lower classes, but she did not appear to think that any cla«ss could be so low as that. --From "The Greea Hat," by Michad Arien. Buc h»a.',e.fl. ~Alarmtng reports of the iliness o( King Ferdinand ,were un-- founded, -- it was stated thday. The King has suffered comewhat from phi@bitisz. or infamation of a vela, #3 m-- v--'~' C-- '.7"'~." ' '.. eo. Bairstow Who Sta%ed a "Come--back," Being Elect-- ed. Su&ervisor of Waukegan Over Merrill Achen Who Dé-- feated Him Two Years Ago and D. T. Webb. New Candi-- date. --the attacks were brief,> SUPERVISOR $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE Dilger, Hoban,.Cory and--Hut« ......;é.. ton Winners for Assistant i gitl j Supervisorship. &3 o o George Bairstow-- staged --a "comds----+~~--* gan Tuesday when ho decisively de-- feated Merrill Achen, the incumbent, f end David T. Webb, ror the office of-- -- > :::or::br. Mr. Bairstow had-- hbel4 5 ce to two years w yz he was det',o?lted (by' x{r,. Ac:=:. .fl'?.; a@~ N¥ebb failed to dewplop the atrengih _ . OTHER FIGHTS ARE SEEN Coryand D. A. Huttod were elected so the assistant--superxisorships. With-- the exception of Cory the successful candideates are incumbents. Cory 44is-- places 'Conrad Holistein who #as ap» pointed to fAll a vacancy but failed to obtain sufficient votes to re--elect him. . DILGET HERDS TICKET _ . Mr. Nilger, with a totel of #$108 voies, not only headed the candidates for essistant supervisor, but led the entire ticket by--a big majority,. In this respect Mr. Dilger repeated his feat of two years ago. . The battle for justice of the peace proved to be one of the most hotly FOR consTABLE In the battle for constable Delbert Wealo led the Aeld by a safe margin. He is an intumbent. Fred Petitclair, «n incumbent, also was re--elected. The sew men are LeRoyr Welch, Frank Brence, a Waukegan police of-- fcer who is under suspetmon sat the ueth Bock, who was ma to #1 vaceacy, was defeated for lon, W. D. MacKentie and Joseph Harding both received heary votes. THE PARK BOARO In the fight for . Waukegan Park Board Commtssioners the thres 15 cumbents, Howard E. Ganster, Louis J. Yeoman and T. J. Stahi, were re-- elected. Charles G. Beng who ran on a platform of doing all he could to defeat the park board program t ac quiring new park land from time 'to vey Coulson, were elected to office, . all receiving the highest number of . vo' _ according to the order in which | their names apepar above. All ere incumbents. .. o contest of the day. Wiifred© Hall, Harry Hoyt, Louts Md sand Her-- * FOR aUSTICE. It was seen early in the tabuiation of voigs that the-- main race lay be-- tweeu Charles Mason, an um'-t. and Charles "Pink" Jemison. The un with 1870 votes as Mason had receiv-- ed but 18$5. This proved to be the biggest surpriss of the sntire elsction, as Jemison had not been conceded to be a strong Landidate. votos. By re--slecting the --thrte in«> cumbents the public placed theit -- amp of approval on the plan that i# bein("muoved by the present board. . EARLY RETURNS ."OW'Q CLO" Up to the time the total of six P# cing's had come in, Rairstow bad & lead over Achen: then when the total wast made on seven precincts, it show. ed Aeken had jumped into the lead by §4 votes, And then when the nine r'clncto came in Achen was then leading by §5. M show that Jemison was the h.-;;p;éiiNy south side -- precincts Rairstow jamped into the lead and predictions made on the early returns that be wou}d win. proved corréect. ANALYSIS OF YOTE. _ ___. _ Ax analysis of the vote in the s pervisorship --race is interesting. 'The totals show that Webh carrted --but> two precincts,. the Tirst. and gecopnd., In the second he received but six more votes than Achen. . Achen carried the third, seveath, ninth, tenth and eleventh precincis. Bairstow carrtied the fourth, fifth, sixth. eightb, twelfth, thirteenth amd tourteenth. In the fourth precisct rotes than Webb. It was in the twelfth --thitrréenth --and ~tourtgenth that Bairstow piled up most of his majority. _ 1t is indicated that wiile out his big vote in these pracincts Bairstow probably would have been beaten by Achen. ' wl Theodore E. Robertson, vi¢eopresi« dent of the United Steel corporation, has purchased the old James Thorn bstate on Ridgo -- road southwesxt of Lake Forest for x consideration. of $160,000, -- nceording. to. the hi e ce 9 on BUYS AN ESTATE AT LAKE FOREST-- bm. as subsequent prgflncu rame In 3--Sided Battle