foukg.. neiting up the machinery by which P 2 _ thess principles can bé put into effect. sw«--«----------*I#t Aheuns principles are accepted u8 i+ seund then they must also be sound se principles by which the payment of ----@bligntions zts to be over a period of . about thirty--six years. An Invitation to Trouble §A . "Any attempt to force the carrying F bf such debt burdens to the second best apply such a yardstick as our _--____ measure, rather than attempt to make popular the atogan of 'every dollar to the last penny.' In the adjustment of _ eur foreign relations, essentia} to the, & development of increased export and Import trade, there can be no problem *.._. «l pgreater--importabce than reaching 3~~.--... &«ened aad fnal ponclusion as to this : discovered the secret --of sound and _--~,~ anesgesstal {arming. --Banker--F armer, ____~--_ Which may be applied in considering & the=debts of one nation to another -- pesulting from --war. _ : -- ----~"3--**The Arst principle. as 1 see it. is hoi arms. 'lbohM'nmuuufiylm flflstnflmuunbhn:d.' _ s / Guided by Dawes--Plan,." _| |. . _ _ . _ ~Says C.: E.--Mitchell: d : [ | ._. _' ~Says C-- En A1 --a _'}t.'v'.v'. # L _ % .. preaidentof the National City Ba of Nuw YTork, dcciares inan article his auto and saved a considerable sam that ordinarily wont for gasoline. By taking advantage of the Ibcreased wources of Income and by cutting out unnecersary exparises he was able by the end of the year to pay of Wis hos The poor onss. He consulted with his wmwerchants as to what garden crops he might pro€tably grow for the local market. :muummnh might use in growing grath and hay. He enlarged his Sock of poultry and took better care of it Me was more caretul in the use of national exchange and commerce. The noundness of this last is apparent on Its face. __*Theat 1 regardes the fandamental principles of the Dawes plan, and all U the bhundredes of pages of the ao P¥ hi oigaigeandi en vpchan eicnttt vao ie e tmandbmaaateel ®"%, mt es Hed countries to oursélres" An atditor, examining the rate--bookt NNi rreia it e anse it ie cce in a rural district, not far from Lon 4 don, was puzzsled to And the letter "H'* ADVERSITY A STIMULANT Against sereral names where the plact # TO GOOD FARMING | ot resisence should be indicated. Upor «WWheegerifiememerecy being asked to explain, the assistani int <in cperieni overseer said: "Oh, well, as a mattet n-:numd.m'."::-: of fact, these particular people art who was just about breaking even in | 3°24. but not knowing for certain, ) growing cotton. One day hjs wife fell Selt unatie to give more than the initia seriousiy il and was ohlHiesA ta en «. | lefter of their present abode." Before he was through with this ex perience he was confronted with a bill for $2,200. What was he to do? Iike a good business man he be-- gah to Agure bow be--might increase his income and cut down his er-- peuses. He had a few cows that he *The third principle is that with | jng from the tree each day. All are auch.taxes collected, payments there | gathered by the women, placed in the from M:.-uoh:.b%" mhdqmmunn-dnc;.- ecountry to an extent I Qfllflmlflw"fl"-' who was just about breaking even in growing cotton. One day wite fall mmm-.»m*unu gum A Httle lnater his dangh-- kept for raising calres. He started to milk these and sell the product. He had some cull potatees that were unsslable. He fed these to his cows and rome pigs which he was able to bey right. Other waste products were wtilized in the same manner in tha strain; and, further, that the nationals ut tha--debtor country shall is no case #rared invitation to further trouble. "The second principle is thet the dabtor couyntry shall be taxed to the Rimit while the deobt re:sains, but in 16 do with the'®ar. Thisprinciple is alearly infimated in the fact that the havre a lesser burden of taxation upon the creditor country--another princi-- pls the soundness of which cannot be p ly unwise. I think we may the indorsement of the American peo-- pls through their clectid®:of Géneral commercial interests of our own coun-- try than to those of the debtor coun-- #ry.© This talk »of foreing--payment of «which form the principal security and wmns of payment of the debt carry United~EStates. That plan is one that mmmm:uu proved by --an. early t of their debts to our own national--goy-- Journal. Mr. Mitchel} says : # "Debts between nations are always a source of international trouble, and I consider it of great importance that our own j economic as well as political valstions -- with. such countries as war--debt question : are .applicable +d the problem of the Allied dobts to the A40 America Should<Be prinsiples <of the 1 . to war ~debt --ahail -- to m t 5" Mark of Man of Worth l' #0| _A man--who is fond ~of books 18| -- r the ctrculation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the , To Clean Walks "| abore caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section You can clean the walks and whito|4441, Postal Laws and Regulations, )fllflflmmmdtfllhw stone steps beautifully Iif you mix a | #it? h PO;M of lime with one gallon water 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing e4 and a handful of salt, stif it well and | Itor and business manager are: Warh serub the surface to be cleaned, using '"_'m" 'm', M'"m"w'-_-' ves nt an old broom. A * .fl% £ Dangerous Ingredients L4 That the owners ars: mmmqu Another high explosive is made by | 6r8, Or, if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of atook miring a busy d4y and a caller who mm«u&cnnm«nmdmmlqu-taum. has plenty of time. --Ro« hester Times-- Lake m M and m CO.. '"m- HL Union. W. J. Bmith, Waukegan, HIL. 4 F. 0. Omith, Wankegan. L. tss --oltntpmiaetme 4. That the known bondbolders, mortgagoss, an4 other security noiders « o owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, '__Pin and Needle Industry or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) Waterbusy, Conn., is the center of Therse are none, y the country's pin and neddle industry. 4 That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of th, own-- Needics, pins and hooks and eyes to ore, stockholders, and security kolders, If any, contain not only the list af the valye of about $7,000,000 are man-- 'mw""'" n:mm::-mvm-mmwumu. Mactured there yearly, 'nomnmmuumunhn.:m.mmm :==ov__---- evstmr inimgesizeecis pame of the persin or corporation for whom such trustoe is acting, is given; Cop * Also that the said two paragraphe contain statements embracing affiant's tA 'overty--Stricken Mexico mmw-hmmmm*v\u Altbough Heflco'g #® popu,,;,» | StotkBholders and security hoiders who do not sppest upon the books of the of 14,000,000, only 000 have sum. :nmn trustee, 'hoid nn":mhs capacity other than that vient funds to boy comparative jyzx-- bonse Hde owner; and this mumwuflofi tiom. . ; --='*~; * .m* association, or corporation hbas any --or indirest in the d o. meaeed yssm l 'M._:c'mnufl"hu mlvh: ~ i ns * tion sold or distribsted, ' !"m _ Mark of Man of Worth mfihm"hyh s 'You can clean the walks and white stone steps beautifully if you mix a pound of lime with one gallon water and a handfol of salt, stif it well and serub the surface to be cleaned, using an old broom. 4 % pounds of flowers in a single season and the Uried petals are the principat ald bf the people for the lights they need in their homes. lished "by _ the Karons in Eogian& ot variqus times from the Fifth to the m centuries, They were as fol lows: Exser. Susser. Wesset Kent P T: WfiArs your m»?"fu*%%' * mb(hbloqlolotm'; ntomotive engineer, most Atobetundbuknryuto'fly. 'l;: m M reveal inviting romanices in the mddir-'d together with new East Anglia, Mercia, and Northum bria. In 828 A. D, these varions petty kingdoms were united under ons goe ernment by Egbert, king of Wesaser who was from that time styled king of England. The word beptarch; means . seven --governments.-- Kansat Clity Star, Light From Tree's Petals Travelers tell of.a pecullar tree that grows in certain sections of India that produces great quantities of fowers with long petails, a crop of petals fall-- Ing from the tree each day. All are gathered by the women, placed in the sun to dry and then are used as can-- Heptarchy was the name given to fl:';"'""'""" "'J;F'fl E';:L;&.& he has | toward better and more economjcal' -- ¥. B, cknow a8s & upon . = * hn-deu -«hob m'" £ t "_Té'dinc.";gglin.'dflo(d fig time| which h'vc,;ayle"fii name famous | > ~*"It is a strange thing that mote Early English Kingdoms 'to collécting books and developed lone of the finest 'libraries in the world. Andrew Carnegie is said to have retained on his payroll several '"wofm"byw : ftfli;: Scotch airs under mw of 'bis home in Scotland. ! Thomas A. Edison, inventor of 'almost innumerable devices, finds relaxation in his laboratory. Mar-- 'conmi, accredited with ~developing ;""l"beodon, Roosevelt through -- his M enc aare mtoa of the modern--"radio," spends. much of his time on a yacht, almost com-- ipictety --enveloped with cleotri At the present time, in New York: mfl H ]-]»o 4m "' TT --Worth Millions-- Whatiis ~__._---- Yours? Asks--Noted Inventor as a) hit h,-y ot the-- inventions -- have made his ?ll"fl" oped | in automotive circles; For example, idtr the idea of a motor hat"h.lhu 0| came from t so m- veral} tion, resulting i.n\l::rz:nou Boyce _the| Moto--Meter. Several later he wheat | became W"z:" of a STATEMENT OF THE .OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AU""" #818. County of Lak y ana o e maningnn t e " + mn'mmfl that ha ts the hbusiness mm law deposes and says that he is the business manager of--tihe Libertyyilie Mpmmm'tmm'hcb.nmt"dhhkmh'am be HSef a true statement of the ownetship, management (and if a daily paper, KErvery man --must liye--with the be makes of himself; and the better job he does in moldiig his tharacter, A year's consumption of con} at the present time represents the accumula-- wwiht W @46 yion: --; UJC @AForrs, m Ataear-- uamnm-uummmm] tte better company be will have.-- Hudson Maxim. 4 Em WiTo PW WOpmmg " EmmNAIWOC PoY Tne 2 black fuel. Job Spared One Trial " merdietingamentaias s Job was a sorely tried man, but it In addition to his own troubles he _ Celery From Florida Hidn't have to listen to those of his More than 1,100 carloads of ml .'.'m he had m to be are shipped out of Florida yeariy. | thankfut for. | ' The skunk relies .so wuch upon the wWensive odor it can give of as a de-- fense that A--will even expect rallway trains to avold it; as a result these animals are often out to pleces on for-- «* Bworn and saubrscribed betore me two of his best cows, ax washed th foundations from under th' --vicarage After that be went about sayin' that for th' future he'd keep quiet, an' Jest let Providence run th' weather to uit Itzelf *--London Tit--Bits. "These 'ere Aoods," said the wldest Inhabitant, "remind me of th' time when th' old passon prayed for rain I "s # super--fuel ns:dat and carbon preventive in same manner. The result vu.:'ocdlo which has now become a product in the auto-- motive feld. All long, in his. offite in New 'Yheofk. vmllel:'i't: nu;c of knotty problems w confront the manutacturer of anutomotive ac-- essoriecs. <:Then he goes home at hile: inventions in "motor -- equip-- nat.Mthcmroltlhc Boyce g*ia':b:sbu-cmhto up--to--date garage where a num-- ber. of these cars are housed; The night and Just by way of rélaxation His Own Life Companion _ Would Interfere No More Ot Libertyvillie independent, The Logical Shunk Coal Cannot Last ways, ville Iindependent, Published at libertyville, mron.. * for April 1, 1925 + ~ o. an. _ s Notary Public in and for the State snad count;y aloreaaid, 3 C L n@grvemntin pnam compmenemmanes BBimczmremeng Cmy on sc us ascoudi i i __;.' C g * «t <p "-- +4 en *A . * M have only wery v: hl-'n"f'w a these ubjecu.,nnt "vmu &nfl were kept it would be very easy for a man to0 know--exactly what to look mved a proftable one. Whllli ce_'ncollectlo-i-iuel!hunz liuL value the ideas which have| come from it have been worth mil--; lions to him and have saved the car' lions wam have saved the car' owners baowdabto"nil-, linnse mare. -- for when purchasing new cars from ~~*Phis --car for ul-ah.":l'.*lz' B pointing out "has | beck operated over 61,008 miles und . o _Heé employs Ao drive a aum-- ber ol'the-nnn.:u-tn'od&' a certain distance each week n:: retdrs or putting. one of his relifs ssutheastern Asia. Premature Order CGeneral David Hunter, Union com-- mander--general of the Department of th* South, lesned an order May 9, 18902, freeing all slaves in the states of Georgia, Florida and Houth Carolina. Lincoln annulled the order, -- The blalogical survey says there are a number of species of aquatic sniakes found in the pcean. Such snakes are numerous in the waters surroundirg very generally the case that when evils hbave grown inzpfferable they have touched the point of cure--£. H. So, all in ail, this In the history of man it bas been Photos by U. & V Cure of Evil to at any other | direst in the ; i Tegseribers | y & _-- _ Independent , ' - Are Offering -- j| [|| ~Every Subscriber , | a * I hereby apply for a membership to the GREAT N(.)fi FHERN ESTATE CORPORATION of Rockford, Tllinois it my application is approved and accepted, I do hereby ~~~~~~to pay them upon request the sum of $5.00.. I am now inm fegefal health and know of no reason why T should not receivé e membership. It is understood that I hercby subscribe for '(or will continue my subscription for one year from this dzg -- and 'pay the regular subscription price of the WAUKEG DAILY SUN er LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT.. _ Arse -- _ you at present a subscriber to cither of these papers?--..........=swap Nes (Answer YES or NO) Yoik lt *pA2 Aver --Payable at Death ++ Old and New Subscribers Between Ten and Sixty Eive Send, in Coupon--Our Representative : MA Wilt Call---- _ . 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