CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Apr 1925, p. 11

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_awas a private message from the for--| D. Riggs defeated Frank Valenta fo & Kalser Wilheim that it was the| Constable. Valents. n"'n-fl wfi _ »way to saye the mation which orrrmg n Sccing 24 veprommene ime, ~ Menburg to reconsider his decision|~ <~ .. ~*~1M ~WAVCONDA.'----_---- --.-- novigice, TB monarchistic forces had persuaded --*German's "Grand Old Man of the 'Bea" to prevall upon the *Grand Old Man ort the Army' 'to take the it was believred would bring Eflctmm Sormniftie o4 © 'decide to become a candidate # the presidency April 26, it was 4 here today. . Yoar ed to this was--said to be the 3 t argument <of Admiral VYon that Hindenburg: was "the tween the veteran general and 'Ad-- ~tion on Request of Former German Kaiser. -- ---- first : réeported, then hiz reconsider-- ution, then:again his definite refusal Even today, before his acceptance Of the vandidacy, he was -- reported to have told Yon Tripits: . helm Marx, former chAncellor and eundidate of the repubMcah coatition. The delay of the nationalist bloc to secure a candidate for the second presidential election, April 25, has elated the republicans, who were "I am too old to accept such a difficult and responzible post." -- _ -- TOWN ELECTIONS IN COUNTY DEVEL-- OP HOT FIGHTS sonvinced by it that Marr will} be ¥ictor in the runoff election. hilar ticket and Emil Bollinger on the progressire card for supervisor. Mon-- ahas wus retursed to omfce by the alim majority of 24 votes while North Chioo#o staged i hot fght on ths Pustice ef.the Peace, sending Harold Tallet into the job over Jobhn Nelson, the r gular candideate, by a majority of 36 votes. The vote for the ofices in Shields tqwnship was as follows: . FOR SUPERVISOR gui guu --rxixs +* +804 +* + MR ~1d ith -- was 1 uchool trustee in Nottm. s IN WR'R"I'N TOWNSHIP Rollo --M¥eC .t _ Gurnee, _ & James Booner. near Miliburn, were reglected as justice of the peace in KW irren, there being no contcs*. Wes Gray and Roy Studer, both Gurnee® were returned as constable and Will McClure as school trustee. C AT LIBERTYYVILLE. . IAbertyville had no contests and the two justices, Lyeil Morris and Bartictt wore retaurned with a vote of 117 from the three precinets, Dennis Limberty and Chris Peterson went Kack | as « constabltes and Prank J. Wright to the post of school trustee. _ N DEERFIELD Deerfield township had no contesis and William J. Obee of Highland Park, was returned as, W. with" Charles Harbaugh ard W. E. Bletsch, both of Highland Park, being returned as assistant supervisorse. The following justices of the pesace, all from Highland Park, continue in office: A. E. Smith, E. F. Stuenkel, R. E. Winter and John Coprad, _ . _ Constables, all from Highland Park, wro: Fred Rudoiph, John: Rouse, John Beckiey Jr., and Frank Liswellyn. CcuUBA IN QUIET YOTE.~ ~ F. L. Waterman, 38, and R. P. How-- Jand, 60, went in as justices of,.the m in Cuba without any opposition. J Welich,. 68, and Leo--Riley, 56, defeated Frod Linders; who received K. J. Monahan...........~...T9 Emil Botttnger s im se t## FOR AS&ISTANT SUPERVI8SOR E. N. Mewman .............:%33 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE (2 elected) ' IN LAKE FOREST F. J. Geraghty . Warren Miller . s COnNST ABL E IN LCXKE FOREST (% Klected) James Gordon ....»...... Albert Hopman ....... William J. Kelly .......... Barney Rosenbagen ....... IN NORTH CHICAGO (1 elected) Peéiter Johnson ........4s. 'in West Deerfleld with Petoer Iy, 268; and Raymond J. Clavey, inning for justice of the--pesce. IN WE&ST o%ncauu «Peoples ticket won a clean IN NORTH CHICAGO IN LAKE BLUFF (1 elected) ue e we 6 0 a e# # # PAGB .o.ioou-??! a a * 4 % # 185 131 102 435 432 WIl for on 'the Citizens Cicket, ~wae--noxt: and Rera Frituch, Independent,--with 114 qver'Ws E. Geimer dtor:justice of the ruulw. C. Iohnson and Joseph . Rigsgs defeated Frank Valenta for Kent, both of Whauconda, went into the oftice> of justice of 'the pesace in Chhries Krueger as constables. M. W. Knedier went in as achool trustee. _ A special vote of a fAfty cent tax 44 place erushed Wons on the roads--ot the township carried 130 to 61. Miller, 76, in the Lake VHia election. Bernard Hamlin, with 142, went in as constable without facing any opposi-- tion. He served as county motorcy-- cle --policeman and deputy sheriff un-- Jer Sheriht B6 Xuitiodin 1akt you »l:"a'm Lake office Tdes s :.f...:'n?n'm...&nn:'m; eve af the Frank Amwgun h Helen Richardson, Eveiyn, LQclle.! sister, Mrsa. Aylward at Hebron. Rosing and Mrs. Mazie Allward and| Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair and son Jack called at the Victory M«--] ch;ijdren, Mrs. Mitchel and son morial bospital to 'ste Wm. DeWane®|Charles of Chicago, called at the wed. eve. Mr. and Mrs. Je Lenzen of Yolo were Round Lake callers. Woednes day. Z * Mrs. Emma Huson and Mrs. Kate Ford were Waukegan callers Weo-- nesday. ' A gas tank exploded and burned KWm. DeWane quite seriousiy, He is in the Victory Memorial hosepital. ville Mondsy nite. Miss lillian larkin of Long lLake spent Thursday aftermoon with Veima Mr. and Mrs. _ Dell ESmith and daughter YValoise spent Sunday eve at the Geo. Burbam home at Gray» Mrs. Wm. Hironimus attended : birthday party in bonor of Mrs CHas. Haas of Yolo.-- ~ _ Mrs. Ben Peterkort and daughter Julle, were Chicago callers SBatur Miss Alice Meyors was a Round Lake caller Monday, Mr. John Thies of McHenr3; was in Round Lake Monday. Cuarran, Mr. and Mrs, Clint Hendee, Mr. and Mre. Gifford White and son Walter, Stanmley Stadtfield, and Geo. Mr. A. L Vite, d€ughter, Veima, Floreance Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Jim _ Mrs,. Sherman -- Davis enteriained her Wiece from Wisconsin Monday. _ Mrs. Peter Meyres and Mrs. Mabel Litwiler -- were _ Waukegan -- callers Thursdar. ~ «= _ Mre. Clara Rosing, Lucile, Evelyn, Bobby and Mrs. Mazie Ayiward and children motored to Hebron | Tue= day. . -- Mr. Frank Macke! spent & couple of days in Round Lake this week He is a guard at Joliet. Mre. Raiph Davic and. Mrs. Anna Larson were lou'! Lake callers Tuesday eve. ; _ | ' Mr. and Mra. Bén Peterkort and daughter and Lilah Brown motored _ Del Mar Bock and Ray Torbit of Iibertyville were in Round lLake Valoise called on Mrs, Ada Tuecsday eve. Mrs. Clayton Harrizon and ter© Mary «pent --Tuesday --a{ at the home of the former's ter, Mrs. Milford Smith, Mrs. Sumner Bauer called H. Kennedy home Wednesday w oeek. Mra. George Renehan was cago caller Wednésday. Mrs. Jim Curran and M Luby and> daughtef --Eilinor Grayslake callers -- Tuesday. _ Russell Stickles and Harry D# were Round Lake callers on day weak, Li Je -- Mr. aud Mre: Wheeler 0l [ _N'*am'" spent the week end at the Katie Nolan home. s * Mrs. Frank Martin and dtug_hm gnugerine wers Chicago CcaileTs JuCS AY. © & There is quite a bit of sitkness in Round Lake the past two weeks. * Mrs. Owra of '\Miami, Fla., called :t"m E. A.. Brown home Tuse 4 i. 4 ~f 2 L c -AA;.\.'-Q- «e ROUND LAKE NEWS Mrs. Wum. PrLester and Christ Luats won Mre> Wheeler of Chicago Kennedy and daughter Harrizon and daugh the carnival at J ORRORFE *L Ga onl LR IIL motorey.| _ Mr._A! Croonborg of the IiBnoi tnbre y biny . compre onl 4 oo ie o o o rpaat y dit erift up.| Beli_Telo Go. of UW: Mr. C, G. McCandlées is home t.z.'".--umwl'" .:Mtfew'fihnmu"'m- HP, :s« 4. .t & I.x\ Jean -- Pha +111 egan. . . ; n o e _ "" '?' ¢' x -"' " :" + fl:'&f& C i lfll'_ ees|CSy ev8 st the Framk Amann home./"°.} o atmh : i --Bat-- Daesher ay this at the of last daugh-- a Chi were Jim were Mre, Leo Hendse eand son LeRoy <alled on the former's mother at North Chicago Sunday aiternoon. Durley called at the Brewer bhome near DPruce Lake Ruanday, ------*------ -- The high --schools are havigsg their sprinpg vacation this week, _ _ bospital, then at the Wm Huson at ~Round Lake Sunday. Miss: Marie DeWane Of Belvidere Mrse. Mazle Aylward and children returned to their home in Hebron after a few months visit at hber home in Round Lake.~ # Miss Evelyn Rosing and Bobbie are spending a few days with their sister, Mras. Aylward at Hebron. week. ° ' 24 Ms. und Mre. Gifford White, Merie and Walter, motored to Aurora Sat-- PRECINCTS Sumser Bauer home Sunday. Mr. Goo. Renehan was a Chicago caller Monday. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Grays lake were Sunday visitors at tbe Mil'ord Smith home. _ Miss Catherine Martin is spending a few days in Chicago this week. Mr. Jim Triges bome is also under construction. Mr. and Mrs. Wwm. Huson and Mrs, Frost of Volo were Waukegan callers Tuesday. Mre. Wm. Frost and children called at the Poeter Ingles bome of Mc Henry Fridax. L Mr. and Mre. Leo HewMlee attended a show at Waukegan Sunday @ve. Mr. Artbur Houghton called at the Rosig bhome Sat. eve. Mr. Arthur Rosing motored to Highland Park Tuesday evening. Miss Mere Whits is spending A few days with her _ grandmother, Mre. White, and aunt, Mrs, Davis, at Aurora this week. . Martin Thelen is on the sick bet. _ _Mr. EdA Leonard ol lake YVilia spent Friday and Saturday at (he Tony Leonard hbome. « Mr. and Mre. Earle Grabam and children of Waukegan called at the Clint Hendee bome Tuesday. Miss Clara Amann, YVelmsa Fit: and Karle Jacobson --attended the dance at the Jap Lantern at Wauke sgn Sun. eve. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deits and children wore Libertyville callers Monday _ eve. _ Mr. Joe Davis was an -- Antioch caller Tuesday eve. . Mr..O. A. Howard and Ray Ripp § ¥ rsaibiysge c 16 So. Shetidem--Rd. -------- ----_ .\;\. & F nAOn® _ xXd gaz> waukegan, 41. m " Sheridan Road Motor Sales What Say You!?! Sundays Oit Changed This is not the time to go for a swi On this subject you will not deny; But if you're in the market for an 4 Well, just phone * YES WE ARE FREE SERVICK §:4 5]? Official List [| of Transfers berger motored to Chicago Saturday eve, +« son and Mr. Ed Leonard motored to Cambridge, HL, and spert the wéek epnd. at the James Leonard Lake--caller Monday "o'tn'.' 'L;h Bill Schollen o e was in Round ','l:'ko w§ _Mr. C, G. McCandléss is home April 4, 1925 r C. H. Kewman and wife to W. Me!-- | bye and E. Kun: jt tens. LQt 4, Ra-- ; vinia station. WD $10, stamp $15. | B P Rosencrans and wife to A.| F._Rose to Irenmne Hedberg. Lot 7, -:){mo.(n First S¥bdn. WD $10,--stamp 7. ¥. Kichinger to J. L; Ne#l. Purt of See. 6, Warren. WD $10, stamp $1,. J. Fullbacher and wife to V. Savey. Lots 24 and 25, block 6, First Adda t'o Ravinia Highlands. WD $10, stamp 4. * M R. M. James and wile to R. T. Thorsch. Lot 6, block 3, First aAdda. to Ravinia Highlands WD #10. Hein. Lot 13, Dora Morans Bubdn. WD $10, stamp $2. _E M. Runpyard to Waukegan Fi nance Corpu. Part of lot 1, block 39, Waukegan. Deed 8'.74_!.05. _ Emily Coombs to Adeline. lADCY st at. Part 'Of Sec. 27, Deerfeld. QCD $25. G. T. Pushmen and Mabel C. Pus man jt tens to G. J. Berresheim. Part of lot 5. S. Trs. Sub. WD $216,000, stamp $216. * T. H. Durst and wife to Saivation Army. Part of lot 1, bloock 26, Org). Town of Lt. Ft. _ J. L. Bengstock dnd ~wife to G. Frits and wife, jt tens. Part of lots 20 and 21, Whitewood subdn. WD $10, stamp $1. o J. W. Miller and wife to G. Mc-- Namara. Lot 1, block 3, Rogers Addn * sad Mre:--Toay --Leonard--and-- Cars Washed \Open® Evenings an Automobile, Gilbert spent last was a Round e o Votes Cast at the Town Election in' n Tuesday, April 7th, 1925 © i born near Tiffin, Ohio, June 24, 18140, and at the age of two yearse moved with his parents to their fArst home in Newport township. _ 1 e nine childten he was called upor to thare the m} work and prix®~.s OBITUARY OF The death of John A. Shea on April 1 et his home near Wadsworth, 1. marked the passing of one of Lake af tha aamlss taught and school was held only in the four winter months,. He and his brothers and sisters won many spell-- ing contests at the old fashioned spell-- ing schoois. -- _ J. Wartekuns to J, Turcinckis and wife, jt tens. Lot 14, block 5, re--sub, of part of Waukegan Highlands. WD $3000, stamp $3. to Waukegan. WD $1." As the oldest son in a family On Dec. 22, 1863, he was married to The out--of--door boy can not have too many :nq particular--color, material workmanship, size and fit. They are excellent values at $1.00 and $1.69. Boys Hats of fine suiting materials in ghe new Spring solorings--Plain, plaids and mixtures to harmonise With the Made of Cotton Pongee, Ma-- dras, Shirting Stripes and . Bt\:adcloth . *(Secend Floor) SPRING CAPS and HATS $1.00 and $1.50 d¢ Blouses 0C -- 4 69 s TORE WHERE QUALITY PREV AILS" LV $9.95, $12.95, $15 'The Best Stove ~On the Novth Shove is (Second Flobr) 5 Boys themselves choose these very' Suits becaust they _are go good looking and his parents with an eye to practi-- bility are equally well pleased becavse of the service they are certain to give. Tailored of the finest woolens in at-- tractive new colors. Suits that keep their shape and look well as long as they are--worn. Over three--hundred Suits from which to choose. ° Single and Double Breasted and One--button Back Models AntI-- Wet and Cravenette Suits, pre-- -- _ vent Spring Colds. $12.95, $15 and $16.50. Others L. _ two pant Suits at $9.95. of to Ruth Taglor at Kenoshe, Wis. They | the mother at Spring Brok cemetery, soon moved to the home where they | North Prairie, . : Here Mr. Shea led a long and use ful life. Before it was customary to thresh with steam engines he helped run a bhorsepower threshing machine for forty years. _ 0.> . . _ 2 ~As he neared the sunset of lif#, be retatoed a keen interest in the mod« ern invertions and the political lie of the country but be ealways Jloved the simple life best, Hg »0)4 resarv offices of public trust. passed away nearly three years ago. at.ops thme serving on the -- Wads--1_. Most of. harmacies 1 wors sinast Board 3:'**"9""7"2 }u% vere Q:b:md: 18 T . ; 2Swp CR ! <ls t B c t 5 _ _The funeral services were hbeld at the home Saturday, the Rev. Ganester oficiating. Burial was made beside turo to his early home in Ohio and | propartion of the pO last August that wish was grented.| jz ;o our standards. He visited Tiffin and slept in the house where he was born nearly eigh-- teencwumuneneccaamaisem ty--Ave years Ago. -- © £ He is survived by five children, |'-- . Vice's Mo three having died early, Afteen grand-- children, eight great grandchildren, The m:m': Oone siter, two brothers and many | ®t'""* Der. 80 D other relatives and friends. and in number. 00 I Ready For Easter-- ~ Priced At til their deatb, she having |-- __-- _ rea»v offices of public trust. l Doctors Own f?','_"':'?"'!'.- ~ e and $16.50 SUIT S Juvenile ° Qne--piece Juvenile Suits for boys to 6 years of age. Made of fine wool Suitings in the popular Oliver Twist style with large saitor collar. These Quits are~ercellent to wear these: carly Spring i:y; v--iuthe boy likes to go out doors without an overcoat. '_At $3.95 and $5.95. Two spec-- ially priced lots. Remarkable (Becond Floor) eint en yionccr k Suits 85 0 . I We wish to thank all our friends:for the fowers and the many other toks ens of @ynibathy so kindly extended to us during the sicknoss and death of our father. hi proportion of the population, accor * . Vice's Martyrs . The martyrs to vice far exceed the martyrs io virtue, both in enduranceé and in number. So blinded are we by our passions that we suffer more to be damped than to be saved.--Hannal¥y More, uin 4 values (Sedond Floor) *~*~CARD OF THANKY ~=--~~ ~;>------=--/ . JULLA SHEA J. A. SHEA MRS. M. YOUNG _ _ _ MRS. EMORY CRAYVEX mos a;. 48 #t Tss | o« 3} it

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