4* am s shs~ -- o O es En 4 «> "t , * | e enc i' > 'The person who made this puszle o ... -- 1t before breakfast. That's why 4ss C come across a word that makes CC . ';:"h'ntry. _repeated twige in this We > L HORIZONTAL -- _ _ __-- --=--~«--=~+----------%--Pomthine" PrOBOUD. --* | «--Wondertal Herbariam= --|" _ Flintlock Guns * Bot-- quite twenty#even when he Uigned as delegate for South Carolina. Thomas Lynch, one of the youngest Wignets of the Decliaration of 'Inde-- pevmdenve in 1776, was lost at wea in 170. He was born in 1740, and was _ To Waterproof Shellac _ _A shellec fnish on furniture or ¥oo--lnork can be made fairly water-- p~=»( by the application of two or three coats of banana "oil." The last tat of shellac must be «and--papered s smov.* as possible, and the liquid Lpplied generously with a soft brush w' as is need for varnish, says Popu-- Jar Science Monthly. Each coat should be _ sand--papered Jlightly. _ Shella¢ _ _ English Siamese Twins i _ _Kaf's Deadly Work * * ®_At the end of a year a pair of rats #nd their descendants. if the progeny were unchecked, would number 1,13D ; In «{iur years they would number 11. x8 . In alx lgnat months 1,130 rate won!d spoil and consume more than 24J¥®! logres of hréad --> The Hiddenden Maids wete two i+ ter« joined like the Siamese twins, ¥'~ nere the wonder of England in thr carly part of the Twelifth century, Thor were born at Biddenden in 1100 #DJ gied in 113. * lose Wittmes, 19, Grayslake. | liomer Groszsmen, 25, Chicago. Ma«rian Rissman, 24, Chicago. Cizrence 4. Owens, 14, MUwau Margaret Doppel, 19, Milwaukee. > Anthonoy Cza)kowski, 36, Lake For-- Aucé ¥Agza CGarvick, 20, Rose Louis Poliack, 2%, Milwaukee. -- lit#ian Fortkamp, 22, Milwaukes. IJoyd F. Sickles, 23, La Grange. Haroid 1 Enals Re Louis 1. Kraus, 326, Milwaukee. €5, Wily. $0. Silent. -- _ -- . ;Todl*. ® 3. One who is skilled in punasing. 10.Word of (driving) command. 134, Dressed hide. . m 4. Plumes of feathers (agatost the . law to import.) . Rowing instrument. . . -- . Bending letterm:= ~**--_. > *« ced * --but can be brighlened by the vation of furnitore war * n se aman . Albatross' Nickname Patriot's Early Death _ || The aibatross, the largest ot sea old 1. Gale, 2%, Miwaukes. la Revymour, 22, Mitwaukee. Torture. j ts U pon. f Protected place . where ships may ride at anchor. Printed potice. Tree with tough wood. Almost a «€onkey. Ta prepare Aor publication. Cincatay in this way dries with a dull 1 o s i e e L es at Kew ,"~ Mibwaukee. onl a#tenmla 1100 | * --£-- rats geny 130 ; t 11 |r..(. Mipie. it called by mqm'm travel the\ southern weas '"Cape sheep" on account of the v#et hamber of this speci¢s seen near the Cape of Good the frst Aintlock laces, Spl@ndid ;dfiiij' Pz ©$5.98 1 12.95 with -- $7.50 :-- 22.50 . _ TOP COATs Little Boys' Top Coats in swagger siyles The ma-- Mals are Tweeds, Chaviots and Blue Serges and the es are 14 to 29. Priced . _ @r Ar $7.95 » $9.98 phuat Audbuliatal. 4 $ a 1 > C¥«@# Sotr at " 4A *%