_ MAN'S LEG BROKEN ~~ WHEN HORSES BOLT #% lKaster-- \~--. Harden: --Rouse,. --employe of --St. "--«Mary's Seminary &t Mundelein, is at %' . Memorial m'g'lul with .. a ----* leg, ~received late Saturday -- Afternoon when he' jumped from a _ Wagon as the horses ran away. . P Ijewelyn, chiet of police at| Plans bave been announced for a e .4' it last Sight and looged in ' Highwood, It will be erected es rnett last night an 880 \ hy the people ot St. James parish, We the county jail on a charke of as |heMed by Rev F. J. Magher. The t*mault and battery. Frank Walz, of|new.. church, will be located pust _ Wighwood, made the complaint, stating |8&zt Of the present residence of the ie' ts M{u&finlmfiir --I[gt~-- JHO----.. _: _ '. Whfe--of bfick ming. They met in a store owned by ,wnh all modern facilities. It may be -- Al Bellei, of Highwood, and we--. | completed by fall. The church will fi 3 Ing opinions on a jury trial in |Daye accommodations for, 50Q people ' 'police court thit had taken place in | 380 the gchoot for 260 pupfis. Build: _ «Highwood Lleweiyn ended the matter |}D% Operations wil} be started within C _With his fists, Walz charged. The |& few days. *' _% ~. Chief was released in bail before Jus--}.___._s. * o ms. > > -- tiee Hervey Coulson today and the ' $y omem« '--'--"-------"--"'I * sgase continued a week. s I | A"""\ 2s w w we "' l (RAY N. _ $MITH __.The horses became--frigh{ened at the rattle of loose planks in ~the wagon and dashed .away. Rouse, un-- mflo to 'bgwp the 'team, jimped for . . but landed 'badly, and . his #eg wak broken. -- steps forward n entrancing . --Not only in brilliant styles, but in wearing qualities and h--m: mg'w-- or new X= "ffllflueuflh'gflne XC' MAN MUST DRESS IN HARMONY WITH THIS MOMENT-- _ OUs DaAY--AND HERE ARE HIS FURNISHINGS, JUST ---- ARRIVED FROM THE BEST MAKERS, AND PRICED EXCEPTIONALLY LOW. Footwear turning to the Easter prome-- nade--and most of their feet are turning towards Ray N. Smith's for the cerrect and smartest Footwear. Most women's minds are now gorgeous new styles, fit for feet of admiration and dain-- FOR MEN Phone 14 J. B. MORSE & CO. |||| PINEAPPLE 4st For Easter ! Furnishings CHIEF IN JAIL| -- _ AT HGHWOOO0|«'«3¢= "Kuverything for Men 2C k * Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor. ---- Sunday School &t 9.30 a. m: German services, with Hoiy Com munion at 10:30 a. m. y¥ amcp FIRST "~CTHODIST EPISBCOPAL Rev. Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor~ . Sunday School at 10 a. m. Bunday..School at 10 a. m. At 11 a. m., Easter service. Sermon by the pastor. Music by the church quartet. f j esn Junior and Epworth League at 6:30. At 7:30 p. m., Church School lh'ter program, The Resurrection. with all modern facilities. It may be completed by fall. The church will bave accommodations for 50Q people and the-- gchoot for 260 puptis. Build: ing operations wil} be started within | CHURCHES | ST. JOHN'S EVANG. LUTHERAN English services in the evening at caeicuiy APRPr it ts HA.>: EKT sut;,I JX <a«.. A "Me =----==--. IPF--3% w3 . 3 |,J I\Tut IIVU W ",ullcaiu PJ;_ Uflt HOW. GU .'-~.-'1+H1~--.*" *~Thts Is One of the Policies 'of tne inA TTONAT TFA~CUO Ald Association for Lutherans meets next Wednesday evening at 8. Easter morping sunrise service of young people, followed with a break-- fast at .the church.. /. _____....-- S which 'the choir will sing" an Enaste Sunday School at 9:45 & Wells, Supt. Third Floor, First Nat'l m Third Floor, First Nat'l Biank Bldg. Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. Services: SBunday, 10:45 a. m. Bubject: Are Sin, Disease and Death Ladies'® Aid meets next week Thurs-- Mornlng worship at 11. Special mu Miss Special (¢ § APRIL 23--24--25 -- . | _ _ DECKER & NEVILLE ' MILK or tarnation ____3 for 25¢ SOAP OLIVES FIG BARS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Guy E. Smock, Pastor. NAYVY BEANS Candy--Jelly Bird Eggs i; 18¢ SALMON SARDINES PEACHES RICE SERVICE -- QUALiTY--PRICE APRIL 11 _ SATURDAY --612 MILWAUKEE AV. SATURDAY 8 A L E. We (w t Wl Is Always Found to Your Advantage in a National Tea Store AMERICAN HOME SIFTED, FAMILY .....__. FANCY BLUE ROSE 16--0Z. FANCY SPANISH GREEN. Tall AMERICAN HOME. Heavy Syrup. /4s, RED, RIPE,-- SOLID PACK. SLICED, NO. 2 TRy ....... Al! are cordially invited to these services. > « * _ Holy Eucharist at 8 &."m.-- > -- Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. m. Children's --gervice, presentation of the Lenten Offering, 3:30 p. m. ers and addresses on The Seven Last vwe Vohpt mm tmatc it 5.00 AP s on w c e "---"7.--"""'"--. sic, Sermon on The Resurrection, and ' members receired. 7 ' Bpecial service of EKaster music at "Rtt:'p.n.l'lh.ehdr. !'umh«l ¥ited._. On Friday evening at 7:30, we have| Communion .. service. _ Everyone is ; urged to come to this service. I Saturday (Easter Even.) 9 a. m. Sunday, Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. The services on Good Friday are: 9--10 a. m., Children's Service. x=-- , . --%) The "Thro® Houts: : Pray= 8T. LA WRENCE'S EPISCOPAL pO# 00 a 4 o Aqmcons t n i n n h n 9 n hn# n n n emenen 10 Bars 58c FANCY RED Gimer togigiee s +5 m > . 23¢ . APRIL 9, 1925. _ 25c -- 28c 33¢ 15¢ 28¢ 17¢ 35¢ 17¢ PORK and BEANS CATSUP SNIDER'S PICKLES OLP DUTCH CLEANSER Pure Granulated Sugar, Ib. 7¢ MUSTARD PRESERVES QUAKER OATS APRICOTS IVORY FLAKES PALMOLIVE SOAP GOLD DUST _UMBDENSTOCK-- --& STEINBERG _ LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS. P. 0. PRAIRIEVIEW, ILL., 'R:; 2 _ JL&CK.'EMII&-SHOP_---M& GARAGE-- EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANICS AND BLACKSMITHS. > REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS,; --EVERY KIND OF WOODWORK Horseshoeing a Specialty .. ' TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 657--J.2.-- WBAE _ }10.q,. BOTTHLE ---------------- ---- laPk-- snn n m on n en y IVEC NATIONAL S(raw{;cr;;' or _Special SALE 'l-s AMERICAN HOME BRAND, LARCGE No. 2/ TIN._ _ £ 4 \ ;i' is 'I' & I.'*!f":'fi . NATIONAL BRAND, 10--oz. JAR __._ PACKAGE:--..... .. 3 FOR _ 9c . CuiSBA c ||| Auuseat?*1 | or rae beee0%ss000 400 23¢ 25¢ 25¢ 27¢ 25¢ 10c 13¢ 23¢ TVESDAY and WEDNESDAY APRIL 14--15 ® Also Acsob Fable and Pathe Noews SUNDAY, APRIL 12 Also TROUBLE FIXER--a Comedy .\';mgfmo' _' -u'"";'.';mg\ _ C""'". _ Amomatt a wild horse in the foothills and rode .the raring monster to victory in a great race against the best riders of the West! A race for love, honor and a ranch' You'll be on your feet and cheering al the way through this one' -- _ With GLENN HUNTER and : BESS8IE LOVE. -- . Hobart . Bosworth' > _ Directed by Frank Litoyd BY MARY RQBERTS RINEHART SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Matinee at 2: 30 Admission 10¢ and 25¢ «... RUNNING WILD! _ [ . UDITO RIUV