T 3 wihe wiics t JPP RARU| OIL--STOVE-- H Why Sweat In a 1-- ~"Hot Kitchen? -- .W'L _h:fi::?, ahicbtie . ~nuhers . f mamsufiiie» ; +4 on the market. Fuel consumption is low------ _ and so is the price. . Poug § T wo--burner model, a beautiful, con-- ..mmifint'economi::al stpx e $22'75 Hibll::;d thte;bumle'l;h m;dell', beautifully finished, solid porcelain sp ck;a won-- > derful value at -- .. . . _;00~> $29000 Giant Oil Range There is no obligation asking information or advice 1 am always glad to be of service ~o_ Telephone 17 Co.ple;e line of Mnmwvoc ;ocket nnd-- Bu'lkfiC.;u'lveni FULL LNE OF SPORTING GOODS FRANK H. EGER _ FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Ageat Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. A wide selection from which to choose. The Hibbard is beautiful in appearance, its finish being unsurpassed by that of any gas -atov'c Wu the acme of achievement in stove . building. The beauty of its finish is unequal-- To @0 ce m -- For Your Easter --la FOR this special occasion, ve have made unusual preparations to bring to yoor table the delicacies you derrdnd. As ncusl, here are quality foodstaffs--all at moderately low prices. * California Orsnges, per doz. -- -- 30c Telmo Ripe Olives, gt. can -- -- 50c STRICTLY FRFSHvEGGS AND CENTER CUTS OF SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAM FOR EASTER BREAKFAST. EARL H. CORLETT THE HIBBARD is MOTECIION P'!=s INVESTMENT Grocery Specials! / PLUMBING _ HEATING LIBERTYVILLE, ILL TELEPHONES 339 and 340 ks 794 un .4 e 5 Th Lane ut 2 009 jcug ONLY $1.50 YEAR W uit in + oome on strike in that territory. Gilbert could ;not stand the strain, and left for his big farm near Molt, Montana, Tuesday i night. . j . _Mr. and Mrs. George De Volder of Waukegan, announce the arrival of a nine pound son, born April 8th, at the home of Mrs. DeVolder's parents, Mr. ang. Mrg. John Dryer. _ ______ . _ _ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Whitney attend-- of flowers is extepsive, and his" serv-- ed the big Moody meeting in"Wauke-- jces as a Judge are much in demand. gay Punday afte a aud ey * _ --... The election of one member of the The Misses Grace and Gladys Gron" Libertyville Township High School er, who are attending school at Au--; Board of 'Educalion will take place on rora, have been here for {he past week Saturday, April 11, 1925, af the High visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Ma-- Schooel. The polls will be opened at ria Lll. {2 p. m. and closed at 5 p. m. George "Mrs. J. A. Mason was in Waukegan on business Tuesday. . First Cbhurch of Christ, Scientist, of Waukegan, wilt give a free lecture on Christian Scienee Sunday afterrgon at 3;30 o'clock, at the Magonic Tem-- ple, Sheridan-- road. You and your friends are cordially invited. -- Mrs. T. H. Davidson of Waukegan, is here visiting her sister, Miss Mary Magom=z eincrtns fe : Mr. and Mrs: Elmer Williams and family spent the week end with rela-- tives in Chicago. -- f®m Laurel, Montana, Monday, con-- "A business meeting will be held on SBaturday afternoon, April 18, at 2:30, at the East For Lake cemetery to de cide on improvements that should be attended to this spring. All members of the cemetery association are re-- quested to be present. The Fred Herschberger, Sr., estate, consisting of an 8--room house and ten lots in Prairie View was sold last week by the heirs to George Hersch-- berger, of Lake Benton, Minn. This sale closes the estate. There were fire brothers and opne sister interested. Limberrty and "Bismarck" went in pur-- sult, ovrertaking the outlaw about a mile north of town. They were brought back and lodged in jaill All were ap-- parently under the influence of Hquor. 'They gare their names as Clarence Russell, 3901 Sheridan Road; Robert Russell, 3924 Gladys Ave.; Floyd Knapp, 1020 Byron Place. They will be arraigned as soon as they are able to talk intelligently. 'A caf containing three young men from Chicago went whizzing through the village about noon today. Motor-- cop Mancrtak remonstrated with them and jumped on the running board of the car. He was pushed off. A fast OGitibert Lwuee received a newspaper Everything in Vaughn's Seed Cat-- L 2e ¥ arccomee--Suuies ©* e t is > ~ASKAE Short Items of Especial Interest to Libertyville People Local and Personal onic TeM-- twelve years ago he moved to Mon-- ATTENTION, KODAKERS | Th and YOUF tana. He was an uncle of Mrs. Jud | Having been repeatédly requested to | i. & + * Moors and Mrs. Lulu Mattocks." finish kodak work for quick dellvery.v* newspaper !-- -- *~Pat -- _ r['_O have installed modern equipment | nday,. con-- | JohK Colé Lought a'cigar Tor one of for the purpose and are now ready to| * mast a~*~ c feF h"'m'hu friends Wednesday morning, and ideltver the highest grade work obtain-- : art ooildTm to make--an explanation of his able in--36 or 24 hours. Developing and | § . __, ______________. _ eft for his generosity' later it became known tpflnun' left before 9 a. m. ready the § -- a, Tuesday Ilhat John received one vote for con-- . following evening. Printing only or de--| The F * *" |stable at the glection Tuesday. It -o'veloplng only can be had in 24 hours. ' > . |happened that he--guessed wrong, as ?lntomflon and assistance cheertullyt 2L . --~~und ;,L-h-t,,, particular . friend id not vote.|given to amateur¢ If you wagt the o ie i cce '.& m % diva * hm W;; :--'.' wPulitie 60 cSX x4 3. ""_"' '_"'P';z;h::*"a""r-v.'.\t\fln he was w'vm fer conktable. But he didn't buy ; prounpt delvery we are at VW-'C"'lF LC T -- 1f L T0 33 Cooogy c corn rrgpn m tm Snss c. . 6 * ~4~ -- Aimes -- ae P ""'. Mr. and Mrs. William Kunke celé brated their fortieth Wedding anniver sary at their home on East Park ave., on | Bunday, with a big dinner. Among 3q, those present were Mr. and Mrs. How-- 42 |ard Drake and family, Mr.-- and Mrs. be | Albert Kunke and family, and Mr. and ars | Mrs. Ed Kunke and family, all of Des re.| Pliaines; Mr. and Mrs. William Franke, \Jr., and Mrs. William Franke, Sr., of he; Word was received here last week [r. of the death of Luther Penniman, who © passed away at the home of his neph-- ~~"**ew." Rlley Hardy, in Monfana. Mr. °! Penniman was a pioneer resident of 9B Libertyville, his home being on land ?". now oecupied by Elm Court. About O 'twelve years ago he moved to Mon-- U" tana. He was an uncle of Mrs. Jud "!Moorp and Mrs. Lulu Mattocks." [Lyons went to Detroit and drove the .new cars bome, returning 'Friday. 'JU¥eph Kohout returned home last Friday from Cleveland, Ohio, where he had been attending the spring flower show. He acted as one of the judges mat this show. Mr. Kohout's knowledge of flowers is extepsive, and his" serv-- ices as a jJudge are much in demand. ~~¥. W."Bluhm and Wilt Knigge, of Area, have purchased. brand new De-- Luxe Brougham Pages from Richard J. Lyons, the local dealer. Mr. and 2 p. m. and closed at 5 p. m. George A. Ross, of Area, is the only candidate to file a petition with the secretary. -- . THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1925. County National It Stands To Reason . That People Intelligence o Should Make For Future Getting By or Are You Getting On? Are You '"The Bauk of Burwice"' % ----Louis Della-- Valle, of Lewis are-- nue, has been appointed 'by the Mex: ican immigration committee to take the two lepers in Nortit--Chicago to Mexric6. He--servéd "warrants on the two victims ~Of (he dread malady, Zenas and Augustine Berrantus, 2022 Grove avenue, the two parents and cannot stay throughout. The services on Easter are at 8 and 11 a. m., with special music. 'The chitdren will have their sérvice at 3.30 p. m. and ice cream and cake @fterwards in the par-- ish house. Wuukegan; Mrs. Tatge, Pork Ridge; Mr. and Mrs.~Martin Herbig, Chicago; Mr. and Mre, Herman Schults, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunke and Mr of Libertyyille. Many will want to come to the serv-- ices on Good Friday at St. Lawrence's chureh...The children will have their special service at 10 o'clock. . Parents and others are asked to join-- them. From 12 to 3 there will be The Three Hours, a service of benediction and readings on The Sevan Tast Words. place your advertisement in The J _ _ __ .-- 22 2 ' Independent. ~ ' | - : YA °T0 a° younger sister, Saturday, warnin® them that they were to be moved. He will conduct them as far as the Mexican border. _ Decker & Neville SNO W'S PHONE.:.306 Open Evenings Untii N For Lake County circulation, A NICB looking girl WAS sitting in a Ford CAR the other evening OVER in front of the FINS8TAD Cafe, and the STARTER wouldn't seem BMILE!* at him and then TO W .KK; so one of the BOYS8 out front offered TO ASSIST and he smiled AT THE lndy and she . TRIED to crank the car AND he cranked and he CRANKED and after five MINUTES of hard work THEH engine started and JUST at that moment a STRANGER came out of THE Cafe got into the CAR with the lady, and THEY drovre merrily AWAY, and all our YOUNG man got out of HIS efforts was a HEREH at our store FOR only 98 cents T owels Bed Goods l W. W. Carroll & Son Co. DARUGGISTS Spring Needs Libertyville, IH. Ruffled Curtains _ Lace Curtains | Did You Know Libertyville Is On the Map! Libertyville Lumber: _ Company 604 Second Street Telephone 193--R Will He Be . _ Financially Independent _ f He is --a child now, but when ie gets along in years what will his financial standing be? . Teach him to save--start now and the thrift habit ..will grow with him. A savings account at his bank is one of the surest ways of insuring financial independ-- ~ence for your child. -- Cement and Mason Contnc'h{, | -- CEMENT BLOCKS 2. Let us open a savings acount today for your child. Only $1.00 is needed for initial deposit. m.mma _ Donbylhmqu--khhdym Many buildings going up. Good Homes make good citizens. We can help you make YOUR home better. ~-- THE PERFECT INSULATION Makes an old house new--plaster right on it. See it--try it! Look for the message of The Bankers of--llinois in !h}s week's ----Prairie Farmer. CELOTEX First National Bank -- Liberty ville, Ilinois SOLD ONLY BY Hours 8 A. M. iC "tfewekcr .Y