CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Apr 1925, p. 13

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y -- a6 SEREe C G+ btrrrifih n e flms . devincrncateaiiedsettih td ds d / stwhss 4 the ts palace, valued at $2,500,-- ¥1 m remodelied to-- accommo . Tokio,----With the continued absencé of\ the Japanese Crown Princess from « he tennis courts and golf links re is hovering over the Impotial t In snticipation of the event, Bofia, Aprit 15.--Bulgarian troops today were~in pursuit of the bandit ---- gadg, '-'-Wl'evo:yvaw'" ~Commun-- ists, who att King Borls' auto-- mobile and killed two of his party as the Builgarian rulef_.was returning ~--frgm --Orkhanie +0 #H08@Tuesday.»> wase-- mortally -- wounded, King -- Borts | _ seigzed the whee} and piloted the car down a deangerous hill. He caught up -- with a motor bus which bhad turned eand fied toward Orkhanie and when the bandits sttacked and leaped from --his exa e*r into the bus. According to o~~ report© the-- ruler was alightly w unded, a bullet just grezing his lips. 3 -- King--Boris --of ~Buigaria--Es-- capes Unhurt But Two of & Party are «Killed. The bus sped to Orkhanie and troops wers gent after the bandits. A 1 -EUon of --soldiers. armed """fu wans then _ accompanied t--A*A0 SBofa. $ k nslc oigt *4 ) James Campbell, of Munroe, lows, ° arrested in Highland Park by Chief ; of Potice Frauk Maroney, was plac-- ed in the county jail today under a | charge of grand larcemy. The war-- rant charges him with stealing §$25 from V. Moaxik, 505 Central avemnue, Mighland Park. Justice A. E. Smith lixed Campbell's bail at $2,000 when be was arraigned before him yester-- day, and senthim to the county jail In default of bonds. Jade and. its Properties. _ --PThe modern mind is scarcely abte to Sympathiza with the old arleatal atts todé toward the precious qualities of Jade, esteeming it for Its esthetic prop-- érties. In Ith evolution as an art gbject a paraillel might be drawn be tween it and the workhip of the gods of Greece ; as they falled in power and re-- appect shown them they were not wasted, but became excellent material for ».lfi__,{f"ff:lhl lster Parliamerk _ re-- opened today. ]%vu nportod%mn Barbour, who has large ".t Inter-- ests in the United Siates, was under comsideration for Minister of Com merce, ; ; 'The a«ttack --came--atmost--at --the rame time that General Kymon Ghe orgdil, leading. member of the govern-- ment party, was alain bp two young men as he left in Sofie. The assallants, believed also to be Com-- munists, escaped thprough the crowd.---- The chauoffeur of Lhe king's car and litchoff, a young officer of the Na-- tional Museum, were killed in the bandit attack. It is not believed the bandits knew they were attacking the-- king.© He showed the greatest raizing in this country, -- Of course, it would be a--number of years before this copld be brought about, but the beginning has been --made, and it is tauy to steo that the possibilities are .tbreag «~ng Pancress The organ known as sweetbread is a calf or other animal corrdésponds to the organ in the buman body known as the pancreas, which is a gland a» Hociated with the stomach that se €retes ferments which aid the process of digestion by changing, for instance, starch into sugar, and fats into fatty abeep used as food is known as sweet P Q AnCiIL m ble glety--that their mighty walls were never falsed and néver shalt be but by men who love and ald each other in their weaknes=.--Jobhn Roskin, Possibilities of the Reindeer. Many people constder 4 not at aB Improbable that some day reindeer raising in Alaska may vie with cattle per cent of the light, a dark brown perhaps 70 per cent, thée light biue 25 per cent, while the soft, delicate tints will absorb only about 2 per cent. Fure white ahsorbs only 15 per ceat of the light thrown upon it, Churehes* Gilory. Men tay their church pinnacies paint to bheaven, Why, so does every tree that buds and every birg tThat sings. Men say their aisles are good for wor»-- ship. Why, so is erery mountain glen and rough rerm shore. But this the s Green Steais Light,. Greens are the greatest thicves of light. A dark green will absorb ®5 Aow. M"v--. Rats in cold simage plants develop a retoartable growth of hair and the cats put in to destroy the-- rats get thicker and sllkier coats, it has been discovered in liverpool. The ques ag*e conditions might not be employed to advanitage for bald--headed men. Certain practizcal dimEaltie® are in tha way of cold--storage men, but it is urged that at least an artifcial fur trade might be established by sclen-- tiSe uti">--tieon -- *« disoo ery, There As -- a < certain opride: in », 'MT'W'WM' possesslon. -- Often, however, wo . ' ' f are owners ~of 'things ~of which© ( -- FRENMNG| SSz rare| / w realize that one of the greatest Nieet e cce y properties = of " Ki -- kind in the ' e . en pealp t C e We y ~N world belongs to you?t Do you _ MONEY, IS JAILED ts y TOLE "Almost every one in the state is familiar with the research work the untversity carries on in agricultare. But the foregoing facts will show Ahe changing attitude on the part of big business toward edueattonat towttho: tions and tend to prove that, aside from teaching, great universities like the Unirersity of Ilinols pey hand-- > Weman's Fast: > to one nothortty. ~a wour um»nhg'Mu an's Tiet whould be to her height in in starly. bn pohibls. coverrecth t In an editorial entitled "Cash Dirt Gends From Education," the Chicago Herald and Exraminer has * is to say ; ~"Yhere wak a time when 'Dbooklearn-- ing was viewed with --skepticism by the average business man. Times hare changed. good arrangement fot cold eir ducts provides for short feeders of large size and free from right--angle turns and ot-- stracttions. "These facts alone were considered Important enough by furnace manufac-- nnntomk.ltvo;!i while to con-- tribute money for the and equipment of the mam that was dedicated the other day. Chicago Herald and Exam-- inmer Believes Illincis Do-- ing Great W ork, "Today we And some of the biggest cvoncerns in the world not only accept-- Ing the college graduate into their or-- ganizations with erpectancy tha. be will be reluable, but also great educational Institutions to hbeip them soive some of their problems of pro-- €enes and equipped with a warm air tfurnace of suficient capacity to heat a building --of this size. 2 "This residence will be used for the purpose" ot continuing--and claborating the program of research Into warm air UNIVERSITY PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS, SAYS EDITORIAL "A abort time ago there wa ded-- eatrd xt the Untvrersity ot--frinots an educationrt research residence, funds for the erection of which were fur-- nished by the National Warm Air Heating and Ventllating associetion, an organization mede up of mencfactur-- ers of warm air furnmaces and \ventilat-- Ing equipment. This is a threestory house of ten rooms, co~ pletely fur-- nished so as exactly to reprod. e in-- pipes in the basement are to be cor-- cdlt.ntlg-ubowenm Poor insulation, in the tests already conducted by the university, proved leus effective for heating purposes than Insulation should be at least as good as can be obtained with two layers of alr--cell asbestos 'covering. "Anpother noteworthy pleca of know!}-- edge obtained was that poorly de-- signed and arranged cold air ducts may decrease the heating capacity of the plant as much as 25 per cont. A 1918 and has been carried «on jJointly slnce that time by the engineering ex-- periment station of the un'versity and the National Warm Air Heating and Ventilating association. started at the University of liinois in "Duoring these Ave years of research work some notewaorthy facts have been ~<luss at al hours of the day,; bUt they cannot see the Other eauge of its present work and past accomplishments, is one of the world's leaders. We should :?W"" V Mz ivieg M rastity Many times over the outlay the taxpayers are making in behall of thaar chief educational lnsti-- meetings . beiag uttended throughout the state by exten-- goa specialists --of the univer-- ty. Neither can they see the great things being accomplished the visitors do not always learn of the great discoveries that the university bas made in the past and some of which may be things--the .aqdminjstrative or-- ganiration and how it functions, Ot -- the-- many -- conferences and portant to the ! er and thire is no great show of going on day after day and year after year, paying large divi dends which--cannot always be measured directiy in dollars and lems on which most o# the sci-- en ns .nn s i 2t ie 1 C d en oLc n W"le '.n .E%en #6, unless they»make a particular study of the institution and i!ts simpticity of it all. . They know of its teaching, for they see the tentboysand--odd the University of 'Tilinols? _ ] Tens of thousands of citizens from all seetions of the state g0-- each year to visit the universky, * "=*e.--~ & B03 of thernt +030« }Jp ---- feel proud that we own it ! The University of lllinois, be-- You Own It! on the imoney invested ~------TABERTYVILLE -- ~Yarge Onés within a radius of ste or seven hbhundred miles, unless the large tubes are used. § Puzrzte in Profit. ' At a recent eramination the follow-- Ing question wag asked: A woman !| bougbt 60 oranges u.z rate of fitre : for two cents.. _ She them at the . rate of fire for two'ceots, and ob-- taineJ a proft, Hew did she do it! Few could answor. The soluyon was: Sbe soid 30 orunges at the rate of three for one cent, recetving 10 cents for them. She then soid the remain-- | luwnxutmmtdmtu t ove cent, Iving 15 cents for them. She therefore distursed 24 cents and recovered her 24 cenis, pius one cent prodt. A* rearvelons production of art is the portrait of PaBT V to tho Barghess palace, executed by MiFrcelio PMoven-- rale in mosalc. The face alone con-- sists of 2,000,000 pieces, many of which aré no larger tho~ ~ crain of .sand. I do not wish to be ufderstood as eondersning the traiging that helps the Tenoyson once sald, "to say that 'this mesns that,' because the thought within the lmage is much more than any one interpretation." «= Marths Beker Dunr. the type of loud speasker you. ate using. :ho of themt do not amplify the sounds from lhojm'm of emplification, whiie do. A great manry of them merely take the place of the telephones and like them, if too much velume is de livered to them, they saitle or choke up ind you must then cut down the ~Emwplifcation which prevents your loud speaker from giving much volume. If you do, not get gquite rnough volume from two stages of ampiification, the fault is more than likely in the type of lond speiker you are using. ol *# darge number of taps who butid 1w D mfiqfl most aiway nave® * their own, makt up a three mbp{ury to nrake the second stage push set and #umetimes And they do not| pull_instead of straight audio ar gct enough volume for the proper| would be done if large tubes were operation of a loud speaker and;used. There is a difference of about want to know if a stage of npush--voull| 30 per cent in the rolume of the . gct enough volume for the proper operation of a loud speaker and wapt to know if a stage of ppah--pulJ volume. 1t certainly will, but is not necessary in most 'cases, * Most writers will tell you that a It is when the small tubes are used that four of them are usually required for satislactory loud speak-- er operation. This gives you a de sage ol straight audio-- frequeney exmiplification and a stage of push-- pull amplification. The stage of push--pull requires two tubes. and two specially built asudio frequency amplifying tA nsfortmers.> -- fh*~ *&- will gire lond <naaker though it does ow a'e a loud speaker. They will on When using the smaller tubes, 1ach as 199 and 299 as well as the WHEN business takes you away over night or for a longer time, it is a com-- Tort to know that you can reach home quickly _ over Bell long distance @ lines no matter how far away you may be. f To keep the family in-- DU ts eom'hal formed of your where. of the telephone plant abouts is a sensible pre-- e """::':-' ;m caution. To talk to them costs, has worn out or PY 1098 Gistance tele. been outgrown, and phone each day while M'M rc'rl:al. 4 absent is atgoy both to Pnd arifafer | you and to then. _ This has added great« Station--to--station service ly to the average in is especially adapted to vestment per teleph@94 _ such _ calls and the rates -- are about 20 per cent @ lower than for person--to-- person calls. RfNG the L ME LZ few years much of the telephone plant in IHincis, originally erected at fre--war costs, has worn out or been outgrown, and has been replaced, at post--war prites flor material and A This has added great-- ty to the average in-- vestment ber telephone Keep in Touch . with Home ILLINO!S BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY _'__ BELL SYSTEM r and Awo ~stagéan--ot +2andio auruslove Art. STRA!IGHT AVOIO AND PUSH--PVULC WwWHERE TO US PUSH--PULL ----+f8, JNDEPENDEN'T THC t V [ XEXT ARTICLE--PotentiQ@mcier Connections, HMaa en s the fib > --Alige ~oam= * tector in a regooix;.uv'o set and two large--tubes for _ two stages of gudio frequency amplifcation, there is no reason why you should not get loud gpeaker volume on most . Atztions with 'a good loud 'speaker. why it usually requires four of the small tubes to get the volume of three of the large ones. + stralght audio and one of pash-- pull using three tubes. When the fourth your A--and B batteries has ¥een in-- creased 33 1--3 per cent and you must expect your batteries to run down just that much sooner. The more tubes you use and the higher the plate voltage, the sooner the B batteries run down and require re _I'se a rubber mat under your storage Lattery to protec; carpe:s or rugs. POINXTERS If you are exrperimenting with various 'hookups make up several leads with various length councec tiong, When your deailer states the set he will sell you will receive frow a certain --distance, ask bim to gunr-- antee it. . "Don't you consider bridge an intel« tectuat garoe?t" gatd Mis« Pepoer. "Tow Intellectoa'.". repiied 'Miss Cayenne, "After reading the books of instruc-- tion I haven't the courage to attempt IHLOV is me of them up at the American Museum of Natoral History. They are today, as a rule, only for museums. Fur East the average woman ages is much physicaty as she wou'd in fve years at bome. After she tas become acclimated her faclal deterioration is less rapid, but she never regains the youthful freshness that was hers when she first salled. Newcomers in the Orlent nearly always remark on. the many tired, drawu faces to be seen evren among the yOuyg gi"'s _ y is Despite their comparatively easy life, occidentsl women almost inpvart ably fade in China earlier then those Women Fade Quickly in the Orient. With «a --soft tube used as a--deo \ xC capistp CA K t * : w 20 ooo seb ad--iy anad L6 % *k w /~«4~ +X n botme, Eiste McCormick writes. in \ o xt es Subscribe for the Libertyville Independent-- __Wil Be Found in the -- _ -- 1% Preferred Shares of the North Shore _ Gas.Company. _ _ _ These shares are tax free to residents of the. _ state of Illinois. _ OSING all manner of articles while traveling is a favorite frailty of the L human race. -- Sometimes even the alertness of North Shore Line con-- ductots and agents does not prevent passengers from leaving parcels on the trains or in the stations. In every case, when found by an employe, they are immediately turned in to the Lost and Famd'EInrment which the North Shore Line maintains at Highwood and Mil ee. A Last year over 3,200 articles were found and held, awaiting the c}aim 9f ths owners. -- Each is tagged with a description, the finder's name, where found and when, which is entered in .duplicate in the books of the department. ~*KIT------1L--GOf---- on the N.Enh Shote !0.0. Over--might service tot shippers North Shore Merchandise Despatch ~ They may be had for $100.00 each either for cash or on a monthly saving -pla_n. _ ; _~~ Dividends are paid quarterly. _ us talk it over with you. An Ideal Investment -- [ _ Mail us the attached coupon and our rep resentative will call on you and give you the de tails. on Pir 32 sia B LA tA e mc +140 | Without obligating me please send me full details garding your 7 per cent investment. ' , COUPON Pocket books, clothing, machinery, ceries. and :nn babies. have been m ceries, and even babies, have been delivered to owners. 'There is no red tape--merely a careful idu\'dficadat,andthcsigningohm Often ap%kfionatninvillbe to the gratified. owner the same day. To make each minor travel service a major source of satis-- faction to our public is the code of the North Shore Line. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company. LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE TELEPHONE 74 _ _ <%e 4 % -- 6 & ~<e~me e te apreg: -- * ~ _ M** * l' oi i o > _ eA " B drkentirmaterui ho aberece nrg ing :4# 4

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