CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Apr 1925, p. 1

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°_ VOLUME XXXIlI--NUMBER 16 RAISES SALARY OF POOR-- MASTER, $1500 TO $3000 _ ployes of the Standard OM Filling Station at Park and Glen Rock ave nue, Waukegan, Sunday night at 11 @"clock, escaping with $100 in cash '-:1"::.]0 *~--~H. was. lfl # At. the. fl'ult Station. H cuC'Iue. one of .the ~~~ #Mttendants--at --the ~tiliing --station,----nad-- stepped outside, while his brother, W. L. McClure, was locking the safe and getting ready to close the place ~_Sor the night. The bandit stepped to ~_ MHarsold McCiure,-- pressing a revol Forces W.--L. McCiure to Open Safe and Turn Over $100 Henry FEpker of Woaukegan. the an thor o' a epotted police career with relatives rushing to his ald time after time,. pleaded gullty of drawilng a worthles« check of $500 in payment for an automohbille®old to him by John Strats when be appeared in Ciremt for an automohijle®®told to Strafte. wken bhe appear court Saturday The new . poormaster, Supervisor Bairstow, plans --putting --a clerk on the job to-- carefully check applica-- tions and it is said that' because of the increase in pay and the pro-- vigton of 'clérk hire.( cohtrary to. 3?1 old plans, will permit a more I-- cient handling of the ~office than has been possible under the old sented to prove that actua)} clefica! service performed. ~~~~~~~~ The poormaster of the township of course is the supervisor and it ts because the work of the poorma= ter has grown to such dp extent that it is a real job, that the town board has made the raise in pay. "On the matter of (clerk hire ths board was specific in making it clear that clerk hitre would be paid Strang was at hbis side when * changed his plea that had been en tared as 'not kuiliy when he appeare *-- srort #he--Airsat --day Of the.isf12%-- .: 2--Provided §$1000 (a rear CleTk hire for the poormaster, to be paid If bills are rendereq showing actuai BANDIT HOLDS UP FILLING STATION AT POINT OF GUN sesmed surpriied to fiod canocher"ut tendant inside the pilace bus quick!y year by the court and t to Chatles E_ Maam pro cer. unfder a bond of $1.0(4 ~The Waukegar town --board.--com prised of the 'town clefk, justices, supervisor, met Thursdas and did two important thimng=. namely: I1--Raised the saiary of the poor master of the town from $1500. to $3000. > . #.* ne The bunitt pocketed the cash and checks ang@ then backed out of the place. The police were notified, oe-- ing supplted with a description ot the rbbber. The fellow's face wa# practically covered by a handker chief so they could not get a look at his fealures. y * . From the nature of the robbery the police are inclined to think tha' the robber-- may have been the same one whp recently held up and--robbed the stores of Gastay Tiolniquist and Charles Schwarm on North avenue. There is a s'imilarity about the wa» all three petrated One of the checks was an Amer bean Can company check made out to Charles Gil4dinge for 34637 An other--war--erpmer --by --t;earge Bristeo}i and was for $22 Confesses to Drawino Worth-- less Check: First Mis--step Before this last ct him the court read a telling Epker that the first inf would bring t Epker Took the warning ~ wit"*3dut comment--and turned at the corc'te stor of it and deit the courtroom His grandfather. who se often has helped him. was not in eourt penitentiary w covered both of them with his gun He then ordered W. L-- McClure to open the safe if he valued --his life. Under the cireumstances there was nothing to de but comply. H. EPKER PLEADS GUILTY; PAROLED. A YEAR BY COURT in Cash and Checks. Will: Lead to Prison was placed robberies have been per actior LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT m m 6 t} rourt and _ he nediately. The MC--reward. -- timrnéd ove parole _ c e --wermime t e / w oert m ,mi nreanch .'.*---!-."n"--'-.--'w'l-vn about ff Mr-- and Mrs. Olive Wilton 'aud «on visited their parents,. Mr. and Mr® P A Wilton, receéntly. Mrs. Sidney Dibble, Mre: Harry Stratton and son and Mrs. Willicm Sheehar were in Waukegan® Wedre=-- day. Mrs. Stratton remamined at the akeée County General hospital Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr drove 4o and. sgpent Sunday with their son, Edgar Kerr, and family. * ~~Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thayer and son leonmard .surprised Mr. Thayer's par-- ents Wednesday, . it béing father's' birthday. They brought a big cake with candles and other refreshments, a very pleasant time w¢ + eajoyed. CHARLES G. MORRILL DIES _ AT HIS HOME IN FOX LAKE SPELLING IS A BUGABOO OVER URITED STATES, SAYS SIMPSON Highland nm'm- morning to make| 1 o'clock with the Rev. Samuel Willis the arrest, an mwiwmrmbnu them. in Hickory cemaetery. . -------- Mrs. J. J. Brennan spent several days in Chicago recentliy vismiting relatives and friends Mr and Mre: John M Philitppt »~4 deu_hters. Eileen and Veneta, aqrmd Mre.--C W. Talbott were Kenosha ani Waukerzarn visfiors Sunday . Mr. and, Mrs. John Shimberge _ of Waukegan, Mr and Mrs. George Feck Mr. and Mre FPaul Avery and chil-- dren were Grayslake callers Supday John Walker visited his paren's HIGHLAND PARK MAN SAYS . ANOTHER INSULTED WIFE .__Mike Duzan today obtained a war-- rant against James Rafferty, of Highland Park, after making a com-- plaint to States Attorney A. V. Smith to the effect. that Rafterty had in@ulted Mre. Daogan. The war Coulson.. -- Deputies were sent to|! Highland Park this morning to make | tained a full house Raster, over twenty guests being present -- All their chil dren and their familites were. present Edward lLeonard, of Lake Forest co} lege, was here Saturday and Sunday, E. J. Lehmann and family were at their home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Dix are home. after spending several weeks at West Baden, Indiana. by three sons,. Arthur and Guy --of Fok Lake. and Ray of Round Lake. He was laid to reat at -- Libertyville cemetery on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. beside his daughter, Arlette, who died ten years ago, and his wife, Mary Marvin, who died four years ago. present. The church was bandsomely decorated with palms, Easter liles and other beautifiul spring flowers. Er-- hest Lehmann supplied the flowers. .Mr. and: Mrs, William Sheehan at: them, but because they barr a «en o€rapher who knows tHeir voceabu tary and ran «jel} all of their words "I~n Springfield a short time &@o the bustnes» imen throumh the c«y "«préessed the opinipn that the youne *ere of "today couldw't apeli.~ Ome of the members of the. Rotary club prepared a grade school spellink 1+' "At a school exhibit downs«tate on« of the larer schools in a nearby ccommunity had prepared a beantifu' dning room table. For fear that the speciators would not be certain ju=* what it was they had painted a big@ card adorming it wilh A ®i® spelled word. "Dinning." he contin ued. Charles C. Morrill died at his home in Fox Lake, Thursday April 9th, aft-- er an fline«s of over a year. He was a (Civil.War veteran and a lHifelong reaident of Ilake Co. He in survived .--The Easter sermons at the M. E. church were particularly good. . Tw new members were tagen into the church, Mabel Pearl Kellef and June Marjory Poliock, being baptized. Then the other new members of their ages stood in line with them and they all recelved the hand of good fellowship from their pastor, Rev. William L. Manuy.> The infant son of Mr. and Mre. Louis Roshinska _ was also bap-- tized. The Easter sermon -- ol KHey: NEWS OF LAKE VILLA TOLD IN A FEW SHQRT SENTENCES Ub aid Mc ons Kevaard Snicly tained a full house Raster, over twenty im y ols comccndin over the week end NS PC T C DK en dc i by «pprectated --by~att cause they dicta they barr a «ie them> than if Hervery 7 € LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, -- APRIL 16, 1925 .ThKe mother oft. the child, Mre. Martha Kosteor of 312320 Gabriel ave-- nue, is demanded ton produce the child *«' rourt for hearip® April 18 before 'Judee P. L Parsons. all now dead excep:t Mrs. Bittler. who Onme »rother. Mfke Devine of Pertor SUSANNA WEBB, OLD RESIDENT OF COUNTY, TAKEN BY DEATH The funeral services were held 'at the home last Sataurday afterncoon, at Susanna Webb, 72, died Wednesday, April 8, at her hore, 60% Center St., Waukegan, after being in il! health for some time. She was the wife of James Webb. PROBATE COURT ; --ACTIVE MONDAY WITH 14 CASES DELINQUENCT IS CHARGED IN IN CASE OF YOUNCG ZION GIRL The deceased was born at Hickory, near Antioch, Not. 2, 1852 and had lived in that vicinity for many years, coming to Waukegan about 1"° years «@®o to make her home. She is well known in the Hickory neighborhood and in this locality. |_ _ . 000 . *'Hesldet the htsband,-- Pwo brothars and two sisters, she leaves one daugh-- ter and thraog sons, Mrs. Minnic Say-- age. and Claresce, Earl and Roy WeWs. ¥ the other ap eUtioin was illed )n the connty ceaurt Manday by Etatra Attorney KA OYV. Smith. demanding@ r22? Soueh Uttea street, Waukegan She had been i!l for three years Mrs Pike was horn in Munto. Ire church Father Mesacher cofficiate« Burial was« in Oakwood cemetery MRS. PIKE, 85, DIES AT HOME | OF DAUGHTER IN WAUKEGAN: Sore: tie Dore Hanson, et al mipors, resi-- dents --of North --Dakota -- Decree for o'd and for 63 years a resident c Waukeran. digd@ shortly after noon Sunday at the bome of her only sur viving daughter. Mrs A C. Bittler (harles A. Suttie. iZon. Inventory and appraisemeent biM approved. Ad-- ministrator authorizes to pay taxes. rreat zrandchild The funeral was held at 9 o'clock Wednesdar morning@ at St Insep'i's Plorence M. Perry, Waukegan. In-- ventory and 'zppratsement hbill ap proved. L Charlotte Yankawskas. Waukegan Decree for sale of real estate entered Lot in Washburn Springes Sub. Ir Estate Marcella Shimilinas, )iot:# Chicago. Proceedings: Adminis'rat authorized to compromise _ claim aguins't> E. J. &,E. Ry. for death of Necedent ftor $1000. m 4% -- Framk DeWondv, Waukegan. 'Ad ministratrix authorized to pay taxes. Annle Mines. Waukegan. Proof o( He'rahip teken. . Fredericka Tasche. Barrineton Fin-- al report approved. Estate closed. _ Grace K. Wilkon, Town of Benton Supplemental prooft of heirahip taken. Feurvy Busenberrv. in#«=ne Conser-- Joseph Cankar. Waukegan. Deeree for sale of real estate entered. Tract in Town of Waukegan. vator authorized to Laurence O'Neill HWoerland Park In: Charfés A. Suttie Appraise-- ment Bill Is Approved; Tas-- -- che Estate Closed. -- Account approved ewiillkes 0h lt maplie x 4 gges'iAn of (he NTATA. i Th arratened +Friday befotr« seph Mishop. of Zien. M en n y leaves e Hantbra Des i.- ;._ 4..-(.:_.--:1: e " iz yE 'n."(:""x;."&" ~a* J _ Serar Y ~ 2l o. neares . decoit mm fase 5 -- kA x« + A a',L_,,fi,u « » rempnine on Serremenremomm ie " :4 £1 TZZe--N2% 4. ", Wt on uoc s m 2 jn_gmd at the Postoffice }' Libertyville, Illinois, @s~Secoss tss Mail Matter----»«-- --~------ ch aratn«=t them cronstst=t nf nath il, _et al. _ Minors Inventory approved. minor pay taxes®s M-- Iren & 8 16 SUPT. OF PRISONS GREEN AT HOME FOR SHORT VISIT chased 54 acres ofh the east side . of Milwaukee avenue, known as the F. Cater place, between the avenue and the river. H:'Jphu to start work at on one.of the finest comrntry es tates in this part of the country. He will erect a large house there this 'mmmer. SelDbers & Petersen were the brokers in all} the above deals. ANTIOCH WINS COUNTY TITLE OF OLDER BOYS In a free -- throwing contest also held Saturday, Waukegan rang up 14% baskets, playing in quarters. Den-- zie Amold.'Chnrlio White and Ken-- neth Mason,. --all of Waukegan. threw 25 each. Francis ~Foley won ~with 31. Clifford Foster 'threw 20 antg Alvin Goldsmith 21. state prison pending appoiniment of a new man. He was superintendent of prisons of the state and went to Menard temporarily on request of the governor. Mr. and Mrs. Green drove through and will start back tomor-- The free--throwing contest of the junior division was scheduled to open at 4 p'clock this afternoon. Thir teen teams are entered. ._ Mr.: Oliver, of Chicago," who some 'i.vneh ago bought the --J. 8. Gridley vacant lot just south of the Independ-- ent office, is making plans for a three story :millding. The lower floors will be for stores, with offices on the see-- x&. and the--third floor witt --conta«in ts. This lot has a frontaze of Bl.nfr Green and wife arrived Sas- urday 'from Menard,. I!1 . where Mr, Green is acting «uperintendent of the trow. He likes the change which has placed him in cme of the prison but doesn't know long he will be kept there. < "za SEVERAL REALTY CHANGES i--h the, jJob _ Definite anns of intentions .may be with the--last week a« #s n'ten For Zich, Eugene Huyck seoed high with 31. _ Nickson of Antioch It is' said a tine golf course wul be :10 Fred H. Smith this week sold the property at 222 W. Lincoin, owned by Bartiett & Fitzigibbons, to Forrest Hoimgren, of La&ke Villa. The house is occupted at present by Max Schroe-- der, and Mr. Holmgren will move here as soon as the Schroedrr fxmily can Thkefe have begn several men sug gested thuse far for the position. ameng them . being Ira HpolW@r:oge. Waukegan;. Ray Paddoek. Waueanda: and Thomas Matrphvy, Shields. a> thouzh these men have . rot given about fifty feet. C. P. Stewart of Evanston bought the George Lawrence farm, north of the village, at a roported. considera-- tion of $1,000 per acre. It is planned find other The real estate market in Liberty-- ville continues to be quite active, and hardly a week goes by without sey-- eral changes. * Last week Bert Finstad sold his property on Milwaukee ave., gcross from Lake street; with a frontage of 654 feet, to Gust-- Somolis, of Chicago, for $13,500.-- Mr. Finstad bought this preperty a year or two ago, and has made a handsome profit. The --buyer »ren made for the call.--with « Clork Lew -- Hendee It is p 'hat there may be «ome chang the above mentioned date. st board is pretfy well agreed th's as the proper time». MAY ORGANIZE ROARD APR, 20; _ . WANT CHAIRM A N Several _ Supervisors Have \8een Mentioned for Post, __None Announced as Yot. a t nt gton im« DURING PAST TWO WEEKS n whu by Antioch cto® innual Take County . remce at the Wauke nt session April 20 cation that n e# & t <ouP Yss »luifer 4. IYv}®Or n ot the bizre«st functions of Fred Kirachner,. of Bar o -- served _a* chairman t forced him from othe 0t be 'n a position to activities During the .0 H. C: W. Mevrer. of hA ty's Big Weekly nay go into their re--oftganizing < the C. Bo petition has call with Countyv _ It is possible r'omé change from "namer tem nora y wonld cher-- announcements egan () mottmnet t whete o case it the i pon intil 1A 1 ely The warrants {for the deportation of the--entira --family --back --ta-- Mexicao have already been made out and ap proved by the government vyet it is stated that it may be another month before the people are deported. It wae explained that the railroad company has been notified and that they will set the date for the removal of the family. The government <re-- quires that the railroad build a #pe-- clal c .mpartmm in the end of a bag-- gage car, put t onur&umlly in the rompartment and keep\them sealed 'tn tha compartment untit they are un loaded at their destination. It is sald it will take the raliroad some time to prepare the car. "When they started the argument; I told them they would be s#surprised it some of the jurors were hauled up before the grand jury for letting this man gro. "I was goin@g out when Waish shot _ another remark at me I came back and pulled him outside and hit h'im one." PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF LEPER _ roaNs FOP THE PAST WEEK amail pov ana many elnpft enrabie (di<-- rasetogrecrimsety --ooqnarantined--ot'e are impossible. A request will be made to the. antQoritiee at Great Lakes 16 have a gnvernment guard e« tablished atthe home at 2022 Grove avenve--to ape that no one entéers or leaves the house. DEATH TAKES MAN -- SHOT BY POLICE _' LN NORTH CHICAGO him. Stolarik dropped and was tak-- en to the bospital, where he died on Tueaday morning. Tuesday morning from a bullet hole in his abdomen. He was shot by eitser HIGCHWOOD MARSHAL GETS ° $500 FINE FOR STRIKINC MAN Wa'sh displayed.a cut lip. but the| called to the house for the express officer dAsclared he struck him purpose --df emdangering him.© _ the chest,, remarking Abat Walsh| (lyde is charged with an assauit might have received the--eut by fAl--| with I--WekrtF W Bg o k lle: oo +se) ing against an gutomobile. intent --~ta"#S bodily harm ' man |# to pat him what you owe him. ty Fhan e h 5 ° The police had received a cali that a man was breaking in to the store and the woman who made the arrested and taken to Tenth street where the police car was parked. City Marshal Frank Lewellyn, I'@Kwood, wl admitted that hs only excuse for striking Frank Waish was that hbe was "mad", Friday drew a (ine of $100 from Justice Coulson for assault and battery, and in d¢e fault of payment walked complac-- ently over to the gounty jail He sald he expected to arrange to pay the fine Liewellyn was elected con-- stable last Week. -- "The gang down there had it in for me because 1 was tryingx to en-- fore the probibition law," he deciar-- "I walked into ap ice cream ; lor, and Walash started an ark i ment with me about a man i had arrésted on a liquor charge. Pavale by name The case was tried be fore Justice Winter, and the jury the Schuman frait store at 134 Tenth street, Nortk Chicaog, at 1:30 Sun-- day morning.: % -- Just as the officers were about to hand him in to the patrol, the man broke away and--ran. They called to him to halt, then fired into the air and when be still failed to ~hailt. both Carroll and Ebler firéd once at Stolarik was a single man, living at a rooming house and appa&rently be has no relatives living in Wau-- kegan. He has many friends, bhow-- ever. and it is expected that they will make a fight to hold the police-- of two North Chicago patroimen, Fred Ebler or EdA Carroll afte: Stolarik had made a break for free-- dom following his arrest as he was men Anthony Stolarik Suceumbs to Police Bullet 'at 8:10 this ~_ Morning. Chief of Police Tiffany has warned Kem time and time acain. but they ontinve to gn at Hherty and as the ity has no place to put them, arrests re impossible. A request will be matota t~ an advanaed «t+=e,. are per--} red some months North Cb Anthony Stolarik, 35, of 838 Lin PATIENTS BEING ON STREET Seems Like Good Iea ler be M ¥+ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -- SUN s warned «pot cuby STAR BOARDER IN JAIL WITH THE WIFE OF HIS FRIEND A clandestined romance,. ending in a Rondout boxcar,--came to light Fri-- day when Deputies Harry Ahistrom and en Neely deposited Mrs. Marte Godney, 20, and Frank Masnus, 35, in the county jail on charges of a serious nature. Both are residents of Gary, Ind. They had been trailed to Rondout by Godney, according to deputies, and the station agent in that village turned steuth and located the pair in sheriff about his discovery. The couple left Gary a few days ago, according to deputies, and Mas-- tus, the star boarder in the Godney boardifig house, was suspécted of knowing the whereabouts of the wife. The 8odnn had been married for ve years, it is said, the woman be-- :L.m a bride at the ago of 15 years, 334 lor the w Number Number Nuinbe; gages 66. John Clyde. the North Chicago ne--| kro charged with having made nni attempt fo kill Chief of Police Frank | TifMfany in a Kristian avenue )olnt' last Saturday night. is haeld in $5.000 and his case was set wor Wednes day night at 7:30 o'clock when he was haled before Justice John Nel-- son in North Chicago's police court candidate and ! thank them for the late yesterday afternoon. < tozraphed and bis finger prints were taken. _ He was then taken back to the North Chicago city jail where he is being held in defauit of bonds. Chtef 'of Police Tiffany is still in: vestigating. the <angle to the affair that the shootimg was a direct at-- tempt to take his life and he is working on the theory that be was called to the house for the express Asst. Sec. Security Title & Trust Co. Business of the Recorder's Office for the week ending April 11. 1925. Number ef conveyances filed 206. Number of chattel mortgages 122. Nuimber of trust deeds and mort-- GRICE DENIES THAT HE WAS ~~A CANDIDATE AT ANTIOCH shows how much T was Interested * The votes cast for me--apparently did not want to vote for the other courtesy. > * @, The totals of last week's town etec-- tion at Antioch showed 28 votes cast for L B. Grice although his name diil not--appear on the bailot. . A tota} of 227 sotes were cast for B.--F. Naber, the incumbert. Mr. Grice, in a com-- munication -- to this paper, says «he wishes !n m»ake it plain that he was not a--candidate; made no campaign, and did not know that a number of his friends had written in his name until after nodn of election. _ -- _ I assure the voters of one thing-- that if I wish to run for the office again I will announce myself in the ardinary way, get my name on the ~--_.. _p8¥y my . own ~ campaign ez and Michigah, as they lfldfmm? ago. and I also want to say that if from Chicago, Milwaukee, Fox L&ke The public remembers four years ago. There were 1015 votes cast, in-- stead of 255. Where did they get them* All over the world. I understand they burned up the ground with mhany autos getting the vote in. They must have had a bad dream. ¥ -- CLYDE HELD ON $5,000 BONDS IN SHOOTING FRACAS I was fairlyr beaten at the primaries I would not lower myself to come back on the stump. -- Man Charged With Attempt to Kill Chief of Police Held _ Until Wednesday. Total amount of Total number of REPORTED AS MUCH HICHER yde was taken to Waukegan ilast Y Nixtiatier ts +) .3 BY A. K. BOWES Adltimcm S adines «ht c 1 . ~ Tbtiprmone-- instruments filed loans. $263.925 L. B. GRICE, Antiochk, 1!1 | NDel Weale, the third member, was | high for --constable ib Waukegan. He | has been a deputy for several years. | Frank Valen:a. omm the county cog | force last year, was the only member | to be defeated in the constable race. He lost in Foxr lake to Johnson and 'JM*RW. the. preszent. village ar»-- SUMMER CAMP FOR HICH . SCHOOL BOYS AT SHERIDAN Camp Roosevelt, for six yests tWW summer training ground of z school cadets from all over the dle west, is to be moved from its pres --nt-- locatian at Rolling-- Prairie; Th6.; to--a--eection--ot --the military--resetem tion at Fort Sheridan, according te Maj. F. Beals, supervisor of mfi tary training in the Chicago Web schools. The course, which will include is addition to military maneuvers, horse manahip. scouteraft, «wimming. Arst aid, athletics and nature study, i# open to all high school stadents and will be run in connection with the ular high school summer school la emic cours®. Al}activities will be d hamiin wiil not be in a position to ride with the county forees this saummer but Burnett. Ambrose Beas--. din and Valenta 100k to the road --40Me6 time ago to give apeeders a few wofe ries. trained\ assiztants \in mititary tacties and physical education. The Red Crosé and the Y.M.CA. will join the Chieago board of -- education in a .dink nmn':.uum of their on Izations to cam p. ~o. 9 o onl % will be--#-- senjor and a junilor eamp. They open June tivad gaotil Aug. 16.« ; Three deputy sherifts are now com stables, two of them being from the old county highway force that gave the motorists ~thrills --througir=--_the~ coun »AHHBDTHOT . ........----. theg k 'Mm ¥as "tloctsd" tom"" stable at LakeY¥illa, where.he i=--now -- serying as chief ot police. while Thaos. -- BRurnett #as celevated to tonstable in his home town of Antioch He h: serving as a deputy and took the $ recently. on. his. motorcycle . for _the _ sheriff "Aptakisic -- Thursday -- morning-- on * stock--buying tour. They found it-- im possible to return home h'm night so Andersen tried ~to his wife on the telephone from Mz rengo to apprise her of the fact. He could not locate her, however. He returned bhome Friday morning at 11 o'clock and found the house locked. Thinking that perhaps his wife was away he gained entrance through a basement window. __On the floor 6f the bedroom, hud-- dled in a corner, he found the dead body of his wife, fully clothed. There was an odor of chloroftorm in the room. Around ber mouth Mrs, Ander sen had wrapped a chloroform--soak-- lt-d towel. About this she had wrapp [en a rubber apron to keep the dead fumes from escaping. s sstock-- buyer .at--Aptakisic, committed-- ... suicide~= --by--inhating --echioro{lorm;,=--R€=---->-- cording to the-- verdict of the coro / ner's jury late Friday A{fternoon.~HePr-- > band wher he returned . home Frt+ day morning at 11 o'clock.. & On the, dresser was found a note. Mdlu. --Andersen, --angd --ad« dressed to her mother, in which she announced that she planned to take bher own life. She blamed ber bus band for her act, saying ~that hbis drinking habits were more than she could stand. and that she ~feared «* un with it any Jonger --Im» the~*---- Weale, Burnett and Hamilin Earn Berths While Valenta: Loses in Fox Lake. TAKES OWN LIFE:; _ belongings. -- Mrs. John Anderson of Aptak-- isic Wraps _ Chloroform _ soaked Towel About Head. THREE DEPUTIES ---- _ CONSTABLES OUT OF THE FLECTION _ Andertsen rushed to the home of & reighbor and summoned a physician. It was found that life had been ex-- tinct some time. The death of Mrs. Andersen bas caused profound sorrow among ber wide circle of friefds. She possessed many _ sterling . qualities and -- made friends wherever she wenkl. BLAMES HUSBAND'S DRINKING AS CAUSE Mrs. John Andersen, 35, wife Of & $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE s¥ w 9 i *3 c'

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