_ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ To q m Hp Digig * * Age MA cerer o Hge s gpoali ki y a lt * o * e eroae e is ) * 6A * n ~ wae" searie us €0K, HKoy ODume»--,,,-- o. * * hn snn ME s ut it e C ho. 'fi.'i *' Harris, Wauconda?' 4A sister, ~SBarab j Jane : Harrig,.. Wauconda; and a ._ * grandson, Arthur Shomw@y, son -- of ; _' place your advertisement in The ho d y > C CGee _ LUJVED LONG LIVES _ Mrs. Laura Shumway Follows . Ctosely Upon the Death of Her Sister, Leaty Harris. TOGETHER, DEATH OF ONE ENDS THE OTHER at the age of 12. in 1882 she mar red Franklin Shbhumway, and the couple moved-- to Waukegan. Mr. Shumway <'died in 1891, 'and since 'then hbis witow made~ ber-- Dbome Bervices were held at 2 o'Clock Monday afternoon in the cemetery at Wauconda, where other members of the family are buried. -- Roy Sbhumway. . LIVED TOGETHER ALWAYS l The passing of Mre. Shuntu| within a few days of the death of| ber sister recalls to the minds of those who have known the family the unusual life of affection which these two aged women hbhad #speDt. The sister, Miss Leafy Harris. died at the age of #%4 years, and Mri. Bhumway at the age 0f 80. Despite | their advanced age these two old | ladies bhad lived togethber practtcaily | all of their lives, bhad known eachn' others rmxu\we-m.. their peée | cullarities,. @lC., bhad furnished an example to Waukegan people o!' the sisterly affection that can ex'st between members --of a {family. 5 | It is rather striking also to note that these two womes bad always doBe their own housework even up to the very time they were tak en sick. Miss Leafy dying merely from old age. and ber--sister, Mrs. Shum-- way being taken sick one week to the day following the burial ot her sister. While pneumonia was given as the cause of Mras Sbumway's death, the fact is that following the sickness and Geath of her sister, it was Boted that ber own health was being a!-- fected, no doubt dse--to. the fact that she bad been bereaved of one who hbad lived with ber so long WELL KNOWN FAMILY Mrs. Shumway was a second wile of ber busband. ©Mr. Sshumway was a plomeer resident of Waukegan and was the father of Mre. Alec Hunter of Julian street, and ol the wmlt KEmma Shumway. The son, . Hoy Shumway,. came from the umion o! Miss Harris and Sbumway. The Sbhomway bome since the sec-- ond marriage hbad always been on West Washington street, just . west Of West street. It was the Sbum-- ago Knd the hbouse was moved io the west gide. Thereupon Mre. Shumway moved out upon Bouth Jackson street and hber sister of course went with her. Mr. Shumway died about seven years after hbis marriage to Mis® Harris.< The Harris sisters before Miss Laufa's marrlage to Shumway, had been associated for many years with Mrs. Rowland, who conducted the old Sherman house on UGenesee and * Lake streets, Waukegan. . A WOMAN OF WEALTH Following the death of Mr. Sbum-- way, hbis widow inherited a greatér part of his estate --which was sald to be one of the large ones of Wau kegan. ~In fact, for years, the pub lication of the taxlist in this county whowed that Mrs. Shumway, the widow, paid among the highest per-- sonal taxes in Waukegan. Sbe was listed along side of..the Bteeles and the Prices, in the matter of per-- every respect that there wasn't a spool of thread or anything in per-- soual effects which sahe did not in-- clude in ber personal property sched-- ule. And that is what brought it up so high. * It was rather strange to note that Mra CShomway was taken sick or-- part of his to be one 0 kegan. in lication of | whowed ths widow, paid sonal taxes listed along the Prices, sonal taxes to other families in the city, their explanation being that this old lady was sA éinesats ~and «n honest in _ Neighbors bhad been heard to #ay bhowever, that ber tax did not indi+-- cate ber actual wealth as compared borké Wwhich was taken in by en years his semior, and hbad then broken away from ber, Mrs May Thorpe of Libertyville, Saturday filed a petition in the cireulit court d rected against Florence Thoma*, the wile, asking that the marriage be | annuled. » arated soon after that. John used all the words be bas ab The woman was # years oid then.tsorbed in soiving crose word puzsales and ber son 18. to convince that deputy he was an Young Thomas has returned to bt#@{officer of the law. a peaceful citizen mother, according -- to Mr. Weich. and that he was seining with permis while be believes that Mras. Thomas sion of the owner of the ereek. Tony the defendant, is still in California \had nothing to say. John was talking The case is one of the most un |overtime. ueusal to be filed in some time. The warden started with the two aenatstieediess oo uesntc in the general direction of the nearest m Am ." boosgo®w, when he finally yielded to DiS SUDDENLY in aml"" kuowed the" is retire bome and allowed the mto return bome en |Tony and John did not go fishing this William Schaufe) of Waukegan ba* morning. MOTHER SEEKS TO BREAK SONS MARRIAGE HERE Thomas was born Oct. 5, 1905, a short time after bis motber nad obtained a divrorce,; the bill shows. * The petition was filed by Attorney James G. Weich. and GRANT TOWNSHIP MAN MAY ASK RECOUNT OF BALLOTS 168 "Afngeéles in June 1924, and sep arated soon after that. The woman was 2# years old then. Mrs. Mary Thorpe, Libertyvile Files Bill Today Asking for mother, according -- to Mr. _ Weilch, while be believes that Mra. Thomas the defendant, is still in California. William Schaufel of Waukegan bas received word of the desth of his sister» Mrs. Lillian Schaufe!l Clear-- water, at Chicago. Bhe was 30 years old. According to whe word received Mres. Clearwater dropped Gead dur| Ing an attack 6f beart trouble. The deceased was a daughter of the hu-x Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaufel of Ke | nosba, and lived in that city berself , until nine years ago when she moved | to Chicago. Fred Schaufel of Ant+ . och alto is a brother. | count, and may file this probable ac tion in the circulit court Monday, ac cording to Attorney James G. Welich, b's attorney, who states that thete may be "general=allegations'" besides the petition for the straight recount. He is referting to the old Pearce-- Husey controversy in Waukegan as a gulde. s Henry Tonyan, deetated by 13 votes for the office of highway commission-- er in Grant township by Felix O'Boyle Ix. John M; Palmer reported to the police lsst night that his coupe which he had left standing in (Genesee street near Madizon street, had been n::u'--ttb;hm m;': n clock. & _qgm_mmnu'nr;zno.m Charging that her son, Steriing {L*'" eR '/";)f > e _ m ommc y s un _ 4 _2 wl eit en e e C .. seo.ato es on Bov! w Look AT Te RocKs, * o' \wflmS?Aowre ges S WA¥ -- ExPecp, TaH t SPADE PA Te mission, so whep 'ginrdn bap-- | O'Connmor, W. DUfd pened along that h} Boted John | Paddock,. Woenda. and Tony busy getting wet, he decided? Potter,. Waukegan. to investigate. 'Schufor. H. Pk Jobhn used all the words be bas ab--| Stratton, W. J, Gt sorbed in solving crose word puz:ales | Stratton C H. LkV to convince that deputy he was an | Vercoe, H. PE officer otf the law. a peaceful citizen| Wilcox, Lbtville. and that he was seining with permis Ray Paddock of CGAME WARDEN PUTS FEAR IN HEARTS OF TWO FISHERS John Lester, special policeman o : the village of Libertyvilie, proprietor | of Lesters Novelty Store, borseshoe , pitcher extrabrdinary, and other high class pursults, among which he aspires | to champion fisberman. in company | with Tony Abadessa. the gentleman who presides over the repair depart-- ment in Ray N. Smith's shoe .um,i could stand the strain no longer and | Wednesday decided to get bait, | They procured the necessary imple-- ; ments in the elnes, buckets, etc., and MQ'F Bil} Peterson farm north of t . _ Bill very oblig-- ingly gave them permission to seine in the creek that runs through his farm. But be forgot the necessary matter of giving the boys written per-- mission, so whep a game warden bap ' This is a upraof two LibertyvilHie | cHtizens who still have the rights of free men, although it seemed Wednes | day as if they would be on the insi®.; that could not be taken care of by Jim Mre. lLeo Drury has resigned as the agent of the North Shore Line in Lib ertyville, and will move from the flat above the station to the Whitney home at 125 Church s#treet next week. Mr. and Mrs. Joahn Whitney, who have been occupying part of the station flat, will also move to the Church street house. It has not been decided who will take charge of the station here. It is reported that libertyville will be NEW NORTH SHORE AGENT _ FOR LIBERTYVILLE STATION the business of the LAbertyville Lake REPORT TWO BIG REAL _ _ ESTATE DEALS IN COUNTY Nettie Kidder, Fremont township, has sold her property in that town-- ship to Leonard Larson, according to an instrumeft recorded in the county recorder's office today Stamps ndicated the sale pride at $38,500 Cora Perking Letts, lake Forest, "Springtime Madness.'"' y Kirschner was the only absentee at the organization session. George Bairstow moved that the chairman be named through infor4 mal ballot. McCullough, Austin and Maether took the bailot and the report of the vote followed. The county hbospita)l report, from the committee beaded by Paddock, stated $25,000 had passed into coun-- ty tunds from (this source If was accepted unanimously on roll calil. A new list of names to replenish the jury bor was presented by the committee. s PADDOCK NAMED CHAIRMAN OF _ COUNTY BOARD PERSONNEL OF NEW COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVIEORS Holdovers New or Re--slected Austin, Zion. *Bairstow, Wkgn. Burke, Waukecan. Brown, Avon. -- Holderidge, Wkgn. Bletch, Hith Px. Kelly, Shields. *Cory, Waukgn. Kirchner, Cuba _ *Dronmen, Zion. Picke, Ela. Dilger, Waukegan ?'k' Wlu}onn. Harbaver, Hi. Pk. aether, Vernon. s Murphy, Wkgn. Hoban, Waukegan. IcCNlon'l. "'n Hutton, Wm (WConmnor, w. pra Martin. Newport Paddock. Wenda. Meyer, Fremont. > H. C. W. Meyer of Area, was elected temporary chairman as the meeting was called to order. The roll call followed. Meyer had been the femporary chairman during the illnest of Fred Kirschner, ~Barring The petition of the Lake County League of Women Voters, asking that a female deputy be added to the sher-- ifft's force, was referred to the finance committee and to Sherif! Ahlstrom. They were given the power to act in the matter as they see t. Wilcox, Lbtville. *New members. Ray Paddock of Amuconda Monday was named chairman of the board of supervisors over lra Holdridge, of Waukegan. The vote was: Paddock 22, Holdridge 10, and Emil Ficke, Lake Zurich. 1. . Organization of Supervisors Complete; Lieber Appoint-- The ballot, informal, was made permanent after announcement. ment Up. Dilger, Waukegan Harbaver, Hi. Pk. Hoban, Waukegan. Hutton, Wken. Martin, Newport. Meyer, Fremont. : Mawman, Shields Obee, High Pk. | APPROVE WILL OF / RUSSELE LORD, IS OA HUGE ESTATE W n»!*hn Judge Mar '% C ker, in the probate court Monday. The will, giving all the the wife, was approved. The sessiogn, one of the heaviest in some time, included the follow-- Tuckers Get--Claim in Grace E. Edmunds Estate; Probate . ~ severest damage was done this morning at 5:50 o'clock wlen a boit of lightning set fire to the Wayvell Grace E. Edmuonds, Waukegian-- ship. issued 'to. Maud Rhode, mother. Claim ef E. K. Tucker allowed Tfor The estate of Russell Lord, Lake Forest, with personal property of 'Alerander OdeKt, Towrn of War-- ren--Inventory approved. Fimal re port approved. Estate closed. Patrick J. Drury, North Chicago-- Final report approveéd. Distribution ordered. Lillian Anderson, minos--Second re port and account approved. L Thomas E. Lamb, Incompetent -- Town of Deerflield--Second -- account and report approved. Petition for leave to invest funds and to expend fonds for care of ward filed and STICKUP NEAR LAKE FOREST * IS BEINC INVESTICATED the Hudson and robbed. -- Lake Forest police also heard of a stick--up, the report coming to them that residents of that vicinity had lletnl women scream for help. It was impossible to get any trdce in the matter. and Justics Sidnoy Burridge, of Lake Forest, reported that he heard the sponge squad had simply ralded a home. with the result that _ Frank P. Solomon, Waukegan -- Ptitione for probate of will filed and set fTor beartng May 11, 1925. _ Alfred °8. Lunt, Highland Park.-- Letters of administration issued o Mary Lunt, widow.. Bond of $2,000. Proof of beirship taken. Appraiser®s appointed. _ c Sheriff EdA Ahblstrom and his forces@ Monday were trying to.check reports of a stick--up near Jake Forest early Sunday morning in which the occu-- pants of a Moon car were hbeld up by men in Aa Hudsog. O The sheriff dashed to Deerpath avenue and Waukegan road about 2 o'clock in the morning on the basis of a report made by a man named Kennedy, who lives in Wau kegan. He stated that the Moon offered rediatence. near Wadsworth and efforts are be tng made to learn if this is the car. Atchibald W. Fletcher, Hignwnd Park--Wi!l admitted to record. Prop erty given to son, daughter and grandson. Letters testamentary i# sued to Lewis O. Brockway. Bond of $600. Proof of heirship takes. Anna Rogola,. North Chicago--Let-- ters of adminisfration de bonis is eued to Jullus Maciorowski. Bridget Slavin Johnson, Wauke gan--Petition to establish helrship filed and set for bearing May +. Russel} Lord... Lake Forest--WID proved and admitted to recOfO. Aii property-- gives to wife, Kathleen M. Lord. Proof of beirship takesn. Ap praisers . appotated. Letters testa mwentary KFWidted to Kathleen M. Lord. widow. Bogud of $400,000. + Charles E. Simpson, Mighiand Park--Letters of administratign i# sted to Marie M. Himpson, widow. Proof of heirship taken. Appraisefs appointed. Bond of $5,000. Admin-- istratrix given leave to settle cause of 'Action vs. C. N. 8. & M. R. R. Tor §2500. a -- Frank _ Richardson,. incompetent, Waukegan--Hearing" on report of sale of real estate contipuaed to April m_rnr sale of"real estate entered. tiona1 bond of $7,000 approved. Phebe A. mouglas Wright, lake Villa--Just am true account ap proved. . Petition for sale of real «state ~Tited:~~~~ r~egne--s smcs George Waldman, Waukegan -- Hearing on citation for final account continued to May 4. 1925. *Ssrah Donnelly, Waukegan ----. l Emily D. Wade and Mary Iris Eames, Denvrer, Cold--Heirship e# tablished. Owned a lot in South Waukegab. ~ Edwardl Muellimann, minor, Win-- rop Harbor--Letiers of guardian» Court Has Heavy Day. ..' ~WAUKEGAN WEEKLY--SUN -------- Moon was found by the MANY CASES ON -- COUNTY COURT The following concerns a Torfmer re# Ident of Lake county, who will be re-- membered by many of our older eti-- zens. A f Mertha Ann Condell was born Aug. 18, 1847, in Lake county, l!ilinots, and spent her girihood in this county. In 1885 the #as united in marriage to CYy Wyun, almo of this eounty, and moved wuqumnm.mm» sided until her death, which took mvw-c-m.mnu.au. at the age of 77 years, 7 months and 27 FORMER RESIDENT OF LAKE COUNTY DIES IN KANSAS _ Settiements were being effected in a number of wife abandonment cases The case, of Tony Porst, Highland Park, against .J. B. Anderson, the sberiff, and Martin Ringdabl, was started before a jury. It is charg ed that property under mortgage was sold by the sherif! and officiale. court being limited compared to the nuimber of actions. Many are to be brought up again, while some will be nolle prossed, as there are A number of liquor cases l,o.',!hl fines were paid in justice fourt. Mills Gives Bond; Three Cases Nolle Prossed, Many Placed on Calendar. The Wedekind--Kobe, an automo bile emashup, was called late in the day with attorneys for Kobe <ask-- ing that the action be dismissed for want of proper service. also John Clyde, colored, charged with assault growing out of a case in which Chief of Police Frank Tifany of North Chicago accused Clyde of shooting at. him, pleaded not guilty and was placed in custody for want of bond. Cecil Mooney, Waukegan, nleaded not guilty to charges of wite «ban-- donment and was released in bond. The case of Frank Holub vs An-- drew _ Huizena was dismissed for want of prosecution. John Homuth, charged with wife abandonment, went free through the nolle pross route. was wet for bearing. o e snn The daughter 'of hnz' Knappen. Indiakapolis, -- was awa to Zion relatives, ending a liquor charges were polle prossed in the Frank 'P'uh. Waukegan, and Con Courtney, Highwood cases. James Dvork, facing a Iiquor Judge Persons Tuesday started thru the heavy county court call, !listening to tweo adoptions, a number of bond matters and civil cases. Charles Robbins, 302 Water, street, was released in bond on a charge of assault. Both pleaded not guilty. Raymond 'Snick' Mills, charged with carrying concealed weapons, was released in $2000 bond. John Taylor, alleged lHHquor violator, pleaded not guilty and was released CALL ARF UP *¥g* Progressive Party Elects Presi-- |\ _ dent and Two Members of _ | Board of Trustees | The annual election of the vill |last Tuesday brought out the the history _ of *the> tota jJof 1013 voters exercised t %bt of franchise. lAllMl mA | fotes were cast. 2 ¢ LARGE YOTE IS --CAST AT ANN The Pmm.lvw'bln!.',. w cally a clean :v'c_uz. only one & date on this ticket being defeated.. . * Following is the resuit:------------ >--~ -- Grace Gridley and William G. Wells +« . were elected Directors of the Library . . Board, without opposition. -- + * ie i In the second, section-- qf this issue ~ of 'The Independent, in the general story of the elections over z Tuesday, the stateemat is made + the whole Progressive ticket made &_._. clean sweep in--Libertyville, including . _ -- Otto J. Boehm for trustese. --This 'i «h ertor, as will be seen by the above _ during his past administrations, trom all indications many are to ¢ "W." crrant ins moiags wee r. Grummitt enters Mr:. Mason, the defented e : for president of the board, has several terms as trustee, and has the office with credit. George + to private life with no sore spots for an yone. ; % It is conceded the affairs of the : ' lage are now in the hands of wen f are well qualified for the work E: them. With the annexation of amount of tértitory to the villa t the erxtension of water and vice, there is a Md-mg' to be done. . ues W. C. T. U. WANTS WOMAN APPOINTED DEPUTY SHERIFE _ $1.50 A YEAR®IN ADVANCE _ the Finance and has + muh.Mth of the yvillage His popularity in ex-- pressed_ in the highest vote given any candidate on the ballot. * t J.W.Hmmmn'fi" ed on the Independent k umflntdflovflrhz years, and was formeriy a member the board of trustees He was ed for the same office for yents by only a few votes. ~--: ooo io o e bctdvctendrted btvs. tw ctrtm Minccmiirirat d CEone s in favor of the new time, n. ® 67 blank ballots turned in:-- on .. . _ with two lines running all the way . lammm Just above the cirele .. was written the word "No." * $¥G Many people who voted on this. . question marked their ballots No, une . against the adoption of daylight if3 ing, when as a matter of fact thex _ wers counted in favor of it. * s out taking voters to the polls, workers for all the candidates stayed _ on the jpb all day. 3 fi'; This was the cleanest political cam-- . mhmhbwrd"fl-.'*fl' tiod, the bitter personal contests of _ former years being done away with. _ This is the third term for President . Hyatt, and the people of the evidently approve of his policies. > has put forth every effort for the + The Waukegan WCTU. bag pared a petition to the supert which Supervisorelect Bairsto® present Monday, asklug that a 'l\envcntlm'i'ltplhm' . blank on the face, only the cer-- tiflknte of the clerk on the back. One of these had the words: "Hayutt and posite Clerk Gottl's name. -- The other was turned in without any mark® One voter tried to elect four trde tees. Another put a cross in the blanok line for preaident on the Library thk-- ot the circle of the For Presitent--Jesse S. Fo: Trustees-- + Warren W. Grummitt, 592. The LDaylight Saving ordinance was: VILLAGE ELE bt hn L2 .. «t .2 all way thru." mW ted candidate : "waa mas med +o mm ¥3 #»