--FOUR ESCAPE AS _ AUTO CRASHES INTO ------take Have Close Call 0n --2y arternoon concrete read. ._ s--His -- wagon was . sm smithereens and his horees -- Athe ditele---------- _ y 3--The strange part .ofi that neither bis compasnion mau, nor .uer.'.l lht meé That Ed and Ted Globis Of Grays Loronenor avums * PB se t -- ~ ators +. ~ ~z k y , ~ 2000¢ crashed into the rear of an un}ighted | the villag« baywagon drawn by A+wo horses OB |of 391 vot: Belvidere road just west of Grayslake | is the ne (near Fort Hill) Friday night apout| Curtis " P "~~ _ ivi_~ alas tFhanmTaf bls slh 8:30 was due to nothing Ci"M --°**" PDriving the haywagon .was named KEatinger who Iires ne uon ie Puntk l AB@----GHbERE * 3----The --strange part .of it all ¥Was that neither bis companion, & hired mau, nor either of the men in the car were badly hburt. ~ bis, who seemed to hbave injuries about the stomach. | 7 s un t in 1. idncs "uhtim. UNLIGBTED WAGON couldn't run aw£y C es E90 . to. The Gilobis were plamed in the: sedan and ertricated with aifticulty for the car was way over on its left sige. when they realized what Ba¢ happened ; fortumaie}y. EA. who wa* driving, shut aoft bis igartion and while gasoline was spilied all ove" the road, there was no {ire. At first Ted Globis fehr that ne had -- beed severely injured but by time the wrecker arrived from Gray * laks hbe found he was mere}y bad!y bruised. he ' PP l2 _0 Laabdmmnt ' 9 1ant 110470 iW MIo Belvidere Road. and Ted Globis of Grays-- ut Puils Tuc-- se Y 5in -- _ LAKE COUNTY AND LIBERTYVILLE _ We Buy and Sell REAL ESTATE SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Avenne Telephone 451 smashed 10 #es Were 1D near Wau oA 9% AAJR ECE * [ lr.n::fl-lln.'m Washburn bave -- * ut | zcl;r apcitu:::: mwmfld" where|_ word has been received here from Mrs.. Charles Koéwards entertained Belsidore that Rev. Harry, W. Reed, -- | the Ladies'® Aid Bociety of thoCouxre-"'"' many ygars a pastor®t of the P T aF 1 T3 :,Bumat church, and located in Bel-- day atterneon. - ----videre --tor --tha * tast -- gavetal _ years, Among those in Chicago on b\ulneut!b- critically ill at his home in that --\ Tuesday were Eyeret Hook and Lou city, follewing a~stroke of paral¥sis, +-- | Grosvenot . 20& 1:;5""0 'dmenznt tlm?u&ev,u Reed 3 Fuygn~ oeantalies t * . 1 DC "T45~ _ | was. . gastor _ 9 e, so apt cR .« . SAt@F "Whe 'MlcnmthYelv!u%%e: A. sumber 13% Among those in LRIKCAEO 00 VM"" """ |city, foilo Tuesday were Eyeret Hook and LOu | 1, '",0 Grosvenot . -- + * * was i arc 'wide..s1. .--=iat was Wowarks ) Connett f the village election Fuesday. A total |ot 391 votes waus cast. Guy W. Thomas | * 11. ina naow nresidGant of the board. . school chiidren Friday ewening. The operetta was greatly enjpyed by all. Mr. anil Mrs. Roberts, 'Mr. and Mrs. Mosier and daughters of Chicago, vis jted Sunday . at the home of Mrs. Tonles, | --. > L wS Cl ue en o4 K100 "Yn wa the village election Tuesday. A tolai of 391 votes wus cast. Guyw.'l'bomu"l is the new president of the board. _ Ourtis Topies attended the wedding | oft his sister in Chieago Wednesday of 1 i FARM RUREAU MEETINGS IN___| THE COUNTY FOR THIS WEEK | Diamond Lake church * ning, April 24, at 8 o'clock Rosecrans, Saturday eve 25. at 8:00. °. . R Local programs have bee ftor these meetings and 86 reels will be shown. Come out and make about the work or organization, Of | pro¥ by.coming, 80 make: good. use Olg these meetings. Bring your neighbore. ; H. H. Alp will give a youluv.u;k n'i ea "It' tor "tThe ~MerrdGoldwyn--Mayer company as his second American pic-- ture. A strong cast has been annount-- e4 for the picture, headed by Lon Chaney, who phys the title role, Nor-- ma Shearercand John Gilibert. The 'iuppofltng players Are Tully Marsball, Ford Sterting, Clyde Cook, Mare Mc-- I'Demon. Paulette Duvael, Ruth King, Harvey Clarke, Geo Davis and others. New bookRt explains scientific home treatment preserfbed for over 30 years. BDefore risking operation-- reaqd about the--sueccess of this method for Irrita-- tions of Liver, Gall Bladder and Gall Ducts as associated with Gall Stones | Dr.€. E. PADDOCK, Desk Al | KANSAS CITY, MO. . gnnmummnnnmmmmmmumnumlmunmlm||m|nmmmmmunnumuummmuummmnm§ Save By Buying . At These Prices! Gall Stones Lake church Vl-'r!dny eve-- Cash and Carry Market Do YOU KNOW THIS? Mortis Supreme Bacon, No. 1 Bacon, 6 to 8 Ib. average, per Ib. -- No. 1 Plate Corned Beef, Ib.: Pure Compound Lard, per Ib. -- Sweet Pickled Spareribs, Fresh Ground Hamburger, Ib. -- 545 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville That when you carry a package from this store everybody knows that you are a cash customer? If you carry your cash to the Cash and Carry You can buy good meats and still have cash to carry evening, April LEONARD C. BLANK, Prop. ---- REV. HARRY REED ---- SUFFERS STROKE | Simgle Dump Wagon for Hauling Ashes, Etc. Phone No. 256. B )n c i lt w ueecar w +m sinkase mm n s v"'_n""n']E'i-_ur)lhv men w28 jt~-;~, 40 Horsefis" Few SAXE t BELL & JANNSEN 1 CUARANTEE SATISFACTION _ COME AND GET JUST wWHAT YOU WANT. RIVER ROAD, ONE--HALF MILE SOUTH OF MILWAUKEE AVENUE. THREE MILES NORTH OF DES PLAINES. OTTO H. GROSS HORSES BOUGCHT AND SALE STABLES TEAMS FOR HIRE : Desplaines 147. Residence Park Ridge 1132 49b r of violet Wlossoms®s, 101 \ make about two pourds mwfi" + pemusme's" Perfume mus! bloom on the 0 In 24 heurs the quired to produce the perfuime. It tn Extracting Flower Essence NT. THLURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1925. ~_ 39c¢ whad: Acena must be drawn frow the the duy that It is plucked rs the delitcate aroma is al-- g. _ Muny flowers _ are F€-- produce small amounts of ne. . It tukes about tw On® Wiossoms, for instance,. to w4 rwa nounds of essence of S O L D 12 ic 12 }e 15¢ ,€ , 1. ssenCe Of | Gppmpvmamammmmnce Te C n _ CS3 IL (t C \,;\ \\ : N | Nee MAAA T. d 1{/w/rVB JOHN BRAUN IS OUT OF BASTILE John . Braun of Winthrop Harbor, | who was sentenced to serve s'%"Y aays in thd county jail by Judge P. L. Persops in the County court, Mon-- day earned his releasa after surving his full time. He cwent uy n a charge of violating the prohibitory la w. ® = 3 l LET ME D0 YOUR DECORATING The New "Mina Taylors" for w' . are bele. 1 nest styles, materials and all round beaunty will delight you. *. Come in and -- . see them Great Beauty, Comfort and Performance at Low Price WITH Libertyville Garage and Sales Service | Telephone 202 Libertyville, Hlinc A i4 § Delivered ready to drive, $810 \ Heath Homes| | THE COACH Saturday and Sunday J. N HEATH & COMPANY~ The Model Homes w building in Oak_wood Phone 200--J COLLINS & DOANE CcOMPANY APRIL 25 and 26 SUBDIVISION OFFICE: FOOT OF ELM COURT Our Mr. Clark be pleased to explain terms of sale, etc. ____ --~~ C CEKUILDRERS: : powN By THE ELECTRIC $T A TIOGON "Othce T irst Nationa MONUMENTS _ and Mausoleums _ will be on the premses and will be exnlain the details of construction, * _ * WAUKEGAN, ALL--f--*~ are Ter-- mm acune o o ~umrsetomant t 3. #3t i%§%6 «+