We "" . trapped : -- misastaten up on t --amen said .'!fll com -- Average Day of 50 Papers in County Recorder's Office j VAUGHN'S SEEDS A ~~~ ~BULBS and SHRUBS _ DPr. Davis viewed the (wo. men Pi:;" dould not identify them as the es who visited his office the day E%)nbn the robbery and sought to »'5'& arrangements to have 'their ' 'téeth cleahedthe following day. « -- Dr: O. B. Smith. into whose office ' the gold Chieves forced their way F'flb he was working in an inner tm likewise was unable to pos _ dtively idéntify the nren as the two _ he saw in his office, although he 1 LANG WORTHY'S t 'a set of scales which 'the name of Dr. Davis.of Wau-- The' officers then calléa the 7 police.. Both Citow and C C were brought to Waukegan & Monday afternuoon. © + s :f Np to the present time they have refused to make any statement other ~Aban--to--say that --they--do--not _know --mnything--about --how -- the . goid -- or _seales got in their .car. u_ _Two police ofticers from Kenosha 'visited the Waukegan jail late Mon-- ~Aay cafternoon to6 look over the .re-- --~eovered gold. Five dentists in Ke mosha have been robbed oi Taté and they will be brought here to see ~whather or-- not they can-- identify # plays' its part in this 'high Ks thir'time of the year brings «~Porth two kinds of business, sale ot _wrenl estate and sale of automoblles _ OBa--bunch of 17 chattel moartgages record fot beavy-- days in the county :-;-nm o:flco was reached Thurs-- when 103 instruments we T e his. _ _ is s sey, two other local dentisf% whose offieces Were visited, also were to wisit the police station today to se» H#f they can aid in the identifica-- uhy of the property. --.--Meanwhile the Chicago police are endesvoring to check up on the o®n ership of the aPige car. ~They have «rapped the youths in. two. or thre& mjestatements and now are Checking up on the place where the younk m»en said they bought the car. They g communicate with the local 1 as soon as they obtain any in-- RECORD 103 NEW INSTRUMENTS IN _ --DAY: HIGH MARK e--l.chuu, pf_ larceny have, "placed against Citow and Han-- gher: but up to soon they / had meot | yet been given a hearing. O automoblle business. It is explained that very few, it any, people pay cash for cars with the result that the re-- cordar's ofice is constantly jammed with chatte! mortgages on astomo In"The spring the real esatate busi mess is at its peak, and subdivisions, sale of lots, homes and farms reach the pinnacle of the year's business. "*This accounts for the large adtmber O warranty deoedsa. otc. average day can be seen through the for previous days: 37, 43, 58. 57. 59, 67 42 68. and 55. x The Yale Dentists and Dr. Hus-- ewed by Local Dentist; Ke-- nosha Police View Gold that .. Was Recovered, _ ___. What is believed to be close to the ifforts are being made by the po-- ) to obtain the identification o' in Citow, aged 23, alias Fran« ah, 1248 South Sawyer avenue, m. and Samuel Poncher, 23. Independence . beulevard, Ch.-- Some idea of how 103 instruments, %'fm IDENTIFY FWO HELD FOR GOLD ROBBERIES &z the thievea._who.three wee looted dentalr offices of Dr.--R ts, of considerable gold is Far Outstripped. to to --give :F LIBERTYVILLL, ILLINOIS ANYTHING IN VAUGHNS CATALOG AT CATALOG PRICES o the -- | E. I. BallMle. motoreyt® pofceman ve|in Zion, hes arrested hundreds of 4'.I.'Jmtorhu passing through Zion on w | charge of violating the motor yvehicle or}llaw. Now the tables have been turo-- ed4. Ballle was driving his car thru ,,,1w.um:: Saturday morning at 1:20 |\ Waukegan Saturday morning at 1:20 | o'ctock. . Motoreyele Polireman Fen True of Waukesgan réceornized aim, and trd'led along behind as the. Zion man's car proceeded north is Sheri-- |dan road a to t The speedometer on the Waiukegan '-n.cu's.l.ur rexsixiered----iventy --twa felephone girl, Charles Landis; a cute telegraph boy, --whom--all the--ladies fall most winsome lady, is taken by some 'hig BUEKY auu.ci?> Phe j.., Whits yect promises a million laughs. . The plot includes a forgotten home town girl, Dorull'. played by Walter Horenberger; the: président of a big cheese factory,; lawrence Foulke; the aweetest stenographer that ever pound ed a key, Nibs Hendee; & hard boiled felephone girl, Charles Landis; a cute Thursday evening, April 30, the bas-- ket abll fellows of Libertyville Town-- ship High School will present. the com-- edy farce, "Doris Comées to Town." These productions which are annual events at the #choot, have come to be looked forward to with the greatest anticipatfion --perhaps because every character, -- including the sweetest, "DORIs COMES TO TOWN"' > THURSDAY EVE, APRIL 30 for, Joe Sykes; graceful, coy, gigg!iy Verna,. Edward True, and two congpir-- ators, whose thousand lies fail them in their hour of need, Chan Parker and Duffty Alkofer. The ladies have ordered their gowns from New York fashion houses and promise not only these, but the latest of alt accessories, from bobs to The procesds of the play are to eb used for defraying athletic expenses. Between acts--a group of fellows will All tickets are 50 cents and may be reserved after Monday, April 27, at Decker & Neville's or Lovell's drug stores.* --Be there to see the prettlistt girls in 1 T. H. 8. . E. L. BAILLE, HION----** _MOTORCVCLE COP, | _ IS ARRESTED;_ 37 miles 'an hour in Nortbh Sheridan road. He put aop bands tor his agvear ance in court this afterno3}4. _.._._« > > OTHER ARRESTsS -- Andrew Wiburd. A4, Fox Lake. was arreated here on a charge of pairking K S' Locan. 3%, Lake Forest. was arresated on a charge of passinc a streef car on the wrong side. He psut up honds f6r his appearance in court April 20. y John Hrole, 35, Chicago, #a» ar-- rested on a chargee of drivinzg 30 mile« an hour in West Washizgton stree*. ije put 3 a bornd for #s ap pesranc*® April 27. scribes a.speed oi twenty miles an hqur. * yx" = Tm.lmenJ)ln_npacd and soon lor > few mnoinemn's and prese turned with the other $}. 1 prodceeded on hix way to Zion A large number of Waukegan. auto 'sts bave been arrested in Zion by Rallle on cyar; of violatinz the «peed laws he Waukecar police Tm.lmend_'h speed and soon was alongside 6f "he Hallle. ~ j "Pull over to the side of the road," be ordered. > Raille complied _ and then was oblized to accompany the local ofH-- cer to the police station' where he was booked on a charge of speedinz m bond was Bred at $25. Batile hadt ul $22 wite oim. aje le'; 'he sta'%vm tor > few moments and presently re A. 1. Male, 30, North Chica.o, vmx arrosted on a chargke of drising 4 miles an hour in South T*Tenedse St. His case was set for heariag *oday. Leroy Bowors, 17, was artesed oc a charge of passing a stop si«n His case was set for trial this afternoon. M. K. Karas, 25, ChKago,. was ar rested on a eKarge of driving isw the wropg side of a traffic sign at Geresee and Madison streets. His case was sat for irial today. Wat Baillle i wu medicine Maeluwina ©% MMinls 22. vi_.._:_ q Woards sometime :ail to express our Driving 22 Miles an Hour in iw.. as-- the> world's artists have efidan Road- . |been able to express them. The mes s vx" 2 * .__ sage of the picture, The Angelus, will E. L B&Mé. motoreyte mg,cem"lbo the theme at the Diamond Lake \Xton, (hes arresied hundreds M'church next Sunday evening at 7: 45. otorists passinzg through Zion om From this masterpiece of a master large of violating the motor "h:d:*lnm there will be drawn a massage K. Now 'he tables have haen turn. | DOU Intérésting and helpful to those telandors Bisss Oonkeys In the Balearic islands donkéys amd »a--parking zone He was fined ob & charse of djvink tatle 'Then hbe Morning. worship at 11. The pastor will speak on Knowing the Crucified Good music, a place of Christian {ellowship. . o = x __o._' S8T. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL ;»K.al'(.--sé Gwyn,--Pastor.---- ---- ry or Sunday, '6 (the omm sunonr tm sauair ns YSun@ people's meeting at C¥ B.Mi. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, Your Life a Vapor. . -- S8T. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL c mkee tor slmaly. Agih 1 fthe rv i for % *6 Wmmfln'w' Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon 11.00. Church Schoo! at 10 a. m. All welcome. * A list of books for boys: + * Stecle of the Royal Mounted, --Oh, \ You Tex, Shepherds of the Wild, The _ Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, Supt. _ 5 ue -- Morning worship at 11.. Sermon by the Pastor, Forgetful Christians,. Spe-- cial music by the church quartet. Junior and Senior Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. f * Evening service of song and worship at 7:30. rmon by the pastor, Jesus tha PMaakA L'M' P *# PP = who _ The Waukeguan police received a request from the Graysiake palice de partment on Sunday to condwet a search for Habert <¥Deli. aged 16. who was reported to hare ran away from hbome. lt was believed that he might come to Wanukegan. The boy s five feet 6 inchea ta!l! and wore a brown sait and cap. No traee of hiimn was.{foung}. by the locat officers Great Sioux Trail, Michae! O'Hakloran, Northwest. West. Captain aof the Crew, Jimmie, Persimmon Jim, The Scouts of the Vailley, The Texan Star, The Forest Runners, For the Gepd of the Team, The Boy's Own Book of Pront-- ler@man, In the Great Apache Forest, The Boy Scout of Rob's HHIL Little lLord Fauntieroy RUNAWAY BOY HUNTED HERE COOK MEMORIAL' LIBRARY NOTES An Injunction of the James Meén»-- Ing place at For lake, obtained by States Attorney A. V. Smith after raide were made. was partly raised today, one lot of the property being released by an order in the circuit court. ST. JOHN'S EVANG. LUTHERAN Elmer C>Kiessaling, Pastor. CHRIS'FIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. . Third Floor, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.-- Bervices: Sunday, 10:46 a. m. Subject--«Probation After Death. FIRST ?°ZETHODIST EPBCOPAL Rev. Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERLAN Guy E. Smock, Pastor, # Miss Ruby Williams, Organist. CHURCHES | We have a fine lot of pansy plants, mixed colors--hardy, thrifty varietiee--ready to set out. Brighten up your garden __ with a number of these beautiful flowers. Qup?:amthe lowest to be found for first class plants. -- ~-- LUIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,-- THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1925. Choir Leader sAv t Mr. Harding had beeh in his usual health on retiring Saturday might, and about. one o'clock awakened and com-- plained of feeling badly, A physician was called' and--dttended him, buit he gradually grew weaked until he pass-- ad aaay »>eu; $. CupnAax rGOFDIME., .. F. M. HAxDING DIED SUNDAY AFTER ILLNESS OF SIX HOURS Mr. Harding was one. of the progres-- sive citizens# of our neighboring vil-- lage, and also bad many friends in Libertyville. ~He waswa man ready to do anything in Ris power to aid his community, and especially was he in-- terested in seeing as much land culti-- vatad us possible.--One of his theories was that the p%e t _of the farmer would be in greater demand with the passing years, and that the tiller of the soil would win out in the end. Funeral services werb held at the home Tuesday at €:30 p. m. and at Ivanhoe church at--2 p. m., conducted by the pastor Rev. C.--Arthur Jeyne, assisted by the Rev. A. 8. Newcomb, of Glen Ellyn. Interment was in the Ivanhoe cemetery. The following was read at the dervices: Frederick M. Harding was born in Oakland county, Michigan, February 14, 1859. He married Orpha Brainerd, lhock"wo::l"m:'--" -----monll--w "n'l' to learn of the sudden death of F. M. Harding, the well known real estateé man of 'm_t- to this union were born threée children. He passed from this life at Area, after an acute illiness of but six hours, on Sunday morning, April 19, 1925. young mankood was spent as a teach: Normal Schools of Michigan, cm{fwyp er in the public schools and in the Normal schools of Michigan. _ _ . ~In 1887 he moved to Sioux City, 12., where he was the installer and for many years the principal of the Com-- He received~ his education in the common schools and in the Northern Indiana Normal School, from wifitch and, compeiled by--{miling heakgh. to seek a change of climate, contifued his work in Texas. He came to Area to.live in 1915. . Hoe is survived-- by his wite and three children, and by one brother. G.orge A. Hardicg. of Franklin. Pa.; -- four «lsters--Dora Harding, Orien, Mich.; Mrs. Nellie Young, Orion. Mich.; Mrs. laura Roberts, Brooklyn, N« YC, and Mrs. Margaret A. Scho(l» of Oxford, Michigan, f j * He was a loving hustiknd, a kind father, a generous friend and a public splirited citizen, faithful and exact in the IIltle --things as weli a+ the--great things of living. Those who are near-- est to h! mfeel that be has not gon* empty banded 'nto immortality, but that e tas treamuress ~laid up in hearen. & r t HUBBARD SUFD ' FOR DIVOPCE Kkenneih T.ulbard, ol L:ibertyville. "uesday wus nmde defendant in a sui* filed by his wi'fe, Fraences, askingk & divorce _ She charszes that he was cruel. abandoned gGer, and Te fused to support either her' or the twoyearold daughter, Betty Jane. who she. asks the court giveé in ber custody along with -- alimony They were married Jan. 1. 1921, in Oshkosh, Wis. When the King Tips M't& king of England goesa to #iny with one of, hia -ubgru there is a Axred rulé--for his tip. e. or rather WMs euerry, leaves with --the hbouse gtewar' the sum ~( SAO for \<tribg-- thee Libertyville/and Area--residents were ¥\4% Chief Game Warden ~Back . from Trip to Texas During -- Which He Closed Contract: Mr. Stratton and -- Mr. L, H. .Beoch-- e~er,. state perchasing 'gmgm'llrl thorough per 1 !nno_tfl'gu on of all ¥'uFees of sappiy ind after a frip to Texas, bought teza thousand qua'!l from "Snake" King of Brownsyille, T exas. . These quail are shipped by expresy:| the most "*AMCUDT®S®. OMRX "" oA in crates containing twenty--five birds | World . Against 55 births -- recorded sad have beed distributed in all parta| there. in 1923, there were only 15 o' the state where conditions are | deaths, : The population, stimated, is gw1itable for their survival and propa--| 2,142, of which 1.205 are males.. There gation. Reports _ received _ indicate| was no_sickness of serious cbaracter tiat they arrived in good condition | gpra~--®s~+ the ~ 2s 34 vith only a yery small Joss in transit | e«mmmeeqmmmmpmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmemmeme Fince the terms of sale required safe|-- * ~ celivery, any lomses will be . mad> _ -- M Unacs > .e n sames" : _ e n e s tZ or "'Sdrifefcld, Ul., April 21.--Importa: t'an of ten thousand bob white qua'l trm Mexico will be completed this week, according to a statement by Villiam J. Stratton, of Lake County. Chief Game and Fish Warden. * % viill be 5.000 pairs of vigorous healthy birds to reéplenish ou; supply of. this rreatest game bird. > STRATTON OBTAINS 10,000 BOB WHITE QUAIL FOR STATE According to mt. Stratton. the, 'ml s 2e c e -- crease in numrbers of birds for propa-- & ~ # ~ tion is not more important than the | mce & added vigot, health and size that will is invaluable to everone suffering birds from a distance. #x This first importatior will be fol-- Joying towed by more and larger xhlpmenn.",mn if the necessary funds are provided : Since these funds come solely fromi ! the sale of hunting licenses and not 'FOO' from direct tares. liitle trouble is an-- ; y ticipated when appropriations are,. a«"ed from the lertsiatrr® -- 20 While maney TeriveT + the =~.1~ + weak * Ash!ng@ licenses Is use* ~~-- the ~*= --down e and Aistribution of "--<*% ~8d "0t waay *~r purchasing .zame bir'< +~>.h in rieqg C WarM eee to II ths' 1' 'a>~ 742 Cram Sevéeral bIT® have 20 In. both branches of the eral assembily to repeai cegpse. "Thes» shou'!d be 'they will be !f the-- *3 hine« rtiy P + jk +4 THEBEST Half GaBon CGlass Jars Plum Jam, pure fruit and sugar, jar mmhah'flhmuihlh ~ best flour on the market. Per 49 Ib. sack --_--$1.20 0 _ ' 25"32,'2":'"""""; $| 92 h e ~o--| I | 33¢ Beechnut Brand Spaghetti with Cheese and Tomato Sauce, reg. price -- 35' e 18¢ per can, this sale 3 cans C T "rigg..sh & Johnson Trigg's & Johnson's Special Coffee goes farther than any other because we blend three of the highest grade Coffees grown. Per pound 10 Ibs. of Sugar fer FIFTY CENTS with a $5.00 order, in-- cluding one pound of T. & J. Special Coffee. cense | N 6 CP i4 B 64 lepartmen:' fr« nrk in o di«tri' ONE SACK TO A CUSTOMER AT THIS PRICE We Sell . repe e ab THE BEST ISs THE CHEAPEST ) 060 _ huster # J D« in« «i *4 W $2.60 --53¢ fish e and 300,000-- ermen who bought !i-- genses last will -- inform _ their Senators and Representatives of th»o true facts about these licenses and that we all want them : ret@ined in their present form, charges-- of secreting loot from . the Rondout, I!!., mail robbery, today left ftot Chicago. He~will be held under a similar indictment there against him-- self and two attorneys. En route hbe is to stop.overcat Paducah, Ky.. to testify at the trial of Ernest Gailion; alleged mail robber. > Little Rock, Ark., April 21.--Joe C. McKinney, confessed forger and mail bag thief, witness against Tom Poe Wie ware atguitten" rhst 911020004 ROUNDOUT MAIL THIEF ON WAY HERE Foot Comfort _ Service . Ha has been specially trained in the e ram ped to--s + ere., quickly ore-- 3 Lieved by Jir. 2 +8# sScholl's FootFazer=kzh: and cor fortable. Worn in any shoe. $3.50 ;« Foot Comfort .Ap"plinnces Tired, Aching Feet -- The Falkland isinrds have one of the most salubrics« climates in the world. -- Against 55 births recorded there. in 1923; there were only 15 deaths, : The population, stimated, is 0149 af which 1205 are males.. There RAY N. SMITH This service is absolutely free. Real Health Resort ~domtortakie, :-- easy feet -- by of correctly fitted whoes and LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Dr. / tre 154 Per An organ in. the ize islands has furnished music for .more than 100 years _ j /4 Ta d MATINEE SATURDAY at 2:30 *"Lights Out RUTH STONEHOUSE and --> FRANK MANN, in the greatest crook--drama of the--year Something brand new in ser»n e tertainment. . An excitins, thrill-- er--romance based on the modern radio TVESDAY and WEDNESOAY, APRIL 2829 Two--for--One Night TUESDAY ONLY Two adults admittend for the price of one. Bring your wife, mother or friend, pay one admission, which will admit both. p=*'~" Mn APRIL 24--25 SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Admission for Matinee, 10c and 25¢ Fougltys: 94 sIPKY, wnflf'"r W UnaME FOR SALE--S5 acres land, 2 poul-- POULTRY FARMl CLOSE TO TOWN |. THAEE MODERN HOUSES IN LIBERTYYILLE, price tow. MODERN ALLYEAR HOUSE, ON 8OUTH BANK FOX LAKE. FARMS NEAR LIBERTYVILLE Wl;lkmn 619; Libertyville 91. P 107 acres at HaW«--Day; 1234 acros at Diamond Lake; 90 acres Woost-- er Lake; 215 acres near Rouand Lake; 55 acres Winthrop Harbor ** Sm odbart. hy béershalt® The Yeqr's Motion Picturccicnsatio n / PATHE NEWS and COMEDY acres on capcréte highway; 40 Has Lor:g Mede Music Investment Co. | _ UDITORIUR £ BOME BARQGAIN! ALSO.COMEDY --THEATRE -- Will exchange for Lib-- as dn an a+ 4 IVZ