: We . THE INDEPENDENT------OMLY $1.50 YEAR . AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS ARE-- GOOD LAWN MOWERS u'mbflbyuwp@fin&dhqxfih'h&e _ building of Lawn Mowers for over thirty. years. They are * smooth running, easy to operate and guaranteed to give sat IN8URANGE is PROTEGIION »!=s INVESTMENT K UG § . °.:. Mrs. Pearl Ling -- Telephone 158--W wEavIng| S NO W'S Mowing your Lawn is Good Exerci |make it a Pleasure _ __®Bes# or brought Jn order, act quickly, for our supply will not! ast long. Our price, while they last, only 6%9¢. This advertisement will not appear here again. If you haven't mailed YOUR FlgcAt!' ongggpuRmNm WEATHER PROPHETsS Made in Amofloo--cnnm_od the Best AN EXCELLENT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS When the weather is fine, the two children will be out, and when bad weather is approaching, the witch will come out $ to 24 hours ahead of rain or snow. 'The hygrometer will forecast the weather better and more reliably than general weather reports. It also has thermometer, KCik's Head, Bird's Nest,: ate--Matil--orders 86 --ertra--for--paoking--and TELEPHONEGE 88-- , nfi eredin sioviat ind ane ie tainable. The cutting knives are from a special process of -- Complete line of Manitowoc packet and bulk Garden Seeds American Lawn Mowers are built of the best materials ob-- HARDWARE _ PLUM@I HEATING _ _ Telephone 171 L LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. _ Lawn Requires a Good Lawn Mower An Attrgctive; Well Kept ---- FRANK H. EGER 69¢ Coup on FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent Provident Mutual Life Insutance Co. I will weave all sizes of §1.00 DECKER & NEVILLE o oi ied i4 lt ies nds o te es PHONE 306 e t in / .e L2 f 3 y rap porrat Tecnae > 14A LIBEARTYVILLE, ILL P O ulkuvffiu\nuv 418 -"t;';vm' -l'-A --' Hiddlesons have been living in one of the Robert Ellis houses for several Tom Hiddleson has bought the' Miss Ada Helfer spent the week end Browder home in Mundelein, and is with friends in Austin. County National The Community To the Is Shout Items of Especial Interest to Libertyvilie People Service Local and Personal Steady Growth is CHENNITGaTK I dain c ied flce ns o BiendP Oe M00n 44 fins LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, --THURSDAY, _ APRIL 23, 1925. JUST ARRIVED From New York The "2 in 1" Shirt s For Sport or Street FOR MEN AND WOMEN -- J.--B. MORSE & CO. ""*The Bauk of DPervwise"' Iter Mre. Richard Earle was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mre. \"erontca Wilcox and daughter, L. .. qwere is Crizago Satuye=I* 3 Mrs. W. J. Fendick is convalescing from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Edith Gould was in North Chi-- eago Bunday visiting at the home of her daughter. oratgnmege iC ges Benny Powell of Waukegan is now employed 'n the Fred H. Smith barter Fred Smith has taken the agency | for the New Hampshbhire Fire Insur-- ance company. s > Mr. and F. R. Tripp returned home last Thursday, after a sojourn of sev-- eral month sin Tampa, Florida. Charles Loveland returned Friday from Florijda, where he spent the win-- I EeC Z €RRTC ANEROIOZ BP CPR M L MV PPRCOICE AERTNE VY * 2 mlosms . Loens LILe" \|Punior, spent Sunday at the Fred Joch. P°" Of the.real estate firm of Sellers | 'heim bhome _h'.,'cme'y'o. # & Petersen, was married last Saturday ' | 3 f . . to° Miss Flprence Vogt, the ceremony ; |_Mrs. Edward Glenn of Michigan City being performed at the home of (he . Indiana, is making--an--ertended--risit--bride's--father--Ferdinand YVost, in Cht--+ fwith relatives here and in Mundelein. cago. Mr. and Mrs. Petresen will be | | at home to their friends after June 1st W. C. Brumm, the well known ce in the new bungalow which is nearing iment contractor, is out again, after a Completion on Prairile avenue in the 'severe tussle with nneumonia and an Osborne subdivision. } The village board meets tonight for the.--gurpose. of eangassing the returns of Tuesday's election. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Comx. of Chi-- cago, were guests at the Appley home Mrs. Mary Mason spent several days in-- Chicago this~ week visiting her -- : brick building is under course of con-- h Hluhlhry Mason was the suest Of struction to house the new omcea.' er sister, Mrs. T. H. Davidson, in This step is made so as to prevent a Waukegan, over the week end. duplication of a great amount of work. = * ~ F s1 Mr..and Mrs. W. F. Franzen, Jy., The tnange--will mean the addition of were gu@=sts of relatives.over the week 8@YCTal families to the population of Rev. A. W. Mohns and family at-- tended the Home Coming Celebration at the Julla Gay Methodist church in Chicago last Sunday afternoon. This is the church where they were located W. C. Brumm, the well known ce-- ment contractor, is out again, after a severe tussle with pneumonia and an attack of pleurisy. Gieun Hoskins, manager of the Lib-- ertyville plant of the Foulds Milling Co., returned last Saturday from New York,. where he had been on business for the company. which the Rev. Charles Digkey is now Village .Clerk Harry Gotti Monday raceived the plates for the 1925 villag»e whee!l tar, so it behooves owners of cars to secure their license ti&rds and plates at once. by Biz Bargain Day coming to Auditor-- jum Theatre Tuesday, April °8. "Two {or--oneNight." Two aduits admitted for the price of one: it Victor and Dorothy Gratz spent the week ent at the home of their cousin Virginia ard Kenneth Sink, at Lak« lum Theatre forone~Nizht Mr. and Mr#. Ed Lynch returned to their Libertyyille home Monday, after a pleasant stay of several months in thorn consolidat« aine: April 24 invited to attend mov e Shore Court Or O Pres 10 I "Tp T 294 + * _ L L. KV 2t i s e ave nmry B h-,"".' d s W sMME Porm Wivos t¥ * *George 4 *~'Hetser: the yeotor in . + m. p: & 9 .. se . 12e ");ar AF inos 'sant chorabe Plaom Lef fl.ll.._' Biz Harga Mr rice will be a party at the Haw-- solidated school Friday eve-- i1 24 Everyone'ts cordialty n imay comihg Tuesday, April "_ Two adult ts admitted 1t ~ «. ro--l . 3an @he<egs. ~whig neck . MA ~----+Whitney had beeniit--for-- a--week:--or escing so, and this drastic step was decided + upon Monday. '®, walnuts. '. Several. windows were. bro: ken by' the impact of the globes of ice. Y ' The Foulds Manufacturing will -oon-! °" move the-- Western Sales offices from -- *~~Chicago to Libertyyilie,--and~a--new ; t brick building is under course of con-- 0' struction to house the new offices. O _ Corp. Norman Vickerman was here this week visiting at the home of Mr. .And Mrs.Charles Kaiser..-- He was sum-- moned to Lake Forest recently onac-- count of the death of his grandfather. He is .in.the--Marines..and his .time .Qf service will expire in November. Joe Hart blossomed out this morn-- ing all arrayed in store clothes and everything. He says the election had nothing whatever to do with the new raiment, but that he had been called for special jury service in Waukegan. Langworthy's -- Store, . Libertyvillg agents for Vaughan's Seed Store, wish to announce that every Thursdgay eve-- ning, at 8 o'clock, at the Hote! LaSalle Station (WMAQ), Chicago, Vaughan's seed store will broadcast garden talks, which wil lbe very instrwetive to home gardeners. 7e * m * ' 8. C. Ingraham and family have be-- come residents of Libertyville, moving here from Evanston. They are occu-- pying the E. W. Parkhurst home, cor-- ner of Cook and Brainerd avenues. _Charles Whitney was taken to the I[ake County General hospital Monday for an immediate operation for the re-- W. I Collins, Julins Treptow and: Pete Moore were in Antioch Wednes-- day afternoon, placing monuments in the cemetery there. They were caught-- in the hail storm, and had to seek shelter in their cars. Mr. Oollins says the hail stones were fully as large as walnuts. °. Several. windows were bro-- ken by' the impact of the globes of ice. The Foulds Manufacturing will soon move the--Western Sales offices from Decker' & Neville -- The Near FEast continues to be an important subject to the American people. The appeal of thousands of little children calling for us to help feed them is being made A meeting will be hetd@ at the Methodist church in Libertyville on Sunday, May 3, at 7:30 p m. with a Hive speaker, three reams of péetures and a--combined meer ing of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal churches with the pub-- lic in general, wil} make an interesting evening on this subject. NHNHHHRHHRNNNmIAmnINNNINm eiigt® t o Telephone 29 WE never have been able TO tell whether the girl 18 really +4nterpreting APRING or just trying TO scratch he back-- BUT whem it comes to the DRUG business we feel much MORE at bome and rigbt IN that connection let US say that we are > HAVING another » ONE CENT Sale this week AND wilt be glad to have YOU call and look thtags over OF THE cireus calliope, BUT we'll have to admit THAT grand oper> stumps US and when it comes to THIS interpretive dancing WE like music and WF MWiieve we appreciate IT about as well as the AVERAGE Andividual of OTR station in life _ AND we can find even find CHARMS 4n the twans of : BANJO and the strem OF A guitar or even THEabrill wid cry W. W. Carroll & Son -- DRUGGISTS Spring Arrivals Libertyville, !!l. Dainty Blouses Gloves, Silk Children's Camping Suits Embroidered Aprons _ T ""~"""__ * _ The Bankers of llinois in this week's _ Cement and Mason Contractor: . LATHING and PLASTERING -- _ On the Map! Did You Know Libertyville Is |-- 604 Second Street Libertyville Lumber v Company | Will HeBe _ _ Financially Independent Let us open a savings acount today for your child. Only $1.00 is needed for initial deposit. He is a child now, but when he gets along in ___ i years what will his financial standing be? Teach ° _ | him to save--start now and the thrift habit .will _ i grow with himn. A savings account at his bank is ------{ one of the surest ways of msuring financial independ-- ence for your child. m -- CHAS. SEILER ] -- * C TELEPHONE 47 _ s Down by the Old Depot--Been there twenty years. Many buildings going up. Good Homes make good citizens. We can help you make YOUR home better. Makes an old house new--plaster right on it. -- * See it--try it ! CELOTEX -- Look for the message Libertyville, Illinois Prairie Farmer. SOLD ONLY BY §%.."! .. § 47 M hy .ce "° 'p!' p oc painenet T + OM N ns 2 zuns tm ie t * AA; w ind c Wog vh'\'f_ Hours 8 A . M. hor sa