-- At dinner he devoted himself ex-- Clusively to the lady on his left, and it & Aune Thackeray spoke to him he made , no reply, When the ladies withdrew h ---- she asked one 'of them whether Robert % Browning had gone mad. * ~--"Why, don't you know?" was the re-- W",% heard fthat you started a *==«il "Bever forgite you"**""** * % That state of affairs continued for . mouths. 'They constantly met at din-- @9 . uer pdrties, but he ignored-- hber.. In him thit he was behaving outrageous-- 1y, that Anne Thackeray had never -- weant any harm, had merely repeated -- _ ... _ what she had hbeard and was now I -- hedrtbroke 'mfib'",',' s smitten _ _ _ --. #d runpine at fuil speet t-- the --a*, \__ the following summer she, DBPOWRING aud bis most intimate friend, the Frenchman Milsand, were staying in the sameé town in Normandy. (One day ._____Misand turned on Browning and told --~~ #@ the tie, w tells us in Scribner's was as impulsive as Roose yelt, He could never speak of his wife with calmness. To ilustrate bis feel Ing about her, sys Professor Phelps, Lady Ritchie, the daughter of Thack-- eray, told me this story. absence she mentioned it. The next day Browning heard of it in a way that made him suppose she had origt nated the fable. 'That night they met at --a lorge dinner, and he was assighed to tauke her out to the dining--room,-- She greeted hbhim in their customar? then to her amazement found that he would not speak to her, but almost spiked her with his elbow every time she turned toward him. "Many a man," began old Festus Pester, "has gained a reputation for vast sagacity simply by keeping his mouth sabut and putting on the pom-- post(® of a white elephant, when, if we i ouly knew It,thenk.nothlnolm}: particular consequence underneath his y _ exterior. .A _peacock is & 1 pusillanimous--looking fowl when red of his feathers, and many «& man _who looks like .« crows prince would appear even more paitry thas a stripped pearcock If his dignity was pasied off from him. An owl looks * the concentration and quintessence sageness, but that is all there is to bim--he just looks !t. And many a mean's promposity bas caused him to be suspected of being somebody in par-- Heular, when in reality he is only & common congressman."--Kapsas City Star. > Some Famous Tunnels The following information about tunnels is from a paper by Lester 8. (irant, dean of the Colorado School of Mites, read before the 'Tekaik club of Denrer: "In 1580 Agricola, a Ger-- man mineralogist, recorded that the goid and silver mines of Schemaits, Hungary, bad then been worked for W®) years; the lead mines of Goslar, Germany, for 000 years, and the si}-- ver mines of Freiberg, Sarony, for 4) years Subsequent working of thase mines necessitated the driving of drainage tunnels of--lengths as yet unequaled in the history of miring. The Tiefe Ceorg tunnel, in Sarony, Ariven between 1777 and 1799, is 34, LW feet long, with branches amount-- log to 25,319 feet more. This was driven entirely by hand to obtaiw a drainage depth of only 400 feet. The Joseph H. tunnel at Schemnits was started in 1782 byt not completed un-- tU 1878 ~It !s tep and one--half miles long. The Rothschonberger tunnel at Freiberg. driven between 1844 and 1477, totails over 95,149 feet, the main tuanel being 42062 feet. These tun-- nels. were all driven by hand, using biack powder." L * _ a curious spectacle, for he was short an~4 heary and not used to running. "I was sitting in the window of the second story in a despondent mood." Lady Ritchle told me, "when I saw Browning running violently toward my todgtug. I rushed downstairs and leaped into his arms ; we both cried to gether and hbhad a lovely time." birthday recentis, has it been granted Ar--ste the +mdostry in which they be-- gan as ploneers, devrelop Iinto one of the greatest of all <imes. Today the SprestmeBt in slactric public utilities. alome is second only to that of the steam rallroads * the country. Even a Dante would find it difficulr to pic-- ture the infernal cost that would en-- wue were all the electric light and power companies, electric rallways ahd the telephone and telegraph com-- panies suddeniy to be withdrawn "Aoppy" caps shd canary yello® strap-- an riding breeches, generals of ?'ou school" at Aldershot, Eng-- 'u" recentiy compiled a set of rules fut dAress, even including the : color a«tracture of the nation. To few men as it has been to Edi-- m, who celebrated his geventpr--eighth VYellow Enrages Generais ixasperated af the frequent appear-- ie bf¢ léemdb--colered \colla®s®, large Vast Electrical Industry Mr. Pester were maide in all the rost of the America Far in Lead omobiles--ghipped to other coun-- t abroad by Ameri-- %« year num-- m':fi l' 77." more was a rumor that Browning Job of Forgiveness for a49e BUILDING BOOM IS UNDER WAY IN CITY OF NORTH CHICAGO The permils show that five and six room cottages are ihe favorite type of homes as nearly all of the fifteen permits cell for the construction of that type of bome. Two are for two fat buildings and two are for efght room houses. Only. ome of the per-- mits called for anything as small as a fourerfoom cottage. Stuco6, Kélls stone and brick are the {favorite fin-- whes epumerated. > The building permits issued by City Clerk Jack H. Coyle within the last month are as foMows: i -- Louis Bilka, Victoria street,, resi-- Fifteen Permits for Construc-- tion of Home# Issued This Month. * hob ind m mege _ Aesibd s ty ts ~~ <Fames RJork. Presooit street, rest Thomas Burkish, Sher'dan road, residence. + Alex Hansk!, Seymour Are. % fat Permits for the eonstruction of fifteen residence, two of them two fat buildings and the rest--cottages and bungalo=s, have been issued and the construction is <~wtarted. Nine ga-- rages are being built and one chick-- COTTAGES ARE FAVORITES A building boom that promises--to make North Chicago a thickly. set-- tled residential town especially in the west and south west 'dides, is under-- way in the city now according to the Ifst of building permite issued this month by City Clerk Jack H. Coyle. i W --moree aese wC James Come to our factory for the fence you need. You can you a distinctive, strong fence every pur-- pose--and at factory prices, _ e . m CHAIN LINK LAWN FENCB 'L_;Q.""n?.h-v_g.cogoitfioc'! Wire Fence 3« WZ. PeoFieecZ. e s _ * on m ColCGPVe C Thas on Ths posn eGGEZ powt Shem Jo Be veey SuccesSPe _ MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE Per Rod eA es mageh ... K 10 bars, 50 inches high, 124nch stays .. .. 32 0 MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 13 pars 15 kn biok td en >: :: : Plikt 40 inches high: Rach : :C !:GGG:!;1!. POULTRY NETTING--1¥%4a0h Moak 48 inches high. Per 1504oot rofl . . . . . . ; 10 feet wide. Each 12 feet wide. Bach 14 feet wide. Each 14 incon bith Pot oo : PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES e streei S LAWN FENCH real | Good --Fridey hbis been observed since the earliest days of ChristJanity dn memory of the cruci®zion of Jesus ;bfln. which event--ts sald to hare sccurred Fri'day, April 15, 2, A. D, |or April 8, 38, A. D. THB expression | "Good tprobably God's) Friday" is said to be pecullar to the Church of Eng-- | tand. Good Friday is observed the Frt |day 'before Easter. *x~= _ Antony Kisteleski, Lincoln streo!. 2 fist building. ' Mrs. LeClair, Park avenue, resi-- Fraok Rerpich, Victoria street, resi dence. . Hermine Roman, Ninteenth asd . Frank M. Opeka, Victoria strees, reaidence. residence. * Thomas Smith Commonwealth are. resid« ace. * > Stapley -- Wanowleleskl, Seymour ave. residence. ioceing poxy 96 6 "Wine was loved in return as a father is loved. *"I wouldn't give my fourteen boys for, your whole diocese!" was his proud declaration to a rector of a fashlonable <«hurch in New York. The Bishop's Boys, The frst bishop of North Caroline, John Stark ltavengcroft, generally kpoke of the clergy pnder him as if they"~were his own 'children, and Mr. Marshall Detancey Hayward in hbis book, "Lives of the Bishops «£ North Carolina," says that Bishop Raven» croft loved them Ilike children, and Pau} Wicehban, Victoria stree!, re«-- idence. -- F},w.;-v' m e cost the company $1,000,000 ftor --te pairs and delay. A word careclessly droppad will sometimes cost a life of LAAA AAA LAAA 4. 1 -0000000000' vou 6 t a 6 0 ao## 8 8 Ant#my Stupar, Wadsworth asys Bmail Things of Great Moment. A plece of twine that--Acll.Juia Aha. z84 on notp rRitem en wnornn n commer camge mc rdi s maimatiedlea s¥ m tige moy / "'! R 219 Communities Served f »anarig \-- Pigny Race $ f The oatives of the Andames t lands, bay of Bengal, average three weigh under seventy pounds, _ Fishing Bed 000 Miles Long. ®o* e ge e The famous Ashing grounds of New-- Largest Membership. foundland, the Grand banks, are 000 | The French Legion of Honor bas & miles long and about 0 wide, with a |\ much larger membership than any oth bottom of shifting sand. -- er prominent order, suthce i. w PME mt ale i -- A Jyo > nan t NC & e "A GREAT barrier like the ancient fl;p"yur..ltbm'm fact Ipmaaxummmn- that the Company serves 25 per--cent of wmmm% «g:'-mumwdm an almost entirely--self--sustaining area.. | The Company is constantly assisting ? CAL & + smarufactorers by finding new and greater !n&hm-;mmnaugbn-b uses for industrial power and gas. Its filling nearly every human need. o Mm;"nuvh(mmwilba In the remarkable progress of the com-- available to a continually increasing mwumm number of people. s Pioprier® Hithol has kept conmtaht pace. _ Investors in Public Service Company of It i a fact, that the prosperity of Northern . reeson to be pratifea by the stabiity and l Tilinois and that: of MC~ -- hich standing which. through careful hE )| .> * 69 SW Asropians View Eleciric Cenariting Station No. 6, W aukegan, Hiincis, on Lake Mickighn: °--~ ~~ l'mammmmus urh;.'y served with electricity % * Gun Reny, Lecl Rupoeratiatice .. The Company now serves 283,629 cus-- wqmmmofmw,flqm with Electricity or Gas Wrhite for the 1925 Year Book and read this Company's story of progress. PuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY on ts itrapttm ons umt w ue howe ar:'s gex ' w --. Cz e chemists regarded it as the printiple of combustion on account of its own The first -- robberies there --occurred more than a year ago while the most recert ones were in April . -- . . At that time more than Avre cot a{iter the fAirst sobberies and Iniled 10 make.arrests. By that time restdents in the district, feeling that they <could enty ~-- He states 'thiat Homann hes a ré6 ord, having served one year in Poott ac. * -- » On his arrival here he will be aub jected to close questioning and later according to Deputy Lester Tiffuny, who is sending Deputy Ben Neely, to Chicago today to bring Homann back to the county, h HMe has been sought for a --year or more, according to Tiffany, who 'c: cuses him of breaking intothe ed summer cotteges on Long. Lake. folibwed ont,-- and --thahext:thing .16 comm to the attention of the sherift Chicago, is being held by Chicago po special stars were taken away. 1 totated by Police After Chase of a Year; 70 Summer Cot-- TO BRING HIM _ HERE dammability, and termed it "brim The »Burning-- Steome" .-- > Buiphur is anse of the oldest known The deputies investigated closely fKuny estimates that at least ge¥ phs add radion.were taken. "estimates that at least ger PLACED IN JALL prear s o t o\ Hterally 'rme was|-- l -- J / mechaniost advice to all your wants. .Come in and get--|.-- 1 eE OMAE . Mc en mevr -- ~o " Rareakibegnimnzt w 4 omm on _ .l .o4 abwie: «en a ET. nWe east ce¥ Have you d@riven this 1925 Six? If not you will be doing ve been| |M\ ~---- yourself an injustice, If you sre in the market JE something ad" "' new, If you buy any car without driving this oblile Six u.a-u Arst. ~Refént improvements through the Oldsmobile & General * Motors give.it a new performance, little short of amazing! Ellio;d) ~----'A amall down.payment will put this beautiful car at your and later | command, and, yes, your monthly payments, the system of the rlnnaly us to explata: * . -- : Character in Jewish Folklore,. ~~"Lilith" is a Lemale demon of Jewish tolklote. < The name means "night mon-- ster." In Rabbinical lterature Lilith becomes the wife of Adam, but fles away fromhjim.and hecomes a demon, Our "obséryvation is that most girls vgflmnflf"m'm man than a homeiBade ha high standing which, through careful by this Company. Sheridan Road Motor Sales 16 So. Sheridan Rd. . --_. Phone 33 Waukegan, H. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR FRIENDS es n e on ° + s NOTICE! 38 @ i spumey wp »whipene~ When the sun~goes below the hom-- tzon, he--is not set ; the heavens glow for a fyll hour after his departure. And when a great and good man sets, the sky of this world is luminous long atter he iJs ont of «!sht.----Bgecher, next come the pear--shaped, and lastly the egg--shaped, . _ # ~Worthy Life Lives in Memory. _ The lfilt'_VIlubh pearls are round; Cars Washed anatsmatint. --....,. rAbngrccmmm mpncne ym