_ * -- -- Caonolle, . AuBtEgp*«* x -:.we'"" in. . tbe---- & _ ©BO mnecompanied by --Mina y'__*_ Ne are .b:':":')' un.l'n"l"her destiny f 'l" q l l ' p n JA I 4A &A L4A iAod * Shere the ralhbow agret fades, where _ <*~~------~ . Service Worth While _ % f c> > u pfore 1 * o * C+T f 7 w a ** " s p-- . Rtnfarmite's acvem as CHAS. M. BERNARD, Prop. _' _ _ Telephone 456, 5679 /.. Whknd thik beinks that DaAbK betfore us 1. _ ; > 2. c i i o L a n i m i e 4e ies P es oog .. . arih s _ S PAID Tuesday -- evening> to Mrs. M. E. Smith, who was chairman of the meeting, asked all former po pils present to register in Mrs. Mo-- Morey: was given in an address by _principal sddress of the eve-- fil'" delivered by Francis G. . State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who made the t98 to Waukegan from Springfield to do reacher. Mr, Blair.is' a most able speaker and delivered an address which bad fewrequals in Waukegan. A 'vocal selo, "Sylvia" by Speaks, was sung by Mrs. Jessie Edwards Conte'man, accompanied by Mrs. Jobhnx"~S.© Clark, ~ superintes public schools in Waukegan. Mrs. $mith, president of the Pa rent Teachers' Association of the Central school, was in chagre of the program and to ber and to Miss Georgia Adams, principal of the Cen tral school, is due the entire success of the gathering. -- o_ was a bower All during the day Mres, Morey re-- celved congratuilations in the form of visits, letters and. telegrams from former puplis,. . w 5) { jast as. 1D her class ers Association presented Mrs, Morey with a basket of roses and the Cen-- tral school teachers gare her a beaw tiftul sllk ombrella. only an inspiration to her pupils but MATI':W ::lr'".(fi: ie 2 "frwad wit svenieg. "*--***-- gie,pep i. Gatke, proaemie mor fh&'" > esented _ Mrs. Morey thanked ail present in ber characteristically kindiy manner said, 'If we evrer have -- sznother woman who taaches school for forty Morey, -- Il'll be glad to. have the precedent.""* RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION _ OF _ WAUKEGAN CITY SCMOOLA. % Whereas, Mrs. Adelina Morey has public schools and-- deserves especial recognition ; s * Now Therefore, Be it resoived by the Board of Education of the Wau-- kegan City schools that this board expresses its heartfelt appreciation of the splendid services rendered our public school system by Mrs. Morey with the earnest hope that she may © Proper Care of ful chauffedr wraps all polished tools before putting them in fi,b. and keeps them away from tWD stor-- Uve long to enjoy her nll'u::o'd' reputation a All good tools should be wrapped 1p, otherwige they will rust, and rust be spread at length on the minutes W this board and an engrossed copy b6 given to Mrs. Morey. age battery, the fomes of which will ADUULINL MUNL 1| duced'to a woman.~ _ iheh s ® All ::: in different walke in life, nensssscines and ~I : asked them all at lgmnh Ffiends Gather to Do Honor } i /One man said, "Her ankles," an « < o R & * . & > | gt_Cent wmm ' 3-.- 4 ie 4 > imanmt ?N ~ ~onmptondommmme <| |portant 'the hands of a Wwoman aré A wonderful tribute. ~wan "®Barn|'Am tho--oyes of a man, so I asked for primary room where Mrs. ADELINE MOREY| 22. :m 2e @6 + e TE | Hands Not the Least . + of Feminine Ché&r=»s Meb + th . ; s SARVs URL l Buosda¥ at the Wet h * Yhs im sonabar o e070ing, sn 1 TA PERT | mtorosing teaiinnents «. n 0 m'#'fi ' Welss had testified--that h6 souhded of her "a mnaval OBE mm horn as he approached the wom-- said. "I instinctively distrust a WOW |an on the Waukegan roed &t Kight-- an with a fat, pudgy hand. Bhe i#] penth street She looked up, be said, usually Jazy and empty--brained. .. . |as it aware of the truck, and then i _ "As for the young woman with th@| suddeniy stepped into the street, di-- "ly--whito' hands,° preserve me from|recily ih the path of the machine. . Hlmost before-- F had seen her face," which resulted ai hvfidefi ath Modday, one ef the tmeive confeased to me. '[stands exonerated today of lame fof c"f _ "lsg "*" y dea en k sc EM: A coroner's jury 'tound he was pot M Te . " e.ie| responsible for the aecident in a ver-- Promiees of Spring. abmmmmmm cheertul sounds, and the warm breezes which enliver us so much in spring ; it is the quiet. prophetic spirit of end-- and --I asked them aAll at am « ue times, Mary Manners writes in Exoncrated --of --Ré othar. "Her. eyes," a 'third "Her ' ner's Jur\ f". but, to my .w 7 eommmerrnomemememe %w '_"'wg W# ouse ....m:'-'w:::m portant 'the hands of a Wwoman 'aol ' Winrameimpmmtiom of Inward refnement, We cannot alt have our hands cast in a classi¢ moild, heppy days.--Marraret Opitz, I know the Bible is inspired because #t fnds me at greater depths of my being than any other book.--Coleridge, Pork Chops ' "Sir Elis Barker, the famous Lon lon suargeon, warns us to leave pre served foods alone. He mys pe "A friend Gropped in on B1 as be was frying a brace of pork chops. =Pine chops, them,' sald the friend, emiling bungr{0ly. "Fine chopa? -- gronted old S1, as he turped them, all stzsling and anok-- Ing, in the frying--pan. 'Well, I guess they is fine chops. None 0' yer mur dered stuff, nuther. That bog Aled a natural death.'" This Amazing Essex Success | the Result of Value . HUDSON.ESSEX, WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING 6--CYLINDER CARsS / -- playing . the "plano, abd little rippled oves l::%--u "3 fat an with hands like that ything, and 1 was right 1 Pafet coneAhe Brear hevee mcy regord is dve t n other jhing ltbhn?:flonmnluc Mnm:bz.idn(tm is not even challenged. ESSEX COACH-- '895-- MAIN GARAGE t alt| #ort, and when toed a suflicient amount Frank Weiss, driver of an «htomo-- bile which struck Laurs 'Ward, col-- was struck a moment before by the Ward--car, and Mrs. Ward stayed be-- side of the road. ---- fa Occupants of the Mainard car, who testified at the inquest, said that from their. point of observation it appeared m F'w lar'm by Coro-- g:;:;""can a Sirn -- sndyipes o Jury." _ _ |_*"Bef ts 4. ksouP tather, warning of the approach of the truck and that she walked in the path of the machine after it was too late for the driver to stop. ---- f Days of Gluttony. Seventy--fAire years ago it was not un-- usual for a formal English breakfast to last two bours, while a dinner might start at $:30 o'clock and be protracted Ull midnight. And the courses were &8 sald: "What are you dotng? I an-- swered, "Oh, only cutting some dead branches off, It's all right, lin't itt She thought a minute and replied, "I guess so; it's your tree."--Exchange. Feed Valunes of Potatoos. -- That potatoes differ widely in food value is shown by a report of the gor-- ernment's scientifc committee, 1t is laid down that the most useful potato largest amount of dry matter, 'Where two varieties are practically equal in this respect, the nitrogen they con tain enters into the estimation of their Leeding quality. Jug Tunkine. Jod Tunkins says one reason N eight--hour day swems so long is that it gets monotonous watchin' the clock, BLAME IN MOTOR * | «xm sns slar Jns t oree *"%. 'TM'C NI Tow 100 this DRGK now Long: tet! ; VICTIM'S DEATH| Eqst dne28} memes mooer dn s demtur Auw * | painter, looked up with a sigh from T% was in terror a the wight of a cat Peter the Grest was in a tremor~of tear If hbe bad to cross a bridge, and Byron turned pale if he spilled salt at ~Buperstitions of the Great _ PDr. Samuel Jolhnson, so it is record-- »d, would never enter a room left foot the table. Fize michgien at Shanke bevaeee aivee new frana renistt pocndnes fer are years, %; on bation. If no other flp:'_vdco in in recent years releaied two cases when a Cire was pronounced definite. the near future she will probably be zo there a year back, but told him that all repairs had been azd& and that if he did not come the suit within a short while he would charge Lor storage. And it was then that the student reweniberdd what he bad been hoapital. She is Afteen yearss old and the grandniece of Gen. Joe Whesler, ta-- mous cavairy leader of the Confed ~ A year ago a college student living in Dearborn tore the coat of bis sult and sent it to a Dearborn tailor for repairs and pressing. Yesterday 'he happened to enter the little shop and the tatlor not only at aonge recognized George Washington Jones was all Uolled up when on the street he mot the man who employed his wife and Ahimaelf. "Tou didn't come to work this mort Ing." chided the boss. -- "Yarsuh, sho' 'suff, sub, buot dat am mah third wife Dis am only ber tin wedlin', so Ab didn't want her to logse a day."--American Legion Weekiy. The Ear's Capacity. The most practi®@d ear cannot dis tinguish in ons necond more than from hine to twelre successive sounds, -- The Bilanks Exptained. | A strange phendmenon was observret when taking some exceptionally rapi( pictures in New Jersey recently ; ever; third flm was found to be blank anc on inquiring into the cause it was dis covered that alternating current bat been used for Hlumination and that the novagraph had actually photographes the alteruations of the current, whick are too rapid to be perceived y the €y€C, The leprosy case of Missg Florencé Then He Remembered to remember fot mA wholo yeatr. coiqutie «m wk who left the suit ~ROBBERY FAME IS IMPRISONED HERE Another celebrity.in Chicago's crim-- Jual life, Jimmie Head, is making his day at & brokerage office as he was awbout to dispose of '$10,000-- in. stolen m connecting him with bank rob-- _ The ;nmcflo Iolh" ""':'::l':. known as the beer lord 3,0M¢¢o. who is serving a term for bootlegging. Head, an associate of ] K1d4" Wen.jahcum'u;cmuo( Chicago postal inspectors to counect mmmml,xhfluh the last few »mtonths. . . of -- the, loot has already been identified as mmumwm bertes--the Northwest sal bank Chicago Police Character, --Ar-- "Yellow Kid" Weil was arrestel Tuesday night efter one of his asso-- ciates made disclosures to the postal which, on account of the exact lote-- _ UpRTTRI@TtE growth of a communi(jye--.0GILU© U . * e N tion, is the shipping point for skin:| _ The northern hemisphere has more | busy workshops and easy convesants % + seat to London, the continent of Eu |lMan 200 public astronomical observe-- | of men and things, from one place{# °* ip: rope, and the --United States.. tories to less thean 20 in the seutherm. | snother, . e e k Monopoly eof Mecha Sheepsiine. The world's supply of Mocha sheep skin is obtained by about a dozes bvfl.vhhnfirmg lectors in cararvans to collect Is it invested here at home where you can _ watch.it apd know at all times what it is doing? What About Your Finances? ~ Does your money earn as high a rate of _/ I interest as 7%. = . . : Is it invested in securities of which the income is "not taxable? ~ If not then we advise you to get in touch with us and let us tell you about our high grade 7% non--taxable investment. -- North Shore--Gas Co. _ See any of our employes or send us the at-- Please have your representative call and furnish me with further information regarding your 7% investment. COUPON theirnetiveo CO}| priansist *ava _brought out the . fact »mwfimw may be c.::d 'and ot which Mocha,] perhaps regulaged by the »=« ~*r44ly w blanket as it fioats on the. . 1},-@?'@4 At the same time m Canada. It feeds mostly on fish, frogs and other aquatic ..-.:. , and may be seen, particularly in ,the morning and in the evening, standing patiently -- To Put Out Qasoline Fire. _ -- While pure sawdust gives excellent results in putting out a small gasoline Bre, a mixture of.ten poundzswof bicar-- bonate of soda with 12 pounds of clean sawdust is the best medium to --have on hand, says Everyday Engingéring. Have the sawdust dry and 'free from chips, The sawdust forms an airtight one and one--half feet long, and is com-- waiting tiH prey comes within reach. ihoir, alte, Pht, uesmm -vnhv'oi'-a'_m"'f scissors | you can mend a torn magazine cove: «4n a jify, ar a book page, that some eone--bas torn. 'You--can mend with the . Take Care of Good Books,. At spring cleaning time every book should be dusted separately and a fine soft--brush whisked in~all the crévices of the tape under the corBer, ___ a e 6 ue BV¥ s brvle n e e WWh onb be ie a t 6 VFHH L East Indian's Discovery, oW¥ a 6 6 e CY e e¥Ke uU v eb 6e dn bn t i bent corners o ribes and 8 lus Tax 756. [ foack CAT AND THE CANARY" -- CYR PaY cated by the English customs author= Ities was destroyed by burning in . a furnace ealled the king's pipe. Now« adays all such tobacco, as well as thiat which is returned as unusable for far its eye, has a tiny gap in the loop, . ______ "____ amoking, is sold 40 manufacturing chemists, whor turn it into sheep--dig, Insecticides for the use of gardeners, and the like. , 4 Wrap All Tools, © e All good tools should Bbe wrypp¢d dulls their cutting edges. i6 caretal carpenter wraps his tools in a woelen cloth well olled. The carefal chadit feur wraps all nolished tools before putting them in the tool box and keeps them away from the storage battery, the fumes of which will quickly rust Long life is not worth while unlessit Jn active, Merely to exist in dull and passive contemplation of the immé diato enviranment favites the verdict, "Better dead." Men and women who bope to live long and retain their t80« ulties saboul4, if a Bailtimore physicia®s I# to be beitered, take a }ittle thought in advrance for the work --of the "lol« instantly without the wearlsome dodg-- ing that the present type requires, .. . .. Three Hundred Years Ago. > ~The first man to recoguize the In +