100. ROUND LAKE * -- " ECV --_ RUUNVU LARE " |last Monday. _ > Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Adams and Mrs.|VOALY Filif--in0 MuLP® Lk M NK : j # #4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 = 4 % % %4 % % %«| Dt Palmer of Waukegan was called rllonn of Waukegan were guests of|*°" had. Foster--Milburn Co., lfr's. Buf } CE V~ ; . to the O. A Howard home Monday. Mré. Sarah Adams Sunday. , ply ask for a .kidney remedy ~-- get ____:___ _ Dr, W.--E. Smith of Grand Ridge,| Mfs. Howard i# on the sick list _ _ | Mrs. W. H. Kist and Mrs. Russel La | @10 N-- Y *A § 2 stopped --w. --Stound motolookgnerl Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. B. K. Téacke. ; y elig: Of 4 wAz o moeeamaatindeaniatiaaiientinge «. #ig {.--__~. . Yhe Intérests of his farm whilé on The . yya. ; P lamn se oe hok _%w k & * »rHe prainit wire» is QLD * ,_ *;Wd'.fm': § "of * *\ '&'M gena EChalts c5.0,.Mied thet-- bt fi'-ar:?'«?"w"\?' se s s matos hi t ue y thikes 'gonP _ * Jp Pliconee s . E.. n e e eredie t m ce We AAKMKN Y ETUGRECBRIHLS _ seamer. MBE EL * m . w n on e o e ho ns ang eese * * taikes PE & keep entmes Hotuk A@iFs Delbert Richardson Was in Wad | Wednesday. * -- .|('The Prairfe Wite,~ at the Audftort --_--~__-- _: Mra. F. Wickersheim of, Grayslak® gegan Tuesday afternoon. -- 'Mr.and Mrs. Ira--G&rdner --called on |um Sunddy, May 17, is the screen adap | es spent Monday with her parents, "" Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Chicsgo 'the 0. 1. Rockenbach family at Lake|tation of.Arthur Stringer's novel of the 1 and Mrs. J. F. Schumacher. have rented the Nolan flat for the sum |Zurich Sunday. * West, but contrary of most. Western | Fz:x Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman @and mer months '~~--~ > . Ralph Peterson of Chicago was the |pictures, offers no wild and wooly por-- Tifs--'Kobert . nrasher of St.Iail _ __ guest of his mother, Mrs. Frank Peter-- |trait , but the story of the struggle of --____. Minn. motored to Round lLake MON--} s 3 x » a a a # # * # # # #% # #% #|son, Sunday. .----,--|a young married .couple to make _ a . day to visit their mother, Mrs. Clara 'The Boy Scouts took turns Sunday| home--it is the "Old Homestead" of | Rosing, for a few weeks. %# -- CRAYSI AKE sriine for tha Itaffir mn at the onrner |the West With realistis touches Hugo | --_.««--««~--Mtr--and Mts-- 881 Duba of Liberty 4 ville spent Sunday &afternoon at the ---- _--~*---- Miles Duba home. % Mrs. Poter Stadtifeld of Volo was a p{t Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hendese were in ¥» Wauconda last Sunday visiting at the _ ROUND LAKE--MAN _ ~ / TAKES IST PLACE IN CORN CONTEST _ _. display and was awarded the biue Tibbon. l To C Wws --__ _ Mother's Day was observed Sunday _ _ evening at the community cburch. :"i".'it;'t"l;r was--chosen to be the . B0nored er. A large crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Herbert Davis was a Round _ Lake caller Tuesday. . -- and Mrys. J. F. Schumacher. > Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gorman and Mrs. Robert Brasher of 8t. Paul, . Minn.. motored to Round lake Mon-- day to visit their mother, Mrs. Clara Rosing, for a fow weeks. germination tests to assure a>good ~~sStates had tntries in--the show, which mhbttoct.ufluotl?fleomgz exhibits. Each ear was tested germination, and the judges were ten of thé leading corn authorities in America,. . _ L she . *# 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % Mrse. Raiph Davis called at --the Geoo. Huson and Fitz homes Monday. * Charles Brainerd was a Chicago vis-- itor last Friday. . Mrs. Ray Rippberger and son, How ard, called at the Fits home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wineberg of Chicago called at the Jack, Daley home Tuesday afternoon. Lillian Larkin and Mary Graham of Long lake spent Tuesday afternoon at the Fitz bhene. lake caller Tuesday. -- Mrs: Emma Huson spent Tuesday afternoon at the A. L Stanford hbome. Mr. and Mre. Lyle Litwiler were Chi-- cago calters Tucsday. i Edward Larkin of Long Lake was a Round Lake visitor Monday everming. Mr. and Mrs. Willia mFrost and chil-- dren motored to Waucond and spent Bunday at the Henry Stadtfield home Mrs. Joe Amann's sister of Mitwau-- The-- National Seed Corn Show,; of which the m; county exhelel;u was a part, was the largest seed corn show ever held. 'It was designated to .call the attention .of 'American Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamiiton returned to their bome it Chicago, after visiting | for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Del Richardson l Mr. and ¥J;', Rialiph Davis andson, Bimon and Mrs. Simon Davis motored to Bristol, Wis.,. to spend Saturday at the George Davis home. itors Satarday _ Mre: Joe Wagner and two children and . Miss_ _ Adeline Rossendeutcher were in Round lLake Tuesday. . Mre. Peter Wagner of Yolo was in our village one day last week. -- Mr. and Mrs. Bernle Geary wereh Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hendee motored to North Chicago Saturday evening to visit the latter's mother, Mrs. N. Kretschmet . 0. A. _oward attended a meeting of M. W. A. at Lake Zurich Tuesday eve ning. James Meier Had the Best Seed Corn Exhibit in Coun-- Mrse. Gifford White and daughtér, Merie, were in Chicago Monday. -- The May party and basket social Friday evening was well attended. Ev-- eryone had a good time. Mra. Emmett Geary and son, Forest, d Wauconda, were Round Lake vis-- kee visited bhere a fow days last week Mrs. Iwme Gaffca and daughter Jeanette and son, Gilbert, of Wauke gan were in Round TLake Thursday. Thil allows as how he wishes some one would buy Jim and Bill a balF and bat so they could play ball while the ;:'ul are resting. How about that, 9 Iawrence Amann. Jr., Andrew Batz ner, of Waukegan, Clarence Amann of Mundelein and »frs. J--Stadtfield spent Bunday at the rrank Amann home. ----Harry Dietz and family were called to Mundelein the first of the week on account of the deatk of Mr. Dietz's The average germination of the corn entered in the county exhibit was 91.6 per cent, the report stated. 'This is considerably higher than the average found for all Hlinois en-- tries, which. was only 72.6 per cent. Mro. Peter Meyers was a Chicago caller Tuesday. H. Daley of Waukegan spent Sunday with brother, Jack Daley. r:x. Mrs. George Vazgey and chil-- a of \Waukegan vnmq at the\ Ed Turner fl-c one day last week. ° Herbert Kimball of Chicago yvisited at the J. Atadtfield home Saturday: O, A. Howard attended the M. W. A. first-- place ih the Lake county seed Mre. C. Thompson called on her sis-- ter, Mrs. O. A. Howard, Monday. report reaching here. His entry was m«. Gana, were in Bristol, Wis., , visiting Mrs. Poeterson's moth-- er, and other relatives. . Mre. Phannenstill of Lake Deflance #pont: the week end with her daughter James Meler of" Round Lake® took Mr. and Mr.a Peter ts was a Grays smMO" kegan Tuesday afternoon. ------{ ~Mr--and Mre. Ira--GArdner--called. on » ll'l Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler of Chicago the O. 1. Rockenbach tamily at Lake have rented the Nolan flat for the sum 'znrlch Sunday. * 404 mer months. ' 9 > . fRalbh Peterson of Chicago was the Victor Doo of Wooster Lake, was a Round Lake caller Tuesday. * iL Mrs. Jim Curran spent Thursday is LAbertyvitie with Mrs:Jack Mason: . Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen and chil-- with Lucile Wagner. _ -- _ | =~Mr--and Mrs.: Bd Brown and--daugh-- ter, Lilah, attended the show Charley's Aunt at the ~Acfdemy im Waukegan 'Tuesday evening. . | Mr. and Mre. P. E. Hildebrandt and son spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Elgin and Kingston. at Libertyville Thursday evennig. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hendee and Mrs. Bumner Bauer attended the P--T. A. meeting in Libertyville Friday night. Frank Phannenstill of Chicago is vis-- iting his sisters, Mre. Anpa Richard-- BOn, ¥u. Kate Stadtfield and Mrs. Elizabeth Amain, this week. -- * ~ Ed Brown attended a meeting of the Mrs. Alex Selberg has returned to her bhome from the Lake County Gen «ral hospital, where sha.underwent an operation. s > -- The Merchants and Farmers Bank baes purchased the building in which it is located from Mrs. Sophia Cahn, of Chicago. _ Eon ie Misses Alice and Theo Smith spent Bunday with relatives in Libertyyille. Charles Snyder is now employed at the Hook grocery and market. Several members of the Masonic lodge went to McHenry Tuesday night and they were royally entertained. Miss Bessie Lewis of Chicago was here on business Tuesday. > > s A meeting was held at the Godfrey store Wednesday night to complete ar-- rangements for Memorial day. 'Mrs. Gunlock of Chicago visited her sister, Mré. Mabel Litwiler, a few days Lk whek, : * ._.__:----_. oz William DeWane was at Belvidere over Bunday visiting relatives. William Sinclair, Chas. Mitchell and Harold Kénnedy and daughter, Mary Lue, called at the Sumner Rauer home Sunday evennig. . CLAEMRARR U & -- se -- 7 John Kerry was in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Olga Wetzel has resigned her po-- | sition at E. C. Hook's grocery and ia now emplofed at the telephbone ex-- change."~ _ -- '%he Horton family has moved from the Wrate house on Hawley street to the Waters cottage in the Burr Oak subdivision -- Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith of Lib-- ertyville spent Saturday afternoon with Misses Theo and Alice Smith. Do noft fail to attend the big demons-- tration and sale of Holeproof hoslery at the R. B. Godfrey store on Satur-- day, May 16. N. G. Frost and J; Powe of Kenosha visited at the Wil. Huson and William Frost homes Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ames spent Bunday at the George Huson home. _ Mrs. E. Luby and Mrs. John Lenzen DUWCDG «: U¥ 4. BUM MFH Ki . UE Mundelein Monday. o Florefice Smith was a Chicago vis-- itor Tuesday. 7 Miss May Wilson of Zenda, Wis., vis Ited her aunt, Miss Whitehead, last Beart i= fai}! "= Mre: J. Stailified. She also visited at the homes of Mrs. G. Richardson an Miss*Wannie Troyer was in Round Phone 200--J 40 Horses 1 GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. COME AND CGET JUST ~ WHAT YOU WANT. RIVER ROAD, ONE--HALF MILE SOUTH OF MILWAUKEE AVENUE. THREEIII.BK)RTHOFDE?HAINB. Phones, Farm; Desplaines 147. Residence Park Ridge 1132 COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS F aithtuilnéss hipge DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC ST ATION and-- Mausoleums ~o*®=p FoC at [ *X L.T 1209 lor. | The regular monthiy meeting of the W. C. T. U was held in the Presbyter-- lan church Tuesday afternoon, presid-- {od over by the presidéAt, Mrs Sarah |Bavage. LEA XA % 4 4 4 4 ¥ 4 *4 4 * * *# * Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Adams and Mre. +Moran of Waukegan were guests of Zurich Sunday. * west, but COnIrary Of IROSL. WESstern Ralph Peterson of Chicago was the pictures, offers no wild and wooly por-- guest of his mother, Mrs. Frank Peter |trait , but the story of the struggle of son, Sunday. ,----,--|a young married .couple to make a The Boy Scouts took turns Sunday | home--it is the "Old Homestead" of acting for the traffic cop at the corner the West. With realistic touches Hugo e _ ~ n« * Ballint has> directed> Dorothy: DBevore, The Boy Scouts took turns Sunday acting for the traffic cop at the corner Bunday. e Mrs. Louise Osterman of La Crosse, Wis., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mre. E. H. Willthan and other rela-- tives. The communify enjoyed a concert given at the Presbyterian church last, Monday evening by the pupile of the Columbia School of Music of Chicago The Dorcas Society held an all day meeting at the church Thursday. . At the Ounday evening union service held in the PresBbyterian church, Dr George Fickes, of the Department of Christian Education of the Presbytery of Chicago, spoke. Mrs. Frank Peter-- Mr. and Mrs. Freidiand and daugh ter spent Sunday in Chicago with Mr Freidland's mother. Plans for the expenditure o%f% ap proximately $150,000 in storm and sanitary sewer systems for the vil-- lna:'e of Deerfjeld were taken up Mon-- The estimated cost of the east side improvement is approximately $54,000 and will include in its drain-- age a wide area of east side prop-- erty which will increase greatly in yalue and --Gopen up for residences & large tract of land that is now hardly available for a residential ¢is Mrs. Samue!l Soll and daughter, Miss Florence, of Wilson, Ark.. visited the Anderson and Blaine families here last which will greatly improve the prop erty of the village. The total cost of the six big jobs is tstimated at $150,000. & Mr. and Mrs Carl Romme! and their daughters of La Grange, Wis., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rom-- me! Sunday. Victor Rouse of Reynolds, Ind., is staying at the home of his uncie, Loute Meyers. was held on the project, one --of which was . d in the form of an ordinance anst"éifllnfoi'm: Iltorm sew-- er system in the east side of Deer-- field. ty x3 trict because of the poor drainage: * The other six fimprovements plann-- &4 % 4 4 % 4 4 * 4 % 4 % 4 % 4 4 4 *~~----DEERFIEL D. --~~* A large company of relatives and friends gathvwred at the home of Mrs. DEERFIELD PLANS $150,000 SEWER _ _ IMPROVEMENTS Pass Ordinance for East Side Storm Sewer Monday Night; --____ Six More Up. -- ____ C"m For Old Gold, Pliatinum, Bilver, Diamonds, mag neto points, false teeth, jewelry, and valuables. Cash by return Hoke 58. & R.--Co., Ostége, Mich. Libertyville, Ilinois LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 nearly all the time. When I ssooped my back pained me more because a sharp catch taok me and it was hard to straighten. My'kidneys acted too freely, also. Mornings my back was lame and I was bothered with head aches and dizzy spells. Doan's Pills, "however, from Lovell Prug Co. Drug Herbert Rsvlhuo?"m Gowland and an excellent east, in the delightfully different story of a young society girl who marries a West ern man, and the difficulties that beset ) their life in the West. There's nothing more annoying than kidney weakness or inability to préep-- erly control the kidney secretions. Night and day alike, the sufferer is tormented and what with the burning and sealding, the attendant backache, headache and dizziness, life is indeed a burden. Doan's Pills--a~ stimulant diuretic to the kidheys--have brought peace and comfort to many Liberty-- ville people. Profit by this Liberty-- Yille resident's experience: Chris Koeblin of Central street, is is til} <orithier""~* 3¥ ; 20 WiWipheant ~*. cnmpfhemss .~Price 80c, at ait dealefs. --BDon't #im-- JohnC. Ender Tuesday, May 5, in hon or of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kiesgen of Hol-- land, Mich., visited at" the Geo, Her-- Doan's Pills--the same that Mrs. Brix-- | [J mann home several days this week." Ed Knaak of Downers Grove is vis-- iting his mother, Mrs. T. L Knaak. The Fred Horenberger and Ender families attended the funeral of Wil-- Ham Eggert ot-- Chicago Thursgay, ---- Mr. and Mrs. ~ohn Schminke of Wheeling were guests at the W. C. Koeblin home Sundd«y. CHICHESTERS PILLS jeet"_ yeil Many Libertyville Folks are Showing How to Avoid Neediess Suffering $OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS x EVERYWHERE F9 mfiflffl Cn1cH Es THR 8 D D PILLS in Rrxo and Gorn metailic bores, sealed with Biue' Ribbon TAk®s »#0 OTH®ER. of Draggaist and ask for fm PIAMOND BRA ND FILLA, for Cwent ,unw-olnu.hl--.Alnnu:! i TW L L L1 2 202 an ou ae A a% a GET AT THE CAUSE! for Spring arg here. Their flyl.,d"-'fl'n-l beauty will delight you. ~~~ The New "Mina Taylors" ALL SET TO GO? WHERE? YOU KNoWw---- "WHERE THE BREEZES McCORMICK'S 5--piece ORCHESTRA AS USUAL--ONLY BETTER . B. Godfrey "The Quality Store" see them Opening Saturday Evening, May 23 ~InsvURANCE IS *A ~NEC . + s k NOT--A LUXURY ., +.; SALE STABLES _ HORSES BOUGHT AND S0LD / .. ~+s TEAMS FOR HIBB----» > Single Dump Wagon for Hauling Ashes, Etc. Phone No. 256. Phone 154M J. N. Heath & Company HEATH HOMES WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF OUR MODREN--HOMES GUERNSEYS Bartiett &--Fitzgibbons Realty Company Milwaukee Ave. and St. Paul Depot ______-- Phone 455--M If Taken This Month BELL é&JANNSEN BLOW" BARGAINS Chas. D. Proctor F. F. OWEN, 338 Jackson Ave. Telephone 233--W Registered Bulls Some grade bred Heifers and Cows priced right. _ BETTER SURE THAN SOR RRY AGENTS QUEEN INSURANCE CO--, OF AMERICA _ Insurance of all kinds vetey 9 * ELN FARMS -- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOWS First National Bank Bidg. ts WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS sor en e 1 M 4 to 12 Months 1'/, miles east of Everett Station o C patets . c L 2c sn dn ie t 7 Fubye® _ 226 uzie Jfi:' '* un cmiaraet ie e . uts J'T ' Office in First Natioonm! Bankx onwan Hours:--1 to $:30 and 1 to 8 p . Residence on Broadway. opposite Pn A SPECIALTY --=~ 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN, 1LLINON ------ Res. Phone 2588: Office 344 Reverse Charges on Business Cale -- of Each Month at Masonic Hal. . Visiting Companions Cordially Invited C mE TOOS Wms on " Hevanke e e . Month at Gridiey Hall, Visiting Brother are Cordizr"y invitesd -- LORA STURM, -- MARY ~CARNEY¥. --*~ Meets First and Third Monday FRED GRABBE AUCTIONEERING LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO% Meets 2na and 4th Tuesday of Meets Each Mengay Night at 8 PMRST NATIONAL BANK B LIBERTYVILLE LODGE Ne. 958 : y viCTORY AFFILIATE® _ __ --__COUNEIL > ... NORTH CAE s AMERICAN UNIJONM ... °. Visiting M+mbers Cordially invited, s Meet. Second and Fourth Wednesdap Bvenings of Each Month, *\ WILLIAM STOCKEY, Pros, _ _ . MABEL SCHLEY, Secretary. _ _ LUCE BUILDN Res. Phone 13% M o D C. Grirneil, Inspector Cattle Tested for Tu FREE OF CH FARM AND STOCK SALES AYTORNEY ATLAW 5 Office at Home on Cook Avenue wumuhflfl__-_! ~and material on your bhouss complete for a set figure so you may know just whiat cost will be INSUR A NCE | R. L. GONSAL Phone 217M -- Going to Build? TELEPHONE 1 LIBERTYYVILLA, iL VETERINARY 8U] ROY WATERS, N. G. Office With Farm 6 116 South Genese St. .. _ WAUKECAN, LLimoss _ --~~ MANUFACTURER OF DR. J. L TAVI No. 272, R. A. M. *Pxk PEY A. A. Grandy Attorney At La EDW. L DeBOISB, .T;-: . NALLEY, Sec¢'y. > ? ACME CAMP NO..17¢ . W. * A. _-- Friday nmg'_ll. h C 5 Work 'of i bernk 4sz %