CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 May 1925, p. 1

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| © VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER 22 -- + _ WOMANBATTLES ------ MORON IN HOME; O STAGE MAN HUNT Mrs. CI%:IG gaden of Near Lib--| «. 'sh;a"rlé]o address over WLB, Chi--] -- _ -- -- MQ, . _ K4 § 4 .e# . .# ,77 ._ ertyville Claws Assailants . |**£, "VSERRY, 4 2 o | e o e e _ s ' 2eR Mr. Doerschuk. spoke on the subject,| _ > n' t\ % . & >' :« Tndie . -- ' Faee, Routs Him. % |'*Developing Community Spirit in L;kpi . & '\'.Q: '/' 4. ,\ t iprage ns cacie e ho c ememen.." .. _ "K _ _ {COUnIy." . "Cooperative 2].._is--4 s . « tC o Attack last Pramvy at her bome on whare it io Buil. on on sonr wuiay, _ * LIST <OF VE TERANS »BUORIED k "LISERTYVILLE _ AND ~NEAKBET--CEME fence sdown. The county officials are anxions to secure the money due from the state to apply on additical road muany.ammu-m:n': pay the rebate due until the right of |.S way is clear. mnflilflmm'r' u& is being held up on account of It this + difficulty. -- Supervisor George s Bairstow, O Waukegan, is chairman th :;Ic commilttes, and says ::" will a) in _ ewnpnera.of property ton days to re-- move the fences, and it the matter is | *' The board of supervisors adopted a resolution direcfing-- the road and bridge committese to have fences on all stats ald mdcnt"&oflflm\i right of way,' &iF the state refuses to county, Tor several years being em-- m in De:m_qn &gye. in Lake . _ He have Sharge of the repair part of thé business, while Gil-- bert and Eugene Lauge will look after the front end. p a#«onduct the bun-fl the same high sonule set by Mr. rd. Mr. Earl is one of the best ante mechanics in the county, 'Tor several years being em-- the best garage and automobile busi Repses in this section, and Tibertyville Garage is known to all motorists in this section. He mmfl in Wiescon-- for several weeks, upon his return will take his family for a motor trip to Yellowstone Park and other places In--the west. He has not yet decided what he wili upon his retarn. Imhhfl are well known sens and will Mr. Bermard transferred the large garage building, his stotk of accessor-- tens, repair shop, and everything that goes with it The Chevrolet car sales agency will also be taken by the new J. N. heruart; who has cnuducted the ldébertyville Garaze for the pasi gozen years, Mogday completed a deal! whereby his business was sold to Gi-- ber Lace and his son, Eugene, and somin--law, Richard Earle. . Negotia-- tHons for the transastion had been un der way for several days, and the Rew qwners took charge last Sunday LUIBERTYVILLE GARAGE SOLD _' =« «=1 smaher nooctines . TO G.T . LUCE AND DICK EARL $ ths Sames | #uDdiaes c i1 in Wauk . ? R ":':?N'"?Dn'm.fluy ;::nh!td here for MOde' Da'ry. Bam a.,'d SCVCfal about two years, and are highiy «poken _ Nearby Buiidings Destroy-- e by their nelzbbot* Ins estigm on rew-- \ tbroughbt to Libertyville and arraigned before Justite Morris. He gave his name as Hensing Persson, and a pass-- port showed that be had come to this egan try #$ro mies cdon.last September. He coull ~--not speak Engiish, ard an Interpreter was necessary to get his side of the stary. Charles Kuutson and Charle# Joknson, who understand the Bwedish language, were called and g8t Persson's version of the affair Ju»-- tice Morris put him under $10004 bond to awalt the action of the grand jut. and in def@ult of bail was sent to the eoun'ty jall in Waukegan. The Nagen family has lived here fo; home nearly and Ibut Mr:, Guers® c~] door. After burline Kilow Amaily went s -- Mre. Heprm: #Ret nelghborbow!, ea=® *) day but be 414 sot tr Baturday morning Mrs. Naden's saw The man passing her home, sn# called ber busband. He immediately sum-- moned Conftable lLimberry, who went to the Naden npeizhborhood and ar-- ._ Mrec. Naden was alone in the house with her small child Friday mornins when a stranger appeared _ at _the .dz door. BPe opiened the -- acreen 6t and in broken English asked wbout gettin> work. Reore Mrs. Na-- den eonuk reply howéever the more® low awasy. A Bbired i the xyerd, had Jmiicd t« den's screams. . farm, across the river, portbeast of milk marketing units are in communi-- . L. H. BRACE-- -- THOMAS AMES. 96th I!linots. . * ' TAbertyville. -- Lties that act as one body and have fre-- Co. 1. 147th W inois. CHAS STRICKLAND. JOHN MADOLE. . h3 Mre. Naden was alone in the house quent meetings. Frequent copmmunity -- IAMFS BURGE-- ORANGE M. AYERS. ~ __PETER LITCHFIELD. m:" with her small child Friday mornins meetings will help bring about co--oper-- * _ Co. G. 96th Liinvis. A. B. PARTRIDGE. C. C .MORRILL > when a stranger appeared _ a! _the ation. q Education and boys and girls __ 1OHN _ CAYVANAUGH-- ________H J. NICHOLS.____ oo mm OMX :. M Fo io . :i s reaarce ocm 200 cesc css 1 "z door. BPe opened the acreen chmb work greatly stimulate better _ Co. D, i5th Hlinois. C. A. LIPPINCORT. JIAMES DUSENBERRY -- + and in broken English asked community feeling." He belioves that CHARLE® CHAPMAN-- HENRY PRICEK. ° JOESHUA LATHROP wbout gettin> work. Rceore Mrs. NB the whole milk marketing-- question-- Co. L, 8+ Hinois Cavalry.---- SANFORD !ARDY. 'JIM FLEEMAN-- & den eouk reply howévrer the moro" will be solved when ali get together GiORGE CORBIN-- LYLE GORKHAM. * 965th Hlinols. ~ stepped --Into »~the hodse. quick!y @00 -- on the proposition with a betrer under-- h Michisan Cavalry. J. C RAGAN FRaANK EDDIC grappled with ber. standing . Wil.SON DOTY-- $ > JAMES JOICEK . _ EAM MOORE. ~ & -- Btifting ber--scresums he threw fe"> c'The farm adviser from Libetocyile - (0. F., 621~ Mlinois Infapiry. PBTER JACOBY. 3 JOHN GLF.ASON-- hew s Is to ~f¢'f"\f'w snakhi }';;-;}"%?f_' menttoned high school agricu'tur=}df WAILREN DOTY-- +o C H. A.PAYNE: -- 17th Cavairy. : ::':"vir-|."':"f" !"'t-'- o *':*72'°}Y, partmepts @and community clulys as the . ® ___ Co. P. 3ith }llinois Inf@ntry. WILLAAM FULLER, _ _ . 8, GLEASQON--__ > u_ _ e ie Nounisa® '"'""";_"""'"'4." aseucies that are . doing very goodg [(m®m== JOiHX HOLST-- . ALBERT PRICE, ______. _ * _ _ 96th Blinots. .: » |\maee in femmg * minds «* V thea Gl" ¥,°" ;' t r ce i x J MA d fth h oeg es § *L * tewa --~empre es " <eam hi m Preat « m <th. ' l l A e MW «* ry C is uf.!". c '.3~ hoi > [3 i ade A is a 4* 4 o+ n n mre in ts va . kp--> s % x FVP -.,i.-l.'l"'n-'#;,fl t P + id C SA Psn wkir * n s *4% KS ~_'-, + y ",.,_ low awas. A Hfed mun woitking in OUD the work of the Farm Bureau in ; >« _ _Co" D, 45th Wisconsir. ---- GEORGE NIARDEK. _ ~_ 0 °_ 17Th Minois Cavairy. _ j an attack last Friday at her home on what is known as the Folds chickes farm, across the river, nortbeast of TAbertyville. den couk reply howévrer th stepped -- Into ~the houdse . quil grappled with ber. Stiffipg« hor--screagms he th to m --Boor and soazhi i0 0. ber --AMrs Naden fouw"t 40# Mr. Bernard had built up one of a foree of men --LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT _ to ge! in'o het friends clothins e _ verkt rom th« on --the .. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES "! _ AT LONG CROVE CEMETERY 19 w N3 ky come s ~> x > ._ _ Memorial services will be held at \Long Grove cemetery at 6 ao'clock Saturday, standard time. The parade |\will be joined by the school childiron 'at the Sauer & Hans store, and march _to the purial ground. The childiren will place flowers on the graves of 'tho veterans. A quartet from-- Ameri-- can Leagien Poot'o:.rbenyvmo will sing. Short addr* will be given "by Rev. Carl A. Stadlier and Prof H:; at _Renchan's, Round. Lake. »--Finast mm&ufibm 1t E. Underbrink, of Libertyyflie OA sa-- lote will be fired over the graves and taps sounded by the bugler This is the first memorial service to be held in the Long Grove cemetery. It is de gitred that All in the commun!ty come out and pay respects to the departed About a year ago--«a large dairy barn on the same estate caught fire amd wea de«troyed. At tht time a large horse barn wes converted into a dairy tbarn and it was this stractore which burned on Friday. ray*« ofi ibe sun. focnsed through e« | --Rill Rock. for seventres vyeare a window. may have set fire to hay. A 'enn«teble in Hal' MNavy and vicinity man in Milwaukee avenne. three~ | must have his little joke. I fourth» of a mile Aistan:t. was the one | Bill. who was tourtne w'th George who discovered the &re | Ruese!l. of Evahston. was stopped by There is a large water tower on the |a rude motor eaprer named Frank ftarm. This suppited water for the |Vajlenta. who proclaimed that thev bucket brigade of voluntéer Sremen | were under arre«! I but their efforts were in vain. ' "Haw. hew. haw that't a good ; Fred Bulkley is swperintendent of mmne. I've been .a eomstable for seven | the dairy farm, and lives in a bouse | teen years." chortled Bock | not far from the ecene of the fire. !t "Haw. baw. this is betrer _ Here | so happened hrwever that a strong | is a better one Take this ticket and | wind was biowing away from the |go pay a fine in Waukagan-- t house and this suvad it from catching Rneee!l did. Justice Charles Jemi--| Are. = son assocsed bim $5 and costse I The eract rameo of the #th is not known On: san} t_om is that it may have W» alectric wir ing. 8t ution is that the ray« of the sun. foresed through «e window. may have se fire to hay. A man in Milwaukee avenne. threm fourth» of a mile Al=tant. was the on> who discovered the fre "Rome of thé problems," continued | Mr lmwersechuk, "on which we in lake county have been getting Furm Buregu | service are the milk marketing ques | tion, the taberculosis eradication pmbl lem, proper feeding,&@gniiitation, the use of minerals, the bearder cow, cow | testir'gx or herd improvement usoch-i tlons, and getting clean cattle to n»' place reactors Such probléems are | producing quality mlmt:rbm of | surpluys buils and ot purebred | stock, boosting the . alfalfa acreage,| keeping farm records and mor edivers-- Ifiled farmjng, are on the calendar of | our busy, thinking farmers." | $30,000 BLAZE GUTS BARN ON INSULL EST ATE Decoration Ball, Saturday, May 30 ' "The right community spirit is ab-- { solutely essential for »nv real farmer |progres sin organization. marketing. of 'most of. the other big--questions before !um farmers,' said J J. Doerschuk, of Libertyville, Lake Coimty'%bde |er. i6 a Tadio address over , Chi-- |cago Tuesday, May 26. e | Mr. Doerschuk. spoke on the subject, \"Developing Community Spirit in Lake Cu ine WuUrk of the Farm Pwreau in gervin£k Lake county dairyuren, he n!fl""{)ur Fuarm Bureau organization has been able to belip the dairymen more directly, perhaps, than anything else that has bee ntried. We are firm-- 1y established among the dairymen wha know the irue vaiue o( the Farm Bureauy where it is built up on solid workMmg | -- 2Ob OO e Wms centers that pull together. Our best HALF DAY CEMETERY milk marketing units are in communi-- | . L. H. BRACE-- ties that act as one body and have fre-- Co. 1. 1l47th i inois. quent meetings. Frequent community -- IAMFS BURGE-- meetings will help bring about co--oper-- * Co. G.. Y6th Linvis. ILIAL'Edumuun and boys and girls _ IOHN.CAYANAUG} --« ... ... club work greatly stimulate better s Co. D, i5th Hlinois. community feeling." He belioves that CHARLE® CHAPMAN-- the whole _milk marketing-- question-- Co. L. 84 HMinois Cavalry. will be solved when ali get tog«eth on the proposition with a betrer unds standing. 2009 €CO--OPERATION ADVISED BY DOERSCHUK IN RADIO TALK lestraeved #s werei rmaier vas; | A. GUBER DIES ----> o o AT COUNTY FARM wC . dog fled there." Tho case was ready ugwuomhmwm withdrew. his complaint. dog fled Henty MoDonald O Waukegan who waus euing Michael Rapp of Joitet for $1,000 for having been hittéen by Rapp's dog last December Arcord-- visiting relatives arfd passel through Rapp's yard and wes bittern by the Arthnr Gube:. aged inmate of the co@nty farm, Ijbertyville, died Tucs day. HWe Sformerlv Vived in Waukega: and leaves a brother and sister in that city: Frank Gruber and Mrs Wi: VNeil. Mr Guber nad been ill seyw eral davs. &nd anmpareatly dAied of na tural cause« DROPS FIGHT FOR $1,000 DOG CASE HAW, HAW, JOKE --IS ON JESTER UO Ca C, §6th Hlinois. PETFR STFEFFINS8. . JOHNX CRUVER JAMFR MILLARD. ©AN@OX PACKHARTD _ _JOIIN P. WATTLES JOHX J KRUSE TAN.MARSH. War of 1812 TRA POOLITTLE JOGFPH NORTON. SAMTUEL H. PAYNE JEAHX ©C. CLARK -- saMUE!I, CLEMENTS JOUN J. PRICB WILLIAM PAYNE T N. HAWKINS. I BR PYKES. MARLES PHILLIP3-- Co. C. 96th Nlinots. ED BARTELS~ HA HUNTINGTON-- C . 98th IHlinois. HAR HUNTINGTON-- Co. K, 4th New Jersey JAMES JOHNSON-- H. H. YORK-- Co. B. 1st Missourl Cavairy. JUTIMON A. MASON. Co. D. $6th M Int War of 1812 J. H. WESTE DANIEL WRIGHT-- Co 1», 45th Wisconsir. ~ MARTIN MOWERS-- $th Colorado Battery." ALDEN SMITH-- Co. F. 37th l!linois. JOHX THRASHER-- 2. H. SHAPTER-- * Co. 1, 45th H. and 17th Ceveirs Co B, 96th Illinois. N. WOOpRUFF-- FATRFIELD CEMETERY IVANHOE CEMETERY ta rmyeor 6/ _%#'. « £ > Rev. Guay E. Smock WMW&:M h Military Homors. .. / | Libertyville Post No. $29, American Legion Decoration of Graves Address --"Ou CGENKGP YAGER-- C; K. 64th Hlinots ED ELLIOTT-- Ca. G. 25th Ohio. DR. K. RICKEY: Chaplain Libertyville Post No. 329, American Legion Preamble to Contitution of American Legion & Carl 0. Carison Commander Libertyville Post No. 329 Americah Legion Singinge--"Battle Cry Uf Freedom" 2 Assemblage Address ® $ M s . Major Reed Landis Violin Solo--Patriotic Airs . % n Jessie Drury Singing--"America" Benediction . Co G. bist Mlinois. ISAAC :&lzs--- Co. G. $6th Mlinois. THOMAS JAMES. CEORGE HUFFMAN WILLIIAM PRICE. ©_ JOHN CROSRY-- 96th TIllinois. . THOMAS DavIg-- Co G 9§6th Mikois, Roll of Honor & e 8 t s se Laura Moore Commander Lincoln Fortress Nationa! Daughters of the G.A.R-- Overture--"The Conquerer" : . . _ North Shore Line Band General Logan's Orders No. 11 F y Chark LiAbertyville Post No. 329, American Lewion Lincoln's Gettysburg Address s » °_ m War .of 1812. f EDWIN CRANE-- _ 15th I!linois and Mexican. PRBD MILLER---- Co. K, gith Minois. -- NATHAN HATCH-- -- War of 1812. a DAVID BENSON-- War of 1%112. DAVID GIBSON-- Ist Michigah Infantry. LIJFE WILSONX-- . S1st Nlinots Infantry. 17th lilinot valry. L. CADW!ILP-. * Ge. C, Y6th lilinots. > DaAVID JAMES JOSEPH GERRARD-- Introduction HONOREb oUButs 8 PrHRE FTT--LaSRE YVETGRAXNSs OF THE G AR Chairman of the day--Glean G. Hoskins, Libertyville Kiwanis Club Presentation of Colors A § Star Spangled Banner Invocation J B FARNSWORTH. Spanish American-- War. FRED PAYNEK. . JAMBS3 TAYLOR. -- ; R . . L ... RDWIN BLACKLER. LIBERTYVILLE CEMETERY FRITZ CARLSON-- £ * World War PETER MOWERS-- ° -- GEORGE HUTCHINSON. 1}, 96th Ji1 lnf. JAMES. YOUNG DR. TRACEY, U. 8. Narty . FRED CASEYT-- GEORGE TRIGGS. World War. BENJAMIN BOLES. JO8 BENSON. . WILLIAM CRANE-- ~HERMAN SCHOTANUS-- LEWIS HH BRYANT J B _FARNSWORTH FRED PAYNE HFXHY GJASS8 r!:r:fln.\m'ft HENRY KERN. Homage"--Poem by F. A. McGilbreath & F LAibertyville Unit No. 329 American Leg@ton J.C RAGAN JAMES JOICE . PEBTER JACOBY II. A;:--PAYXE. -- WILLIA M FULKR.J HENRY C. PAYNE THOMAS AMES. CHAS STRICKLAND ORANGE M. AYERS. A. B. PARTRIDGE. H...Js. NICHOLES.__ _ C. A. LIPPINCORT. HENRY PRICK. ° «* National Colors % North Shore L.ine Band John G. Kagan Post No. 748 G. A. R. * Lincoin Fortress No. 9, National Daughters of G. A. R. Spanish-- American War Veterans IAbertyville 'Post No 329, American Legion North Shore Line Post No. 753. American Legion \ Libertyville Unrit No. 329, American Legion Auxiliary Libertyville Troop No. 1. Boy Scouts of America Camp Fire Girle Flower Girls Other Organizations Program Memori@-- Pay Exercises Chaplain IMbertyyflle Post No. 329, American cNHABRDREK. || 0 _ GI.AS8 (Con'ederate) en' bK. Dt# WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN _ _ -- Accoempanied by Miss Ruby Willams r Debt to the Dead" 4 Rev. Pastor People's Church, Chicago Libertyville Township High School 8t John's Ev. Lutheran ®hurch EXERCISES AT CEMETERY President Village Board North Shore Line Band ORDER OF MARCH L'?\,-;' H. C. SWAN JAaAMES WADE. MARSHALL WALDO ~ WILLIAM WHEELER. JOHN BAKER. WILLJIAM JAMES DAVID BAKER. * JOHX !!!EBBE JAMEA DAVIB. WIIJAJAM FLAGLER nayvIs BAKER JOHN LIUEBBE ALEXANDER BILINSKI. CHARLES TATTLER. JOHN WHITNEY. % WILIJAM FLAGLER. s nommmeris RFLA N¥ . HENRY HARVEY. JAMFES DAVIG R. R CORLETT-- BSpanish American HOWARD FLAGG-- * World War DIAMOND LAKE CEMETERY FRED SANDMAN. JOHN--1Y¥ON,.-- ----= 8. s. woop. | . . > ARTHUR WILLJAMS-- HENRY WILLIAMS-- SWAN CEMETERY LAKE FOREST Rev. Preston Bradiéy Revr: E. C. Kiessling Assemblage Rev. A. W. Mohns Charles C. Hoskins Francis Parkburst Hon. J. 8. Hyatt Ruth M. Owen K Framk P. Solomon, Waukegan: In-- & i ventory and appraisement bill ap --= | proved. -- Of 60 cows reported on, Mr. Con ",',g".;"-myk dam verea's _ grade ,(h!ems,:x.,.mw' a n the list She has an extellent chance neither of the Grivers ® of exceeding the 500 pound murk dor | claimed the accident u ing the year. The contast is contested Antipiemesmminn oi coinbicngel 4 by members of Herd Impfovement or Decoration Ball, Cow Testing Association, of which 'at mq LAke county has two in operation ~ music furnished for , . Fred Converse of Round Lake owns one of the high producing cows in the State O Pounqimmo Club, according to a report just fesued by the %u Universtty.~ This cow produced 5 pounds of fat in the first four months of the state contest. 'The object is to have ('ow' produce at least 500 pounds of butter fat each under ordinary farm conditions in a yrar's time. ". -- COWs OF ROUND LAKE MAN _ MAKE GOOD RECORD IN TEST : Lucinda Brown, Grays Lake; der entered for Executrix to file ditional inventory by June 4th. Michael O'Boyie, Town of Vnn;,hor right arm. A man im Ford Letters of Administration de bonis sustained a broken knee A: non with will annexreed issued to other, already crippted, * Michael H. O'Boyle. Bond of $200. |juries which left-- bim . unable +6 Gustave Krueger; Final report ap move . proved; estate closed. _ _ Another accident on the MiUwaukee Charles Christensen; Petition to:froad Sungay afternoon --resulted in establish hbeirship filed and set for| the arrest of two men-- for drivinz hearing June 4th. | while intoxicated. Johrn ?'ronco. lLibertyville; In-- ventory and final report approved: estate closed. Taylor L. Goodwin, Waukegan;-- Bupptemental proot of beirship tak: Oliver V. Klevrod, Zion: Final port approved; estate closed. --Paul Berger, insane, Waukegan; --Conservator authorized to invest funds. Theresa Schleter. Zion; Will ad-- mitted to probate. Letters Testamen-- tary issugd to John Guaggenbuehl. Property bequeathed to sisters, and nieces. Bond of $3500. ~--Cuthorine-- Mrowg, Way ventory and final report estate elosed. John A. Shea; Inventory and ap praiszement Bbill abproved. Bamuve! 8. Greenlval,> Waukegnm. Invrentory and final report approved. Agnes M. Hatch, Inventory ap proved. William Durnett, Wanconda, Decree tor sat of real eatats entered. Add+t tional bond approved Edna Pearson, Highwood; Inverp tory approved. of sale of real estate .wrove", Gotliab Moffer, Zion: Letters of Administration Issued to Peter W. Newbhouse. Public Admin. Marderso _ Gatrgontan, Waukegan; Petition for' Letters of Administra-- tiqn de bonis non filed by Peter W. Newbouse: bearing set for June 1§t, 1925, and notice ordered gigen to Ad-- ministrator and attorney. * Dora Hanson et al. minors; Report Many coses confronted the m_" As the machnane court Mosday, and it was one of the | hit a car driven Fusiest sessions in the week. 'l'lolol Waukegan. cases were as follows: Bin Anie. after May 30th a well liked young man. The youDnk couple will live on the farm of the kroom's father, in Fremont, where they will be at home to their friends The bride is one of the most popu-- laz young ladies of Palatine, where she is known by all The zgroom bas resided in Fremont all his life, and is PROBATE COURT HAS A BUSY DAY; HOLD MANY CASES S$. S. Greenleaf Estate Closed, _and Gustave Krueger Mat-- ters is Ended. -- quel ol carnations. _ The bridesmaid was Minnic Hapke, dresyedi _ blus geqtgett? crepe, carry: ing a boquet of carnations: The best man was lIester Sturm.~> Elmer E. Hapke, a brother of the groom, was ushes. § & -- ; The wedding march was played by mm.r-.tgg:: Minnie Hapke and T pague . fin . 54 td thi . yro d ie c--agty 'There were sit ip the bridAl party including the bride and .groom. . Th Saturday, May 22, one of the pret-- tiest wedding of the season was sol-- emnized when Elnora Deek@, daughier ot M:. . and Mrs Herman Leseberg, of Palatine, cwas married .to Albert G. Hapke, of Fremont. The w«;ddlne toaok place at the Immanue} Cchureh, of Palatine, the Rev. Daniel Pallot, being thw officiating clergyman. +4 FREMONT YOUNC MAN WEDS tix PALATINE ON SATURDAY closed ; In neither of the drivers arrested. Boath: claimed the accident unavoldable. _ Joe -- Messec and Henry Blessing, both of North Chicago, tangled up with their autos at smunu'g Victoria --streets at 8:20 --Jast: » doing considerable damage to DW Ward Just, of Libertyville and Wan-- kegan, Crashed ioto a car parked on Waukeagn road onp mile svdth otf Washington stréet Sunday evenin®. He repofted that the machine, which is owned by Ray Koss 713% ~1incoin streat, Mwaukes, did not bare a, tail light. Both carse were badlty datn@ged. + CRASH JN NORTH CHICAGO | The !njured. all {(from 'Chlaco._ ~i'm strewn alomg tbe road ard in | |ditches whon t JoGa L Tayior of | Liebrtyville, arrived to give first aid. |In one car were three men and siXk | women. Al bruised and cut some | with broken bones The three in 'lhp other car, a Ford, were all in« . jured, one ol them seriously. Thelit 'rlonwa were tora, and blood smeared The car with the three men and sit women, headed south, w ently taking more than its of the road, as the collision occurred on the east side. The occupants of the Ford, which was headed north, were on their way to Deep Lake on a fishing trip.~ 5. s ' The cars struck at the north curve of the white fence, which is well known -- to motorists The im pact threw some of the occupants through windshields, and others were caught inside and battered as the Cark rolled ovet. * w One girl sustained two mz. oft ber right arm. A man im Forda sustained a broken knee 'CAP Am other, already crippled, receatved in-- After receiving first aid, they were All taken to (Chicago hospitabs, _ FPive men in one car were KOJ. Carney, 613 Fairfield avenue; George Randall, a Chircazo police sergeant, who was driving: James Fern, 1%-- Norteal averue; Russel! UM Normail -- avenue;> ~William -- 410 West Thirty--sdrenth > # s names of the other -u%d three women --were NOt . l@AfDROA.@-------- The three in the other car were John Kupka, 1510 South 'lflw nue: Frank Sedibck, 3177 avenue; Otto Matejoveki, 1519 South Tripp .avenue. jured, one of clothes were | their faces. | avehue just south of the North «Shore $ e statton when Stmis came. aloBg ; from--the north and crashed into tbe \Tear of his machine.. He is said toe | have been traveling at a hight rate of speed at the time' Siman was hurled against the stcbring wheet which was snapped off by the force of the crash, He and his companion received their cuts from the shattered--winshileld.~ BAD CRASH AT WHEELING. .. . _ Twelve persons were injured antg theirtwo automobiles smashed into splinters in a collision at 4 0'clock Sunday morfing on the Milwaukee road between Wheeling and Half Day. ; Mr. and Mrs.-- Leroy ~Dittmer «_ | Receiye Painful Hurts; Close _; * Cali to Death. + t occupants through the windows. Al were whaken up and ecratched but escaped death almost ° miraculously. over twi e when an efort was made to negotiate a turn at high speed San-- day afternoon. The accident hm ed near lLAake Villa. With Mrs. 81 were hor two «hildran and ber fath er. The car was wrecked to such an ertent that redcuers had to (pull the Damages to the Wittmer car wil} amount to $300 or more and Siman's car was damaged still more. Siman is said to haye admitted that bhe was to blame for the accident and agreed to settie for damages, ~A t CaAB TURANS TURTLE * A Hudson coach piloted by _ Mre. Howard Shea of w'i'f&.... Torned rave'his name as J caro, _ received s bruises. His marct sedan."a'so was wre ~ ~\Y7. DilTimer Fecs AD IN CRASH; LOCAL _ RESIDENTS HURT __ WARD JUST IN CRASH $1.50 A YFAR IN ADVANCE wile iclimnne tarned over it nearly driven by Herbert Campbell :__A man who was accom-- iman also receivyed severe it Apil, his friends were re-- FiliSC 51 euts and » Oakland LUL t + M *

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