l _ L CROSSWORD PUZZL x --~-- M To thaw. -- « 360. .The jack, of clubs in los 21. Speaks imperfectly. --------%3.--Brownr stone. _ _ 24. Journey. * 15. To regret extremely. _ 26. Mentioned. ~_ 27. Kdge of a lake. . se Here'® a party of fourletter words, In 1 'h directions. Of course, there are words of two, three, five, seven and even pine letters. But the letter variety predominates, HORIZONTAL _ , 1. Common house plant.. ___ 4. Measures for cloth, 2. Lrbs. 1 M __ __11_Part of verb to.be. _ 12. Region. * gtsy ~~ 29. Gresp. 30. Diec on a radio. -- _ $1. Material used to make emooth °_ roads. _ 834. To repair. C -- 35. Portion of duration. 86. Prescribed course of food. \ #1. To bow. > 38. Becomes banktrupt. 40. Victuals. 41. Self. 42. Stain. > 43. Tenpse. © 44: Path cut in one course in mow ing. 46. To hasten. 47. Opposite of nerrow. * 48. To come together. 49. Printer's measure. -- 81. 63 67 s8 One kind of preople 35 Asta Call in golf. ,, Metal in patural state. To live in idlenes«. Destiny. Provident insecta. Deadly. *A YERTICAL letters. But the four-- Two recent developments have focused public attention on Graham Brothers Trucks as never before. One was the sweeping pricereductions -- of May 15th, ranging from *80 to '160. The other was Graham Brothers ascendancy to leadership by building more 1% ton trucks than any other manufacturer in the world, during the first quarter of 1925, and by achieving second position in the 1 ton and 1% ton fields combined. Progress such as this deserves public attention--and eliminates all doubt as to the logical truck to buy! 1--Ton Chassis $1150; 1'>--Ton Chassis $1335; Delivered 202 South Genesee Street, Waukegan, TIl. Puzzle No. 1 32. Part of #word. 34. To create a tumult. 34. Portion of plant beiow ground. 36. .Information concerning preévi ous performances of horsee. 39. A chémical. ' 40. To lose fréehrtess. . 41. Females, of sheep. ---- 4. Name of a lake bordering UhiO. * 5. To allow. * -- 6. Melancholy note. ate Greme . 7. Chair, . . 8. To rap lightly. > .....8. Measure of erea. . hA 10. Ran away in panic {cathe). _ 1% COiiestipmis ; s._) .000 9 c : o was stated today at Phillips house, Massachusetts ~*general bospital, where the Recretary was comvalese-- ing from an operation for gallst es AE:?-G.J'GB stationed at the beds throughout the ilght. ~Reston, --Jane 3.--Chasce'for-- the recovery or death of Becretary of War John W. Weeks, was even, it James Morrow & Son 43. 43. 44. 45. AT. 48. 16. Fiock. .. 17. Two of a kind. . 14 Gir]l. 20. Extension. -- 22. Anger (pl.) 23. To geason. -- 24. Singular 61 those. 26. Bottom of shoe. 77. A éthy of proceédings 28. Half blooded. 29. Thighs of hog*. 40.A ction. -- & 32. Part of #word. 34. To create a tumult. £1. Cooki 52. Slfll. 53. Therefore. -- 54. Fourth note in scale 47. To signel. . 48. Simple. 50. To prohWit. £1. Cooking vessel WEEKS HAS EVEN CHANCE To' ein., > Act of taking »something Iof grantéed agatn. _ _ 0 _ _ To get up. Sharpens As raior Telephone 228 §01D BY DODGE BROTHERS® ~ _ DEALER S EVERYWHERE --. Tordering Ohlo ROTHERS sounds atmo<t Tikeits «geaorttion,"& in fact is spelled almost simifarly. . HORIZONTAL 41. Edge. 32. Kagle g REBE, ------------------------ 14. Meadow. 15. Paid publicity. : & * 16. Daubed. & . -- 18. Musical note. k 19. Eges oT fishes, / __. m .. x 20. Noise. * a § ~--22. To move through walbr (as a i boat.) __. . _ _ in omm d " iT & troasert s 4 on aaitist Cxtents ®"= ~ The oniy word you may fisd diffi--| 21. A pet remedy for some prlicical Ts PMAE S 300 ons on onn en nonns 6. The nsan who borrowe yout money M _ 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 317. 41. 12. 43. 45. 46. 48. 51. 52. ta. 57 16 17 1J9 10. J3 +o Hen -- frait. Stones. | 0 . i dR Small eye boil. omm What the customer alwayse is. Great afrtery. :. . y Stupplied with novurishment. Titles. ' We To tear a sdéam. __________* 4 To depend upon. _ *~ Upright shaft. To make harmonioue. 20 AMrmative. C Eccentric wheel .» NMyself. + » a Later. tC Halt an em. ~ Measeare of .rloth. Pesk of a c4p. Hince. "~ _ Glided on special loe shoeés. . Actively swimming organismg on the surface of the sea. Delicate. Amount at which a person in rated with referenre to asses® ment. Sun. Obecure. * * Stify. C VERTICAL + What every ope loves to hear about bhimself. Cover. « Part of verb io be. Cognomen. To observe. & . Pine tree. Weed. * Hebrew name for Deity k , Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee > 'l t c L. i. orHER® Railroad | Frommpepeemenmmmeraprtareppmuee WHERE _ l ' ce n iker ."C"'mm'""'m Office t-----------------------------*---' ~iANe L. s [=I--~~> * Melophone 54.z -- _ -- _ ~ -- [ Advertise in '"'Whe Kiber ~30. Cry Tar hetp at® 34, Bodily structures _ 36. Forays. + No. Michigan 21. 40. Nevertheless VACATION POINTS ~ VA Blot. *-- _ > DefShite article Distributed (as cards) URSDPAY. (JUNE 4, 1925 f# Crystal Lake _ Elkhart Lake r Cedarl.ake North Shore Line to Milwaukee; connections outside the door of Milwaukee Northern trains for Twin Lakes Powers Lake Port Washington has p k ies Randotph §226 or Central 8280 trains to Milw L tions thera with rail and boat lines to r"g'" you leave home! Travel the The HMarin Share Lime. I mt Horth Shore one on the North Shore smoke, no soot, no cinders Wisconsin and Michigan vacation points. There's a tnlg*nywv-_fi | 0 o * ol 206 sns outtne ts ie »C90Mrius anepeatenmegnnaps n en meyie mearenninen, iess rvemy dn ~ 47. Largest decr, ~ l ' MATCHED AND --BEADED CEILING, 6--8 inch x 4 inches--Yellow-- 49 To remove. L Pine or Clear Fir; good long lengths, unpainted . s 2 ?0. Electrified particle. * and no split ends,. Per 1,000 board TOOLeprnerrc:sreresonsnscent 2 .00 51. Belf. * --~~ C FLOORING--A Rare Bargain--1"%4" B and Better, Flat Grain 53. Melanehoy note. Pss Yellow Pine. B and Better is the finest grade of long leaf pine 55. Preposition of place. obtainable. This lot contains ne torn grain or o mt broken ends. Pef 1,000 ft, B. M............scccccucsscc.}, szs.w --__--. RAIN BRINGS RELIEF, 1'"x6" > Dressed and Matched. 1"x6 Roof Boards Good quali-- ~----Chicago; -- Jumsw$.--KRain : m i eneainae Aupkiee Weuct. | ty and full six inches in width« i e e 1 j L esd board feet _.\ e j "Mm Teet '" beat for (he last twp days. One addi-- tional _ death . occurred durfng ~the night.. Further occasional showers Of. thunderstorms may be expected: to day, the weather bureau said. The thermometer stood at 74 this morh-- fhigy c c t 9~ bill * £3 3 47. Largest decr, 49.' To remove. 50. Electrified particle. 42. Sailor. Fea 44. To rescue. *~~ , 45. Swollen area > at base of bird's Answers to Last Wes Lake Villa . Antioch Channel Lake North Shore Line trains jo Waukegan; luxurious North Shore Line Motor Coachesfrom there to above points. McHenry Best way to go! North Shore Line to Milwau-- L'pe ateamers from there; arrive Michigan next morning. Through --_--% --lWRECKING] u . _ _ OF--CAMP LAWRENCE M *' _----_-- At --North Chicago,-- Illinois _____-- The lumber in this camp is all well seasoned, which means that it is bétter than new, It is all carefully piled as it is taken down and sorted into even lengths. Nothing under four feet, with 80% ten feet or longer. % * bargains, and compare our prices. > , q We list below a few of our many extrfordinary values. board feet ..........._.. Lengths from eight to fJurteen: feet. All clear abBd bright as new; any jength--you m Per 1,000 feet board IARASUTG......~.........~..«---- Over 5,000 sets of eight--light windows~fncludes two 30"1x48" four light sasbh, one window frame, all inside and outside trim, 4p4 one full "." AMERICAN "HOUSEWRECKINE C0. fhed. #4134--1!., 4 Room Bungalow.. Porch #x22% .. Special. 4--Rm\"\ Bungalow, 2T1j2,. Porch ¥xIL......... 5 Room Bungalow 27136 Porch §X2B .:::--:--:--:s:ss2e00:--:~:. § Room Bungalow 27x43. Porth $x2%2% ... LUMBER! -- LUMBER! _ LUMBER! 10x 16 ... l2xIA....... 18x 18 .. 18x 20 , ____ These prices include all} lum-- ber. doors, sash and roofing paper oranncucloey Znontinine Aetemvrepin rariinn ioncragnecimav ib en : Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, -- Plumbing, Roofing, Plaster . . Board, Etcd. Bath --Tub,, Lavatory and_ Io6w Tank Closet Outht. Complete with alj fittings, Bath Cocke and Fan-- ceta. Special 4 Sale Price.......--.---------- ~ Consisting of built in recess tub vim\'con- cealed Axtures, Pedestal Lavatoty with latest model pop @p waste. Viterous CKina low down tank closet outfit. Specially griced for yuick sale at Bathroom Outfts Reduced Visit our eamp, select your qwn material and it loaded. _ ' No sale is complete until the eustomer is satis-- Window Sets Special New '"Blue Bird'"' Bathroom Outft 18 NOW TAKING PLACE 4 Eoom Summer Cottngt, With Sereen Porch $598° Garages Write for Catalog 'l','-;h'o' Free--10,001 Bargain® OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR CONYVENIEXNCE .. | Port}ai)l( Metal -Biiildings; in goocf shapi Ox112. $850 14x64, $475 Phone No. Chicago 3970. 22nd St. Half Mile West of Sheridan Road. -'_ '»n":-' z ==: comint ----py~ o cce nin commeemymenputted riat pe= sipep.». . mA tm y -- a . & & * « T + + OPEN ALL DAY SUKDAY 10x16--One Car Garage PFIOGR .....::cersuscrconsssensentreuse 12x18%--One Car Gerage PrH@@ =.........scc.ciucssescusnncsnoss 181x1%--Two Car Garage REMEMBER! Price . £65,00 . $89.00 $59.00 $95.00 e Materials Secrifced--Take Advant-- age of Our Cash Purchase From the U. 8. Governmest --One Car Garage, s 68.00 --One CGar Garage _ _ s 78" (--A«d tet tGanee ( _ 3108.0! w 45 €o --per We turnish complete bilt of material~ for your Summer Home. -- Inclades Callt Ctumber, doors, 'lndénu, acreens, plas-- ber lwuc and front porch W #"" . --_-- 4250.00 All equipped with 1lock, kuob, and hbinges. Price -- intludes frame and all trtm for both sides. Some doors are glazed, one light and $ and up Summer Homes s k _ 1 ww ':;.' ""' :!n.', h sds «> Q _'. vaamem 'q% Hundreds of Doors *' $30.00 No. 1 Yellow Pine; $123:90 COMPLETE l