whould be put up and shrobery plant-- od to make up for the disappearance t Of the hollow trees and young wild --_.------ Spowth in which the birds once built __-- _ _ SBeotr neests, it was advised. ----=-- --~------_ Two hungred and fiity officers and : * employes of the £. J. & E."railroad,| --__--___--£ number 'of them from. Waukegan,. . gathered Saturday at tbe Elks' Club -- +. in Joliet to hear the gospel of safety first. The meeting was patt of a' two weeks safety campaign on the _ road which began June 1, and ended ----------BHaturday----Amorg the--speakers was-- d 'S._M. Rogers, vice president of the road;, 0. F. Gnadinger, safety supér--. .. ~_ visor, and John P. Eit, of the Jolfet plant of the.lIliinols Steel cbmpany. | uns °_ "J" Accident, Toll Low. " in Gnid: x hx aae ' -- Fre th c aoes o sc ie iefi (2. z+ . 6/ 7 -- the-- e S /iEP" **Phe E: le of the Indi m im hokR ak minaisaka _ |_ siakolk &T k (ORE ELK TL __._ Mn Indian never cracks a smile at ' umwmm ~ SAFETY DRIVE _ PROVES SUCCESS : ON THE E. J. & E. tronms ~m" an announcefest uy tWe Post Office Department that bods for : such machines wil be opened in the "office of the purchasing agent o( the department on July 15, next, ofr furnishing whatever number of air planes are needed for the ensuing fincal year. Contracts _ wl Ml awarded by the department not Injer than Nov. 1, 1925. ' Bpecifications required that the airplanes ° primarily must be of ; rugged construction with a pronounc-- ed safety factor and designed especial-- ty for cross country work. The new carriers will hfl:';?o space of not | less than fifty feet. Besides this they must carry enough fuel to | Insure a cruising range of 450 miles. ; WASHINGTON,. . ~;> 1. --Protec-- ton of the birds with a view to keep-- § down the Overwhe!iming hordes of Insects which annually cause a loss of $800,000,000 in the agricuiltural in terests of the United States, and say-- Ing the aditional $800,000,000 which the people pay each year i ntrying to get rid of these pests, is recommened in a statement issued by the Undited Btates Department of Agriculture. -- Birds, according to the Biological The Post Office Department . has : available $2,600,000 for the mainte--, nance of the Air Mail Service for the | next year. Bidder must submit pro--| posale in lots of 3, 10, 25 and 50 .h'-l WASHINGTON, D. C --The new type airplanes for the American Air Mail Service will have a minimum speed of 95 miles per hour, a landing apeed A 50 miles an hour, a "celiing" or rising beight of at Jeast 15,000 feot, WILD BIRDS ARE DEEMED AN AID TO THE FARMER SAFETY EMPHASIZED FOR -- THE AIR MAIL SERVICE 1000 pounds, been, as a result of our activity along the safety first line." "When | tel! you that 250 deaths & ; day were caused by accidents in the , Tanited Stetes during last year you' will begin to realize the vital --need of | such campaigns as we are now en gaged. in. * + | "All of our employes have heartily alded us in making this campaign a success," said Mr. Gnadinger "I am sure that in the months to follo®w our number of accléents will be cut still more than they Bave "And we must secure to bhearty co operation of the great general public in our work. "All of our employes have heartily "We bave found during the present Artve that every mx»n on the road. is taking a vital interest in aafety--Atrst. 250 Deaths Each Day. "Safety first should be started wtih the childten in our homes. We should teach them the prigciples of safety first from the cradle on ~ down and the int taken in the plan done. _ t the Unite®" States; that the safety lipst--id4ea has grown --until it is ome of the piramount isiswes of the day. and that the safety first plan sbould be taught to children from the be-- ginfing oT Their Tiv2s. -- i ginning ol their jives. *"When _ safety, first -- was broached to me | was dubious success a number of years ago Mr. Rogers 7 Fre-- n dA l 7 > 7. 8 & aan-- e %lwumug% roads' Of its .class in the Uniltc®" States-- !gt the safety lak« road ; O vi®or, at plant of Officials Tell Workers that Ac-- ----cident Foll--Has Been Cut But the pre & CC nt drivs nt drive, the manner nts bave been cut terest that is being n show what can be LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT first f its lution irial. It is appareut from the--c switches that public opinion wiil b-- Mlurned toward the quesrion of evo'u ; tion and the Bible, rather than poliftcs. | In Washington there is little, of po-- WMiical interest_to warrant newspape: * Hlgge. The absente of the Chicef ix) C There is a similar arttation in sev-- eral bureaus of the Department.of A« riculture where those who haye been entrenched for years resent in'rrg ob Of new Tdeas by Incomingk executives The talk of abolishing governmen: bu-- reaus is just talk and nothing more For yearse certain groups have advo-- uon. Seasonéd pbaeétvers retZse to be come vxeited over the taike of abol Ishag ~ cerialn ~-- govermment -- ~-- when Copgress counvepes nex: Decem-- be¥t.~ From the standpoint of givrern ment officials and +inployes, togay is the beginning of the fiscal year df 1923; Cexaity--new trws--broom®e eTiCTVE o5 Julty 1 and ofd taws exptre on June 30° although there are some exception« in the rule. The most important feature of 'he day is th tioAns are made this means tenew mental programs activities. gu "his official~duties .will perpoait.-- Tar reaction has aJready been felt in the 'qunm_y of news dispatches emahatins from the summer capital -- Some cor-- respondenis bave been withdrawn irom the mMassachusetts assiznment and--rither returned 10 Washinglon oi sent to Daytoh, Tenu., for the sensa-- tonal feauires of the {ortheoming ercr [sCsmininp nemser ) | Our W T To' alm > F as arb WONAI \!/ | ur aShlfl for a number ofu.Pr of social matters l . EDITORIAL | On perhaps the years and has bec s 192. \ ) lAl. I ington flocx..tmost useful man 'u "\*'"m" , \ oo | Le of the Sewrich and the now the turgs -------- ASSOCIATION ~ er * official life. ch and the newcomers in o | EY w . niceties Zmd i~"" knows Vul""h-r.\' in v --B. i .M LILLIAM DALE at all functi "'l'!-',:ardc- das a 1if '.~>0(I1al W ® N. E ic LE y o| internati 'tions of this ch: s mrijee, ashingto . E. A. Cortes -- 3 rnational soci: s character. T c n, July: 1. --It seem -- pondent Washmmm"","dl code prevail he ?Z.\ 'HI\I! i k « § LhA C £ feren: nd +s -- revails in Wmmfi'rn'éym"'mf' cafed the abolition of this s actonted To soeial ussres which s mm oo Sprieef daiate nor it A aud. Shat Here the fommleuties Amorican pitios. , ®tus """"a'fii-!p% vantenars e formalities must ui:'m hss :# Ehinétessary retter ~Heis--rw <Urlrz,:.g;n & y, the pi Atx-- *e=Sm) x se te ie nepertnty m Yaide Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M LIRKE]! RELIABLE LAUNDRY WHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY?"' | rame iD pnatioptoe n 9n# 4e cmcen oA pricnc o i Chas. D. Proctor COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY | _ MONUMENTsS | LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINGERS. WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET AWAY FROM THE DRUDGERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH. ®4!. TVe political Toform. .. _ DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC $1aATiO0N fac: thal appropri ivailable today ar d igterest in gover especially econom WET WASH ~-- ~ se go se o0 gcn tm mmmpermimnneieciecepin > 37 Higged pay-- SECTION_THREE reai Irom The--e Nnal sq upinion wiil be compa esfion of evo'y -- individ er than polistces.: azains c is litile, of po-- Whi f"w n{';:;;?pe'm& it: the joet rix} a w rérgunts for ;;;% !!1!:";.' y 4 io o Runligge sc lt s y 430C * SKH 95¢ *3 menis . Mr. Cook is a very debonair gentlersin who is recognized as the final authority on "what's what" in {Wumnr:on sdciefy. The meetiriz of diplomats and high American govern ment officials at various social func-- |lions is more than a--mere social} affair. l is an event of internationat import. ance in many cases.-- History record« [serious developments ard internation &1 misunderstandings aroused from so-- clal blunders at various world capitals. | In order :o promete better interna-- tional understanding by personal, con-- 'tact, fthe S:ate Departmept fings it worth while to have a special offic> devruq to this actiyity. The various ;América nctiizens reading of a diplo 'matic reception or dinner given by a cabinet officer do not always realize its signiticance in world affairs | Mr. Cook has occuplied his present charge men!s nteroly. an. ften pé. onsgin est 1o Jion, poforcement under We}m the HxflfE'i{ fi?g;,fz&ga}aér?lfid '1"-'» of Assistant Seerétary of the 'Br attentio nof official Washington. There Andrews has created widespread in-- B some .Apedulation-- as--to whether--terest in the s*¥gtee----Thr fac that Miss Harlan ret'ired by reque«t or of State lines have been wiped out in the herwown volition . -- resigualtenmdeoes enforeement probilasr--ant> twenty--t not take é'{f%:',t*.lgfltl the fall, when districts created, brings out the {zu't{ Mrs. Coolidge returns to the White tion of states' rizghts and the extent of House. state cooperation wit--hfederal an:hor-- € 0000 0C PME MRCEAT EBNZMIAC MPPDLIY MPLIPCE, WNPL uxu'}f: L'-".r'," '"m as ""' lflfl! Wl)f_"! "'i'h 'orm' un!n.-x oriticism ?l x;w group. ... 'fMities and Be oceuptes a most yrusual While the public announcement of posilion in this Coufltr)' the sctirement .of _ Miss haura--Herian. > --_----'*~ > __ e 0 ts w -- as tocial gcerctary *q . Mre--Coniage m *:~ Them~racent vhaneeg in the prokibt legislatibm. There have been ifstances where divisions have bern imerged an= the personnel transferred, few having been completely wiped out: Bureau-- €rats and others having a place in ti.. sun do not know political parties. Each adeatnistra--ton has ts share of tntrr: nal squabbles. These affairs may b« compared to family quarrels where indtviduals abuse tach other, but unite That t asoverltapping, unnoceafagaty, vite.-- A gurvey --shows that onty ofie or two mijnor bureaus were abolished by This cMange at the F on indicates tha: Mr. the State Departme arge of* White -- Hou y comew in m rnmnmens cnmeo ons wncan s ie pemegnny LIBERTYYILLE ---- IBFRTYVILLE, LAKE--COUNTY, MHALANQIS,--THLURSDAY . --AM¥Y¥--24 &23 :: > cessn on mm on nc $1:50--A ¥EAR IN--ADVANCEahe Entered it the Postoffice at Libertyrille, Hilinots, as Second Class Mar Matter. xecultlve Charles nt., will Lake County's Big Weekly A V i ottie i sten Arnniee ce s aafe i en apec m 5e cpnie ty n o5 cceA 90 M OR AIRICT n districts created, brings out the ques-- ~_ tion of states' rights and the extent of state cooperation wit--hfederal au:bor-- 7 otttes --The--apggressive a"titude taken 'by Andfews has completely block61 ; -- out Prohibitien Commtsstoner Haines, ,._who Has hitherto led the government oo "dry forces." uiA un ce c o sc nc snb on uon d .00 the --precedc@fits= cre -- Pspectatty"ar 30-- cial functions where whigch officiais are presen:, it is essential that some-- body should--know the relativr,rank of distingtished guests in order that no visitor be slighted. It is an easy ma ter to blunder in society. es M )( it W ilogue ieA The e > wibee cnval QDJ"' "Of ~W rite for copy o{ the 1925 Year Book s 4 i4 ;A 'Ww C T( @0# >3 t onA / & |\ \ \ '1'\1\ 't':\'\\\\\é't- ; ; *\ -- &yf".(\\ % ( '* fl \\'\\'\\ t\\ > E 44 _ aouig $y 45 ols y essm Sa \s J iss | RZS -- _ amw Sss t, Crealin£ repar met W walkir hro W) /4 n rnagona l f State re-- with form: st gyrusual _3 ... 208,871 Horse Power xz '3 GFy. _ for Homesand Industries 4 f1--" uy of Northern Illinois 74 Tifi y e Camnt § 00 0_ ro cA). & + ","'-\' /I ','k' egr Ey t Mn * *p "4'4 e« \ y\ 'Atd '.;l»_ * f(" " ""f" '.*:""',' Kak «2 ?L(?'\-'(/»--"; s _ < KE tTAVAVV C AV¥ELEAL L PR T ta We k NE y [A JS%s 2 % 1. she yea «'«= : 2 . 7. . s L e e 2e . '-._ 'i'_; i .. _ _ op Friday Evening, Afternoon and Evening :--------~ ks _of 'the Fourth 'and Sunday AMitemmbon. ------ *~ ----(f*> Epracnram. ie oo maainapitit d s n To waveey ~suut Aifoeco + midiiak enc e oo roreraneiian n o agaene ns id in es "5 ciipier Cns meegay =»4 o eng n yp. e _ o e nety ogee _ t -- MWce se e l e L W h en ETK T tm a * aha e EC in css OO .. Oe ~*~ _ * BHAMOGND TAKRE, ILLC. * _ 9 Lo * _ ------ ns h uc -- CELEBRA TE THE FOURTH AT || > BA THING -- Cbx PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY _ The Ronda Preterred and Common Seocks of this ( An important factor in increasing the operating efficiency during the year was the progress made toward massing the Company's electric-- ity production in its three large--generating stations at Waukegan, Joliet and Blue Island. Of the total annual electric production of more than 480,000,000 kilo-- watt hours about 90 per cent comes from the three stations named above. It is this greater effhiciency in operation, together with the continued increase in its volume of business, that enabled the Company, last year, to show a substantial gain in both its gross and net revenues. The power load--power for turning the wheels of industry--showed an increase last year of 17.2 per cent over 1923. . HE electric output of this Company has increased 242.6 per cent in the last ten years. The lighting consumption for the year 1924 amounted to 81,027,543 kilowatt hours, which is 16,628,506 kilowatt hours greater than 1923. Serving 6,000 square miles--219 cities and torns--with Gas or Electricity or both & 4@ Phone 144. W 5 %0. Genesee St., Waulregan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS .DANCING b" 1 _ he M Cha-- Libertyville, II. Heted on The +1 € PICNICKING --}> *4 & +3 &A 1