3 "Mlluon of the property by the "Sneull interests, it was stated here by -- --abservers-- close to the situation, Purshase--of. indiana _ Ling. hy a receiver, ~The-- as F at" the Tneatls hnave . Or are nearing comptetion, E~ survey of the entire Union * System, including its three --« --Unes leading out . fan--shaped t : Indianapolis, with terminals at s . Peru, Wabash, Bluffton, P Vnion City and New Castle _' _ Addition of the Chicago Lake Shore _ ~ & South Bend and the Union Traction %" give the Insulls the most gig-- _ antic Interurban system in the world, 7k INDIANAPOIAS,-- IND.. June 26. -- ing.was started by the Indiana | petition of the recently incorpor-- ated Chicago, South Shore & South Bend Railway for the purchase --of the Chicago, L&ke Shore & South Bend. The purchasing Company is an Insull organization, with $2,000,000 preferred and 200,000-- shares of com-- mon stock of no par value, incorpor-- ated for the 'purpose of taking over the selling company, which has been anverating for some time under receliv. ~The Interstate Public Service Co.. Purent Traction Line of the Insulls, eperating between Loulsville and: Ind-- 4anapolis, recently established lUimited mmh Bend, runing over --exsept between Indian: apolis and Peru, and Goshen and South Bend. The latter link is held by Murdock interests, it is and is the only gap between ~--and Milwaukeeo--over.which the : C '=-- A?dgb! of Chicago, South * on highy Pophe SnE +o Td oAE mey P e T ENRREETE TV O WPE > T " Addition of the Chicago Lake Shore | 'Those who did not attend church &# South Bend and the Union Traction 'services last Sunday evening to Tear | give the Insulls the most giz--|Dr. Gammon, missed hearing a real in-- J¢ Interurban eystem in' the world, |teresting and worth while sermon. ' 800 miles, in the heart of on»;Come to church Get the habit and most populous sections of the | you will like it God expects you to ted States, includinx a large part be interested in church work and af tie northeast quarter of Indiana, |Christian service, as wel} as any other | by many as the choicest ter-- 'work. --There's time for.all, just so in the midwest for electrical '|you systematize your plans. me® Arti of Incorporation of the Bouth Shore & South Benu fpulate the opcy?uon ol motor wl C on hbhighwayd, the fArst inatence . in double service has been C by an Incorporating traction t in Indiana. This, it is stated, in to having the Interstate between d and Loulsville, 'aleo bave a we . _Bus sgervice between the éltles. The Interstate was the s Infurt 'system to parallel it» 4\ mection with proposed exten Of Pnwull Traction Business in 6 It is pointed out by exper eed railway men, invaluable rights [ way for high power tram etmisg!n~ es are secured, as is the purtha«e thelir second traction properiy ar ~By purchase ol the Winona , earltior this year. In addition . a link is the MOwagke» Ile line-- it serio« the purpoas & is supply of current to using Inesl\ companle= etric for ligzht and power 4 of way acquired by pur hase 3 k properties, it ie azserted eatually . ¥ill~ prove of tremendoms alu tphe apread of the Insull elec &! in Indiana. > « _ LOUISVILLE, KY Miding i nmunitics etricdty his of = traction =IQ00 _ _ Muying'or Belling, °. _ |:|; Move in Big System. EAL ESTATE by Murdock interests, it is | C. M. Gilman fell from a scaffold on | ::Mu:w:hu? en alnst the mmw.;, rieks gpt onb '""u:&d "He. akee--over.. w the injured about the & e te ~eventuaily -- would --not --b@ U4s--at the Wheeling and the ,Ih'll'mmw_,w outcome is not N';wom : *""'W move 0: e copizk ¥" 1o: = d an quadfl Evt-@- , M M'm{m'u--'.l- lg: 'alm Nr. HoRSQ ources, is ~ot 'the Mmmw the hew ¥ernon ; Je Union Traction : €a..-- gow s uwmbmf W'!" . --The-- ab |n@s, and the accident is therefore un-- " at the Thewnls nave trospinate . ~~~------~------~--~--+ G. A. KR vaerans will be admit-- at the fair grounds during the O July celebration at Liberty-- ty and Sunday. Al. Litht-- ns nravided a rest room at his vat +100 of the number this k have come from the county. the biggest percentage being w. Milwaukee running a lots, as a state, leads with Wis i second. lowa would bé third an --excesdingly }0® . 8COT®._______ from Milwaukee, Wis., to ken all records for marrtlage , according to Lew ~Hendee, tlerk. The record, up through iy, shows that 471 couples lenifind their -- intentions of IBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC TO with two dayn--yet to MARRIAGES eamp for the convenience 471 LICENSES wopp marriage 1| k I e | 'Topping the fiction list is Arrow . , smith, Sinclai®-- Lewis's penetratink , study of life and the medical profes A, !don The constant nymph, Margaret "@ > charming novel, is second. p | Phird place goes to Boundings, A. .. |Hemilton Gibbs's first serious novel, ,eluu love story of an English girl with * |a wise and sympathetic father. Ra{ael _ Sabatini's historical romance of Amer-- lca in 1774, the Carolinian, and The a. | Laitle French Girl, Anne Dougias |p | Seagwick's understanding study . of . |French and English points of view re . fourth and fifth, respectively. Michael ,, |Arien's The Green Hat is sixth, while _".l'l'bo Reckless Lady, the new novel by o [Bir Philip Gibbe, brothr of A. Hamil-- .. | ton Gibbs; is seventh . The Loringk (H 'Myster, in which Jeffry Farnol adds a s 'murder mystery to his Tavorice concoc ",. |tion of romance ard adveniure i. the is early nine.eenth cen'ury Encam is .. @:_%hth. -- Love by Elitabess and. The r 'Prin:ed Vell by Some~--t Maogham, " jars rinth and tenib respeciively. '"Dick," as he is KROWZ / W 08 urtan former pastor of our church, during mmg;m% He has since --finished --his Chicago ~22 2. __2 SE 22 _6 ... : 1 u'" a¥~a course at Yuo.;%l v gree of D. D. Dick was commissioned Rev. R. R. Keithahn will be with us at our_services msm;z'i!g!&, "NDick." as he is known to all, was & o s es m l C W;nd# be financed and sup-- ported by "Sdhgregution ~of" that church.. 'whree auto loads --of our folks went to Western Springs to pay trib» ute and _ witness the ceremony,. wh{c'h W tm 2. h lenn Roces im .....C.Q..._'....Q 14c adth c amnecelthe i kvemintiedap ber e PP IC i by the First Congregational church at Western Springs as & missionary to India, last Sunday. He will sail for his new field of labor the m'-t of Sep-- | 11 1 0 1 00 S uadoh artnten it ect 4t P Te d was very impreskive.. Don't miss this opportunity "of shaking bands and greeting Mr. Keithahn next Sunday evening Show him how well You like him by your presence. This is very easy To do, when you consider tEe dufi:- L2 LE L %s is uadaniel. en YE TT CSST e 0 C CC 4s es gers and discomforts he is undertak-- ing tor tne good of mankind.-- f Miss Anna Lindstrom is spending bher summer vacation at home Lydia Meyer and Marshal Senrogeder 020 o Gawins ¢ta marthern boints OB aHee sA POuR . MTE PE CCAE C 90000 Shak Keith last Friday afternoon. 'They ex-- pect to be away about a month. Both are very popular young people of our church, anua we extenda to ttem a most hearty and sincere wish for their fu-- ture health.and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Warren 8Sprigue from Pittsburgh,-- ht'mm _their vacation with the parents of Mr. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Gharles Spragwe. -- _ --_ | _ Pr:rons of the Libertyville postoffice restding within the--timits--of the free delivery service to be established Sept. 1, 1925, are notified r -- * cles must be and e megeent n ony on ""ar more families raslide In the same Mr. and Mrs. WAITeD SPI68"" °""""°\ " oue He was Ccrossing Sheridan|Place of meeling Ds DUNUCAZJ, MUUY7 ) o. ine Chicago lod; 9 g | 4 LUon * works. He was. crossing for the Chicago lodge No. 3 of the aod Mrs. 'Uharics Sprague. _ about six a'clock when the ear struck [E Smock . _ _ _ > . A display of the War Department's Phaapiphc from him. He died about a m 5 activities will be made in the form j S m ons oc beer end was later. He was taken by Mr. Becker| _ _ DIAMOND LAKE CHURCH _ |Aris iand and air sham battles Tick thmdt injured about the head. He . to the Scripter undertaking establish-- --* *"The Friendly Church* -- -- 100 airplanes recruited from the Wa_r"i mN is at the w and m;;lu_;.tzfit%h& 'I:{' the inquest was! . ngflm School .:t!:,r'-r c }Depmuem «and «:-mmm;t outcome ! 1 but we are beld Mont"y iBA ; t | l omm f | Entertainment is to be provided by .,,r,":;,'::, ~Aam '".:"..ar' «Phe --CAF -- was -- headed .. toward Chi. Nmnmmific anda;--«« f zen f en« *. vecovwatrs _ Mt. 'fllm Nr. Honie' cago _ A Kenosha .man. !* -. u%'%&--wat Ns: 1 1p6 4 en im in ids . 4n un oag i ) ) _ : + rak " m. is -»".!.:,'_.:-...'o-'" 'c- e mmnnghc oo . pe cnmianige h i > --~3 , : Je d 200 onl h 1 ag ow ~y .l mm('j'rm':fl tflm WLWMM """'-Wm woman.) will have a fine message you. NO) -- ('nited States Senator wn;- Me-- | x the accident, is (hg"fo}"ny- was "ariving. Joh who was ko *W place to apend M'"h&m was in Libertyvilie Wednesday Rex. w m (Mw onl 1. ~--~~~--~-- ----+deg--BOFth, ~ABOut --BIXtY . Leet Wvl":"'flj&fih@!&.wl'm'mm.wmamm Chicas e m o( nston spent last | scene of the accident, said the car for al. 'tyville business men at the Liberty--| before week end wFA Ir:.'loon "knd Mri.|carried the doy on the bumper '"* -- : m« \vile.Club, where Judge Ben H. Miller , speed! Knoll ** £. ' about 20 feet and that when be fell| . LON} GROVE CHURCH 'was host at a luncheon. Senator Nc-- by a : ' dance given by teh Cem.ltery' he was run over by a rear wheel. . Rev. Carl A. Stadler, Pastor 'kinley is on & tour of the state, and | Barho! )A.oehn.'fl" t m?'m'my Pavilion' Becker said the car threw hbim i0 |-- Sunday School at 9 ®. m-- + |his talk was mainly on conditions in 5§ mil 'l'uo::u. evening was nicely at. the left side and that he rushed OULl| . German service at 10 a. m. Every--| various colntries of Europé. He rehe w1 [m time was had. and picked him up. 2 lhuly invited. lmtly returned from abroad, where he Saloon tondad nnd a good Ume wase haltl. _ ;IM V O 7 Soobhof the wheell C' @.Loarm» --wil mont 1t I n m |wont an nffintal maninesk > take t COOK MEMORIAL LIBRARY NO iz house, a separate box for each should | x 4* 1 No particular kind of receptable is prescribed: the simplest form of slot || or boxr is acceptable. ;i _ Houses must eb provided with num || It is necessary that mail be address-- ed to street and house number, and patrons are requested to aid in the prompt delivery of mail by making an effort to have their mail so addressed. hbow many have complied with the-- above and it is necessary that at least : 85 per cent of the houses have been | provided with mail receptacies. | inspection will be made to ascertain I have taken over the agency for the for this territory, formerly held by Edward J. Brixen. Reports to the effect that the J. R. Watkins Company is out of busr+-- ness are false, and I will at all times be able to supply the people of this section with anything im the Watkins line TELEPHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED J. R. Watkins Products HALF DAY Albert W. Koenig _ Announcement ,aD BOY OF 6IS RUN _ DOWN AND KILLED ------B8Y AUTOMOBILE | Tayior : io i ns ns ons w ' jury that the boy died from the in ,juries caused by the car. ~His father 'is Ralph Amundsen.: o alL _ m»"traarir Amundsenfitowau'ge- Jnene.= * time: "_ ... _ ... ~~gan Ts injuredr J dL,--] Taily en' w. --soavsn,.-- Winthrop Harbor. _ _ | _ sensr mnabe esn Six--year--old Norman Amundsen of Waukegan, who was visiting -- his Harbor, wlleflll family lived until a Ttew days ago, was run down and killed by an automobile occupied by Walter Becker, shirt magutacturer _ of Chicago, and a girl compauion, late in the afternoon. Despite the fact that Becker . de-- clared he was driving the avtomo bile, a jury impaneled by Coroné: Taylor found that his girl companion was driving the car. Witnesses, in cluding a boy chum, said the woman threw up hber hbhands and screamed when she saw the boy in front of the mackhine. --A --post mortem exam-- _ He had been visiting. his grand father, William Norberg, and was coming bame after bnyly some fire he was run over by a rear wheel. . 'av Carl A St ecker mig Ihe opr IhrS® Sm 10!_ Sungey Sekeq PE m _ _ : the left side and that he rushed oul| . German service at 10 a. in Kvery-- and picked hh: up. Hhed tbe "wh body invited. Becker said he gra t wheel s when the boy walked into the road Y. P League will meet at 8 p. m. and did all within his power to avoid gunmntnntmmesmmmmnnmmnsrmemmeamamnems --innemanamamaeiommenmmis striking hbim. {yeaaainmmmmnmmnmnnmmtnm m'l"i:-m;x;}fi this morfing showed that the boys neck was broken. .> \The woman in the car was Mrsa. Pearl Grant of Chicago, it was learn-- ed. The coroner's jury did not hoid her or Beeker, but returned an open vordict 'finding that Mrs. Grant?! who a~nefred not more than 25, was driver 0 Ray Smith and family expec: to teave Friday night for 'Ladysmith, Wis., where Ray will spend the fourth and Sunday, luring the finny tribe of ths Budrer state. Ray ts not talking of a recent fishing trip, when the par ty spent all of one nigh and a day, with only a small sun fish to show for the trip. James P. Scott is the new csshier of the Citizens State Bank of Munde lelt, faking the position July ist The former cashier, R. F. Rouse, will de vrote all his Jme to his reaity business, hi soffice :o be in Mundelein. Mr. @coott is an experienced banker, and was in libertyyille Tuesday grtting acquainted with folks in our villiag& the «C July 4th AFTERNOON AND EVENINC. e¥ €}/ PARTIES AND PICNICS CATERED TO Lake Zurich on Rand Road mqernarzngy > CA oo 4 .c us oo ar § | CHURCHES | ~~~ Rev. Martin J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass® Sunday, 7.00 o'clock, Second Mass Sunday, .9;:00 o'clock stand*** thew : ~<***~~~~ Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, Supt. Morning worship at 11. The pastor Will Abeak' on "God hnd Native Zand" Young People's Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Union Service at the M. E. Church at 7.30 p. m. All are cordially invited to these services. e standard time C. Menge will be the speaker. Special music by the quartet. 6:30 p. m. ' At 7:30 p. m., Union Service of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. Place of meeting this Sunday, Metho-- Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a.m. Church School at 10 a. m. , All services on standard time.~~ _ Mrs. Lyell Morris, Organist. Church School at 1 0Oa. m. > ST. LA WRENCEB EPISCOPAL Rev. Arthur W. Mohns, Pastor. FIREWORKS F se Largest _ _ Assortment of . Fireworks: ever put on sale in this section Sky Rockets® _ Mines _ Roman Candles Day--Go--Bombs Langworthy's Dry Goods, General Merchandise + * D en . > P sRnaiaed V ASCBaeE EnV . P ie ty Cc Importance . of the Natlonalum'.mlzm- lndm clbv:lc .mdm ings. 4 f * case 8 about three Defem is to BG the Keymm years. when John .Callahan, deceas _ of Address of Army Man. ed, was driving a truck near Liberty-- .m. wlz ville, which struck the Riggs auto-- The importance of national defense!mobile. The boy, a youngster about is to be the keynote of an address by twelve years old, died almost in-- Mxsi. Gen. Henry G. Hale, command-- stantly. | ing the Sixth Corps Area, at Great| Criminal proceedings were started Lakes Naval Training Station July 4.| in which the defendants were found I Oonmsdntwmg_.tymmnfluudordondwwyanu':'t- 4 attend the f uciatfo®"sf Ti# ts t *n Fudbnroov4 t 36 089 | Citizens Good Roads association, of bOInE returned. * Attorneys Eugene _,t} which former Mayor Hale Thompson RQDYATd 0d Ralph Dady, for the de-- ]u the founder. It will be a triple f@Udants, they appealed to--the--ap-- tme| event in the observance of the na-- pellate court. 7 : C Both cases were bitterly contested, tional holiday serving as a--vehicle for ® ; °8| the army and navy and as an outing with the insurance companies taking M'for the Chicago lodge No. 3 of tho{' keen'interest, dut to the fact that uy | for the Chicago lodge No. 'the truck hbhad been insured against :o %* Miss Bauer, leader of C E Topic. An-flmwufi-m.m Amdies' Aid SBociety will mest Thurs-- day, July 9, at 2 p. m. Let us boost wmzbymmbybmm neow . -- Visitors welcome. GEN. HALE IS TO 'kinley is on & tour of the state, and his talk was mainly on conditions in various coluntries of Europs. He re-- cently returned from abroad, where he went on official business.. The importance of national defense is to be the keynote of an address by Mxsi. Gen. Henry G. Hale, command-- ing the Sixth Corps Area, at Great Lakes Naval Training Station July 4. A display of the War Department's activities will be made in the form of drflls, land and air sham battles with 100 ajirplanes recruited from the War Department --and-- --commercial ~craft. Entertainment is to be provided by CHRIS11AN SCIENCER 8OCIETY L .w O s w C y %of'-\...-b Ts Bunday School at 9: 456 a. m. Bervices: Bunday, 10:45 a. m. ON 4TH PROGRAM Fire Crackers Torches, Etc. i who was killed by a Calldhan auto lu'nct. was received from the appel-- jlate court today, according to Attor-- ney George Fleld, who represented APPELLATE COURT _ CONFIRMS $6,500 --DEATH JUDGMENT After--a --Year in the Higher Confirmation of the $6,500 judge ment granted in the circuit court against John and James Callahan, 'mmo" . patd a Lfine.oft $5 and costs | before Justice Hoyt on a 'charge of speeding.. He was ar: Bunday 'by a state man, wh> ::'u'l.%hnt Rev. Barhof! 'was driving a; the rate of 55 miles an bour. --The victim sald . Caurt |Collahan fRace--Con. _ "~alusion 1s Reached. such an aceident. MINISTER PAYS Saloon League, and declared he would take the matter up with them. * i -- ~' " ~* »yout '1 l M w : = ue % THURSDAY and FRIDAY LE $§% _ _: ~--~~~ 7 . As Aefrrmrermeratctcmen ts Slmcict Aegy 3 P T PNBNAL NE css . is s in [ _ Lt ~IAeeR T OC__" e _2 cent COmecpl T .\ K PA 1 Sm fi' esubs> i PS AC O TE ; With a special cast including ALICE TERRY, LEW!IS STONE, and JOHN BOWERS 0_ comod%. "ODrenched" Juoge's New Cross Word Puztle Fiim SATURDAY, JOLY% 4_. | Revelationt of--a : Woman's Loves SVNDAY, JULY S James Cliver Citwood TVUESDAY and WEDN!SDAV JVULY 74 . 'The Talker Kinogram News and Comedy UDITO RI aDAVID SMUTH Podction Comedy, "Btay Bingis® BEN LYON Anna Q. Nilsson Marjorie Daw way street of youth, with Down the one d panzencne------~styeea is at e corner. * Ap~ 6X e 12 a#