CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jul 1925, p. 7

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Cf "<ig : i * and making it safer for the children. * $ , N 'The third week of the daily vacation 7 bible school is in session and will z&'ve <® 'a demons.ration of the work done on $ . mm 0F NEw Thyrsda yevening at the church. 'The teachers are Wm, L Manuy, interme-- b diate; Geraldine Behensky, junior, and * STATE DEPARTMENTIP!!HN& Thompson, primary. The at-- A * * tendance has been g.od. + C w ' Mrs. Thomas Pet»rson wazs called x E_ x" & . Y . ------------Official --Announcement Made|to Kenosbe Thursday by the death of y m'mnzmmr'fi'?v ion, ll,,l!l:ena@ t% chief x?n% and _ fis warden ,as ector of the dour'% _____ _ ment of conservation to take effect tavik---- ;{"'4 «was --annoinced --bheré togay y Governor Smail. ~ _ This selection of Mr. Stratton is the climax 'of a remarkable advance * r" «In~ conservation, which has been made during Governor Small's admin-- Istration. -- . -- Btarting as a deputy game warden}?""' --4"C MTsS. Farrow moved to Lake "C'Ce comimeefon ruled thalt such a under logmor Govz';'m')r'mwden ip| Villa, which is now 48 years ago. in *@fe guard should be erecied. .This 1916, Mr. Stratton has proven his fit| 1999 they moved _west to Seattle, Action was taken about a year ago ness . for the important position . to Wash. Mr. g-.m,. died on November d@fter two men had been killed on the which he has been'" appointed. . His | 28. 1914. _ ' erqusing. . a * 0 . excellent tecord during the four|_ In 1915 she married Louis Hurd. She -- The railroad, at the time, objected, years as a deputy warden brought a|IPtUurned :o Lake Villa March 12, 1921. and appealed the matter to the su-- well deserved advancement to the| MrS. Hurd is survived by her husband, premt court. | ~~~~~position --of--onlet game and Tish war-- her --daughter,--Myrtle----Pester; fiver ~The--eemmerce --eommisston hetd den in 1921. grand children and two greatgrand--|their hearing in this case in Spring Mr. Stratton's rtcord as head of |Children} two brothers and two -uwrs'fleld, Sangamon county, which was Mrs. Carola Barnstable, a 'ormer res--| ident here, but who spent the past win--| ter an dspring with her nephew, Hom ' er Rowling an dwife inDetroit, Mich .. is visiting friends here for a couple of , weeks. | Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner have moved into Wisconsin, where Mr. wagner has charge of a 'dairy plant He was manager of the Gelias dairy bere until it was closed down. A new fence has been put around the sthool yard by the ey&'-. Fence | ter an dspr er Rowling is visiting 1 weeks. Mr. and | moved Into The Mothers' Club had a vv'g; en-- Joyable meeting at <the church Fridy afternoon. They are using as a basis of study the book, "Parents and Their Children," which is very intoresting. Al women interested in the czre of children are very cordialy inv.ted to attend these meetings, which are held on the last Friday afterncon of each month at the church. A social com-- mittee is always busy. © * the division of game. and u;g'.mc}_%md, A . j»--__m;@fi.. arudls n 6e ioh Inote omfe en ns en The Ladies® Aid held a business and social meeting with Mra L. J. Tweed Wednesday aisernoon 6f this Mrs. E. Thayer has returned home fro mithe Lake County General hb>=-- pital, where she wen. for treatment, and is itaproving: The Bowman are at their cottage in Thorn's subdivicion. tor Lbe 2unmamer .. Walter Douglas, who gradw ted from lLake Fores: University recently, has taken a positio nin Chicago. -m,'b:q'iia«m»;wlfi'! Pod *""sh --last --vear #~ tompared with Oniy hay Ms-d. xflmqa? @ 4 r as .Mr. Relinback 'had purchased <he building occupled by Mr. Herdisah. The change took place last week. Mrs. Coffey and granddaughters of Chicago are spending a tew woeks with ber friend, Mre Jarvic. Workmen are busy on a home on the west side of Crooked Lake for Mrs Reynolds, daughter of Mrs. Peacock. Mrs. Peacock is also baving her home Nite Potter of Hubard Woods spen: the past three weeks with her grand-- parenis. George Mitchell, wite and Jaugh:er and mother, also Ray Kerr and wife, alt of Chicago wor. wrek ond visitore Lt You are cordially invi.ed :o attend the Sabbath day servicos a: the Com-- munity cburch Rere. Sunday Scbool is af 10 a m and morning worsbip at 17. wit bevening service a1 7. Please no tice 'change of evenizg service, which will be beld out of dzsors. Mr. and Mrg Reynolds of Wilmette who spent J summer here, aire vis iting ou? village again. whil> Mr. Rey nolds is appraising the E. C Lehmann PBe Ladies® Ajd 300i@ y Has set July 11th es the da.e (or thy third anoual summer bazaar, which vill be a bazaar of the days of the week, «here articles appropriate for each day may be pur-- chased.® --Plaj to aj'end Supper wiil be served at the usual bhour 4 Vic or and no----thy Gra'zs are visit Ing relatives in Chicags» for a couple ol weeks. -- * R. E. Hussey~ has been having a setious tUpte with quinsy sore throat, and had his teonsils removed receatly. Hg is improving. . 5 game and fis.; s or the staie; Ahe. establishm. n: of" six--Lish Bsc' éries and game (ayms; the--distribu-- s "'ected from $15.0(00 in 1971 fi!'lfi i--_ for the year ending July 1, 19 Bvortspren. trappers and .. cofmmer clal fishermen all are delfghted that *Bill"~ Stratton, 4s he is affectionate-- Iy known to all his bost of friends, which hbe is so clearly entitled. ©But another and probabty the outstanding reason for their approval of this «ppointment is that Mr. Stratton is n oidy' a real practical conserya-- lion st, but is a "square shooter," a * cLAkE VILLA : -- * 4 % % % 4 4 %4 4 4 4 4 4 %4 4 4 % % game bird egzs _ and 10,000 _ adult regular vation as director of the department / and 4 days.~* ~ ~ | _ C 0 0 . _ of conservatiop, which replaces the, The funeral services were held at old division of game and fish. -- )the Lake Villa M. E. church, wi;h in-- 4 F e Th --tast--year *« compared w -- It is impossible to recount all of the remarkable record made by Mr. Stratton, but some of --the outstand-- Ing achievements of his administra-- t'om as ch'e' same an'd fish warden Louis Hurd" is visiting his son in by Governor Small that Lake _ Co.. Man Gets Position. ithe--bhome of ¥r aml!l Mrs. James A complete recodification of the y W to twenty cents a"pound .-or-'m': tocal prices paid. ate buyers eimilar grades. m, this b:: promise, merely an indicator this rr.fnr'ke, he concludes. same price received by the dealer, nd' nets him <the middiemen's profil. Last yeiur the pool's price nettad from eight | W nony oo <: vrewr--vive Japrerrer * jys This is especiall} true in counties where :here has been considerable act-- Ivity in wool pooling, Mr. Hedgcock states. He has figures «bowing wha local private buyers were offering and paying before this year's poot was atarted and compares them with the present offerings in vartous countie€. Farm Bureau from Wim. 8. Hedgcock, director of the livestock marketing department of the Hlinois Agricuiturat *M- in o-rthlt! true in counties _ Because of the competition greated ©by farmers selling their woo!l direct in the east through the I!llinots wool pdoi the prices paid by local private buy-- ers has increased, in some coumies. from 9 to 13 cents a pound, according to information coming to the lLake Co. Mr. and Mrs: Lou Weaver and son: of Chicago visited here Wednesday , Ixr. Louis Hertel has resurned 10 the Chicago hospital for treatinent .. Henry Brandenburg is visiting in Chicago for a few days. . Miss Ruth Diron tisi ed at Baminx ton Monday. _ Chuartes Weaver was a ruest of th-- Kiwunts Club in Waukera> Tucsijfay evening. . Senator Wiiliam McKiniey was the speaker. _ . Mrsa. Frank Gprass and Mrs. Georg« Prussia Jr.. of Chicago spent the week end with Mrs Jas. Snetsinger ° WOOL--POOL OF ILLINOIS _ GROWERS PROVES SUCCESS ----~laake Zucich waew«elt rezz0e::--i%: the EKoyal Neigzhbor dance 'Tuesday at Barrington T . "Young Amou?" has been celebrat ing the 4ih tor the past ten days if our village. _ n Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kracht were callers here Sunday. . . Mr and Mrg. Lee Landwer and their daughters were callers at Cary lasi Monday aternoon. > « Mrs. Flora Clarke entertained com pany from Waukegan Monday evecing itor "Monwaxy*>-->** father. 'They returned bormw> ~Mr. aNI Mrs D R. Simons were cali-- ed to Marfon, ind., last week, on ac¢-- terment at Angola cemeiery in 1872 she was married to George|-- It will strike the. proposed over Farrow.. To this union was born gl% crossing in Lake Villa over the daughter, now Mrs. Joe Pester. Then{800" line crossiug, <where the com-- Mr .and Mrs. Farrow moved to Lake merce commiesfton ruled that such a Villa, which is now 48 years ago. In *@afe guard should be erectied. .This 1909 they moved west to Seattle, ACtion was taken about a year ago Wash. lr.'g\;ua' died on November dfter two men had been killed on the 28, 1914. c n o crossing. _ L * «L In 1915 she married Louis Hurd. She -- The railroad, at the time, objected, returned :o Lake Villa March 12, 1921. and appealed the matter to the su-- Mrs. Hurd is survived by her husband, premt court. * I 4 % 4 % 4 4 4 4 %4 4 4 4 % % % 4 * LAKE ZIURICH _ * --Mrs. Eliza --Palmer Hurd was born Bomeryhire. England. on May 7. 1889 She came to America when she was a small girl _ ~ . James Leo: £ daughier, 'E;,_'!.-:z. nard, wife and jers tives here for the summer vacation. in 1872 she was married to George Farrow.. To this union was born t daughter, now Mrs. Joe Pester. Then Mr .and Mrs. Farrow moved to Lake Villa, which is now 48 years ago. In 1909 they moved west to Seattle, a nephew. | & 0 a *) Mrs. Alice Howard speut the past week with relatives in Waukegan and Odk Spring Road, Libertyville, MUSIC BY BLACK CAT ORCHEsSTRA RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETs Te 1 Mission Oak Leather Upholstered Rocker .. ______ 1 Morris Chairs Loose Tapestry Custhtom® ------_ _ ___ c _ 1 Large Mission Oak Library Table, Center Drawer ._____ 1 Three--Piece Set Willow Eun Porch Furniture, Tapestry WOODCHUCK LODGE CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS. LUNCHES and SANODWICHES 1 S« of Six Windsor Chairs (Two Arm) Grey two--tone Art Finish, cost $100.00, Set for-- ... . .. L 0 . 1 Round English Oak Extension Dining Table, Hand Carved, Cogt BITB.DNY ..--:--.:--mmscmnremncesicreccnncranes ropmmncomues rione t vewnreer Ne r s euvairacioes 1 Simmons Metal Double Bed, Mahogany Finish _.._______ Cushions, AND SPECIAL PFARTIES t fiinichh, ic tnhs to x»riadiaintiinient x0 hrihs i irint. oi i. A tedrinetricet M atrcans sn on do d d 4 2 1P d T .A .10 T5 .A d a -- host of 6ther _ relatiyes and|not the origin of the case. To con--;_"A"M®I8 &re Joining the Farm Bu. HARTMANN HOUSE DANCING EVERY EVENINCG, STARTING MAY 30 OBITUARY FOR SALE ROBERT HARTMAN, Proprietor 9006« _ cp ind w ON MILWAUKEE AVENUE WHEELING, ILLINO!S | . Mr. Schmall, of Jackson, Mich., i: spending the week visiting at yhe hom« |of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Kubayupt. MHoward Hadlock of Chicago is viu" Iting this week at the home of his grand.moiner. Mis. Ma garet Davis . Mr. Ermsi: qa--'a+ whe bhis bsea vory altk y ano ui four_ w eeks, 12-- now --lre t osi. up. . ~ . * A very pretty church wedding was solemnized Saturday aftermoon at (he Caholic church when Misa Violet Thia bault became the bride of Mr. James Rev Father Lynch performed the cer-- emony in the presence of a large con-- gregaiion. Alter the--ceremony, a wed-- ding dinner and reception was held at the bome of the bride's parents in I1a Wednesday evening of las; week Mr and Mrs. Parcy Inbble were give:y party in honor of their 50th weddin: anniversary. A very nice supper wa served. They received maby nc gifts. > * Miss Anna Shepard spent several days last week visiting (riends in Oak Park. _ Mrs. Pete Peterson and daughter, Mlly, were in Chicago several days last week visiting the former's sister, and other relaitvy<s and fiiends. John Darby and s Ewalt, of Boulde:, Colo., week visiting Antioch 'ra: by sbhipped his hous Cotoradgo the first nf the --~~n.aW ----M««ie was a Chicago yisttor_asked D¥.ihFir neighbors 46 #gn thr:; Sunday and stonday. . . f{nr membersbips. These are: ()) . Miss Marie Johnnoett of ('han;;;flalx:_x ealize the m»« essity of "m&'/ h | visfted Antioch tritends the ferst of +the--organiteq,. We i Tarm .A apik, week. ' ' e apj@ L. o ds A* tartmers, wil ne .. < Mrorand Mrs <~Walte fP'atmer enter tained relatives from Lake Genevd last At present theé state, --county and yillage of Lake Villa .are marking time aweiting the crossing. The thrie ' bodies are placing gravel on the cut-- | company caee, in which the supreme ¢qurt declared that the --Commerce Commiesion should hear cases in tho county of origin, will have its effeci 1/ Lane~ sgunty; aceortu. tg *m"n?goxsr-' nlon expressed by Charles Russell. eounty superintendent of roads. Sureme Court Ruling indicates That They Must Concur _____. With Railroad. SO0 CROSSING AT >> LAKE VILLA MAY BE DEAD ISSUE WAUKEGAN, ILL -- Tha.*"ULC_in_--1TBeé DhbviHlle Hrick Good Meals 50c ARLING T O N *A»+HOTBE4; #o -- Telephone Libertyvilie 470 TELEPHONES WHEELING 6 and 17 ind _ sonindaw, Mr , Colo., &pert tha past mtioch friends. Mr. a housebol 1 gnods to Onf the wrek : 'k of Chicago is viz* at the home of his $50.00 16.00 25 00 17.00 % o o Ti comnmmmremmmts in d ... W 11 4 A P he able to hoid our own against the other lines of Industry which are so highly organized : (2) 1 believe the progra mof work being followed by the Farm -- Bureau and the lllinois Agricul tural Association is one that will ben-- efit e directly and indirectly, and i; is one that most certainly is promo' Ing the best interests of agriculture, and (3) I believe in the necessity for an organized effort :o &rt equa)i'y 'for agriculture. On this last.point, Mr. Metzger points out that 6. is being heard mor»e and more everywhere he goes. And he is on the road almost incessanily," visit-- Ing the executive commi tees of Farm Bureaus, assisting them in laying their plans for renews] campaizns. FARM BUREAU REPORTS > ~~~INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP The Misses Agnes Peterson la Stickles left Monday iora -- few days with Waukegan rol: 1 ¥\ 4e omm m oifi nc ns cce c C cotatd Alie fl?":m:'i S. £. Mesha and two children and Mr. and Mrs A. Hudtlocl: wq.wn of Chicago, visited Runday at the bhome of th--ii moathe r, Mrs. Mar garet Dayis. _2 . Mr. and Mrs. Shirley have moved in-- o the Gideon Thayer nome on Johp-- nott street. was cuiled ! the serious 'I M' Juat o l#" and fi children and and.son of C t MAE CSCEE: -- MAPNETT ET +CW ME 7 W e bhome of th@ Briae's paro#{s" W Mrs. George Richa 'dson of Chicag» was cuiled to Antioch last w--ek by the serious 'lIness of her muther, Mis 1e Car kn c 2)0 Clarence Sluliis ani Mitx Harkins. wiré uni;»>) in mai V aukegan Wodnesitay of lasi ¥raddinz -- dinue wcu;l;-hv;s_"m ho_n_m ofthe Briae's parofts' James Horan, has spent scme time at Denver, Coh, came home last Thursday for a vis«e whbh retattves$ and f:riends. : _sister --of the groom, were the maids of honor. James Horan and EA Vos re attegdants of the groom. m.{,- short wedding trip, they will be at home their many friends in a house --all pr:o;w\(w on Spafford strect. avenue. 'I'he Misses Hdna Thiabas:, !_l_u_a_rof the bride, and Miss Margaret Alulils and M?}u\ Dorot ré unii»dl in ma?ha;n lu OV ERLAND Monday {ora visit' of Waukegan relatives. -- World's Lowest Priced Cars itay of lasi weuk. A tionally wide doors--beautifu lduhmf >lster --nlfkfl.h_hll interior fittings--one--piece This five pasechger Sedan brings closed car comforts within reach of all pocketixxucks, THURSDAY, . JUNE 25, 1925. This Newest Overland Value is Without Precedent ... A full size, S-Passenfir Sedan with 27 Horse-- power Performance,at a Price Every Family Can Afford Car Women Like] -- an i \ to Al Steal Toasing. $425 ; Al Steal Coupa, $65 ; All Stool Sedan, §715; §. o b --REAL -- ESTATE o :s ',}QEBTYVI_U,E* ic incindicapirne ue' x 1 d 3 To tentowint mene aevgieg The highest engine revolution known is alleged tq have boen.'?.dod by a new design of internal spindte grind-- stone rsed to grind cylinders The shaft revolves 80,000 times a minute. LET ME Do your DECORATINE Phone 13+1--M SELLERS & PETERSEN -- LIBERTYVILLE, IHL. 551 Milwaukee Avemae Telephone 451 PEATS PRIZE WALLPAPER We Buy and_ Sell PHONEOR WRITE High Engine Speed SUHLING GARAGE FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Telephone 199--] ° lt Announcing _ | ] ~Rest Haven Garage--|-- With a modern unit power piant--27 horse-- power--disctype clutch--foot accelerator-- sliding gear transmission--big 10--inch brakes ----balanced crankshaft--cellular radiator. OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS T © OF REPAIRING DONE ~ Phone 608--M--2 ~ _ Old Creamery Bldg. Gas Station -- " .Improve your Herd with a High Butter Fat Strain. Reasonable _ P-w ~=--.~~z~----Psiz<., peyable on Monthly Terms.: :.; ------=>=-- "The Herd With Straight Top Line and Perfect Udder." Iflg. w by\ L. H. DIETZ, Prop. | TELEPHONE 728 . . LAKE BLUFF, iLLmoB [ / REGISTERED GUERMSEY BULLS, ready for service. YEARLINGS and CALVES.-- 52 Weeks to Pay _ CRAB TREE FARM sns A ts 202 HOP in HCRORTOY AP J t -- 100 i0) youe w t Mr. Ed. Pfannensteil, whom so many know, will have charge of all work. * >> _ . ¥x """W"'"""'"'""'" « he store is being moved back 16. feet and . the building will be thoroughly remodeled® FOR SALE 1 mt ty .~*@@

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