us motai objects, such as & m ;"::h(l Mtorm. > MORE THAN ONCE -- -- BUT DON'T WORRY uce, whom 1LO004 cialm F E ORE BOYS "'"u:?;,l to ber .hubannl '.t f pyou UNK > i borak aroony sn se CAUfi"T lNJ ":::"7 lb':l;d::o'.t::"rup' 3 ----<--STEALUINGPLOT o aad ren # C 5 M nannte * & ies MQen 105 %Wxi to be sLruck Qlfllfll;' en is .A¥ a mattér of fact, the dread mos w:n njlmhth't MHiogteal , o people a year are ? in m States by lighto-- . ~You're twenty times as !kely, according to statistics, to commit ~suicide, and twenty--one times as like Iy to dle as the resu!t otf an acect CGenial fall, 6+ ightning takes the ea¥Blest patir to the earth--wben it hits it. Less than 1 pér cent of all the lightning flashes hit the earth, however. And those filasbes aren't going to _ D¢ C€rawn by your pepknife or pair Of Expert Discourses on Electri-- . cal Displays Saving 500 Die from Boits in U. S. $ JUST _A -- BUGABOO Or to avold Or to keep aad _ sctssors Ughtaing * Or to run for the nearest tree, it outdgors? ~ oo (f Well, you're all wrong. a _ There are --countiess superstitions about . lightning, --and--most--e/--them-- can't be backed up by scientific fact. One of--ithe commonest beliets is tDat "Utbtning never strikes twice in the same place." This Js . incomwect,. ac-- cording io the sclentists, for the very fact that I%ififi strikes : a . place Sh «s Ake* it may be a Jdanger point -- LIBERTY **_._._..~ GOAUKE IN PORTUVGAL -- =,*+>= _--=> Boys With Three Bags of The safest place daring an electri cal storm i# a steel--framed bullding. Buch buildings are often struck, but the people inside don't know a thing about It. Nest to such a butiding & good <refugs is a deep,. damp celiar, and the best place in that cellar is néar the wall. lamp. or electsie light globe suspend-- e4. from the celling by a chain. _ _ Doa't -- stick . around _ firepiaces, chimneys, and chimney foundations. Doou't take refuge under an isolated tree. A thick woods is a much bet-- tor piace to be if you're caught out-- doors during a severe . electrical storm . -- llu'lm the sbpg'iter of a |iring tree or a barn filled with new bay. it you can find a dead tree or a barn is which the bay' is not so D°Y. Don't seek sheiter in a wooden structure with a metal rogf. . Doa't stand between two goodsized motai objects, such as a radiator and _ Poa' worry sbout !ighinine. aoy-- way! You would never ®ee 'the flash that struck you Firs North Chicago boys, reanging In ages from 7 to 15 years, were ar-- réalad late yesterday afternoon by the North Chicago police and charg-- ed with stealing three bags of junk trom the two boys who were arrest-- ¢4 pyoatarday for stealink five bags of jank from the Great Lakes Naval training station. The boys were re teased after giving up the bags of junk and anewering questions put by 'Acting Chief of Police Fred Ebler. Vintent Walcrak and John Seymo® kl1 were the boys arréested Monday night and the five rakeu yesterday Walcrak and Seymosk! declared they had #athered up five bage of the metal in the reclamation yard of the Raval station, but when they went with their boat to get it, three of the hbags ~wére gone. These three bazs ware--the ones taken by the fivre boys artosted. yesterday. e Walczak is out on bonds eigned by his father while Seymoski wae still In jail this morning, but it wase ér-- c'd that his parents would eign a during the day for his release. tory atreet E4die Savage, 7, of 22nd and Green Bay road. o s _ DMoekie avenue OL. XXXIHII.~--NO. 28. =~ _ Walter Cheziskue, 13, of 20th and Honur street. § s# _ Felixk Grigge, 12, of 925 South Vic tory street. ce L¥ 0_ i'g 5 fa the mean time, Acting Cbief Eb-- ler has taken the matter up with Hltato's Attorney A. Y, @mith, J¥dge Perry L. Persons and Probeation Ot-- RHoet "Charies E. Mason _ and the> cas-- on ol Walctak and Reymosk| will=be mei of: befoss 'Police Magistrate Albert A. Geféfign Jaly--14. «s during--an . electrical storm ""Into "a" Thatner bed: ---- * Louls Longérs, 12. of ind and Anton Urban, 15, of 909 South Vic you believe that the thing to RELEASE -- SEYMOSKI Navy Junk. tew don'ts about lHght»-- all drafts of air? -- k#way from penknives 'becaue they _ Graw °> dathe's t LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT JA to ~*as wlain 'Ia. a battle in which twoj _ ,~-- . / * §Weemen werd killed. _« . _ _ |~ .. .._% ance and the case was delayed in-- M .fit.fifl his own--bouds, tor $1.000 to seeure bis release. "~ADMITS=>=--TAKING =--DOPE -- Horace Mercer, who runs a second hand store in Zlon, was arre just before noon today. on a charge of selling Clkarets in violation of the tity ordingnce prohibiting the sale of smoking materials in Zion. ~ f When Mercer war arraigned betore Justice Cook, the --charge was chang ed to include a violation of the fec-- eral-- laws mhibul.& the sale . of cigarets without--a lidense. On these two counts Mercer asked a continu-- DOBBS AND WIFE BOUND TO GRAND Pair Charged With Stealing Clothes-- from Globe are in . ¥"F. Pobbs and his wite, Kstber Dobbs, of 943 North Wells sireet, Chiongo, were bound over 1 to _ the, grand jury late yesterday alternoon by Police Magistrate Walter A. Tay-- lor on a charge of~ attempting to steal two dresse# valued . at $50 from the Globe Department store. JNé policé . were notificd.. _, -- Bonds were Ared at $500 each and in default of that amount, both were taken to the county jall on a mitti-- mus. Dobbs' car, which was not vai-- ued at enough to cover the bonds for either, isa tored in the police garage. _ Mrs. Sirie Hallen, of 67% South Jackson street, wite ot Officer Halien of the Police department, Globe sales woman who an, a Mrs, Bruce, Dobbs took two dfessts oK the rack apd bhid them un-- der his coat. Mrs. Hallen called Kli Morrison, treasurer ol the Globe, and Dobbs came in with another women who was looking at dresses. and while shoe wauited on the other wom-- Dobbs declared hbe was innocent. He said that while be and his wile were looking at the dreases, two of them fell on the foor and he picked them up. As he did so, he sald, Mre Hallen .charged him with having at-- tempted to stral" thein. Mrs. Dobbs has been in the county jail eince F*r! day and Dobbs has been in the fity jail. * Dobbe eadmilted to Police Mazie trdt» Taylor yesterday afternoon that he took "dope." We said he had a disability discharge from the army baving served in France, and hbad contracted ibhe ~Yobe -- babit while in the veteran's hospital at Great lakes. He said that Mra Dobbs bed taken dope for her bealith but that abe bad stopped. ----JURY YESTERDAY Mra. Bruce, whom Dobbs claims be was taking to ber husband at Fish Lake, Wis. apparently, has deserted her friends as no one has made any ibquiry about the two people since they were landed in jail. SBan Francisco, Cal., July 8%.--Warn-- ed by Monterey county officers that the machine gun squad o( bijackers, responsible for the elaying of Deputy Sherif N. H. Rader and wounding of Sherif W. A. Oyer and TrafAic OfMficer MHeénry Livingston had escaped the tordon . of pessemen and national guardsamen engaged in a faf fAunz man bunt, police shotgun squads here today took up the 'hunt for the cream colored motor car in which they were reported to have Red. Federal prohbibition agents, stato and county officers, militiamen, fed-- eral rum chasers and every availabla agency had united today in a bunt over a .200 mile front for the uncap tured members of the rum rumniag band and & highly feared gang of bi-- jackere, both of whom are believred to have Been invoived in the gun bat-- tles fought early yesterday near TONY GENNA SHOT IN LIQUOR WAR Moss landing. Chicago, . July % -- Tony Genna, whose two brothers, Mike and Ange-- lo, have met death at the bhands of beer war feudists, lies seriously wounded in the hospital today with bullet wounds in his chest and abdo-- He was shot this morning while walking down a south side street by two assailants He refused to give tm' names. 'They came from be-- h awd fired at bhim. The assail-- -- The latest shooting of the alleged } mdnau bnr" ';:ncm is attrl-- _b¥y. the O'Banion gang which n% a ighwm ml CIGARETTES IN ZION AFTER K{LLING ? BECTION TWO ~TIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, HLLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY --9, 1924. --=-- . was the testiRed that the Girl Killed After Ride With Un-- ~ INKLLING OF -- > YOUNG WOMAN ~ LaSgatle?® Tf.,. July 8$.--Search for Peter Delphine and Jconard Bornac, of 17 year old Mary Secjac, shifted today from La Saile Aurora, Iil., with other leads pointing to Chi-- cago and then to Detroit. us e .. J4re, Mary .D: ;. mother of. the. ons M, m% by ~Sheril Welter., Abe. insisted that the "boy@ bad gone away on a varation" * > «Locally the search is in the hands of.Chiet of Police John Mcinerney and Assistant Chfef HMHarry McQuade. They visited knowa havunts of the imy, boys in Cherry;, Spring Valley, and Oglogby, and there learned of the out-- '-u:}u,nnggu---m cléws on which M W «en _ :4 n on io ce dfi io --g-: pueri¢ Welter started 19 work, _ ° The car, taken by the bolice, was shown to Nellie Schalk, companion of iW¥e dead girl and two men earlier in the evening of the murder, identified the car positively. To MAY BE INC HI C A G 0 SheriK® E. J. Welter, ol. LaSalle county, went to Aurora, where, he learned the Delphine boy has rela-- tives, He planned to . continue to Chicago if the 'Aurora. clews proved She said --she did not know whether they . _had used the . automohile--an Eesex coach in the rear seat ol which the politte found steins which are be-- ing analyzsed, strands of hair corres-- ponding to that of the dead girl and seeds ol fox grass similar to those caught in her belt when the body was found--or whether it had been in the garage. sibility. of thé girl having been shot, as at BOrst reporied. The oc'." io l Chattancoga, Tenn., July 7.----Filre, 'which bhad wrought dantage e€timated |n $100,000 at noon was still sweeping the Southeastern Oil company's main lpfnt here this afternodn. ._The plant became a mass of flame | a few moments after a «mail quanti of oll hada been M gnited, r @proad _ f . Mnitnine terat dentracton." Air 9 The mothér of the Bornui¢ boy con-- tradicied the story K Mrs. Deiphine. SBhe said she did not kypow where the boys were. : She said she bad not beard of any plans for a vacation and admitted she "was worried to death tor fear they bad beea mixed in the killing." _ ' GOES TO TRIAL : ---------- FOR KILLING 3 ber right side, at Arst befieved to be shot, were probed and found empty. The new theory is that when she was thrown, or jumped from the car, the wounds were mada by locust thoras. A second post-- mortem eraminatioa yesterday seemed io eliminate pos Gary, lod, Juls 8. --Mrs. Anaa Cu ninghem, Gary mother who cd-mq killing ihree of her childrem by ad-- minigtering arsenic ia their -- food. went on trial today at Crown Point, Ind.. charged with the murder of ber 12-- year--old son, Walter. Sitting beside l»rt mother as court conveted was Moy, the 20--year--old daugbter whom Mr» ('_ll.lillbl' per-- mitted to live because she "~did pot Besides a reguiar y:'pel of 12 jur ofe a special venire of [(# men was waiting to 'be eram/ned by . the de tenso: attorbeta and --Prome*»=**~~ --** torney August A. Bremeat.------ ; It was believed that at least twa days would be required for the selec-- tion of the jury. Mrs. Cunninghem will also have to face,. charges of murdering her son, PNkiNée, azsd a daughter, _ Isabelle. Apother son, David, recovased from the effects of poison given him in his food by his mother. RELIEF FUND FOR FIRE SUFFERERS Olmsegow, Scotland, Jpir %--A re lief fund for the homeless of a hun-- dred tenements destroyed in Glas-- gow's $5,000,000 fire was started to-- day, while firemen still were com bat-- ting the Aames. °~ _ The fre was under control today after destroying Kelvia Hall, the ex-- hibition buildings, the free Presby-- terian College and church. The law ter edifice was a copy of the famous Rheime Cathedral and demage to it alone was $1,000,0080. $100,000 FIRE AT CHATANOOGA, TENN. --i-l; i;sviik'h broke out simal-- tansously atarted the confiagration last night. known Boys Brings About --_Wide Search. PePru, His,--sought -- in the:-- murder VILLE INDEPENDENT _ Lake County's Big Weekly Circulation Greater thin other Weeklies in County Combined **[rowN _ GUARDS _ READY BEER TRUCK IS Paul Duckwitz of Camp Lake Driver, Pays $300 Fine in Waukegan. FOUR BARRELS ARE TAKEN Lake, Wis.. headed south to allay the thirst of resorters in the Jake region, was selzed by Motorcycle Ot-- ficer Toin Burnett of Antioch lats Monday. = * _ The driver, Paul Dackwit: of Camp Iake, was fined $300 and costs Tues-- day by Justige Harry lHoyt on a cbarge of tramsporting liquor. Burnett, who bad noticed the car pass several times, stopped it soush ot Antioch. Searching it be found four barrels of beer. An analysis showed that the beer contained more than one and one--half per cent of ai-- cobol, although Duckwitz deciated it was near beer. The beer bad been spiked with alcohol. Deputy Sherif(_ Harry Abistrom went out and brought Duckwitz into Waukegan, where he gav» bond of $2,000, decilaring --he woulkd fight the case. Tuesday he came in and paid the {ine $2,500 OFFERED _ _ | FOR BANDITS OF BANKS WHEN DEAD _ ~SEUtuva kvap __ ------_ NFEAR ANTiOCH Chicago, Juizs ¢--~xow 1mpeti* hes been givens the anti--bank robber cru-- «sade in the state by the decision oft the lHlinois Bankers® Association to get solidly behind the Chicago and Indorsement also was givren the town--guard -- plan,. . now in -- effect throughout the state with the excep tiim of Chicagh, and organitation of which has for several weeks been in the hands of R. C. Aunders, former chief of police of Des Moines, 11. generally credited with having drivenm bank robbers from his home state. The townguard plan,. which is bas ed-- on the quick. assembling .of . de-- «ignated citizens, armed 10 the teath, whenever bank robbers are found at work, was used so success{fully by the lowa bankers that there has not been a bank robbery in that state for the last--three years. * Hllinois Bankers' Association Offers the Reward; Adds ._impetus to Crusade. _ Cook County Bankers' Association in Ita offer of $2,500 for every bandit slain in the act of robbing a bank. Martin A. Graettinger, sectetary of the IIlinois Association, 'was jubilant over the cooperation which has been extended in every oné of the 102 counties in the state. ® "By mesans of the townguard plan and the posting of rewards for bank robbers, dead or alive, we have sounded the knell for these ctim{l-- nals," he said. "The action of the Chicago and Cook County Associa-- tion in offering $2,500 for dead ban-- dits and $1,000 for capture and con-- viction of live omes, is a courageous move and one which will make I!li-- nois decidedly unkealthy for holdups and yeggs. Our association having indorsed this move, from now on every downstate bank WHI co--operate with the big Chicago banks in stamp Ing out these undesirable gentry." RICHARD CROKER ';V -éfiW--Whm not ut t large as romeé of the :m...':' 1:',, By t M' of Tanimany ,-- Bt-- Ahat AEM 1. Croker, the fib F. --Marph ;V ¥a'! Eanta Barbara is bard at work repairing the devastation wrought by b-' earthquake. This picture shows workmen busy on the ruing--ot the .*" Sun Marcos building, which was one of the largest in the city truck load of beer from Camp UA ies Mc h ids l c 5 0t lt n ts , Santa Barbara Goes to Work=> BONNIE BROOK =#= The Bonsale Brook Golf club will be open next Sunday, with all golt-- ers of the countryside invited. Eighteen Holes Completed; President Smith to Drive First Bail. ALL GOLFERS ARE INVITED President Waiter B. Smith will drive tho first ball from No. 1 tee at 11 o'clock in the morniog. It is ex to come out with their clubs and make a day of it on the new course. Coffee will be served on the grounds. ASK RELEASE OF D. C. STEPHENSON pected a big crowd will be there to watch him officially open the course, which Bas eighteen holes. Other members will follow, and ali others who play~ have been tuvited The clubhouse has not been com-- pleted, but it is under roof, and it is expected it will be ready for occu pancy withip thirty daya Indianapolis, Ind., July §%.--Habras corpus proceedings in the state su-- preme court may be brought to ob tain the release from jail of Davis C. Stephesson, ZEarl Klinck and*Earl Gentry until they go on trial for the alleged murder of Miss Madge Uber holtzer, it was indicated by delanse attorneys here today. --~--. --OPEN SUNDAY Although Eph Inman, chiel defens* counsel, maintained a tight4ipped re-- ticence over the probable artion he and his associates mhay take to ob tain ihe freedom ol Stephenson and his -- codefendants, the report=-- of haboeas corpus meastres gained in causent 10. feach n eerve b «aunsel to reach an < r over the next slep to t&ke io the case after a six hour conference yeaterday. . f © Further conferences behind barred doors were expected to be held by Iniman and the other defense attor neys. Meanwhile Stephenson, Kiinck and Gentry remain in the county jal! at Noblesville following Judge Hines® sudden action Monday in adjourning court until October 5 as a result of constant bickering and jockeying by opposing attorneys over which of the thre'-e Gefendants shoutd go on irial firs ANGLO--JAP RE: LATIONS GOOD -- Tondon, July %.--Anaglo--Japanase relatiogs are the best, according to Prince Chichibu, second son of the Japanese Empernr, who arrived in England today to attend Oxrfor® Uai-- versity. The young prince referred to the ctoperation of British and Japanese during the Chinese strik» troubles and said his presence in England was itself an indicatton of the closeness of the bond between the two countries. JAPAN SHAKEN BY NEW QUAKE Tokia. July 8%.--Nagoya was shaken by another severe earthquake shock today, -- which _ demolished several buildings, opened large fieswres in the ground, killed one person and result-- sd tn the injury of several others. The second shock today bore out the fear thiét the "quiet area" of Ja pan.--in which-- Nagoya. is < located. again fs in Aan --active~ carthguake Thaze,. _ x~ C t L11.92. . n WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN No $ 9p2 ho 6434 : * Hilieg oi ton en Piee wolientteaie in »pvatgnaeiven en Iathrop, commenting on the moove to bar the marriage of divorced per-- son« in the Episcopal church, launch £4 by the sancity of marriage associa-- ,"'-'.", adtiih 3yr & ie "* *IHForca laws ar4. foolish." declared ns tGireen, AtGRDT eaininte on n «re waeleas© Y od --tan' ate--on a _ Noew York, July 8.--A "divorce lab-- oratory", was advocated today as a thora vitat--natiunal--pged than diverce logislation, by Dean Charles N: Lath-- rop, formerly of Milwaukee and San Vrancisco, head of the socital service department of the nmational council, Episcopal .church. SHOULD. STUDY THE EVIL "The divorce question is smashing up American hbomes and filling our orphaw asylums with the chitdren ot divorced parents," said the Rev. Dr. county 10 handle nothing but divorce cases." In %onnection with -- such <a court research work should be under-- taken to determine Tthe cause oT this social evil. ® Episcopal Clergyman Says Di-- vorce Laws are All Wrong a -- in U. S. "We need to study 1.000 typical cases of divorce and analiyze what is behind them. 1 would like to see some scientific foundrtion undertake such a survey, or have congress ap-- propriate funds for a research depart-- ment on thedvire e question." The dean declared he d}d not be-- lieve a canonical law prohibiting d+ vorcees from remarriage would af-- fect the situation omre way or another "but it would put the church right."* Dean Tlathrop said-- that Judge Charles W. Hoffman's "divoree court* in Cincinna':t was a plonber in the "@Alvorce laboratory" feld. _ "I don't belleve any Christians get divorces. 'The law cannot dissolve a marriage and you can't betieve in the New Testament and divorces. too. The fundamental idea of marriage is to protect the children. The types The sanctitr of marriage associa-- tton intends to present a petition to the general Episcopal comvention in New Orieans next Octiber, calling for a canonical law prohibiting remar-- riage of divorced persons. of persons who get a dfroreg, and bring suffering on the offspring do not attead a burchk." -- Joha R. Eastman. 22, Kenosha; I;rene Peil. 19. Racine. Henry Koch, 22. Oshkosh, Mary Fancher, 22, Oshkosh. Milton Faulsing. 21, Cnicage, Cecil Davis, 20, Chicago Fréderick Carberty, 49. Miuwau-- kee: Elina Schwanke, 390, Milwaukee Frank -- Smatiey, 22, Manitowoc; Harriet Smiling. 18, Two Rivers. Carl -- Lundstram. _ 21. _ Chicago Kathryn KillacRy, 19, Chicago. _ Mtanlex--.Greake 2. Milwaukce, _ LéRoy Pupp." 21. Chleago; Ruth Wehrney, 1%, Chicako. ~~ -- Archer Ewing. ?1, Chicago; Heien Olson, 21, Chicago. _ _ L2 "i;vR'o;"P'loloo..vtl. Waukegan,. Mar guerite Iareck, 19, Q_il.}_n_m!v. W is. Frank Zuckosky, 35, Chicago; Iren® Marin, 29, Chicago. . Geotgia Pearl McKiroy, _ $9, ita: vinia: Arthur Chamberlin Hunt, 36. Salem. Mase. While the island of New Guinea is the world's second largest Istand. it is the least known of all, and its peo-- ple are said to be the most primitive and backward of any of the world's peoples. Their expressions of art are likewjse of very tittte distisction or in dividuaiity. . Sugar Valuable Food The fact that imost persons enjoy the faror of sugar in one form of other is very good. reason why it should be included in our list of conrw mon foods _ Another good reason is that If sugar is used in fueteration it is easily digested and furnishes energy for the muscular work of the body. Homes of Rare Birds Rirds of paradise are found in New Guinea,, Moluccea istands, and a few other neighboring istands, also in nort h-- castern Australia. ¥grets range from the Unite! States south to sout herm Sofith Amcrica, from Central Europe south To Kouthern Africa and from NortK Central Asia south tao Australla. Dried Shrimp Shrimp, caught in Mancburla and dried on long banmthoo poles, are setd In the Amerian markets. On steam-- Ing nnd soaking they enlarge visibly. In the Orlent "igh and crustaceans fre preserved by drying instead of sait-- T Haman Tenacity | ;i; of William The sclentists in ~#esston _at Baltt: yalam P Frore annqunced that. man . 'Lfilwfl INVESNGATE AEL DIVORCE CAUSES Marriage Licenses $1.50 PER YEAReIN ADVANCE One thing is certain, no ceviddnd6 q4 -- * .vM'M'mm. and that <-- * ** comes {from States Atiorney _A. V.__ ----_ Shitk_ who 1s®may more mfua e it fls S4+ case .fl,i'- _ .--ect--iyOpvow > cyd JC THG ~***~* *~BF PLACED UNDER ~--~= Jaek Durand may and may not, be admitted to bonds today before Jus: tice Hervey Coulson. * No Evidence Will Be Piut in Against Him and He Will Be Just Officially Booked. PEARLS TO --STAY HERF nigh}--with Deputy-- Lester.s. Iiftany; who brought him back from Califor-- uia, where he was arrested and heid three weeks agzo aftat be had been named in the confessions of three lLake Bluff youths who admitted rob bing North Sbore homes. 'Puring the day somet» Durand will be introduced to the pMvate con-- ference room of Col. Smith where he will be allowed to make a statement. of Besides being a laborer ho . is-- & good nurse. He attended Deputy Tit-- Tany on the way back from Califora®s, consoling him over the fact that be was sprouting a boi!l on his ear No overtures have been made from the Durands or their agents to Col. Smith to arrange for the boads of the young man,. and their action is a question. Mra. Durand. two weeks 5go. whed askod what sH+ might do, sald. -- © * _ * Durand. it is said, fears that his domrestic life is blighted. He thinks his wife may seek a divorce. As to the charges, be laughs, call-- ing it all something imposYyble, do-- claring that It be is sent dawn on the possible evxidence that he will jake ithe sentence --with a smile, knowlog be ie Janocent. !cnu serving as~ the 'Nigzer--On--A-- tick' In an amusement park. He pro-- duces caltoused _ hands _ to _ lend streagth to his «tory. se -- He has been working as a {laborer on the Pacific coast,. wheeling co ment in a barrow, and during o+4 me He offered po fight against extradi-- tion-- and even ofered to show the deputy about Los Angrios. The mystery that has been darat. nped about the socify giil who wore the Hester White pearls may be--shat-- tered sbould the case come to trial (Col. Smith admitted todjay. He aaild that it may be mecessary for the girl to takethe witness stand. He still contend« that he does not know hbor name. or does not care to know it. The jewels, meanwhile, will Sad a reating place in his stronz box as he be_l_u-_v:s they wit. be a necescary link AUTOISTS WARNED OF NEW LAW ON 'THROUGH STREETS' Every State Highway in Coun= ty, Outside of Waukegan, "Now Through Street." MOTORISTS -- MUST STOP The atieniion of Waukegen and Lake County matorists« is called to the recently passed legcialation_which antomatically maktes all state Wiab-- way« "through strests" in vyillages of loss than 7.200. and oreferential M .-- ways through the countrr. A z#m# iac was sounded todar by the «tats highway department at SpringReld i. 411 matotiste in the state to 'Znyord themselves accordingly. -- The law does not apply in Wauke gan becausa the city has prescribed certain thorough{ares | as -- "through streeta,." but it applies to every other community in the county. * Such a classifction, ofictals o( the highwar department potot out. makes it necessary for motorists to come--*0 x full stop before turning onto --Aany state highBway or arossing «ueh as Ar« tery. Because ol the. fact M.& legislation was passed such & time ago, the customary "stap" 'uiens have not yet been erected at all alde raadea but the ofcials warn that tha hnew law provides no period of «race and that the absence of thoa~ sigh# will not excuse a motorist nor make him leas llable to a Ane. for failire to comply with the regu'lat osa . . $ The Scott Durangs, and Jack, the adopted® son. "k&ra reconciled. Thsy have retaimied Judge Martin C. Decker, the family counsei, to defend him. "Don't let 'Jack_ be railroaded. 1 presume 1 will go his bond," Scott Durand said over the telephone. Judge Decker *"zaw Durand in his cell but did not cuss the case with him. "Jack is #f1." 000. He is booked, however, at BONDS HERE TODAY Chicags. wity Cazsz u> SOLY. 14« BULLETiN 23 yeais