MIRIUCCNE RACDCCIMIOITO AEAT eCOm Bs e m ces S ~CELEBRATE 40 YRS.-- ; 11| y ; .. * Mirs. Beerman and daughter, Flor-- | + eer : _ in n ence at tvisiting at the E. Branding | _ | . ¥FDRT D'AT A* i rome--_ " . o l l P ~Phed . + | 'Miss Hazel Birchett of Park Ridge: s s----nfr TT -- and Lestie Birchett of Jowa, visited | . C' . -- -- B!fi ' A\VN PARI i one day last week with Mrs. Rose:| y c k Goodluck. o . | 35 esn as > Several arrests, were made Sunday ; s M & ;m_n by Athe iraffic. cops, Qn account_of mo--. *"* J e t y HardiP C rs. . ByrQit: * t"em;mm-wfrh O~ ... Wauconda Observe Import---- s cnds peayy, ;n;t not as bad a;: E~>--y=~-- o --nrtostOnG m Ei _ in previous years. The resor! around . -- _ h+ y i C§:--2--trha trkh alt reron--a 6ig business" ~=**/**~* EWQ@&'WW --~ to éat. Atter all had been satisfied --' there was enough left for lunch be-- " fore the party broke up in the even-- ~~*~ ¥ag.~~"~ f x3 **~Aaug hters of Mit®Xurkec atr OSTMNP ~+ J §6.175 Dresses now . ....$4.75 _1 $5.00 Dresses now .$3 85 -- On the 28th of June about 160 rela-- tives and old néighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bris-- tol at --Wauconda and gave them a surprise. the occasion being their 40th wedding--anniversary. The party was held in the lovely grove back of their home. A sister of Mrs. Bristol, Mrs. Electa Waters, who was bridesmaid, and W. C. McKenzie, who was best win at the wedding 40 -- years ago were present ant all hnad> their--pic-- tures taken--three groups of the fam-- ily were taken,-- with childres and grandchildren. after which a group of At 2:00 o'clock there was a pro-- gram as follows: Remark by W. C. McKenzie, telling in his own jovial way of events which happened on the wedding day.and since then and con-- cluded by wishing them a long and happy life. * * Recitation ... Blanche" Bristol Mll'lm _ o se w n snn gec o capaiete i0 0008 ig'n,.%§' Recitation ......_........ _ Beverly Shaw w in Michican. o« Mrapd Mro. HSarey I agoon apd Atbefr Sung --atrs' Ini ¥¥23. Mtrs. nay "r¥rart * and others. . Reading by Mrs. David Adams of two dARidih pbems from Mrs: Larig Hogle and Mrs. Glen Wilkins, two nieces in Kansas, (Owing to their being left with Mrs. Bristol we cannot publish Then came old time songs and games and at last as the beautiful sun (which bad been doing its part alk day) dropped into the west our bappy good byes were said with the kope we might all-- meet again ten years from loday to celebrate their golden wedding Letters of congratulations from Mr. Dwight Heveriy, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Annos, Mrs. Eva Beveriy and family from Kansas, were also read. Song--*"1 Love You Truly ... pnrereproeessiosscochr sescssesccsscccc.." HARCBRE AGBRE Original poem ... Mrs. Emery Shaw As she repeated the last verse Miss Ethe!l Simmons and Miss Juan-- ita Parisol appeared with a huge bas-- ket covered with ruby red paper in honor of the ruby anniversary: it was filled to overflowing with many gifts which they proceeded to unwrap and presented to the astonished couple. The gifts consisted of a beautiful tea-- pot, croched stand cover, caserole, four pair of pillow slips, towels, table-- coth, set of silverware, 12 knives, 12 forks, 12 teraspoons, %--tabe s#poons, coldé meat fork pickle fork, soup ladile, butter knife and sugar Abell, a lovely quilt. alaminum ware, Ruby Baret $5 in money We beard a shout from --the little folks and on looking around saw two buge ice cream freezers appear and behind them were tweive ladies, each bearing a cake which they proceeded to cut and informed us we were to sample each. the Kuzgleman home Mr. and Mrzs. Aug Lohmann and their sons ang daughters enjoyed a picoic a; Wiyg Park, Elgin. Sunday 'Mr. ant Mra/ August Meyer, Jr., and Mr. and Mra Willis Landwer attended from here * Mre. Chartes Weaver attended a MBnobeon in Warkegzan Tuceday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hartmant are the proud parents --4f a little son, boru July ith at the Palatipe hosptal MrF and Mrs A L Payton gaye #itnic for a number of Chicago friends on their lawn July 4th, l j T. A. Simpson, county Supt. of Lake county schools, was a caller here on-- day last week. Mrs. Warkon and Mrs Olsen and son of Waukegan spent the 4th with Mrs John Hironimus Mr. and Mre. 1. Loomis and childrenm visited here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Fimmitt Branding and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brandiog and sons Mizz Hdythe Uymond has returned Graysiake R. B. Godfrey 4 4 & 4 # &# ¥ 4 1 t %4 % # % *# 1 A KE ZU RICH July Clearance Sale i 1 * ArS, r}CkODS 1> Aagss.. .. _eine CaAs td t s s M i i i e oi es Sn ts c 4 3 5 dpra s msd io 4 mabyrcuren': cce . # Wr* ?...- S an" e aAnc sn § L,, hrte t l 0 _ l . gasomne o'crot't."_fl"_ng'nkr stru tBW""fl;'m --e.ung. & g?'g;_umn "'QEEH'?E" U Bs is Sraw ---- 4 m ied ',em' : ibapae %','.-'?«M"' grints who passe. i voe o.fm;, aCCratilt Late_ ear's + z> "ve ie =+ 9 .A'T"' :a" & o ' "fl;_' wx 2A us ue a uz* A~ '."-'": is h h ' hi War, NYE mé%mlnn"c'r"fi HKPME . se., uxk' _ " 2l : o y oure" wA _ t Sle P * ~_ f~,-'§~'='~'~7'-'~f-'w.'fl'3. Quallty Store"' CONXTRIBUTED nfi Winois on t ® K NT . % > $45 Netthk Milwaukee A¥tuae _ | (Miss Hazel Birchett of Park Ridge and Lestie Birchett of Jowa, visited one day last week with Mrs. Rose Goodluck. & _ visited Saturday at the Henry Brand irg home. o _ Miss bbsrlotte Weaver and Miss Phyliss Soderberg visited with Esther Plagge of Barrington a couple of days 1 wujl0n, ind pHol, CoOuid BOl CA . IHC WOCCR CO1IIE WERLEE RMWA . MEMME L AMEICE Vlc'[lhl OF VAM= | plain the accident. Something sud-- Watson. | : |genly went wrong, he said, and the| Warren Hook and family, were away R | plane dived for the ground from 500 Sunday and upon their return home *Pl'R-E CAR_ LYlNfi ~ |feet ;thn--the" air. -- It-- was ~practicatiy-- thay* evening about $:30 found their & w T _3 Idemolmlwd. Only a miracle 8@Y@d home in flames. It is thought fire + |the two from death, the appeafance crackers were thrown on the roof and T C ® J , of the wrecked plane indicated. tuuped the blaze. The bucket brig#le M D 0 h d Deen D 6 a FO +C+ r, *J e h ; voa (re@ 2 e ol 45. 50-- ~) beep --using--as a~flying Fiold. --He--BAC--W nrraan " rrre ~ddfiartment was --carted. Joseph Goss, 33, employed by Pau! Avery, a plumber at Lake Villa, is in Lake County General hospitul at ceived Thursday night at 11 o'clock when a machine bhe was driving be-- tween Antioch and Lake Villa, was struck --by a -- vsampire auto-- which sapeeded.away. without any,s@istance _ Lippert lifted the injured man into his own machine and raced to the Lake County Genéral hospital where the victim was attended by Dr. Kari _M. Beck. . It was found that in addi-- tion to the burns on his legs he bad suffered K (Pacture of the right arm, bhe hbad received a seyere gash on the forehead and it is feared he is suffering of internal injuries. His condition is regarded as quite crit+ cal. -- incinerate ide it}0P8E ...rean.s <2996 . "That Goss was not baurned to death| hatks w MEREE EW mm nmemid Et ns Hiarry -- Lippert, --chauffear~~ on -- Wm war be {ell--1,000 feet in wealtby Peacock estate at Lake an airplane on the coAét. He had a Villa. -- Litppert dragzed the injured}minor mishap with bis new plane, man out of the wrecked car but not|josing a (wheel whtle' up in-- the air. until both of his legs had beeg burn--| Ai that time he said that if he had ed painfully. He then extinguisbed the fire. C A _ 2 M _4 _1 SS 3. d 5.0. c.actnctcs itc flceb tadatn h | ® was due to the timely arrival ot| from dfffh.__ WPH'{ .i.'.t.?..;. :ervk:e Mre Mary Mabon,. aged 590. died at 6:30 Thursday morning at the Victory Memorial hospital. whére she © had been fil since Jan. 21. Mre. Mahon operated a. boarding nouse on . the [wering larm three mileswest of lLake Villa The police of the entire .county are makitx an effort to obtain some trace of the vampire autoists but they are baving little success, as there is not the slightest clue as to bis identity. . MRS. MAHON OF _ LAKE VILLA DIES indA 2. d :=cA lt .AE 2 ts id it Pn enc ie ds en o anan tm there is not the slightest clue as to Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett and bis identity. . Dr. and Mrs. Milton Wiese of Chicago Goss asserts tlat bhe Wwas OTYIDZ spent the fourth at the home ot their along at a Moderate rate of #peed parents, Mr and Mrs. E. N. Cannon. and pulled to the side of the road Mr. and Mrs. Garby of Chicako spent when he saw the other machin® &A Suturday and Sunday with Mr «and proaching. The vampire car b0®-- yr« Robert Bonner. . ever, "hogged" the middle of the Mr. Darby of Boulder, Col, spent road apd crashed into the smaill car. Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Den hurling it into the ditch. man # --World's Greatest Buy Burned When Gas Tank of Wrecked Car Explodes. «t * @ i pHPC SAGEOC TT TT DETT qo reugun trcipe--4 o T , t way. without saistance altended by Drs. J. w... Waiter andt n 2 e 3 en actident OcCurred C _: s G"*> To Sectant --. ob t ~. ~op DCR »USIDS--HS -- & ~+1y iD »FLOIHG. ----FHG--BBE®. Of I_ake VIua'been flying for several weeks, after ' moo e c i0 Cg 0 'taking a course in flying, and was for the HUDSON COACH -- Essex World's Largest Selling 6--Cylinder Cars Throughout Hudson's Ioordme policy of giving greatest value for the money, this is the lowest price, the finest Hudson, the greatest value Hudson éver offered. Only Hudson's exclusive advantages of the famous patented Super--Six principle com-- bined with the world's largest production of 6--cylinder cars make it possible. By greater margins than ever before it is today the "World's Greatest Buy." Vjlla, is. _A passing motorist took the two to spitul at Victory Memorial -- hospitat, --where uries re. examination showed _their _injuries 1 o'clock, Were not serious. Barnes was bruis iving be-- °4 and scratched. Wojton was cut illa, was about .the head, but his skull | was )-- whien, Lot: believed fractured. They were saistance . ."(?2'!&6, '_gl..bffl. J. W.jflte?'lnn T250 M AIN G A R A GE TWO ARE HURT _ PLANE WRECKED Wojton, the pilot, could not ex-- the week end with her aunt, Miss plain the accident. Something sud-- Watson. genly went wrong, he said, and tnq_l Warren Hook and family were away |\ plane dived for the ground from '500 Sunday and upon their return home | feet ;th--the" air. It-- was practicaty tha*evening about #:30 found their 'demolished. Orly a miracle 8@aYe4 home in flames. It is thought fire |the two from death, the appeafaDce crackers were thrown on the roof and j of the wrecked plane indicated. 'caused the blaze. The bucket brigZle |taking a course in flying, and was | considered adept for a flier of his | short experience. When the plane !surted for earth he was unable to 'right it. a000} * ju 'The monthly meeting of. the Bociety will be held Friday eve July 10, at the home of Mr. and Frank Edwards. + another accident he would quit Aying ";(_r.-- and Mrs. Frank Steadman of Elgin, spent Saturday and Sunday at Loon Llake. * t _'The motorist who took him to the hospitel was Louis Kerpan, Beach road. /T. and MIS, mMHOn YeCpe UI LAAAE spent the fourth at the home ot their ; Heart failure was the cause of the parents, Mr and Mrs. E. N. Cannon. death of MNre. Mary Kricket, resort Mr. and Mrs. Garby of Chicako spent owner at Ingleside, who died in bed Smuturday and Sunddy with Mr o .and carly Monday morning. a coroner's Mrs. Robert Bonner. . '\jury (ound Monday night. .. Mr. Darby of Boulder, Col, spent Mrs. Krickel bad operated the In-- Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. en [ gleside shore «botel for three years. man © 'Che underwent an operation at Wau-- There will be a picnic«l the Grays , kegan about two weeks ago, and was lake, Libertyville, Rosecrans, Gurree ~recovering when she died. It-- was ~Wojton'a --zecond --sscape Phone 154--M sERVICE wORARTH WHINE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. --THURSDAY, JULY.9, 1925 ; Chas. D. Proctor ~_~ Insurance of all kinds Y E4X ... 4 IN NOSE DIVE Freight and Tax Extra g TA Seriientc{ oo We ts S i o q NP . Ceia y + arou Qfi*';-.;fimw waigcmar: enc W 0000 > _--the ~weekend -- Thomas Su¥livan l Jn and Mrs. Frazier HoPenbeck and daughter, Charlotte, of Norwood Park, "varted --"on dMiss--Rubte Gillings Sunday. _Ab as * _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCrone of Wau-- kegan were Millburn visitors last Sun--| and other churches o fthe young peo-- ple Sa.urday, July 11, at Gages Lake. Each church is=--to provide a picric lunch. a a A large number from this commun-- ity attend the picnic at Loon Lake on the fourth. . !Véue Denman returned Sunday her home, having ~speut --two--~we with her grandparents. |-- _ ____: _ Miss Patricia Merling of Caledonia, is vist:ing at the Dr. Jamison home. _ John Thayer of Antioch, formerly of this place, was buried in Miliburn cemetery Friday. -- > -- but * here. Miss Inez Pqllock of Chicago spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Watson. FIND MAN DEAD OF ALCOHOLISM _ IN HIS COTTAGE tound Saturday ~nigkht--at the "toguest in Antipch. _ O e e 1O The sheriff's force, suspecting a large quantity of liquor in the cot-- tazge, searched it. but found no ind+ caetions that Sullivan had been seil-- ing whiskey. as was reported to the authorities. . & FIND WOMAN DIED OF HEART FAILURE --Bullivan --moved to-- Chaonel--Lake this summer with his wite and child. but the wile left him a short time ago,. taking the child back to Chice-- Witnesses at the inques}; sax had drunk heavily for some time was about 50 yeare ofd. _TELEPHONE 456-- fln s nous oi ~mntion dn was out when they got LIBERTYVILLE w s ypr 4s _ e¥ to-- Chanonel--ALake his wite and child. him a short ~time ne He More than 100,000 People at Phest Patee and at Sham | nel Lake Dance Hall.-- > 4 J early in the day to witness athletic contests. There were track events, swimming meets, polo games, base-- CELEBRANTS JAM LIBERTYVILLE AND ~More "than 100,000 Fourth of July celebrants crowded into three places in Lake © county. Saturday, Great Lakes, Libertyville and Channel Lake. Channe! Lake did not attempt a Fourth program, and just a dance was held there, but there were, more than 4,000 paid admissions. Within two hours Saturd&y évening. ~-- s Great Lakes had the biggest crowd. It is estimated that between 65,000 and 75,000 people crowded on the sta-- tion during the day and night for the third annual celebration staged by the Better Roads, association, spons-- ored by William Hale Thompson, ex-- Some of *the greatest athletes of the middle west were on exhibition at the Lakes. ° In the evening the crowd was treat-- ed to the greatest fire works display probabty--ever hetd in the cougty. For three hours time, cluster. and -- star bombs were shot in the air and could be seen for miles. In addition there was the-- genetal ground --gi«"'~» _ Peter Skartaius of 2239 , Kristian svenue, North Chicago, was arrested Bunday night by Highland Park po lice and charged with--attempting to break into the Briargate Country Club near Highland Park. The North Chicago police received the notifica-- tion stating that the man hbad been caught in the attempt whegs the po-- lice were keeping a watch over the place as several robberies have oc-- cured there within the paxt year. nival was on the --grounds, «ountiess concessions and the public was treat-- ed 1i ~basoebail--games,-- athletio --con-- tests, shows,, horse races, etc. The roads inte Libertyville were so crowd-- ed during the day that it was almost impossible to get passage to and from POLICE REPORT --ROBBERY ATTEMPT the* city LAKES ON FOURTH USEFUL FACTS ABOUT YOUR SERVICE *# 1MA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square miles-- 220 cities and towns-- with Gas or Electricity S $0. Genesee St., Waulcegan _ Gus Krumrey, l.occ?, Representative' Phane 144.WV Libertyville, I!l. /\\ No Vacation _ for Electric Light Phone 144.--W No holidays--no afternoons or evenings off --no vacation. Seven days a week, twenty--four hours a day electricity works for you. What servant or other employe keeps as long hours and renders as great a service at the price? The last hours before you go away and the first moment you enter the * "*'That's the new Jewett Coach!*" You hear it wher-- > ever you go. Admiration greets this great car on *every hand. Because of its beauty of--fine and color. \_--~, Becauseofits advanced features of design. Because its every detail bespeaks genuine quality. Bscc Beyond the striking beauty of Jewett Coach -- E"'T"Wdind;wmm ~_ *¥ -- than its advanced engineering--is the following fact : | e --_-- Consider It Well! . | Paige has put the experience of fifteen years of build-- | ing into the Coach--sacrificing nothing to achieve low price--improving the quality for which Jewett ~ 'cars are justly respected. This fact alone more than ._____ justifics the enthusiasm that has greeted Jewett --_ Coach--nationally! ] service is on the job. Ice, milk, provisions and sundry other things must be gathered up when you return. * But electricity will be waiting to welcome you when you push the button in the hall. Jewett Coach It's Great to Own _ _ and Drive _ MUNDELEIN and LIBERTYVILLE, FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY . Phone 41 * ~. _ _ Aake Zarich, lNknois. A U G F R O E L1 C H There's no vacation for Electric Light. Drive this'mt car yoursel{. Proveaits value for yourself~--as no one can tell you, .lust phone for a stt stt it 228 uzen P it ts P p t t, R. J. LYONS 1260 s3 OB B O3 _A _ Praige Lockheed 4wheel brakes ' at light extre cost P. O. B. Detwroit, tax extra Ruf alh ke . s