i~--¥.----«----July 5 "" KRoy Bell and family iave suoved Tsz----~ .. RBere'from Edigzon Park, and are occu-- _ _~-- + pying the Charles Joausor home on _' .. . porth Milivaukee avenue. ~ es ; _ _ ~" Mr. --and --Warren Nicholas and T C ~~~ Caug! m%fl&m ** -- : 'Wells went o na motor trip last week _' . ~anmd spent several days visiting rela rj;-;,; tives in lowa and Mimnesota. They .. ~-- returned home Monday night. . _ RAYN.SMITH 1vV-- WVIVC 109 °+ PC""*~ { Jean Ray, Mike Sape, W.E. Hageity, ':*'%"'::'r:"';' 'D':'t"';:m ~_* _ "Phere is no need for you to suffer 04. Charles May of Libertyvi'te, and 48 ui. 0n * another day from ,,e'i' and |fallen Jole Ray, bf Chicago, returmed Friday {Pills--a _ stimulant diuretic t arches, tired, aching feet, weak ankles, fro ma fishing trip to the Eagle River |D°Y* Wor'kerl everywher corns, bunions, callouses, etc.© : -- ©OUntry of Wisconsin. 'The boys re: mend Doan's.-- Here is a L Wce sich es : Sn C ie n nevg A ttemedturnoere~terarom s.. + ~1 . ----. . i. . pert a wonderful time and lors of fish | ©48¢: . _ . s --,.-- Real. Foot Comfort is., 4 ble cgfi'g]fi._'fiile Ei'y is the famovs ath j Mrs. ~J. T Landis,-- 302 z 6 ; % ...»: r Tinhsh. waitoninthe mamiramenninlith) Atcy. y e ienss tonniwi on on ce ies * o panhna in o td x . iml mmu) : oopemmaenn e i s o 0 0 se s 4 C eB ho d ml& Che--, . _ «Vut= « 1 --~Gt --_ Liberiys mem._: *ubic s 4 t';;&' e "x . xo rng . --ge00 A ~m_-,_~mw' column, the North Shore Rail. them, 1 felt much betier. Reee f company has applied*to *he Cont© ed ~my "kidneys*> _ 'There is no need for you to suffe! another day from weak and fallen arches, tired, aching feet, weak ankles, corns, bunions, callouges, etc. ° wis ult 3 fc39000%. Te age: o mA atuenacta ce we--wore +c ,..-- . Real. Foot Comfort is _ gb.aipable m Marie and LaVerne Deinlein % guests of relatives in Chicago . Harry Hill is here from Ohio visit-- Ing at the Sayers home. -- He is a son Oof the Rev. Mr. Hill, a"forfmer pastor of St. Lawrence's church. hk . <5 BDr. ~~Scholt's~ Zino pads give instan: postive . 'Telief. _ Re move cause -- pres sure and friction T h i n, antiseptic pair and < "hig*s -- t h e deformity. Preserves _ shape of shoe. 75¢ each. LkiaAVE your FOOT PAINS WITH US 614 No.. Milw. Ave. _ Libertyvilie REAL ESTATE Insurance Notary Public week #% &# # 4# %# # *# U t# % # X# &# # # % % 4 % % % * This Great Offer May Be Withdrawn At Any Time u> \._> > Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings _ en ----~_---- ~ Teléphone.9=--Libertyville, III. -------- : Think of it! A complete $8.50 set of the world famous Eureka high-- vacuum" attachments will be given away absolutely free with every myawhbmmmo&rhmdcwimm mmmfinM&Mdmth'b ERED H. SMITH vacuum" attachments and their utility in the thorough cleaning of mat-- tresses, upboistered furniture, etc. Order your Eureka today and save $8.50. See the Famous Eareka Test When the Grand Prize Rareka(with its f charged. twest not only will emphasise the actual condition of your foor coverings, but clearly proves the remaskable ethciency of the Karska "High-- 'Tacuam" principle of cleaning. See the test with thefamoos Eareka attachmenrts. ---- FREE TRIAL,--ONLY $5.00 DOWN Bunions? Ray Furniture and Paint Store Dr. 8 c h o I I's Bunion _ Reducer Insiantly relieves h.,,__.--_------m'--';m'ffw --__¥__... --_.. --.----. ----___ -- -- ~ -- + ------ ----4 " C 4 #% 4 % %4 % % % i ! Mr. and Mrs. Kiel and sons of Phil:' Miss Clara Lamb, 17 year ofd m'h' Thé Libertyyville grammar school pho * adelphia, bave returned to their howe, ter of Will Lamb, whose home is just board at a meeting hreld Wednesday DUN . LOCALS _ * afisr sp>ding three weeks with Mis, south of Half Day, attempted sulcide'night of this week, voted to call a chin a L. Xid's mother, Mrs. Maria Lill. 'Tuesday night about 8 o'clotk. It is specigl election some time within the beal * & 4 * k % % w n d pp es 'reported that the girl took poison nex; month to submit the question of Will LaVerne Deinlein Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson oT Chicag0 and when this did not have the desite+ --issuing -- $50,000 bonds--for--the--purpose---- atives in Chicago Were here Saturday and Sunday visit-- effect, she shot herseli just below the of erecting the new grade school bepd--| . atiyves In CRMCCP" _ine the 4OFM@OMS PAFCDtS,-- Mr. ADd hpeart.. . Dr. M.--D. Penny was called ing o fithe site in.the sou.h part of th* _ _ Monday night at a meeting of the village 'board of° Mundelein, a resolu-- tion was adopted to employ engineers for zoning and town plunnln(.'_' our neighboring village is on the ete of a big development. as c > -- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest H. Smith are here from East Orange, New Jersey, visiiing the former's parents, Mr.--and Mrs. Henry Smith, and also Mrs. Smith's father, Chas. F. Smaile. =h mm n mng nnmmmenge e hameneniy A ons aire s -- on onmuat h s on sguat us se Jack Durand, adopted son of Scott Durand, of Lake Bluff, who was. ar-- rested 'and brough: back from Califor-- nia and brought back to Lake county, charged with robery, was admitted to bail this morning, nis bond béing fixed a. $10,000. -- Mrs. D. Nelson merce Commtssion for permission to 'Elad--to say a good --word for them." operate such a. service from Lake Villa L.'m 60¢, at all dealers. Don't sim-- through Libertyvilte and to ask for --a 'kidney remedy--get Evanston. The company also proposes |Doan's Pillis--the same that Mrs. Lan-- :o operate a bus service between Mun-- dis had. Fos:ier--Milburn Co., Mfrs., delein 'and Diamond Lake.. 'BuMfaio, N. Y. + s 5 for this territory, formerly held by Edward J. Brixen. Reports .' to the effect that the J. R. Watkins Company is out of busi-- ness are false, and I will at all times be able to supply the * _ people of this section with anything in the Watkins ae / I have takem over the agency for the Tel. Libertyville 188 M TELEPHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED J. R. Watkins Products --Albert W. Koenig Announcement _ Fasd d t E Word has been received of the deat: iten rooms. _ "€5050, S C on of Mrs. Eliza iJ. Locke, on June 14th, ( 4 1., as | _ The body of William Anderson, i * hex o ar C oo Ang:l'es, C'l sis. Chicago, who was drowned Sunday ey, the _result of a stroke paralysis. x C wan recorered _Wedd : Fund Tenves--two--deughtue=t e ant C t Ni tnpooint gereife, an oo o rumaton s C ter of Miss Gian. diver of Stillwater, Minn. 1 re of Evanston. She was a sister 0/ s8 I mke had been drassd. but the 1 ey. Imogene Schanck of this village. She could no: be found. Jereing, who i. nd also leaves numerous other relatives olcenslonal dieer. Was s0n1 for rs. here. She was born in Libertyville in PTrO!ee$ » for. © § arrived at 11 a. m., and wentbut ab \18'7' 7- ns IurM L SIL Bunch ihe nhnun als [and found <he bullet fodged--tu--the--viliage,--on--Rockland Road, between girl's back. Fhe refuses to make any Stewart and Milwaukee avenues. it statement or to give any reason fOr is proposed to build.the first unit of you tortued with throbbing 'backache --feel tired, weak and discouraged? Then look to your kidneys! Many o¢ cupations tend to weaken the udqeyl. sult. You suffer annoying bladder ir--. recgularities: _feel nervous, irritable | and worn out. Don't wait! Use Doan's Pills--a stimulant diuretic to the kid-- neys. Workers everywhere recom-- mend Doan's.-- Here is a Libertyyille ness axd rheumatic pains are the re .Libprtyville Folke Find a Bad Back a Heavy Handicap. . Work Wearing You Out? e ol ds;m" txn'$ "Pilis ad4 ;f 2~-- "IT . ei _&-MT s ¥our work wearing yod but -- ~Are Nam e o ooo reamy" .. _ 1Ampon Loday _ H-o;g.flt_dy-'hoo Address EASY MONTHLEY PAYMENTS s§00 426 E. North Ave. |_ 8. 8. Picnic on July 26 in the W 'Butts grove. Oben ai rservice in the l'Englluh language at 2 p. m. Music to be furnished by the Boy Scou s band of Palatine. Bowling alley and other entertainments. Country store by the 8. 8. Booth with fancy goods and use-- ful articles by the Ladies' Alid. Lunch stand. All kinds of refreshments. Come, Triends and neighbors, and en-- \jJoy yourselves. dian. diver of Stillwater, Minn. The preach the sermon. Come and-- hear take had been draggd, but the body him. Good music and a welcome to could no: be found. Jereing, who is a an. profeessional diver, was sent for. He * --G-- arrived at 11 a. m., and wentbut aBout ! §T. JOHN'S EV. LU _ HERAN a hundred yards from the shore, alone| 'Rev. Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor in a bo@t. 'At three o'clock he brought ! Sunday School next Sunday at 9.30. the body in. Deputy Coroner Edward English services at 10:30 a. m .. . . Conrad Held the inquest Wednesday| 'The quarterly business megting of night, and a verdict of~ accidenjal the voting members of the congrega-- drowning was returned:-- --'------ -- tion will take place at 2 o'clock next e anie 1. w 'm;:nymmomoznfi meets next Thuts: R 22o2 0. nemgpe e f nex uU ------Rememsr --...e--Liovero ---- day afternoon At 2--O'010¢k._---- s | CHURCHES | Sunday School at 9 a. m English service at 10 a. E Becond sermon on the Apostle's Creed. All are invited. . & Rebby's_ mothoe s--ck 'tim ipw the { bank and when he siuw the piles of } bills beside the paying teller he ln-i quired : -- "Ma, is it because riches have | wings that they keep alt that money in a cage?"--Boston Transcript. O joy yourselves. | 'L, A. J. Crawfora, Cashier of the State Bank of Lake Zurich, do solemanly * 'nmm:mwomu-atuuutotMMol-yWud ST. LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL | l--bellef, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor litems and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public A¢ 'The services on Sunday, July 12th counts, State of lilinois, pursuant to law. A J. CRAWFORD, * (fifth Sunday after Trinity) are: y . .* Cash'ier. Holy Eucharist and Sermon a: 11 a. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, 88. m. The Rev. H. R. Flower, pasior of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1925. 8St. Ignatius, Antioch, will officiate and . (SBEAL) k s E. a FICKE. Preach. All are cordially invited. a Notary Public. *"The Friendly Church"*" : Sunday School a%: 10 a. m. : Special musicat service--in the eve -- ning. A. Vesiey, of the Chicago 8ym,' D ANCE OAK GROVE Dance Out of Doors WEDNESDAY and S8ATUVRDAY * ; NIGHMTS Will rept grove and pavilion 'on DIAMOND LAKE CHURCH Lake Zurich on ~-- Rand Road AuAN ,,._ BT. JOSEPH McCormick's Five--Piece Orchestra . --THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 D A N C I N G Ray Brotkers Yavilion . DIAMOND LAKE Every Saturday, Sunday and WGodnesday Cvenings _ * Also Sunday Afternoons C _ TEN CENTS PER DANCE _ l phony Orchestra, will render several numbers. -- Mr.-- Parks, on the organ chimes, will please. §everal other mus-- incl i44 4 M OB Armssedads : bdthimentiaiia~t Adce'~" ical numbers wilt be enjoyed. You will want to atten® this musical treat. Located at Lake Zurich, State of Illinois, at the close of business on, the 30th day of -- June 1925, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the state of Illinois, pursuant to law. Located at Lake Villa, State of lllinois, a' 30th day of June, 1925, as made'"--to the Auditor LD.R.Im.r.Cuhhrdmm.VflhTrm&unmmunl- c.llynmnmmwovolutmtumowmmumkmb"oud FeRT T e Sz Nn o s TSA sith h Shomez EZREEOEY : S CC NeWe : TeREE C Oe To ies vite bcel ocms i o c aete uon C £ belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. D. R. MANZER, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOI§ COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: __&T. JOHN'S EV. LU _ HERAN 'RevV. Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Sunday School next Sunday at 9.30. English services at 10:30 a. m .. . The quarterly business megting of e voting members of the congrega-- State of Illinois, pursuant Loans on Real Estate (la) _-------- Louns on Collateral Security (1b) Other Loans (10) ___---------------- CWhOT Bowdn 4BA BUOCKEB (4) ......_._____--_--_--_------ ommc s ce Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) ._--------_--------_------ Dus from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9} ..« Subscribed and sw arn to before me this 9ih day of July, 1925 Capital Stock (1) Undivided Profits (Met) (3) ... ce cemmnee esnt Reserve ACCOUNLS (6)..........««sssssncesncnsreepe cce ap en en esn e 6e n en en en ==~ Total Liabilities.......... -- zus Ranl Retateo'ls)} State Bank of Lake Zurich ~Villa Trust & Savings Bank (2) a (Official Publication) -- Md&omd t Investments (3) OFFICIAL PUBLICA TJON Report of the Condition of Mdmlldl.otm«:loudmu ade+o the Auditor of Public Accounts of to * LIABILITIES RESOVURCES LIABILITIES 6c 2 ts I INGLESIDE COMNMUNITY CHURCH\! '\ A. P. Landon, Pastor . ' : Bunday School Lesson Period at 10 * a. m. Sunday School Worship Service * at 10:40 a. m. | ~|~ Mornimg worship at 11. --Everybody : . welcome. NF: S NO W'S PHONE.306 Services at Round Lake Community Sunday School at 10:15 a. m. the: AMP_RBAVMEEK "ou ¥iea rnine>> > >3 aesenvessate aene +0 + *n naa Nee "ea "ep :h the n cec............$ 26,694.00 88.1% 16,100.00 26,000.00 9# 519.11 271 507. 4% 156.67 50,300.00 13,667 .89 Public. Yuhes THURSVAY AND FRIDAY, JIULY 9 AND 107 ------ With ~WwOLF", the SA 1 URDAY, JULY 11:; Caught At Last! JackHoxit maker qu'ck work of the yvillian, Kincka:id, in this love story--of ~the--grea' western plains. A seventyfoot plunge over a cliff to save the gifl he loves, an under-- ground pursuit and the fastest rid-- ing that you have ever seen. Aiso Comedy, "Love Mania," and -- . T rayelogue. SUNUAY, JULY 1m£e STORY OF wWhHAT'Ss U&c+reST IN EVERY YOVNG WIFE'E HEART! CcUNWAY TEARLE CLAIR WINDSOR Percy Marmont and ail star cast Comedy and Cross Word Puzrzic -- Fitm. & 1VESDAY AND WEDNESOAYy, JULY 14 AND 1§5: With BLANCHE SWA&ET and RONALD COLMAN, L DITORIU Comedy and News 12 id . dn > s hok secucplqpen c n sc