"oagg: > wur F _ pme s nds "P:; e« .: i ;.." * "." peg P , .'5" !"-"' »' s * t s'. % se 8 > *mfi '-.%«"Mfim Fuy »*> o. _ k % m Wiilee 1 hox9 Ne on g.m' \das rpopre n uce & +s '?F%x:rmzép&fc:g'm"":am aammeting-- : i i o oi o e are y ons e nome mm en Free Delivery -- of U.S. Mail-- HERD FEDERAL ACCREDITED R. V. Rasmussen EImwood Farm Holsteins ING, 1924. _ Queen Concordia Mudcura Girl, twite 29 lb. cow. > Picbe Korndyke Clothhilde 2nd, 29 lb. cow. -- Polkadot Rag Apple De Kol, a 950 Ib. four--year--odd. and from many other young heifers, daughters of our former sire. CHICAGO PTETJE CHAMPION. ~ Servrceable sons of this great sire also for sale. MIXTURE and his brother DUKE PIETERTJE KORNDYKE ORMSBY. These caives are out of our best cows. :. Oakwood Piebe Allie, ALL AMERICAN JUNIOR YEARL-- FRANK H. EGER HARDWARE -- _ PLUMBING _ _____-- HEATING Telephone 17 | LIBERTYVILLE, L At this date we are receiving our first calves sired by DUKES makes it necessary for patrons of the lo¢&al post office to place receptacles in their homes if they wish to take advantage of this service. s No particular kind of receptacle is required, but anticipating the needs of the community, we have added to our stock a complete assortment of the most popular and convenient types of Which will be established in Libertyville Sept. 1 ° which can now be purchased at our store at mod-- erate prices. Remember that where two or more families occupy the same house each family must provide a separate box. 2+ o. According to an announcement by Postmaster Elisworth, an inspection will be made NOT LATER than August | to determine how many have complied with the requirements. It is nec-- essary that 85 per cent of the houses be provided with receptacles when this inspection is made. Don't wait for your neighbor--install yours today! FORREST FLAGG OWEN, Agent This organization exists today substantially as it was then conceived,--a group of companies, each prcscrvoicrfi its individuality and applying local knowledge to 1 needs, but all federated into a single tohesive union in or der that nation--wide, universal service may be provided. AL-- thought of the statesmen whomet todraft America's constitution. Their problem was to weld the sections they represented into a--political entity that would function mostefficiently and enduringly in the service of the people. M A IL B O XE S o obligation asking --information or advice -- 1 am always glad to be of service Provideut Mutual Life Insurance Co. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. DON'T DELAY ! mncome e ns acthwg «5. "V'-".-iv' Lz ?:'v mtve Federation sugem 4 romerip on on sns s in Eit wl . 4 . P h ETE e en i uces ob Pn Nt n PLN, p » Located at Deerflield, State of lllincis, at the close of business on the 30th day of June 19256, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Ilinois, pursuaat to law. LMI%WMNMMMM"MM that the abore statement is true to the best my knowledge and belisf, ummn--'-nm-ummcgn&lmmmd amounts shown in the reports made to the Auditor of Public Aoscounts, Btate of HMlinoisa, parsuaAt to law. PAUL X. MIETZ, Cashie@. STATE OF ILLINO!I8, COUNTT OF LAKB, 1. i o § rg: Bz ts i.o+ "What vau . _-- 8 1 M' 4 _ve_w* ___ _ 13 County National _ ~_ To Bubscribed and sworn to before me this #th day of July Local and Personal Capital stock (1) Undivided Profits (net) (3) Time Deposits (4a)............. Demand Deposits (4b)........ Dividends Unpaid (5)......... Reserve Accounts (6)......... Other Lisbilities (10)........ Loans on Real Egtate (FQ) .......... ......0000000000000,sssese 2e in Loans on Collateral Security (1b).~.... ...~.....ccf..sllsll2zs Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5)............................... Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9)...... "The Bank of Service" Total Resources ........... DEERFIELD STATE BANK It Pays ! Gain-- Deposit Your Money Here OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Report of the Condition of vee cxeds RESOURCES LIABILITIE3 |_ _ Rev. A. W. Mohns left las: Saturday morning on a vacation trig which will take him to many citiese through the eastern states. He will visit Washing-- 'ton, -- Baltimore, Philadelphia, New 'York, Nlagara Falls, Buffalo and sev-- eral other places. He is a member of --an excursion party. The puipit at the Methodist church during his absencé is being supplied by a minister from Chicago. * _ The Area basaball team, under the careful guidance of Bert Finstad, Pat King and E. Ritta, will tackle the job of khumbling the Long Grove bunch at PMamond Lake nexrt Sunday afternoon. SBince the new organitution has taken charge, the Mundelein team has won every game,»and--they are chesty enut 1 ofeel that no team in the county can beat them. Liong Grove has a different ,{'Q.unv corner was caniankOrons a % ---fi.fi lexyeriag l us hie uuechnlc i l|expert.manipula(ion of Chief w pirkr 29 99-- 0y 0. s earl' '3"«*@:&{%'!'"" * «> jdea, and on accounm': of the strong rivalry, every effort will be put forth by each team to win next Sunday's g&m& "ubout --rteaut slw. _Tais is the ------ '-- t Py urpuad x mas tm s arbee d "dalk > : * A | _A card from Jack Bernard, dated 'last Friday and sent from Mcintosh, 8. 1. conveys the information he is on | the westward trek, and that they went 303 miles that day. He mentioned |something about seeipg rabbits that {had come down out of Canada. Said \the rabits were nearly as big as deer. |Now Jack is in the very same ctass 'as Dick Earl. . Clain. -- He--alib [vikited relatives ai 'Iuhdejeu: and other parts of the coumy. Mr Price was formerly a resi-- 'dem of Gurnee, and this is his (irst visit bere in 30 years He marvy is at the development in Lake count), but does not fqrget tosing the praiscs of his own California home, ind esp«ec-- lally Giendale, which city he y« i1 enjoying an immiense growth. Mrs. Myrtle Gratz enjoyed & ye' --vacation--this--week --fror duties at the National Tea Store The Libertyville Garage has install--' ed a large ornamental light on either side of the front door. 'The new lamps have a large frosted dome, with a red warning tight betow. 'They do muck to ilone up the appearance of .the garage. . * -- \ ° Jack Bradford is back in the harness a': the barber shop, after an enforced vacation on account of iliness>~ His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mrs. Ben Bradford, of Upland, Ind., are here for a two weeks' visit. ie : building. on the Jlot, J\IIL% Indepenitent 'office© It will~co two --stores, both of wihch have beéen lased.. The new building will cover the full frohtage of the jot and--will be 10 feet long. . A heavy electric locomotive--in use on the new spur io the Insull land, ran amuck one nifht last week. The big locomotive belongs tp the Chicago Raptd 'Transit Company, and evident ly decided to go home, as it started in that direction, over the Libertyvilie branch. ThE engine was stopped by bhe crew of. one of the North Shore cars brfore any damage was done. Roljng and . wife '05% last_¥sidex, fep Ladysmith, Wis., where they ars on a week's fishing irip in that vicinity. Not a word has been heard from them, and the supposition is luck is against them. --~W. 8. Price returned Monday to his home in Glendalsc, Cal. afer a visit here with bis cougsin, Mrs W. 8. Mc-- ~ ~Mrs. AF BTetinett} of the Groen Front Vegetable Store, expects z0 leave next Sunday for Colorado, where she will visit her mother. : C. J. Carlton is spending a two weeks' vacatton in Carthage, where ts parents reside. Plans are being made for a new That clock on the First Nat pk earner . wis caniankorons' a Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Smith and O great s«¥¥eve0es . THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 Libertyvilie People sraver seqrcss--~»>....---- $880, 795. 90 Gratz enjoyed a few 1925 $ 42,425.00 . 22,760.00 .. 120, 793.58 $380, 796. 90 ®/ ¥$2,000. 00 2,500.00 4,654.74 145, 080. 08 195, 798. 92 498.41 127,301. 75 7,000. 00 8. 16 Decker & Neville BIG SALE Starting Saturday, July 11, one week oniy. Be sure you get one of our circulars. 5 Langworthy's Charley Ray and John Ballardsare keeping a weather eye open for each othe rthese days, and when one sees the other on the same side of the street, it's a safe bet one will crosg to the other, side..J; is tbis _way...AOra 'darhl':? i%':l*C#fi'é'y";'e'cnt to Diam-- ond Lake, and shook hands with one of the natives. The friend couldn't seem to recall Mr. Ray's name, altho' be said he knew him. Finally after pgnderlng for a time, the man said: "Oh yes, now I know you; your name is John Ballard." . Cahricy says he was humiliated and insulted. Ballard has spent two or three days oiling up that old musket he brought back from j LIBERTYVJLLE l all General Merchandise and ODry Goods the . During. the storm Monday night a large branch from a tree at the corner of Church and Second streets fell on the high tension wires of the Public Service Company, and as a result that part of the village east o fMilwaukee avenue was in darkness for about two and a half hours. A. F. Krumrey, the local representative of the company, summoned two linemen from Wauke-- gan.--and by some fast work in the rain and darkness, restored the serv-- ice. The life of a lineman is not all roses, as they must be ready at any hour,--and in' any kind ot --weather. --to respond to calls of this kind. And they=are aiways on the jotbr ~~~ ul uk . -- ; Ke» 7 f s Lt ; * ',_.. k ! , ACtg k yooru m :P e n > * e y .1' "'D".- se > 5 c¥ Mn it t + ce a s snte" 4t Ti k m > ~WE don't suppose -------- 1 "Did¢ You Know Libertyville is treatment of Chronie Altments. The instruments have the O. K of the best physicists of the ~ountry. Consultation FREE no mat 'Lat they may be, by use of Drugless Methods. OSTBE "ATH!'.L;HI 's'ucnc : r of pinal Methods The doctor is the only one in this immediate vicifiity using the lat Dr. J. H. Heslin Telephone 29 SANITARY and then PLANT her right HIND foot in the MILK bucket--bu: we ARE inclined to SYMPATHIZE with the COW for H we had a MILLION flies or so ON our back and on OUR ankles we would FEEL that we bad a KICK coming, too, and THAT just leads us TO suggest that you TREAT old Bosgie TO a treatment of STANDARD fly spray and wETLL guarantee that the MILLKING wil} be an EASTER TASK. I 1E WBFiQG ihal Will L * a e * MAKE a man lose his | s RELIGION any quicker | 6 s THAN to*have old [ * n e 0# --]-- BOSSIE--stitch yod in | s THE face with a tail THERE is anything in THE world that will MAKE a man lose his RELIGION any quicker THAN to*have old BO3SIE--stitch yor in THAT is none too liy equipped to ta _ care of W. W. Carroll & Son Co. _ more than fifty years uof,' for Fruit of the Loom Muslin, yard wide 18c SPECIAL -- _123 EAST COOK AVENUE --> High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. ' Libertyville Cement Works Libertyville Lumber I ' Company The First National Bank $1.00 opens an account. Make up your mind to hold your share by banking a part regularly in an--interest--bearing account at this safe insti You can earn only so much money in a lifetime. The good you get out of it depends entirely upon how mud! you manage to keep for yourself, and how well you use it,,.. ..-- TELEPHONE 47 Down by the Old Depot--Been there twonty years, Get Your Share!'------ Many buildings going up. Good Homes make good citizens. We can help you. make YOUR home better. ul 2. >6 tm ma x orten :-- Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. @ ;4 ,.',-'."M.n_-'- t..-q,,_n 4 A h. 5> 2 xt hh L HB Libertyville, Illinois SOLD ONLY BY and Profits $100,000.00 ___ "Hours 8 A.M. to 8 E}.,"- hx Ne Sy% $ .