__. FARM EXPERTS ARE _ . STUCK OVER H0G o JUDGING CONTEST t' Claims Champion . Hog May gr--* Be More Credit to Judge & ------ _ thanh Animal. ~ .. ©~ @¢~ > * Mtr. and Mrs: Herbert Grabenstelh * *' and mother, 'of Chicago, motored ouw: * Sunday an dspent the day at the home T of nn Paul Shepherd and family. ° ; t Ed4e«ar--and--irvine--Eim&++ .. deqided --that animal judges wm.mn.."" suffice.. The same is true of chick--:'y \With real hogs assembled in-- an open 80--acre field to determine the loudest, the most melodious, the most persuasive hog--caller in lIllinois, and with the aspiring contestants atrayed Selection of the state champfon may depend largely cupon the {judge, and the best judge of hog or chicken calling ought to be the animals them-- selves, the committee thinks. But, herein lies many practical difficul-- ties on the 6ther side, the difficulty ah-- ticipated is that after a few calls have been answered by the pigs imn 40--rod sprints and with, any fair 4e-- gree of rapidity, they wil soon reg-- ister a nonchalant attithde toward the teasing rural xocalists and then the remaining--calers =would dall i6 ; U es 0 To clan n n cl) pror i. CX oc NC en dn it & > 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Shepherd and son of Chicago spent Sunday a' the --home of iheir mother, Mrs. Paul Shepherd were quir:ly tmmarried if Waukegan on | Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Elims is the only daugzhter of Arthur Edzar| and Mr. Elims is the only son of Mra. Anna Klein. Botb are popular youn£ . The committee has tentativeoy da--> cided that it would be best to send five hnp?;lal buman criterions of the. art beyond a neigohbring bill" whate thet can Judge fromw "<ight un--' WWe aandnt. Ahe veepeiions oc omm Sn n on en s ol 0 r;A s1 L3 .A-.'g:?hul-un will a% t ..m %im&ro' A N T I 0O C H 98 PLATE BEFF BACON SQUARES * Per Per CCLOVER VALLEY CARTON PRINT BUTTER Per CLOVER VALLEY TUB BUTTER T {o . > _ DAIRY HERD AT MeHENRY' 2 2 2 % & a) COUNTY FAIR ALL HAD T. B. Te 338 WHY PAY MORE 3 h io e ., S "'/(';' w,"(-- al 27 4 gad .. ¥ Z3 ' m &#\ aAA " ¥ y y '\.q..k !'_.. JP' peoplo of this place. Immediately aft-- 'er the 'ceremony they left for Portage \MWts., where Mr. Ems has a road stand 'on teh direét road to The Delis, Their 'many friends here €x.end congratula-- tions to the happy couple . Mr and Mrs. 8. E. Mesha and iwo Thompson all of Chicago, motored out und spent Saturday at the home --of Mr; 7'&1?53\::'3 mother, Mrs. Margaret Davis. ________ . _The Ladies® AI ba¥aar waX hoid-- on Wednesdiy at <the Woodmen hatt and Tobarts gifls> were only brtused and séx':m%mggr equsin was sefi t as |: was necessary. lo take thirteen stitches to close up the '"l--l'_e-v_. Mr. Stanton is spending a cou-- | ple of w«--lu-u'fiinl.at Camp. Wauno-- | chico on Riamond Lake, with the --Boy | _ Howard Mastne returned hogm Sun day, after spéending a week W h rela 'ives in Chicago. | _ | 0 c Mr. and Mrs. Pete ePterson and two children, Chas. Hostetter and Lee Bur nette motoredt ty --~Coat €iv--tad:; Sa+-- urday and returned home Tuesday. Howard Mastne returned hotno Sun:-- z poods-- ie n dn ol en t ie 2. ECE CR ilves in CAhICaEO. -- 1 / ve L 2 ll-';:flow B:a'rtfér.létt Sunday e_venlng_g;'"m'mlch already 't':",'d to be 908| own glass or cup. for Chetek, Wis., to remain a feow ,° At i-:f:a':t cg'e"r' *T rc:u;;r: um' Mr. and _ Mrs. J weeks visiting relatives. ' in tlioplacll plant ewd the new one dren-- o @pstin. sp ----Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Davis and tWO'mpins a third. Their power 18 AS the home of Mr. children: of Milwaukee and Mr, nnvd follows : h Icmmb' . Mrs. W. Christofferson and children| 1st unit--25.000 kiNlowats. * --____ smemeiprmmem of Milwaukee mo ored down and spemt 2nd unft--37.500 <-- killowats. |. mE y di4 Sunday at the home of their mother, . 3rd unit--50,000 killowats. l j b Mrs. Margaret Davia. { -- This makes a total of 112000 killo # --HAL Several fram here attended the dis--. wats that can be generated lp.m,l _ 'rict Sunday school --townkhip conven-- |local plant when the new turbine| * %4 4 4. % ® tion at Lake Villa, A tery good pro.~8h." have been Instailed. Thus, the The annual Sun P i Sor SE S y on Pres 'ane noeione wares qiae n fh on Renain 4 Atr--and ~Mrs:--WBKHam Frank and . _ C _ _PMCRS _ C220 800b _Tor th ill be in-- the F three children, Win. Frapk and Mrs. ;';'l':{"'mzbenn:gmx;i Ts?:'l t:r:'mgsf;cm No. 1 at W Kelsey, all of Chicago,.called on MIS./ing juiee to realizé th:t it will néea 31. _ We_will mee Margaret Dawis, Sunday evening 'additional equipment but instead .it's & ®-- Provision The Misses Glenna and Cornel'% jooking abcad and getting ready for ("ADsportation an Roberts--and-- their--eousin--me!--with--a--o--dertfvands ~that "its o"ficers ,"Kom::;:'i Harlow Barber left Sunday evening for Chetek, Wis., to remain a few weeks visiting re'atives. > --~> of Milwaukee mo ored down and spent Sunday at the 'home of their mother, Mrs. Margaret Davia. 5 wuond -Bl;-u;;l\'l;s Wm. Davis and two children: of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. W. Christofferson and children The dairy herd at the McHenry CO.' w fair at Harland were tes'ed for tuber--' st culosis and the entire herd of twenty--; two reacted. Included in the lis. were several calves under six months old.; * The cherd was staughtered--in Ohtcagn~ *# May 13. The entire 22 showed marked tuberculosis lesians, ind six were con--| & demned as unfit for food and went ln-} to tankage.--McHenry County Farm Bureau News. ff For Lake County circulation,. ce your advertisement in The -- QUALITY MEAT _~wWHYPAYMORE2 25¢ 48c 31c for, the second unit: installed dutring August 3. fifi'i' 8: teacherfare ellg} the past year, was--put into the orig-- ble to attend. __ _ + > y inal uite __. nn--.«fi. '..---';'::fi_;&.;;w.::\--. C envaemnse 'urents activity at the plant during the vom®--'"wih Revr. J. F. Corpe of Wailworts, ipg year. preparatory to _ getting, Wis. So come to church next Sunday ready 'to receive The new tutDim® 'evening and l6t us havre a large audi-- The. ultimate capacity of the WAU "once <o greet our visitor, Rev. Corpe. InNn0 COBLIECEI Nad JUSI DoCH miBIATDC -- and while .it takes about a year to! The Sunday School convention of build such a machine, it indicates| Russell, Rosecrans, North Prairie m the immediate expansion plans of, Gurnee will meet at our church . the--eleciric. company in W n.|coming Sunday, beginning at 10 a. m. The Installation of the big --tyurbine| This will be a very interestifg conven The. ultimate capacity of the Wau-- kezan --ptaent --wiit 'E' 200000 kiHe wate, --which --will --lt one of the bizgest plants in tie middle. west. The one at-- Calpmet is larger but there are {few away from suchk places as Niagara that are larger than this will be when the last unit is in-- stalled. The contract has just been signed and while .it takes about a year to builg such a machine, it indicates the immediate expansion plans 0! _ The Installation of the big --tyrbine| This will be a very interestifg conven which the Milwaukee companmy 'lll'tmn. Bring your lunch and. have a construct means the addition of &' good time. . The Original Circle will third unit to the plant in '_"'N"Iserv'e coffee and milk free. Bring your Allis Chalmers _of_ Miwaukee Given Contract for 50,000 K. W. Electric Turbinge. -- Saturday for an auto trip jr.northern| 'The Ladies Alid will meet in theT! Wisconsin. * church basement August 13, a: which | Monday night, Juily 27, David Rus-- ttime they wilk arrange--and pack the. sel! and Robert Panter were initiated dishes, etc., for the fair. Please be intp the Boy Scouts By fheir Scout--.on hand at said meeting. ¥ .2 -- _4 he conldn't hold on and fell; conse-- e C U R_,"E E .__ | Quently got rather badly battered up. 'The Vernon garage towed it in and ¥ % % % % % % 4 #% * * #il/, now trying to rejuvenate it Re Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sponenburg member, boys, squirrels or 'squirrel and Gdaughter Lenora; and Mr. and 'whiskey can climb, but flivvers gen-- Mrs._Gole Ferry ol Waukegan left last erally fail. ____________________ TURBINE BOUGHT BY L.0..POWER PLANT ash & Carry Market _-- At Packing House Prices Pot Roast, per pound --__--. e + 2 18¢ Rolled Roast Beef, all meat, no waste, Ib. . 29c Boiling Beef, per pound ® s % & l2ic Beef Stew, per Pound & s o . _ 12ic Juicy and Tender Sirloin Suieaks per pound 30c Juicy and Tender Round Steak, per pound 27c Juicy and Tender Porter House Steaks, 1Ib. ~35¢ Shorts and Club Steaks, per pound P J2€ Beef Liver, per pound -- ° . <~ _ ~, & $ 15¢ Fresh Ground I'&mburger, per pound -- . 12c Clover Valley Catsup, large bottle 20c two for 39¢ Satisfy t. Don't Forget Our Slogan "BETTER MEATS FOR LESS _ We z):i.i'vc"m Here n::gv: Manev. _ Rank the Difference. LEONARD C. BLANK Proprietor -- ------ O Rittner Bldg., 545 North Milwaukeo Ave., Libertyville _ "itg~ officers -- teal OB BARC.--:=st--mmes pe ce 0 4 :/ --*The monthly--meeting of the Adult Choice Young and Tender Heifers and Steers MONEY" -- Luy Here and ! The annual Sunday school picnic of the Washburn Congregational church T'!m, be in-- the Forest Preserve near 'Dam No. 1 at Wheeling Frigay, Julzy 31, We will meet at the churth at 9 a. m. Provision has been made for transportation and children should be samter, H. B. Amstuts. SBeveral boys "ook their second step and became sec-- g:",emj"" _scou.s. . All the boys are y planning on the trip, which will be net week. t _ _Miss Bessie Browe of Wadsworth spent the week with Mrs. Margaret Sponenbur; w whmsnscite n o o e atg *€G. wo:"aamm high schootl, # % 4 4 4 4 %4 & % 4 4 % ¥%4 4 %4 4 W. E. Jones and a friend of Naper-- vliie spent Sunday with Mr..and Mra. Antop Benson of Barrington spent Sunday at the Zimmerman homel -- > _ Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and chil-- dren 0o Mpastin, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G._T Mc Cullough. . -- > ~~Choir nracilce nevxt Priday @veningz Alt memsers--should--attend. -------------- Marshall Schroeder treated his S.8 class t6 a weinver roakt Thursday. Miss Edna Mantor and her mother have returned from Nebraska and are again with us. R ® '.There was another flivver trying to climb an electric light poleé the other HALF DAY at the ._ JULY 30, 1925 19 Leona Boire, 15, dauzhter of Mrs. Andrew Olson, Walnut St., Waukegan; Saturday was committed to the state BREKST Tor®utrie: #t Gétic va T @--iZ linquency charge growing out of a stary told by her in which she in-- volved three men. ~-- > ERRING GRL IS .--_ SENT TO GENEVA _ --"-- AS DELINQUENT Mrs. Olson wes in court and ex-- plained to Judge P. 12 Pereons that the girl: was dissatisfied with -- her home and that she wanted some dis-- position..made .with. the. girl..._....._... While Leona was being arraigned in 'county court Harry Wallenbursg, 19, of 215 Washington Park, was :o':}y conduct -- before Po[fic: Magis-- y conduct before . Po Magis-- trate Waliter Taylor. --He: had ~ ad-- mitted misconduct with the girl, tel}-- ing of keeping her all _ night. in a waiting station of the North Shore line. Charges of taking Indecent lib erties with a minor, and a more seri-- ous charge had been placed against the youth, but these charges were dropped upon his agreement to plead guilty to-dhoid&?!y conduct., He was given forty days 'in.the coynty jail, and started sentence immediately. Leona Boire, 15, After Acous-- ~ing. Three Men, Is Commit-- _ The Bojtre girl had pamed --two other-- Wew. ~Bhteo --graduated from--the Glen Flora scheol last year. _ _ > -- Thé mother:--had complained about the girl after she .came home after being out all night with Wallenburg: «----«<------«The Quality Store" R. B. Godfrey $6.75 Dresses now...._$4.75 $5.00 Dresses now....$3.85 $4.00 Dresses, now ... $2.75 > July Clearance ---- _ Sale -- CHICKEN ANDL_STEAK DINNERS. ~HARTMANN AHQGUSE ~A MUSIC-- BY BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETS TE! AND SPECIAL PARTIES W HEE Phone 154--M \___~Telephone 50O--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE--BUYS. ITS A CERTAINTY . THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND . NONE OTHER THAN -- FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEEDS. -- ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO S BUILDING, W. F. Franzen YOUNG PICG HAMS, 6 to 10 b. Per PORK SPARE RIBS, thick and meaty PIG SHANKS, good sized ones : Per Per HOME MADE SAUSACE MEAT, Per Pound Per Per Pound Chas. D. Proctor > Im'fiornd Suwiss Chease __~--_~~--_ Rogqufort-- Cheese WHEELING, {LLINOHS | DANCING EVERY EVENINCG, STARTING MAY 30 Fancy Wisconsin Cheese ROBERT HARTMAN, Propriector _-- 4 seccmmage adb eme te ns con pecmes ooo + wumenses o4 400008 00 o0 us u.ccomenms en ea00% 4 n# svanuesiwe wen uin' s atecer cesc in a =44 4 aak a s s e in t n n ie in ams4 es 00 a #a o9 6 ae ameres »»anentien e a + + ON MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHEESE anersisiitercms anver cce s s »s a000 00 s 400 s Snyress cwens a us un on n a 00 on d en n dp n ns ncssscccon00 e ce 000 en en 000 we n 68 + 6 aears e cececkec002 2404 20 «ceneqecseces0000 000000 TELEPHONES WHEELING 6 and 17 LIQERTYVILLE --22¢ 19¢ 19¢ 29¢ 29¢ 29¢ 15c k. 5.. F-- L sl