CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jul 1925, p. 6

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(f' :- . .. Relatives of the late Jule Schléill*l /' _ ~~ \Sunday listened to the reading of his . ~_--_».»----wHl. whatrgin he disposed of property | B '**vsalued at"about $30.000. _ _ _ _ | #4 P t o e . n t ns i+ oo k eakr and MeC 1 K _.nask returied go noekin gfor the ~_ U U 4 & & 4 4 T % t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4| the pas: week was taken to the High-- .4 | land Park bhospital Tuesday, where she & : *# D EERFIEL D ' 'nd_erwentmwentmn for removal F3 '..'........,'....ldu':"a:?l':l.lsthluflofl'wmd Mrs. Fred H. Meyer was taken to children were the guests of Mr. and ------------St. Luke's hospital Thursday for X--ray ' Mrs Michaet Hoffman in Evanston _--_.____. Observafion an dtreatment She has | gunday. . * * s developed pleuro--pneumonia from in-- Mrs. Harry Thorne of Forest Glenn 7 % juries received July 1st when an auto | was a guest at the F. H. Meyer home '..>-- _.._.JpobHe driven by Mrs. George Bowden | Wednesday. . Fu- ~of. Highland Park struck her, Her]| Mr. and Mrs, John 'Hueht and Mr: > lwrgullé critical, but she is and Mrs. Elmer Sehmidt spent Sunday «* --, . "nolding her own."*~=~~~~~--*~~~--I%ifth Mr. and Mrs. George Sgmpson SCHAD'S _ ESTATE GOFS TO --BROTHER'S FAMILY His will left $100 to his brother, John Schad and $4,000 to the latter's som Eugene. The balance of the es-- tate, including the Schad home on North Genesee street, was left to the widow--and four --children of the . late. Henry Schad, his brother. The latter family lives on North West street. Waukegan Man Who Died --Last Week Leaves His Es ~~------tate to His Relatives. --= Jule Schad died on July 21 after a short illness. -- His will was written July 9, the day he went to the hospi-- tal and two weeks before he died. It was in his own handwriting. Tuesday from Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Alice Alice Fleming came with them and is their guest. ; Miss Ellen G. Green of ~Saginaw, Mich., who is attending the University . of Chicago, was the guest of Miss Kleanor Meyer Sunday and Monday. _ | Mre. T. B Jassey is in Silllwater," Minn., at the bome of her parents, be-- , cause o fthe iliness of her mother. | Mrs. Howard Shriner and daughter of Muncie, Ind., who have been visit-- Iing Mrs. Frank Walun, are now visit-- Ing Mrs. Shriner's mother, Mrs. C. C. Warner, in Chicago. Wednesday Mrs.| Molum and son Mayo will accompany Mrs. Shriner to her home in Muncie. Mrs. Engstrom entertained at bridge Wednesday afiernoon for her sister, Miss Gladys Reed, of Globe, Arizons, who 'will be ber guest for several, weeks. | _ The fact that he drew the will him-- self on the very day he went to the hospital indicates that he felt his days were numbered. \ . Miss Laura Muhbhlke of River Forest was the week end guest of her sister, Mrs.--R. M. Vani Mr .and Mrs. Harry Olendort were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nu:t in Libertyville Wednesday. _ Bruce Blaine was taken to the High-- | land Park hospital and operated upon immediate}ly for appendicitis Sunday afternoon. 2 | ~ ~Miss Elizabet hRobinson of Bloom-- Ington bas been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Harry Mublke. She returned bhome Sunday. -- Ira Hole of Glen Ellyn, has been vis-- Iting his father, 1. M. Hole, for the past --Miss--Ei{reida Knaak is in this week visiting friends. AL taaPs. = «* 4. ° Miss Norma Engstrom is visiting ber Davrid Stryker entertained at a birth-- guests last week Mr slHarold Wilmot an dtwo duughters of Qak Park. Miss Rugenit Watier was the wook Miss Barbara Huch! and Miss Aman-- dn Clavey lft Bunday tftor Dankik, N. ¥., where Miss Clavrey will enter the MNr. and Mra. John Kres, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ear\l Kress of Passiac, Miss Irene _ ppongs on wate * ~~~~ KM; 3: FENDDKLX dag _ ies Fuling Dayshsrx_ 0f ME po yourkr Iapion 19 thefwent to Entcene and w39 3 W. 32 wakkis 'stor io Devrner Parige. Mrs. Rebecca Merner and Miss Ethel Merner reiurned Sunday from Gardner where they have been guests at the bome of Thomas Cummings. ; l Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herrmann of | Evanston, visited Mr, and Mrs. John Hueh! Thursday. |_ Next Sunday evening, August 2, will be given over to the daily vacation , bible school children. A program will | be given and an éxhibit of the thil dren', hand work. Every parent and ffl.z will be vitally interested in | what they will hear and see. Evangelical girl's camp, at which Miss Hubt! is serving as a counselior. The will return the latter part of August. !le fteh Mission Band and daily vacation | bibte schoo! are uniting with North fleld in thetr annual piceaic. It will be held on the Jobhn Fritch farm. An in teresting fteature will be "Hayrack" ride from Waukegan road to the farm. Albert Ward and son, Charles, of Independence, lowa, and Miss Joy Tib bets, of Lake Forest, were guests of Mrs. Robert E. Pettis Thuraday.d __Miss Edpa Fritsch will graduate from the mhdog'%ouue of the Moody Institute on Thursday evening, Aug. 6. _NMrs. Robert E. Petiis has issued in-- Viefoont for & bridee yarcy it honai" of Miss Gladys Reed and Miss Dorothy Reichelt, for Friday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stakemiller are at Silver Lake Camp Meeting in Wil-- ----Miss Florence Hoskins--of--WHmette is visiting her cousin, Miss Jean Todd. Miss Mildred O'Callahan of Chicago is visiting Mrs. Minnie Virgin. . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clavey and son, Frederick, are at Namekogan Re-- sort, Grand vm_-.,}\n_;. for a month. 8T. PAULS EVANG. CHURCH Bunday School at 9:25 a. m. Charch services in English at 10:30 a."m. | August 2 being the first Sunday in the month, the-- Sunday school will be {Wd "wit bha missionary aim in view. The Sunday school pupils are asked to bring anything they can to give for the mission boxr, which has |been started. The boxr, when filled, ' is to be sent to the Back Bay mission district in Mississippl. Anything at all jlntholhoollhon.dnun,mm. etc., will be appreciated. * relatives in Chicago this Mrs. Samuel Soll and son of Wilson, Ark.,'mare staying in Deerfield for seyv-- eral weeks until Mr. Soll is located in St. Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr.. luncheon guests Friday were Mrs. W. 8. Heath and Miss Margarét Heath of Chicago. -- Mrs. A. M. Kist, who has been i11 for thepu':voe.kmtakenwthomth- land Park hospital Tuesday, where she underwent an operation for removal of gall stomes. Mr .and Mrs. Mathias Hoftman and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Easton and son Junior, returned Tuesday from the Highland Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Hammer of Highland Park, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selig. . _Miss Elsie (Ht has returned from a vacation trip tb lowa. . EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH Bunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morn-- ing woreship at 11 a. m. Christian En-- desvor at 1 p. m. Topic, "Godt Friendliness Expressed in Nature." EKvening service at 8 o'clock. will attend the Probate Court of Lake County at a term thereof to be holden a# the Court House in Waukegan, in aald Count;y, on the first Monday of October next, 193%, when and where all persons having claims against sald estate are notified and requested th present the same to aaid Court ftor ad-- ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village har-- Ing applied to the County Court of Lake County, State of lllinois, for an been made and réturned to said Court (Docket No. 3), the final hearing there on will be held on the uthgy%l August, 1925, at 10--0'clock a. m., of soun thereafter as the vusiness A the Court will permit. . Baid ordinance provides that the ag-- provemment, according to the benefits, Miss Erma Mr. and Mrs. Alred have moved to Waukegan, Hlinols, July 18, 198. #1--july 23 30 aug 6 SPECIAL A88ES8WMENT NOTICE Louis, which will be their future ADJUDICATION NOTICE Notice is heroby given that FYRANKLIN A. KERN, Reeb has been 'visiting o t Pss the children | Bection 1. That for the necessary expenses and Habilities --of--the Village lot Libertyville for and during the fis-- cal year inding April 30, 1926, there is e Bd the several sums of money herein mentioned and spe-- cifically set forth as follows, towit: For the purpose of aiding in paying the néeuury contingent expenses of the aforesaid Village the sum of $6000.00, of which appropriation the sum of $250 is to be derived from li-- tions in said court before said day m%qmrpnmlumand make their defense.. . _ _ _ ___ _ * FRANK C,. SHADDLE, ~'The person appointed by the Presi-- dent, of the Board of Local Improve-- ments of the Village of Mundelein to make such asgessment. _______________ An Ordinance making annual appro: priations for the Village of Liberty-- ville, Lake County, lllinois, for the fis-- cal year ending April $0, 1926. se 11 ORJAINI; uy vily x s cpreeime and Board of Trustees of the Village of Libertyville, Ilinois: _Dated Mundelein, Illinois, July 30, 1925. . C K MB B censes, the estimated amount of re-- ceipts from --such sources being esti-- mated as follows: From billiard &ables, pool ta-- bies, bowling alleys and other licenses the sum of $250.00. 'The said sum of $250.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of said contingent fund and the balance $5750.00 is to be raised by taxation. Out of said contingent fund so ap-- propriated@ shait be patd the following : Payment of deficiencies in in interest Special Assessment RECEIPTS Cash on hand July 1, 1924.___.$ _ 38.65 Bonds on hand July 1,.1924._f 6912.00 Printing minutes of the meet-- ~ ings, ordinances and other Cash on hand July 1, 19284.------4 9M Apportioned, tbrst withheld Gchool board and business office....._.._. SBalary Of A0k0BCTq ..__._._______---------------- Tenchers'® pension fudn ..._.._.__-------- Textbooks and stationery ...__---------- Interest on teachers' orders"' ... Salary of jmnitor ._____________... Fuel, light, power, water and supplies DIsSTRICT No. BHalance July 1, 1924 .._._._._._._--_------ [Ms(Cribution of Trustees ... From district t&Axes .___.__------ BSale or tent of school property SBale of school bonds ... Reimbursements for vocational education Other source ..____....____._...._.._._._.. ue tT ORDAiXKfu uy ty 7. coident Ropairs and replacement Orounds, buildings and alterations Now equipmenr. ... rincipal of bomds ... Interest on bonds ... Other Atownahip treasurers Total Teachers JAMITOTE _ ....__._==_oocczsa ccucccs cce ccccihee Text Books, Stationery and Suppliecs New Grounds and Bulildings DISTRICT NO. Bchool Board .. Interest on Other Warrants Bubscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of July, 1985.---- A. J CRAWFORD, Notary PublMc:> M e ult > ." qo pe .. ORDINANCE NO. 402 * ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION TOWNSHIP 43, RANGE 10 IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FROM JULY 1,. 1924, To JUNE 30, 1925. TOWNSHIP FUND ~ o > j DISTRIBUTIVE FUND - # y -- 'mm . mm m -, ' » m i ' . °F " j 180Q,00 . ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL TREASURER TOWNSMHIP 44, RANGE 11, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINO!8, FOR YEAR ENDINQ JUNE 3%0, 1988 en k ERTIEFIE ' HLIRLEE * 1 o _ TOWNEHIP FUVND [ clat --Assessments:«.n--d..'~'--_~oat...On. said assesmsents as follows: The fifth annual instaliment of special assess-- 'ment Warrant No. 14 for a connected 'system of storm necessary printing for said \lage and interest $1110.15; the second Village ...=__----___.~--.....~" 500.00 annual installment on "gpecial : assess-- Compensation to engineer, sur-- ~. ment Warrant ~No. 1 for paving of veys, zoning and plan com--~~~~ .] Milwaukee Avenue and Jnterest $946.-- mlulm&':nd incidental ex-- --*-- Milwaukee. Ave. and interest $946.03; penses nected therewith.. 1700.00 the 2nd annual installment of Special Light and heat and upkeep of (Aueu'ment Warrant NQ, 16 for Water . Village Hall ... 300.00 system on Osborne 8t., in said Village high ) 2 dh _ iaa ds 4. i44 t . 2 21000000 TB . 0 h 2. cact 2t a d canin P n ninr tA aad "vaiianr Aminimar P ae> * ds t -- tion and repair of street crossings and Court and First St., in said Village,| Making the aggregate amount of the oiling of streets and expense of And interest, $27.08; the sccond an-- $31,320.00, of which $19,170.00 is to be lighting the streets and public places, DUAl installment of Special Assessment--raised by taxation, including said pub-- the sum of $8400.00, of which W'Wunm No. 20, for water system on lic benefit tax, said park tax said water ation the sum of $2900.00 is to be rais--\ part of North Ave,, 2n4-- and Third enlarging tax and said tax for bonds od!rox.n"theVllhce -hnreofthe'rovnif"u..lnuld%nm merut.m;im.mmutmm. A mss Road-- Bridge tax, $2500:00 is to be second --annual insiallment of--8$p¢--|---- Rach--of the-- said--sums and -- raised from-- the Wheel ~and Vehicle|clal Assessment Warrant No. 21, fOr gregate thereof are deemed ..::.':; Tax of said Village and $200.00 trom|nm system on part otf Milwauk®® by the Board of Trustees.of said Vil-- contributions of --abutting property Ave., and interest $3.33; the second jage of Libertyville to defray the nec-- owners for oiling ~streets, and the bal-- annual installment io--fspecial asse8s#--| egsary expenses and lHabilities of--said ance of $2800.00 is to be raised by ment Warrant No. 22 for water sy8-- Village for and during tKe fiscai year taxation. | * . |tem on part of Graot Canrt and First ending April 30, 1926, for the respect-- For 'u;} purpose of up;otecuon ot E'um.:ld mu.'t"::- :::ct:l. lw'homrm above set forth. person property, including the pay Instalimen nasoss tion 2. That the various sums ing for police protection, including the ment Wamng No. 24 for ornamental '::: set. forth to be raised by taxa-- mammflmmmz;:"fit system on Miiwaukee Ave. In|rin, the aggregate amount of which police, and for the expense of fire pro--, V"m"' Interest, $417.82, the |;, 319 179.00, are approprinted As--pro-- tection, including the salaries of the "irst installment of flmmnfim'w_d said sum of members of the Volunteer Fire De-- W@Dts No. 37 for paving Cook AY®.| s3; goo o9 and in case of failure to re-- partment, the sum of $3400.00, all of 204 No. 40 for paving Brainerd AVe |coigy»e or 'collect said A&EreEAt SUMm For the purpose of protecting the 4Du interest, $677.3%; all of which 1%§} j gquoreg pro rats from said Yarious health and sanitary conditions of the &88essed to public benefit, making a| _ __," § Uinms af T thartvvilla inaluding sewar teial sum of $3200.00 to be raised DJ | o _Llwn. 4 All athar Anbronriations K¥or the purpose of protecting the health and sanitary conditions of the m«, sewer material and labor and m expenses of maintaining the sewerage system and sewer inspection $1100.00, of which $800.00 is to be raised by tax-- ation and $300.00 by fees provided by tion with sewer system of the ¥H-- purposes of $1100:00; mm ns nume es apnuat in s t a 1 T me n t 8 of dpe-- _EXPENDTURES Cash on hand June 30, 1925. .$ 38.65 Bonds on hand June 30, 1925 691200 Reieased saince July Released alnco July 1, 1924 Apportioned, but withheld 'JFune 10, 1926 ... RBalance June 30, 1925...-- \ cb td Ao nc aes o e 95 91 92 43 --_ _94 wo ___HIIE33 J ILHH J 1046408 $ 10448 $ §88.48 $1181.244 ces RB7TB4 17119 449.00 _ 1164.59 -- _ 448486 $31.00 ~_ _ 579814 133646 156686 1M234 153766 12:29.27 --_--_. 12290 48.00 __$13040.57 $2018.99. $2420.32 $2960.06 $257! DISTRICT FUND--Expenditures #50 0 o K100 $3B> B0 O# 19851 11%30.00 126500 aemcc......... $8987. 40 $45189.41 DI8TRICT FUND--Expen: DISTRICT FUND--Receipts DIETRICT FUND--ARecseipts « -- mm « mflzm.umumnnmmmw % M450 4 24459 f 1. F. BERGOHORN, Treasurer. Y 64.14 mmxation, of wailch $16/9.00 is to be ra'sed by taxatina in addition to the arggregate amount of taxes limited by low, and the balince of $1600.00 is to b: falsed by ra :ation and included in the regular samoont limiter: by isw tofore provided for. * For the purpose of paying for the operation and betterment of the publH¢ Balance July 1, 1924.________$2049.21 Income of township fund...... $73.9% ¥From. county superintendent. 176496 Apporiioned but withbeld from distri@tg _____--_---------- 152129 Cash on hand Juane 30, 1934.---- Notb® OB TOR] OBLBAB....--------~-- For the of paying storm wer bond ='u_td' YViilage oflluvry- $2960.06 $2575.00 $701290 $1645.29 $267488 $2141.17 $ 24850 § 17185 18447.11 $0715.47 1861.00 13 120 ___ _ _6 T1 12 76 § s100.06 $18810.09 $ 125.49 $ 41L3 3 B9156; $ T876 1417.14 10 1708.96 120 $ 1265.50 $ $5700.44 | 141187 utilities of said Village, operated by said ~Village,> including: the--operation, maintenance, repairs and betterments of the Village water system, includinug the construction of necessary work on Village lot where pumping station is located and salary of engifieer of the pumping station, the sum of $6000.00, , Bection 2. That the various sums above set. forth to be raised by taxa-- tivn, the agEregate amount of which is $19.170:00, are approprinted as-- pro-- n&u'w.q said sum of $31,320.00, and in case of fallure to re-- of $31,320.00, the deficiency shall be deducted pro. rats from said various sums. ; Bection 3. All other appropriations and cash balance for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1925, are continued for the purpose for which said appro priations were made. : 2 Bection 4. This Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 402 and shall iRer, Jts passage : _pyblication -- as n-l!'ndbyh{v:"___"__.;_ 1 EXPENDITURES Incidental expenses of trustees 1. 50 statement .__.__._.__.____...... _ 1140 Compensation, of treasurer....... 250.00 Distributed Q}: distriets.......... $520.86 Released to_districts _ 1246.08 Apportioned but withheld from EBCE .----._--..--_.------_--. GlM&IL Balance June 30, 1925._____ _ 150.69 Cash on hand June 30, 1984 NMone Passed July 21, 1925. Approved July 21, 1925. Published July 30, 1925. J11 $52.19 $65.171 1297.171 1626.76 115000 112000 10.00 3 14864 150.04 39.13 13 16 $ 1500 .$ 10.00 11.14 123 .$5700.4 4 17.060 Meéets First and Third Friday NOJM- of Each enth 4 in Gridiey® Hall, Firat Nlu."l Bank Bullding. Vlomng Neighbors Waelicemo E. A. BROWN, Jr., .. W. NAGEL, LIBERTYVILLE LODGE No. 950. Meets ~M.nday Night at 8 o'ciesi "SrRST RATIONAC danrx se08 _ > Viditing Members. Cordially invites, ROY WATERS, N. G. WILLIAM -- Mc LAIN SBeo'y. LORA STVRM, MARY car=~--v '~ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOHW Meets Znd and 4th Tuesday o# Kash Month at Qridiey HMall f Visiting Brother: are Cordi>"y invited ~-- LUCEB BUILPING . kess Phone 136M Office Phome 1# By U. 8. Government Veterinarian, D _C. QGrir neil, Inspector in Charge Phone 329. Libertyvilie, M Office in First Natiormt Bank Butiding Hours:--1 to 3: 30 and 1 to 8 p a Residence on Broadway. opposhia Pasn LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Res. Phone 20--J. Office phome 108 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Cattle Tested for 'T.')orrmn- FREE--OF CH A RGT * _' No. 272 R A. M. FRED GRABBE "Auctionéerin-- . A1TORNEY--ATAAW _ Office at Home®on Cook Areaue > -':'.;..a.....;"-. I ay 120 faiahies tath y 'Telucs INSURANCE fl w&l.wbhflhht and material on your house somplete for a sot figure os you may know just what cost will be Going to Build? Phone MHTAM R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyville 148.R--1IA FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY TELEPH NE 66 LIBERTYVILLE, MJAAJNOIR MAKBLE AND CRAMITE Office With Farm Bursau, Pn & , Em ME J & NJ VF MANUFACTUVRER or LYHL H MORREIS DR. J. L TAYLOR Conaul, ' ACME CAMP NO. 17€ M WO A: A. A. Grandy Attorney at Law 010 GoM, Pintinum, Ne. 131 ILLJNOI8

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