« Lake Zurich, ton, Lib-- E zie t1e. we Poincd" aenmough or ths promotats of is new weuntry : cldb active enough, and MR has the rudtmsests of transporta: Mone saetvice, it shooald ~grow and . _ Whree decades ago. People went out «Ao--them from the city to escape the «/ heat, noise dnd dirt and to enjoy the 'l 'I'I -mvv ---'----__ .: ECE lake, river or: woodk are AltFactive Phidago calters Thursday. * & Atrs.--A. J Gafteg« and thir " Waukegan --were > in' Round 1e . y alternoon. g""'" Minich and son of Ch to their home after a Ks stay at the P. J. Meyers bhome. ~Doris Paddock ot Wauconda feli _' A# a result, a brisk real estate estate values are reported from aii of the resort some. Lots rae E great demand. more and better #re being built. There may Be plenty of yucant flats in Chicago. r there are fow facant cottages pent at any of the nearby lakes. -- Phts section ol the resort sone in which greatest. growth is taking a:-nu at Aurofr and ftollows Fox river valley northwarg Batavia, Geneva, 8t. Charies. Kigin, and Dundese :o _ Aignonqguin, Bust north of Alzonquins a frinse of mmoru begins _ with -- Urystai and from this point the sone ®f activit yfollows the line of an uts that passes through Mcilenry and Fox lake to Kenosha where j lIntercepts the northetrn limits of ~Many from Round Lake attended k annual M. W. A. Picnie at Lake Sunday. The Ladics Aid of Kound Lake are t a Beazasar and Bakery Sale to beld in the Bank Ballding Aug. ; #5,. RBReneSt for the Cormmmantty bullding Fond. --Mr. and Mrs. K4 Larkin hra daugh --Kéllian of Long Lake werée in Lake Monday. * * Fits and HelWAh Wilson were "hicago calters Thursday,. -- * ROUND LAKE NEWS * ?:&..n.-u as true suburban commun-- --Cryatal Lake, Lake Zurich, Harring Cott, Libertyville © and -- Muncelein--to mentlor only a few typical loualitins *--&AF0 -- HOW uzrbeh. much -- the: sarmo Sort of --development: tnat: took fz"'nt.n --were ° in" Round lfi y afternoon. . y Minich cand son of Chl Ll'fin' to their home after a Ktay at the P. J. Meyers home. Wis ~Paddock ot Wauconda feli t""'lflflt her arm out 6of at the elbow at the home of aunt Mrs. Ben Martin: Dr. Ross NWeusonda attended . the injured wen of Bristsl, wis, MrFs. Wi 'Uf Bt. Joseph, Mits. spent Mon #ve at the Floyd Remebhin home <wuke up 'some morning to find , wad Mre, lee BHatterso®n and Umits of this za» and the bor-- '3#',; + C# uns Co. of Waukegan was in LaAka Mondiy. Ray Rippberger and son How-- led at the Fits home Monday. und Mrs. Joe Amann and ch pont Sunday eve at the Wolle o gamag . ts =onn-t ule agrsl > ¥. ."; ' ® sumimer, resort zsone north and. ly as viacation centers,. are to as Examples. emerge in a villages Mendes familly Bauturdat.. They has Mr. and Mrs. J. M.--Triggs and chil dren motore dto Libertyville Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 8Smith of Grays lake apest Sunday at the Milflori S8mith home. aovne CC Mr. and MrS" Fred ingrish and babs sotr of Chiecago called on the leo Mr. and Mre. H. Keanedy and daughier Mary Lou of Long Lake «pent Randay eve at the 8. Bager home, > Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amann are enter talning friends from Wiscoasin this week. mother, Mrs. E. For. ) Miss Eileen Smith of Delavan, Wi«. } is epending a few days «t the Mii-- ! ford Smith bhome. | Mrs. Leo Hendee and son 1LeRoy motored to Waukegan Friday aftes-- nenstil of McHenry called on their Mr. and Mre. Harry Merritt and ehildren were out of town callers Bat . 'Mr.' and Mre, Jean -- Pfannenstili g--.am..." .h':_u""' Ptlan. en C _b 00 _ Aeeannr a Wound Lake business . caller day ter.Merle and son WHltor we.e out Of town callers Monday e'ternoo8,.. * Catherine Molidor who was injured .ylhtel;fi..'dh'fl'llmfibn- proved,. > . Mr. and. Mro. Rowson --are out--of town for a few weeks vicit with friends and rélatives. ~ © hw 'John y potg tm ¢ and John Cook of Long Lake were .in Hount: 480. yne on 304 * Jooe Fits * and --W m. Only Hudson Can Build It ers of 6--cylinder car Huadson to give the Being the world's largest build-- of Giffoerd White, daugh-- '13. Grief (variant). .:-- VYERTICAL 1. Exvlamation of astonishment. £. To smear. . * | 3. To make reparation. j(. To slash. + 5. Within. 1 6. To drench. 7. Half an em. 8. To scold constantly. 9. To .divide.. 10. Pirt of most common verb. 11. Exrclamation mesning stop. ~Nre: Wm. Schuits of <-- Chitigo +s eapending the weok alf the Milford Mro Jean Dalsy end dauthter Dorthy motored to Chicago Tuesda; Mrs. Daley and daughterr took the train to New York. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkor ter Juiie, Mr. and Mra Jac Mre. eGo. Wineberg. been on a camping . trip .: Lakte for the past veek. m HUDSON _ * coacw _ World's Greatest Buy" because it is universally acknowledged that no car gives like quality, reliability, performance and T250 «--Freight and Tax Extra :Lgi'--i!!lt'-u umf':;;, SE * ' umc hoi x BE We GBRHILO K BPAE UE > *----<> srom: e Shir e eeecis s mername s oo en n enmnn ie c iriinenc en ,1 o nnpe ns _ _ $1330 1 o. b. Detroit, $1450 Delivered _ .. -- _ _ . . oo papriiens"" senk t en w Nee s n t . Y N ol e e o t o lecgo n i e M , uo oo Bc t o in W m-.nfi,:" * >" ~Tiiol ns q. ""} "% M war ie 00 James Mortow : pege> * Ae 8. ThisbTbE sn = =© > + 202 South Genesee Street, Waukegan, Ill. i ah: 64. * To quench. -- -- Telophone 28 0 0000 ~-- @A.cC > E. Frank Pite!, 22, Clifton, Wis.; Louw Answers to Last Weeks & ver § 8444 . Peter St. Martin, 21, Racine; Mil dred Gratz, 23, same. -- -- . _ Chester Markert, 31, West Aliis: _ Charles C. Kenecely, 25, Rocheile,| _ P°r Hartman, 30, . Green Bay, HJ.; Jessie Burt, 18, Kenosha. Wis.; Jean Page, 30, Mitwaukee. Aw OW. 'l' Milwaukee ; Robert Gognon, 26, Green Bay, Tillte SBeidler,; 33. same: Wis:; Marion --H. Schuler, 29, Mi} . Peter St. Martin. *1. Racine: MiL | Waubkee. _ « Virginia 8B« Lewis 8. Iiso. Pareitry, 20, Milwaukee. Knippel, 20, Mitwaukee. SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THIS COUPON Ever med the Nc:n you meet in out--of--the--way places, approached by narrow, twmmmllo er. rough country roads? They are Fords-- _nearly every one. ___ f To the Ford car no'ohf is too hard. Evcr{. road is oren to t--brnyn and highways alike. It is so light it rarely ever "mires in", so powerful Tudor Sedan £0, Milwaukee. Lakes; . Madona-- M. Morehead,. 24, &,gfm.,ll .""""4&-'& Takes.:.>...7=" 4 > l"'i Dopnse BRoTthers Out Where the Paving Ends TYPE--A S DAN You are afforded the satisfaction of driving a car that actually lives up to its smart appearance. _ _ . Its beauty is parti'(:ularly appealing because it distinguishes:--a vehicle of o ptiae e TKX to the Jead today in the recoupt of votes, dueto gains made In Lee and senate seat now occupied by SHene-- tor Stuith W; Brookbhart (R) went tm Mail this coupan to Selma Ne!son, 23%, Kenosha; | Anderson, -- 24, same. ~ Perry Bestel,, 29, Withee, \ Mary --Brackett, --22, --same. ---- Frank Sgiles, 3°, Ashland,. \ Irene Williams, 490, Beloit, Wis Please tell me how I can secura. & Ford Car on easy paymenter® 1~~ --~* . ecaedann hh en adr c e ced en e Pravebe ce c n e 8 PeCA L STECK IN LEAD -- mr,f Adg.~ 12. ~--~ that it can pull through where heavy cars must balk. Take your Ford this summer and explore. There are ddmwdt- ing away from the path thamw know. Leave the crowds and the hw-ya behind rm. It costs but little--and it will be a costs but little--and it will be a vacation you will never forget. contestant for the Wis.; Wis:; Ulive Louis, via the Litchheld and Madic@a Reilway, at Steuton, IM. If the plen® maigrializes .the North .Western w$ll save several . bundred. thousand do* The Chicezo and North Western' -- _ Railway has under consideration _ ;Tf Nerthwestern To Enter St. L4 had 174,751 ond Brookhart Tp