*# 3 T4 fithe . * » '.:.h"". » --.----~Ssamp M ystery= S x women.and five men we fully dreased by Richard Hil Cal. The victim is believed to have been Mrs. J. J. Lordén, blonde (above ) . ¥By Pasihs & Atiantic) One bf the. %261 persons who atrived in New York on the fifléfl-m day wa; back from concert tour abroad. Justifiab iMling hy ier atior LAST MINUTE PHOTOS/##$ 7: IN THE NEWS |-- Looks Glad OTTC and m iC €¢ w in Hempstead harbor, Sea CliK, N. Y., by being immers This u.-mu' : mcene shows the course of Schuylkill-- river being i?:."."' feadty und 1?600;.&-' of cy-.-u.' e."..'.':'i,:'.'.l",'; mm-nxbmml. Roar was beard for wil~s, Reminiscent of Merry Widow . ge hats J ac-- umwpgsmvmsgh -?.?&%'-.u 5.-' " "' i :s'?. J ue eR 'Aj Hats Gain in Breadth se L,'ia by being immersed -- This unique procession, staged by Parisian hat firm after the fashion =imionl titles. ---- ~-- so common in America, -unlx k* "s.hquhvndieu in gay Parce. 3. M plp, Sot W 4, Of --T_r' riangle 1 Men.' : Caught 1 ath _ of nfi' u' + | P * _ h : farricans which derttoyed To x towns in Holland,-- this freight sc . AMet ' car was derailed und thrown ont» §*," -- :m when --storm . struck. * *A J reule, town worst hit. *~~ ~¥6 Fooled Bride * _ $ » 4 h J t c)" + { k 8 ?'h" 6 A M a oi' B j K & & 5 . 4 es *A C 5--,,' 6: 4.1'5 : f i 't_ S ~'t'? | o " 7 2"*" * < M 5 aa). . . . j . _® 8 .{ 1& ,- > ,{"Q;;fi; p --* 3 ".:&:_{t i# f e w P "'z" _- e -- \'.-- wme, -" '... 'a{' _A a -- s ),\-QT;'-".' . g (.'MAAll.uu ~ Grate Steele, Chicago chorine, says she wed Herbert D. Rycroft * l a iovi he wus Lord Dyzson + 4 _ e (By Pacife & Adiantie) A bullet in ie which has reduced him from a healthy man h.l.d-n.:&'flh Lm.fiém* Va., manu-- fi.'lfia N"J '% en u'h.u"'._fl was Jamer maa«a--nn:&(m-f}. nmfl'im.nb believed by those in a position to know, will be acquitted. « John L. lni-.'prnidnt of the United Mine Workers, who re-- cently issued a statement saying he réegretted that mw up "an impossible barrier to suc-- President Note the royal disdain of t! only a pose. > y King and Queen Put On the Ritz of the king, William 8. Ganseberg of Bromnx, N. Y., and the quéen, Madaline m,fl.lqflMMWMW" 'lt"Ml',.db * :----_-- (Copyright: 1925; Pacific & Atlantic Photos, Inc.) -- YCt ty T t on 9 1 Mane t 0n Em* c tote Jn slCm He -- is H. of head to cane in accordance with fashion's latest: decres ~for the male sex. Now go to it.men. the Making the Best of It (Ry Pacifc & AdGantic) barficane" vwiach Sestrured fout towns in Holland,-- this freight snn ns e l'.'.;"-'-'.....-um. *# aa with a $6,000,000 estate, uo no# she wants separation. He ac-- cuses . her of overfriendliness Frank Colope!l! (By Pactfic & Atlantic) New _ Yorket, a9% 44