Bairstow. An effort is to be made now to . d .,:'....',2._.';' 9 # > OM m" . > n t n it wah en is ©, m--.-,m:% r'. ~by Mr: --Peters and bis associates ._-- RAEAL RUNNING CONDITION: <--<~-- Lake County Fair 'Assn: Ar-- ' ranges for Continuation: > RUNNING RACES _ _' TO--CONTINUE ALL C WEEK AFTERFAR --------------AtBe fatr and a tota} of §2+400 has been ts At a meeting of the management of i the Lake County Fair Aassan. held Monday night a unanimous vote was laken to permit the corntinuation of ..____ _ the running races for the baiance of ~mext week following the formal close of the Fair on Monday. dot of the country, borses which have won events with purses up as high as $£,000. Thos by the decision made Monday night it alsn etiables thase who attend the Lake County Fair to see some of the {fastest runm-- put dp in purses However, the addi-- tional racing means that mazy hore es will come here from various parts entries for the rumning events and with the decision for additional daye' racing it means that many more .will be entered at 'once. Thereare & many horses expected that plans are being made to erect tents in which to Bbouse the additional race horses. There are Bve events each day of by ~Mr. --Peters--anmt tgm peataurant at the Tair gro REAL RUNNING I0ON8 .|cold storage chicken, but The racifig meet,. as a result of the |grown kind, jus# dreased. decision to carry it gn after the fair, a,,d best méal on the grou mearls that real running race condi-- made pies and pastry. R tions Including barriers wtc., will pre siand in connection. Our n Aurora racing meet follows the lako' County Fuir it will bring many hore-- es to Libertyville to take part in the fair events and also ip the subse-- x'ut days' racing that will follow latter part of the week. The Lake County Feir is also to profit fnancially from the enbsee quent days racing. A committee was mamed Mondsy uight to conler with the racing men and decide on what' Anancia} errangements shall te per-- fected. The fair wil} either get a per-- centage of the reCtBipts or a ¢~ aite sum. 'The committee appointed was, Preaident W'odln. Becretary Wirtt, -- W. E. Miller." Fraok T. Fowler, Geo. This decision means a big thing *o Lake County because it insures a real running meet not only after the fair closes but the fact that these addi-- tional days rupning events are sched: uled means that better ~and ~more horses will come lm.#) take part in the contests at the y An effort is to be mude OOW 40 E8t |oonvention will be ©beld at GAKC% nciz=<=."------on the BL Pauil fromsayy B@piqme . _0 0 * * Libertyville joins in the Paramount Week Celebration _--___ OF THE GREATER MOVIE SEAsoN 4#.(% Ernest Torrence, "FIGHTING COWARD A James Cruze Production t Torrence, Mary Astor and Callen Landis p AUDITORIUM THEATRE \Bunday School convention was held «mt the Ba,,tist church in Lake Zurich last Qunday evening. A fine prokram was given and the followi,g officers elected fot the ensuing year. Presi-- dent, Marshall Schroeder; vice preak 'd-l. Mrs. #. Thels; secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Pau! Storm are the proud parents of a baby girl, born at Wheeling bospital a week or ten days ago. Congratuilm®)o,s are in order atthough delayed. grown kind, Jus# dressed. > Cheapest &y4 best méal--on the grounds. Home made ples and pastry,. Refreshmest siand in connection. Our motto: Qual-- ity and service. Give us a trial. ments, which were plenty of good cake and ite cream: -- The Aadies of hbe church ,,resented. the guest of honor with a pair o. book ends. Everybody had a fine time and wished Rev. Mr. Keithahn aill the good things one could think of. -- The You,, k People's annual S. 8. convention will be (beld at Gage's Mrs. Englebrecht or Mrs. Pe erso,, to be made known Iater. r _ Friday evening a large crowd came out to the farewell reception given i7 honor of one --of our former pastors, Rev, R. R. Keithahn, who is going to Indiz as a missionary September 5th. has suggested itself is that the irom parts of some ship wrecked there have become magnetized by some shift in the wreck's position joined to the ac tiob of waves or ~u"rents and from Liverpool,. and come to a particular spot in the Mersey, E London Answers, their compisses come agitated in a wholly improper way. Some magnetie spell is laid on them, and the on!ly explanation that & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *# 4 4 4 % 4.4% 4 to iry out the runving race idea, eliminating the pacers and troiters. This has never been done before and about "It"the pubttc Heemse to Tike the ning races that hevye over been puli-- ed off in this part of the country. In order that the public may wit enss the runuing events which Are experimental this year in that there will be no trotting or pacing, the ball game bas been moved up twu houre earlier so,that there will be no detiaction from the racing event. The VerponEim Towaship District "try out the rumning race idea. The Magnetic Spell C Septemmber 8 and 9: "CORING THRY' Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Newbouse and son have moved to the home which they recently purchased on enter Bt.. and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Schio:tman are oecupyipg the Newbouse flat. Rev. H R. Flower of Antioch called :'o'frlendq here Tuesday. Rev. Mr er' will soon leave for France., where be will=teach in a school for . Irving Duddles ha, begun the erec tion of a new home on Harding Ave. Misg June Rhijeger very delightfu!-- Iy entertmined tbe members and Sfi Arteattmes meme ooo Semecoudnmacd . "A+ Mtss June Rhineger has returned from hber hbome in lowa, where she spe,at the sumimer;-- Miss: Rhineger is one of the teachers in the local schonl}. , Mr. and Mre. Harry Roberts of ChL-- cago spent 'Saturday evening in the home of Mrs. Roberts' mother, Mrs. McHugh and daughter, of Chicago, vis ited. friends here Monday. Lake. The most seriously injured of the three was J. A. Vieck, who was re-- covering today at the naval hospital Vieck suffered severe cuts over one eye and below the other. His com-- panilons escaped with only bruises and scratches. . > They were driving south behind two other cars. The second one.from them -- stopped because of engine trouble, &nd the one behind it, driven by Arthur Raymond of Seymour ave-- nue. Chicago, was forced to stop sud-- denly to prevent a ww 'The sallors' car, which was behind Raymond's machine, rammed his Hupmobile. Raymond and--other oc-- cupants of his car were only slightly burt. Both cars were damgred con-- siderably, and were towed Into Grays Lake for repairs. . . 1nree sallors were injured, one #eriously, when their automobile rammed another méchine which was forced to sto psuddenly Monday night F;vnfid Mrs. M. McHugh, Mrs. P LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS A. Vieck of Great Lakes Taken to Hospital After HURT IN CRASH NEAR GRAYS LAKE AT THE --|FALL WHEAT SHOWS | i4 THE INDEPENDENT--§150 a Year 'lriondl of St. Andrew's Guild at the bome of Mrs. Evere.t Hucker Thuis-- day afternoon. A 15 per cent imcresse would ex-- pand the fan planted acreag> in I!li-- auls to a total of 3,080,000 acres com-- pared with 2,678,000 acres planted in 1924 and 1923 and %,521,00u0 acres in the fall of 1922. : This report is issued wth a view of giving !litneis farmers a general idea of the winter whest acreage plans of farmers not only in Iilinois ut for the country as a whole. -- 1924, according to a joim report of the Illinois and Federal department of agriculiture. Springfield, I!!.,. Aug. 29--An ex-- tensive survey of the fall wheat acre-- age plans of lllinois farmers indicates & prospective increase of 15 per cent over the acreage sown in the fall of ._ INCREASE OF 15 _ PERCENT JIN STA Mr. and Mrs. Orson Washburn of Chicago are spending a few days visit-- ing with rela.ives and friends. _ Mr. ayd Mrs. Pratt and daughter, Eleanor, and Miss Mary Jane Wwaite returned Baturday fro ma motor trip through Wisconsin. Should the Increase Amount FREE ___ 5 Tube Radio Set _FREE _ _ Send self--addressed, stamped envelope--for full particu-- lars regarding this OFFER. 296 Broadway New York, N. Y. to 15 Percent, State will go 3,080,000 Acres. "FLAMING BARRIERS" September 10 and 11 Short talke were made by Edson C. Howard and Mary E. Browe. the old teachers, Judse Persons and the President. Songs were sung, dances The 'Well Orchestra ~of Keuogha furnished the music. They brought with them every imaginable instru-- ment including a ptano, and during the afternoon a continuoue vaudeville | was kept up. : There were sixteen of the old sehol}-- ars who attended school either in the old log' school houee or in the new, as it used to be called, the pres-- ent building prior to 1860. These ald scholars eurely had--an enjoyable dey. About ten others were accounted for. Letters were read from Bradford Owens, now in lowa; Julia Browe Shaw, Minnesota; Jacob -- Shinsky, California. . ' The Browe School's 24th annual re-- union wes held Thursday Aug. 27th at Wadsworth. * a There ware eobovy--threa--bupdrod in attendance including two old teachers of the «echool--one who taught in ~1866, Edson C. Howard, and Mary E. Browe who had taught sixteen terms. BROWE SCHOOL . REJNION HELD AT WADSWORTH AUG. 27 C. T. Heydecker Elected Pres-- ident of School Assn. for 25th -------- --~--~"uocessive Year. s 3. 1925 RAINBOW GARDENS _ Sunday _ _--_ Music by Percy Rowell's Radio Band Every Saturday and n "FORBIDDEN PARADISE" GIBBONS PARK September 12 : POLA NEGRI The home of Sigman Fluck at Long Lake was entered some time Saturday and robbed of a radio out-- fit, he reported to the sheriff's of-- fice. The loud speaker and all at-- tachments were taken. A vote of thanks was extended to the orchestre for its entertainment and a vote of thanks was also ex tended to F. Whitmire for the priv: lege of enjoying the use of th grove adjoining schoolbhouse. . Pictures were taken of the whole gathering. ~ RADIO OUTFHIT IS TAKEN FROM HOME --Thectast Thursday of August 192 will be the twenty--ffth Annual Anni-- versary, and is expecled to be one of-- the biggest gatherings that we bave ever had. rwrnin "«>_ It surely was a great showing of the old pupils which ought to be an encouragement to the yourger ones who were present. An unanimous vote was taken that the younger pubile. must take up the work of con-- tinuing this re--union. were performed and a great big din-- ner was served. ~ s oLb y3 Ned sns with Rod La Rocque, A@I ,; Menjou andh Pauline Starke, & 'Forbidden Paradise'| Saturday, September 12: Thursday and Friday, , a September 10 and 11 : 8 Jacqueline Logan, Waiter Hiers| _ and Antonio Morene in «e a Paramount Picture, &5 to" Thomas Meighan's buroad shoulders. .A punchful story of the picturesque coal fields, of struggle and pluck and romance with Lilah Lee, Here's a story that measures a Tuesday and Wednesday, a4 September 8 and 9: l;j THOMAS MEJGHAN in ~ | _ the Paramount Picture, -- 4 E "commc turur]_ , have had for many a day. '"Yes, suh, he was nothin' but a mis'able flinchin' coward. Butl -- when he becomes a regular treat| _ 'em rough, wild man--well mmh,g _ you'll just !--ugh yourself intol _ o eme d Iso extra novelty S Kinogram News Reel. «. e "The W hite Outlaw". "SCOUT", the wild horse. _ ng wild horse fight for the life of its colt. A marvelous depit-- tion of the primal struggle existence. With the m stampede of 1000 wild > Saturday, September 5: L Matinee at 2:30. Admission, [ . 10c and 15¢. One child ad--) mitted free with every adult ati . 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10|11 |1 Sunday, September 6th: . fiu",'[m_m "Mom&'. Cullen Landis in a James C with Bessie Love. Also "THE FIGHTING l COWARD" ----1-- Production (a Paramount September 3 and 4: l RICHARD BARTHELMESS --{-- 11925 mm c wl im a Parammount Picture, * WAKE UP! ITS | "SOUL FIRE" UDITOR1 MBER 1925| _