fx" * + £ y %-- :l -- $150Values _ ~A) Special whiile they last at ----~----KAPING & SAUNDERS _1 <----One Lot of ;Ji Boy's Wa t# -- _ Holy Cormn tw . etb E' j : . e o -- pasto e A y 1.# ./ f tw /# ystT ur L. ' 3 44 '" -'"'--" ger on eoip e en o The Kelvinet is in size for the A j :nfi w iA / k4 h---flq cubes of ite _ _ Callto see A refrigerator that keeps itseif _ . FIBT METHODIST EPHICOPAL ' * _/ Ghurch School at .10 a. m. ~_.--__Church School at 10 a. m. _ _.______ Morning worship at 11. _ . < > ~~**BT. LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL & Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. _ 4 'l'll-".erv&l;': on Bu'l':'h'l Bept. 6th, f ¥ y after ty) are: %?mu?:"a.m. k | eharist and sermon, 11 a. m. 4 Echool at 10 a. m. 3 . pastor will preach at all the this year's Confirmation class will tak» _ $1.00 4 & CCR C ERCCIONCT, 2 SOVOE, Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. German services at 10:30 a. m. English services at 7:30 a. m. Bunday Rev. Carl A. Stidler, Pastor ---- --|Y¥®ar by the" tacu B. GODFREY The Quality Store . JOHN'S EVANGELICAL Agos J to 6 DIETROTT : Tractor PJowing . ' Graysiake, IJ. _ -- Phone 158--J Tuesday night from an auzomobile trip to Niagar® Falls They returned by Harvard, wmwmm' ather schools. ..By using this method. we hope to give better instruction to All of the students and par.icularly to he Freshmen, for théy come.from the grammar school, 'where they have amoun 'otumoflven to each )l theso three things will vary from class :> class and from day to day. Ordinarity feclistioy, ive ie io m ifhot 4 reel ve minutes to t and 25 minutes *o study, It is the con-- tention of: those who have used such a system that 25 minutes of Btudy with the teacher ln,chrxo. 3 dlroct"alnd- assist, when néeded, more value 'thufutyMolnndynmkn the study hall, with no one to assist 0: direct. 'This is not a new system at all, for it is being used in Des Piaines, {ment of the lessons for the nex: ,lnd study of the lesson in the : wikth --the --teacher ------in ~ahurta d_ is '7lvm' ---I '--vl""ivvvl '!< I'l..:thg ,::Iogh m,boen studted for a teacher in Moreover, the owner does not have to . _ . wmm'pwmoa Motor --_'-- -- us e &"W"m ) shortly dfi > . he has bought it, by the announcement® -- -- ~~ of radically new types. . Fes se 3. en ieniaatnihcalirm iomingorize o J A M ES MOR R OW & SsO N 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS TELEPHON 228 P teachers visited the Des fim"'f 5e 215 " l PC wclle . s alilg C eeenmEt MCSV . O C ,m'l"fi".v"'""' live in Libertyville ; but de-- sires to m&% Town | _ muwc.um- ship High <chool, he may do so upon TREATMENTS: mmm%.m::n nommwowmounpma e year in three time saubjects t;:f'.'!'.' pay his own tuition. The reason | L. """="¢Dt Waving done by the New Hudson . by students from If this conditioned stud live in Tibertyvilid tawn hiedr i4 + T34 S % [ mondation or is | KRe e place your adver Permanent Waving done by the New hee o ho es ceoags 'anteed Soft Marcel Wave: s s BPECIAL RATES, $15.00 FOR 3#3 avitLd OR Ligke: She FOR RACH Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Rulers, etc. A Complete Line of Textbooks for .__--_--."City and Rural Schools ' Located 'at* Farm Bureau? Of -- 624 N. Mitwaukese Avenue. SCHOOL SUPPLIES DECKER and NEVILLE .""bur:| |----Composition --books, note books, tablets, -- |---- :nn' '_'h Mamilk'wto,mhn,m,' is 5mss || _ book cases and strap, drinking cups, otc. | _ FOR e enfi ~eaenet tie ce ww : srin oc iiignepe s rave ie w in + ~ x <--x h 49.