CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Sep 1925, p. 12

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3 %' _fbtholo-huudh_mu ';?" Bupervizsire of Lake County, Hiinoia. [ °4 _PDear Sir:---- _ _ . . ® e «'__-- anant to"~a-- request in writing> ad-- ~--Ahat J anm the Secrotary ' ~ 30 Whoo tfi That a Spécial Weeting of the Board _ mubscribed ond Sworn 40 me this dJay of Ap*, i. D , 192%. L a% C. E. KIRCHXER, Seal) Notary Public M Winois, and which nowspaper has been regularly published for more Uthan alr month# prioe to the first Waukegan, County of Lake and State -.-u-yhd's':flu'm-al Cl --anid County, Abhis 13th daz7. of April it « * commennnnr en amme ie iimepmmmmemmmemcammey s : . 1 «+uvme 3 ... Waukegrn, HIilinois. ._____ hgp ); _ Frank Cory, "r'lm 3y fthe cal fay: : : April 20ih, 1925.|J. Monabas, Shicldy; E_ M. * i e' ; * Shields; H. C€. W. Meyer, Fremont; | BO! _ RBeard of Bupervisors, Lake Count).| Wwm,. J Obeg,, DReerltieid; Wm. E. "E. * Bletsch,: Deerfleld; -- Charles ; Har--| suims . # in Wuaukegan, Ninois at 1:00 W»Mn called-- 1nd n "p'elock P. M., pursuant to tte follow--|and : the ~tfollowing members were|Octobe: ® Ing oafl. i V 0 . + us 5.*~ . --] PPeR@btk se . ~* -- .] April 4 Monahan, H. C. W. Meyer, T. V. Mur--| for and the amount of mopey which phy George McCullough, B. F. Naber,| Was been turned over to the Coynty Wm. J. Obee, James O' Counor, Ray |through the Petty Cash Account. Kelly, Fred Kirechner, A. G. luuurl Our quarterly reports have E. A. Martins, & WM. Mawmins,. EK. J | the grest --number of patient: --% wNOTICE -- NOTICcER i8 HEREBYT ~olvEX thui--of the members of the Board Of Bupervisors of. Lake Tounty, i nois bereby reqyuest you to call a si¢cial meeting of the Board to con-- ¥oue on the 20th day of April, A. D.. lmnoo-'oqml';ll-"!:'.".'j purpose organizing, . elect a Cnairiman, and transacting such wiher hbu.iness as may lawfuilly c~us before said Board at said mealsaz. 1 ' NAME > TOWNSHIP ¥Fred Kirschner.......... Cuba PR Ray Paddock.--________. Wauconda --~Mte Tollowing ertilical> of Publi-- waih » and mailing notice were filed. | Wausegan, lilino}s. °' %A. D., 1425, at 1:00 o'clock P.| dollars for services In the Supervisors Room, at the|clan, in considerst it 'House in Waukegan, !!ilinots, |shz!l respond to all The purposs #f organizing, elect.\ance and attend : a Chairman and transacting such poor of said Count: IN WITKESE -- WHEREOF, 1 hera 1 Leéw A. Mendee, County Clerk that a notie of which the an Waukegan, liMkinois. * We, 'the undersigned, being Uune in waurkegan, lilinols, shzll respond to all calls for attend-- ie purpost Of organizing, elect-- |ance and attend upon the County "--.'Mnfimdmcfiydm'm ?dmh'm"mrmnmmhw | Rre! Rasrd of sald Meeting|Superviscor of any .town in --said C LEW A. HENDEE, _ ° County or by" the County Board of ¢F i _Clerk, |Supervisors in said County. . iCOPY oF --NOTICE) F:y"'."' ..'_ _ Or THE % _{movee «Ay00re¢d . e g. c * * i & n / the : treatmeb. '-: * _ _1 _ Regular June Mecting _' . i ~ . * Tam 1t requint® by the Jn ._--'_ Lake County Board of Bupervisors 1 "bas CThhnnt) -- ¢§ HELD IN THE COURT HOUVSE ; wervtices ,to and attends .:\ % : WAUKEGAN, ILLINOfS > . ppefeopers | confined Jn --th Notary Public ed. ' Rietech, Cory, Droneb, Dilger, m-;}«&{iq&i; on s ~_ jFupk, Harba . Hoban, «Maidrtage, | pital 'groumde forme Huflo..jxom."l"uthor. Martin, Maw--ithe :'County Physicia: *~* [ Paddock, Potter, »Bcbaster, . Btration, l Secobd iearly shal one | Cullough, Naber, ~Obee, O'ConDIQt,|aare hosnital eauilnasas modicel and swgital atrendamce on{C. F., Pritehard C. W.. Hoimquict| Aignnuquin in sabi Town. for which; < . . _ Wery traiy yours, | ; Settiement--arith _ Probate > L:.-a---u»ufl-p- A. n.m-k;l...-du.n..mtmm w».: the, T;~a» of umnm' * &&m ' Rrroncous Assessments. Penaly: ass ow ato or ¥:, ~Reulinger i 4# ; W ohin 1+ -- > Ahow --sive stacnl -- cant ~04 }. Uwfl"-"' + lidee poor of said County of laAke when -- WAUKEGAN ever necessary or requested by any| Mc@hane J. E. Rfinger T. H., An-- Supervisor of any ~4own in said|derson E. C., Oviett E. T. Simpson County or by* the County .Board of| T A., Hoag H. C.,--Johnson R.-- A; Supervisors in said (g;ny. Roy P., MiNer Frank Jr.. Gray _: Three bhundred fifty"{$356 00) do+ El.. Kyndberg Jobn, m lars for the care and wupervision ot x.:mm)":l;. o hi fettithce asen [R ie e _--Five Mes ~{§5 28. MWieboll Km jHM., Jncok Rus dAollars for the care and ¥ Ranckard Chan, Hanthrote A. Oof the twbercular ward and , ~Moborg «Alitred. ~Miller U#., Ponks work on tabercular pationts. "~] . C, Bunith Richard, Rusock O ; -- Thoaeé--knndted--9800 00)--deitare Ver Ainix Moutp J., Rirpart L. 1. Nx Twoenty--nige hundred ($2,000.00) dollars for services as County Physi-- tan, in consideriUon-- of whick ke here to bind themselves as tollows: Baild second party shall receive as and for his compensation for bis note regulariy convremned and duly\hold, Stanton Thomas, Larson Jacob of the 'aalid Count;y of Lake named THWIl J. ©. frion Walter of Waukegan, County of Lake and| Walter, Powles Laure!, Lox Charles Atate of Ilinois, second part;. ~ | K. WITNEASETH THMAT: SRAW'T WHENEAR st a beguiar meeting Wileit John H., Smith E. J., Mess uu-mnmamum.o-mm County--A# Lake in tho State of W Poksseno D. O Puas! -- Hein-- 1925 by and between the Connty of Smith MHarry, Otery Rllis, Jounson stend Frank. LAke in the State #f Minotbs, ~!M Tninith ABbward Wmelar n[:... k . with this regort. AN of which mitted. that the Chairman of the Beoard and / ort 3 the County Clerk be antherised and}c. z. instructed to. enler Anie sanld cop M'.D'rhm:._ This service amounting to approx . Your Committee believes that it would be io the best interest of the County to enter into a contract with Dr. Liesber for another year at the We wish to report that during theipet of past year that the Hespital bas been | jury bo run under --the management Of Dr.}ist oft Charles Tieber in a Yery exceilent| ioh ~+%. BTATE OP HAJNOI | CC_NTY¥~OF IAK%E, * ® would respectfully submit the follo®--| " We ihe ~~SBupervisor Bletsch moved to <ap point a Committee of: three-- (3) to 'u:t.utuu'n, mwm, -- The temporary . K as such _ tellers, *flm lough, Austin and. Macther. --_ § An informal tballot was takee in which~ thirty--tlrec"~ (18) voteo woere cast, of which Bupervisor Heldridge NnA 12I8 FeporL. ¥., Dohn; Brager C. M. Haelims AN of which in respecttally -- owb cm'-q"'.l; Itted. . ]Llewis W.'O., Quint Wadham, Kilock RAY PADDOCK, ¥rank, Matn J. A.. Bceott J. B., Burak-- & Ci:lr-u * Eon! {,_C.. Lawrence Lopil L., Upp mal ballot. Motion carrted; Cullougb, Naber, ~Obee, O'Connaor, C,. . M.. W. J. : Stratton, Thompson, Vercose, Wilcox, 33. Absent: Kirschner, 1. ~ Supervisor Ficke moved that H. C, W. Meyer act as Temporary Chair-- Bupervisor Bairstow moved to pro-- ceed to olect a Chairman <by intor-- Victor, -- Lind Henty, MeCormick Frank, GHitfia Elivin, Ryan Tike ~Jt., Edic Chas., Chittenfen R. W., Stead. Ray Willlam, Murric HM. R, Adisms i. McDbonald A D. 'Thalto Martin, Vene Régar, Panzer Geotrge, Jobn*on Huson Geso, Martin, TWIl J. ©., Irion Waliter, H., MeCaiftrey Lioyd, Plistér Ges., Bimme Wiliiam £., Yendy Roboert W., MWoenning Fred, "7 Prud . Rtratttord Carl, Mamna Wallace, Rivia, Ailtson M., Wend-- ter N. P., Inmgereon Louis, Weuher IWuward, Bite Gobrge L. Ppee nold, mianton Thomas, Larson Jacob| Sanbetn Chas.,. White Heaty E., Jt, Brittovs J. Orant Maller Martin, TWIl J. ©. Irion Walter U _ MeCaftror Tiovd® PHathe flam . Charles, Fester George D., Irving McAllister," Kelly Artbur, Nara Otto, Miver K. B, Weich WHiam, Chas J. E., Mgegins --P. D., Wadkins William, Zobel @ustas, Zimmmerman J. O., Flower Raiph, Goodwin W. D., McConnell J.-- H., Efttilg Geo. W., Nickum Carl, Kyle Geo, Lamong J. M. Rivett J..A.,. Hotham J. H.,. Xigin-- ert Herman, Whitmas GOuy, Philya®w jJamin, Swank V. O., Osboran F. W., Bhaw H. 0., Atkine®~ George -- H., Crtab-- tree H A., Muyck E. N., McKirdy SBENXTON Larson Tildéen, Mitehbell Thomas W., Swanson Jobhn W.,. Peterson Oliver, Allen Louis, Myrum Peter, Sallberg Clarence, Mitchell Morgan, Pleree--Raiph, Gray _Albert,--Kdgerton Albert, Richards John 'D., Sallberg Jjury box, bereby: submit the toHowing list of names, so selerted to replen-- ish the Jury Box: ; _ OF LALE e Oe n k ". in rlas omm d as i tb o se Pnsc vrannsaimmaiinte d W es . s sc d A ic sAcccas '.J-. 4 k * risopers | eonfined Jn the County|Grady D. A.. Watzel Clurence, Grady | foad and. bridge poryoses, on m§3. . Geo. €., Sthetdiet E. B., MeSt® H., [ laying® _ out, --aitoring, © wites .«.mm*- "~Lh'mfl~.~~1 *.:.".'Zf.,"s': rres € ton '!Lw e M 1 ie : e hk mar. hk _ in Nen i W.,._ Duthin.H. J.. AmesMovward T. ] repair > of reidn _and bridges. hemein: ues * momman Ruter s e C N T a -- 'Tme esqnmeree : e e : h e t h " e ;,'g"iw an : Arnold, -- Hewtner Rimer,|ey, Doyle Jobs, Russ Frank, | + -s---?"pnqum- . Austin, Dilger. -- f~ Kss & Marry, Wtery Rillis, Jounson|stoud Frank, Vanm Landuyt Maurice, 'Cf this appointment. Poor Balancte of Ceunty-- Respecttully submitted, Rumith Moward, Morley Wil--|Wroest Karl, Jordan E. K. Lange Carl P Yeary respeciTuWy, © Potter, Mawman, Harbaus. A. W. YEROOK, Brown Bert, Yopp R4, Seiter|J., Nevilie Williem, Whitcomb E4./ (Mrs H. €) META F. WELLA, |Printing-- J. T HOB#KN, , Powles Laure!}, Lox Charles|Osterman William J., Schnelder Men Pres| -- Sthaeter, Cory. C. H. Stration. ALPRBEE} H MARTIWER wae hyndred . 4§7090,.00) dollars the trentment: of vensrial cases WARREN dolare | Burbo®, Schearimn Chas. Schaa Fuiuu, | ; . " CNHM On the OUne.Hundred dot-- llo-uan:: w :- c :'cfu'""'{:.","""m Mon 20 tht hm':-':. _ cages L ® wa peor , wa, of (the|Clark ¥. K, Baddacker Chas., H9064 > mz nlinty\ oo "S s 2 TB ho the levy present that a new bridsto needs to ie bullt--over the Plint Creok wher the amnme in (Tierend hy tiho highrtay County. Board for ald to build bridge| 1 am enclosing to Lew A. Hondee,| Settiement wRK ~County --~Meintenasace----Geanmiteq --be was presented and read. | Mounty Cletk of Lake County a check| Roads and Bridges. Mummov.q.d.o BSTATE OF ILIJNOIS to me Woi the Pressury Departmant| BROWN--Judiciary, Road and Bridge|Lake County Gemeral Hespital., o of Washington, for two months board| Audit, Fees and SBalaries. Motion carried. * S¥ CoOUNTY OF L1AKE ot Gorernment qprizonirs for the «---- PDetentlion Home, Jall 4 Superriset: Maetauch marrt kh --ab . Tewn of Cubs. months of Qerober, November and| Settlement with County Treasurer, untlh June Ath, A. D. 1926 at TO.THE BOARLh OKF SUFPERYISORR| toour days in Decesmwer, 1928. 1 . Public -- Bulldings . and ~Ground#s{10:00 «ciuck A. K. OF. LAKR COUNTY, ILLINOI8S, |a. statement to mited. Btates | . Atudit. . s Motion carried The undersigned Commisafnner of| Marshal at CI': ustt ----mamver -- se BBLRETSCH--Poot-- Waukegan, Shields %fih Mighways of the Towna of Co¥Aa in | geived this amount an{i twhay. The: and Deotrligld, Insorance, Detontion Jnae %, B, 105. aatd Caunty, would respoecttnBy ro *k came in my--nume, whack --Mo.! Home. -- C . = _ |. Board of Supervisers, Lake Caunty,. . KMlien, Lagaon Jokn, Cutier|J. Htrafton, Thompson, Veseon, WWH|* Harbaugh, Thomgson, Miger. _ °|M Strateon, W. J 'Siratton, Ainmp m:'?k. ; s RetHement with Cannty Clerk veu, Vuseon, Wileor, 3. y >* | h&l.t' €. Waits! Veting Hap: -- Mons. * Kally, Bairstow, 'Potter: ¥Voting. Nay: . "Mene + C. N. Pesachtman , Rever Whitn,.| ~Absout --sand--aot toting sow Lopar. Deemaerk with Matss Attorney--]| . Absoot ank o votieg: -- Plake, ml'o'. Rafterty Raward.;visars Brown, ~Hoban, ~Moschaer,| . Cory, Oboee, Nabtr. Kiruchner, %. ¥¥ Rteinberg Mar, Hofiman John, Dufty |Mawman, 4. AetHement with Sherit!t-- * Huporvisor mevred ihat Pmnk, Hine L. A, Machile LKiw. The toBDbowing Communtcation was| Holdrige, Versom McCullough: . Chairmea®e a Committee All ~otf which is respecttnally anb | presented and roak. Asttlement with Counsty Treasurer--IiM sereno as a w** rammdilioep> +0 mitied., Warden'is OfHice 'Monahan, . Huttos, Burke. * charge of thn commmtbon tA J. T. ROBAN, BOUTHERN ILLIMMB Qwamp Lands-- . Clerke, 'Saperriearey; COouniy &A . F. NABER, PENITRNATIARN| Nuber, Stration, W. J., Cory. Oommissionaery, :m FTreasmrare, 8.~C, THOKPSON, Rtemar d MEMBERS ANO THEIR Probate (Clerks; VMetive Cartiod. dury und Rection Committee. April 16th, 4825. connmITT Es The Chairman uppointed: «m yach .. Bupetriser Piger mored that the! HON. COUNTY BOARD OF LAKE 19288 eommititse Sngerrisore Bairicu, W. report . be accepted and adopted.| ~ OoUvr®rY. C nAJROIE, AURTIN--Insuraned,--Poor Waukegan. | J.. Stratton, Yorses, Brouwn, Huttes, Motion ry, Jubhrend Henry Meyer Raiph, Raupp hook, We this petition. . _ . . ~ _ _ _| Masether, Burke, Schaefer Peter,> Schiey _ Charles, m With thw suromer and racation «en | Judiciary-- * ® George A.. Umbdenstock C. B, 'Wolf |son at ouwr door; the number of Re| Brown, Maether, Meyer. *'"'* weer DEERFIELD aoke and "lck ' aimew Wiloox, M k women _ young gitle sttending % artin. _ Bheridan C. G., Mpgstrom ©. £.,|them, w« respecttuily potition that| Miscellansout Claime-- -- _ M. 8., Converse Karl, Davis Howard, Dowel) George, Duna Ed., Francisco Marry, Gilbert A. T. Greep Edgar, Hapke Geotge, Huson i, A.,; Johnson William, Keot R. C., Monabin. Ar-- thur, Nicholls Wm., Prior R. A., SKmith Page. . son Charles, Ransom A. £E., Obemeu!t Michael, Hapke C. . A.,. Nordmeyer Charles,~ Chamberlain °J. L. Kame Menry, Fredrick Jobn, Davis Herbert, Dumsn Clark, Kruger Fred, Dailton F_ 'A.. _'ny_\C. W., Luebbe J. J.. Lueb ", Roder FA., Murrle I: Ar, * CGodwin Edgar, Wirts M. C.. Ander DEERFIELEO CUBA ¥ WerWAvais U RaCL L O euscay O L 20 S NOC Een Nem en mmeange? on Giy, poron carried. _-- | -- Cireuit Clests | _ °_ .. _. |_ _ Chas., Schad Julius, |jars ~valuation, on the lum-: The followipg Resolution of <coudeo FICKE--~Road 'Ouifits and W.,' --#poeor ~Clinton, roll of siid Town, and the levy lence . was 'presented and read. anae, Fees ind Suiarios, uoehru-();-.. Lake| tor ml:nndbdlu'i't:"mmm STATE OoF au.ntou; s se Audiz + L o# Chas., Railph, | years pasked . Towun was 8s: PUNK--State Charities, County Fasm m\uc,.:c:uuua.;.:m:.u...»mmzczoomv.vmo& mm-u?---t y v i n m'v' tb' ' 4 mm M " C3 tzel Clarepee, Grady | road and! beidge .purposes, ex¢ept" for M'm and QGentlemen of-- the | _ with _ oel a tnal Ts C Te mt F 57 MB NOe NPA Z P cltdctia ut 1200066. tor Ah@ ~amount of" $578.70| CORY----Seitiement with Staiés At which. hefouga to Lake Gonnty. . Nerney, Printing.. Swarap Lanc#s . MRSK. 1 aA. MWILLEBKR, Huban, O'Connor, Masther. Committeons report of ruler he asccop MIHH *WINNREFRED -- PLARCEBR, P:...;mndm.--- and adagied. Commmitton -- . , MeCullongh, Holdridge. Motien carried. Pmted at Wanksgon, YVhutbs \this PWc BulldMngs and Grounds Audit--| Bupaervriser O Camner moorskh iL l"th doy --of Agril, 1928. = .] Rrwrenoen, V'Connot, Butrke. the salary t the Reardt of Reavroe Rupertieor Buairaotow mored to roekter| Raotbutrons and BMtement wiltk and cleche,. remain ibe mmme ands ho the petition to the Finance Commit) Probate Clerk-- -- pait Inm the same manuar a» hooe tew amb Aberif!, with powor 40 act. McQullough, Deomen, FPunk. fotere: « Aye and Nay vote being had Buopar.| Rowds and .Prigan-- _ _--~ _ . Ape and Nay vote being batk Hapars vinor Bairstow's motion was carried| Kirschnar, Stratton C. H., vizes O'Cannor'es mation was carried by the following . rote. _| _ Peirstow, O'Conn#t, W. J Stratton. \ by the tAlowing votn + _ Veting Apa are Sugerviners Austin, Road OutTh and 'Maintianance-- _ Veting Aye: are Oupervicory dustin, voting !::J None. Minutes (of the preceding meeting Absent pot voting are Super.| were read and upou motion of whests . Moban, Kirsebner, Brown,| Bupervisor Monakan -- unanimounsly 10 RLL .. * ~Board met pursuant to adjournmment Aye awd Nay vote being had Super:| with Chatrman Paddock --presiding visor Ficke's motisch was carried by|and the following members present: the Tollowing vete. 7 |Austin, Buirstow,> . Brown, -- --Burke, Voting Aye are Supervizors Austin, Cory, Dromen, Wiger, Funk, Bairstow, Rurke, Bistech, Cory, Dro--| Marhaugh, Hoban, Holdridge, Hut nan, Dilger, Fitke, Fusmk, Harbaugh, ton, Kelly, Mastber, Martin, Monaban, Holdfidge, Hutton, Maether, Martin, Meyer, Mutphy, <McCullough, Naber, "Lntea A. i. 0847 ~~Bupervisor Naber moved to Bridgs. ... . y amarin t sz 'a?-lnn; recess until April 27th, A. D., 19%% » C.. H. ---- Hospitai Avdit, R *4 lerk. 1:00 o'clock P. Xt. _ Road and Bridgo, Pristing: * Wlupervizor Fiskse meved that the| Motion carried. THONPSONX--Gounty' Farm, Settle-- potition io referred to the uew HRoad| -- Waubkegas, littnois, Weut With > CHKEOIE (hisk Baak Voting Nay:.-- None. «RAZZCIOHL TCO imSot ' ""fim""' "etxfond "'6\7'_--;&- "-3 m ses of said bridgo--or ether work, sati Aympathy awk condolence with se Mummmm . mesmber in the loss of ~biw h....w nmfl% Thits 19th 62 Pportdnlly §f making Enown + I hay m W of Aprit & D. jees. . _-- . _ _ C"J |MBi# a@portunity of. making known ##). £Jepk, E Tt s CE CFH--I , Mae. ueaptaignod Superyisots Deiet ao, foupb tee mater qgart --ef[beg to. marve the sdoption of the ful 'which is siteded "Yor sordinary resolution of condotence to Wheretore; -- the: sald --Commissaioner Board, "Mr. James O'Connor of West of . Highways ; does +hereby -- ir "Fownskip. > ; you for aid, and forvan ; -- REBOLYED, That we the mem beae from.. the --County--Treasuryy of --a .sum | of the "Copnty Bmard of T ake (aonngs -'i;l.."'..-'-'--v"'iw'n';.";.----' EommE CTRE BAIRSTOW--Jury . and _ Elections,|: Seperti dug Committees for the year 1935 STANDING COMMMTEEKA Fon wa». County Fair & Furmer'e lastitate-- Brown, Masther, Meyer. 'il e ------I k Cz ,--v T-x mention Home-- 100. «hail hauve chikin< Burke, Kirschser, BAetsch. purchasing all soppfue--tor , Cory, C. H. Stration v, Dromen, Wiiger, Funk,| Supervisor Bletuch mored--Wet the Moban, Holdridge, (Hut--|\ Committees stand approved an rowd. April ¥7th, A. D., 19%. | .Octfht aud Mauintenanee the --follow-- Supervisors Board of lake Cownty, Hitnots, M* at !n-u-c' veting: 'M Kiruchner, k >' ¥ * Bupervisos qmanred --Athat the». Chairmase e Ceommittvee W seven as a ramaailiop > +0 ':t;.-. thea roovwentice ~# Commissionery, Probate (lerks®s, . _ Metion carrics. -- The Chaitman uppointsd: «n unch eommitteo Sngervicsors Pairmeus, W. J.. Mtratton,. Yotrses,. Proun, Rabbton, Monebas, Holdridge: dix 43 Buperviscer Wobkéridge muset . that the ----Maeintensace----Ganmitee ----hbe _--_#pe and Nay vote being buk Hupars vizes O'Oannor'e mation was carried by the thlowing vobe + -- Veting Aye areo Uupgerviscory drustin, Mr. Chairmam --snt Gentsmon of the Board of Rupervisors-- YTour Oommittes agpointed i9 rob awit rulbe to »~govere tho Poart: Supervicer Tiiger moved that the Clerk COreunds Commitiecso shan hane <harge of the aKesz tm and regaite t the toy: tihe --enswing yest + fant the raleg--in Jorce

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