P m se es y es . 2 . -uul;.----.k_; PP .. °_ HTaATE OP HAAMMWS «+ . K. F. Berghorn and John D. ¥Fink, . * _Precinect, Verncn; -- polling place, '~~~~-- Bewn. hall, Ha-- _ay~--A. C Macther, . \*_ KR J. Giss and H. H. Schroeder, judges --._~*~--Precinet, Weat--Deerfleld 1; polling e m Touwn hall, Deerticlé--P. '-' eA .--WB. --Btaftes---- angd > Clarence x -- _ Precinet, Wést Deerticld 2:> polting v~"#hies Doomy and W /J "Obec. "--_*} ineaded hlm _ suficiently with their *.T Briecs -- Lnatkhas '..w': ""'3'{,!---: .'-"*....,'*'M*m '-,,':'}::" 3 gw.@-:gawm--o.ul'him"" e o. TT THAT WHEREAS, the paring -- in w Grand Amucvwmb.rnhhn _'.:w". .'*. river, dosignated an BHection Bome f mver m prouh be'i:rz am -m---:u- x-% when they are in a pornade, And other has not been secepted by the State | Wen never frol more foothh then when Mivision of Highways, because of they are in a pérade.--Atchivun Qiche For smire of eoativcl, = Way of the Great § _ WHBEREAR, «aid improvement N# | -- yy, seagon the grent bave few Inth *_ K¥rroneaus Assessment Commithions Superviser Ficke moavred that the reports be acecpted and adepted, as read. Motion earried. _ Supertisoer Meyer maved that the fo'ny('nh-hl.lb- atructed --to draw warrants en the County Treasaret for the swveral amounts to the several chaimants of all> claims altewed at this meeting Aye and miay vote being bhad Buper visor Mepaer's mation was carried by the following vate: * Voting aye are Rupervinits Austin, Bairatbw,~ Brews, -- Burks, RBiatoch, NTY OP 1AK® +0 ,. * _' goun "'o';' Frankken Colomail Agent Nr Chairman and Qentlemen «+ the h-*.m.h Board of Rupervricars: > lnad wubdent agent in fiest Y ur Rrronccous Assqamenst com -:.m-'-u-n-. mitteo, to whom wht pM0MMel WE aas ue gpeand From SWA to ht NO waluation of $1,000 ftor the yoar 1924 taxes payabie in 1925, the state and ¥illage bond tax $46.00; sachool district IoA. "u,Mca.u | which io rempecttally mitted. * eounty _ State tas $450; county tex $4.40; county baend tax $130 and that the ather taxing bodies refend to hims & ;-.u -----------'*--"" t ""[ 9 Immtngepatmemmmmmmemmmmmenm amememmementman him as teBDowse, towit: Viewn «h Ereanidsoig f ~T0'l-'"~~4 mawl Wiik WE T ) ; _ ; _0 o pGnntns Wuioahy iA on All of which is pespeciiully su¥ x Lank am wit k aaitted Albert Laed, an Kaglish magitith, H. C W. MEYER, wane drenming that bin ofice in Lon-- H. X. DRONENX, tm wan being rovhed In the wiitkt L K A. MaAbR¥YTm & bins dteam he wan waukauuh y U HOARD OF SUPERVIDONS, PWE thagrom WA ssh wihruck it n ~_ SESHNON burgiar in bis chice had boeen cought, fund to Mr. Rowllngs on 28 22000008 ) "po, uy sespoct the propbte of thit 66. $427 34. State _ tax -- JA258, coun'iy ia% $105.¢0; county bond tax $58.40 and that the other taxing bodies refund to him a Hke propertion of the excess paid by him as fellows, to--wit: Town tax $3,. road and bridg* tax $77.45; non high achool!l tax $90.7%6; tax $7745; non high achool tax $90.7%; mnitary tax $3135; village mmz of the Willage of Lake Biaft $11%4;. village Rbond tax $105; acthoo!l dlstrict No wittve, to whom the petition of Philip D Armour for a rebate of tares was M Chairmain and Ge Board of Ruperyisors: Your Erromsous -- As Supervisor Erroneous _ . sabmitted th sabmitted the foRowing reports: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JUNE zon Ave., Highlaad Park--Carl Grazt, #. S Sta and : Maz Portman, judges. *3 ----Precinet, f 4. polling place, H. RFiw Store, N. CUreeas Bay Read, Higkhland Park--Sol. St. Peter, ¥Frank Parker sn# A. &. HHI, jodges. Preocinet, Deertislé 4; polting place, Bletach and John Oliver, judges. Préeginct, Deerfleld 3; polling place, H. M. \|Prior's Office, Highland Park-- M M. 'Prier. W. KE Brand and Fred l.dolpt. 4 Precinet Voting ney--Nene. s .'i'.':.'c--u-.--.. on To fhik in dn Phaee L. A, Huson and V. D. Kimball, ed to accept #10M; achoo!l disirlet Ma. 3 which is respecttully sub H. C W. MEYER, H. X. DRONEN, 0 2 coe o Arndirrarer H. €. W nigh e«choof tax $6.70; The Test ® A wriiter doecinred reconfly thst a mastrtan shoutd understand betany, geslegy and arotremamy. U would be hard on some munsicisma bewerer, Rome men are never pyrect :.q:bam-hl; never mere y mems Sootth thas when I have never given mwach encowsgn ment to friendabiy ; 1 huve dons Wnn Prr my friindins, ant they hnve donme WHs tor ma One of the Woeans which I bhaeve oo «titn to cope wih in Onnkt friendahigp. at R in generaolly undesr stood, is an injostices anmd a Wuniet, which only altowsn yoo to dHatinguish the good qualities of a single person and blinds you to thome of others «ht are perhaps maotre desarving o yP0 Nething Good Dies _ There in aothing--an, w«int or good, that ts anh in tin; let us held to that faith or An Infant, a protiiing ebB4, the rradde, wl Ttre agatn im the thoughts of thome thoat twouh U May We part throogh thenm in CQroming actiens of the world, Ito bady be burned in schee or y In the drep scon --Charten Duhenn C hopes : let us try to dinrover The beited and ast the wore in mon; t on loen rated over by powers mare mysteriout and terrible than any on earth, veraity af MWinois ssys that the reamow asllors ans ouch strange and odd words In traceable to the m3atery o the se apd the sadery' fear of the myHteriouns power o the ses. Untensin words n-*hwo-..o"' there : ould be possible about 30,00(0,-- 000 horecpower. This represents about the present enpgal comsumption of *----***---- ~Bim.ond --when they bave him down befere the biowpipe of their Charles P. Ricinmets calculated mm the basis of eollecting every raindrop that falls Ih the Uuited States, and all the. powet H could produce on its way that's where mother said daddy would be taday." Bobtile poled a Witle, but be stood kis ground. --"Turn that dial," bhe commanded frmiy. "What's th¢e matter with you? Den't you know 1 broke a window pane todnuy?* Lucas Malet--"We are all, whether Bupervisor Obee moved thart the APoR > Bupesvisor Brown mored to --ad> hnuull-u-mm.Ln.x:u ' m m'm """""'5"*: optrizmetss -- s _ brmrrtrrens *=--g* sTATB or nasnois tss * Farm Accounting Reveals Lesi ) Methods and Points Way -- $ Ceaw" 4. 4+ 46¢e," County .. t ce mrrguo" ie ki vext P yerpeser comiy .~----. . Bigger _Profits----. aferessid, and keeper of Records and (From Banker--Farmer) Samlers Vee Odd W oerds LDream Comean T rws EBuddrniy from Retty came s m Smoem HB AEAmmvim smm CoRee SEme and is corn ftor inrmess. A banomark pout thith or was Atted out lnot conson tar the yor-- bHX, Ry ue and 000 saes waore tanicwh tor a in the Oftysit hrmm COwthwnth «a the it saeod tanited \usk yoor won «ahh tow leeed snod. This yoeur the paorooniags «D en tm run even bigher. 'The werk is done werld, under the supgervisien of the bigh e o¥ h satuaat aswtonttouct rnadue Ts womnalie ;':::...:'[Il PENCIL --MARES > . ~--«@ s A FAM PAY BPEFHEE: §*+ leader thio year fae and <girte' elub m."fi.': Boeca YVigte countine, lowe + ue and 3000 saes waore tanicwh ts Oftysit bhrmm COwthnth a the ssed tanted o yoor won wwih tor snod. This year the paoveanhags «D run even bighe. The woek in donme under the mpnrvumomn a the Mohk echoo} agrirnituwral teacher. He reparte that the community wil have a amr pius of seed corn thinb year, The banks of Conmong, Ast., hars offercd prives tar the mast marhatnrihe «woct pptatosse prodnced on one ectre a lhhad. A ts wie # 8 in h fored, slung with hree district prines of $50 sach. The caniy ogiant omh the banks are working ont the dstatin. The Ounily Tnotiowes Asondotins vill heip to emptey a tafl thme ccenty leader thib your for baps and givtns' At the ond of ench your n Anancinlt statement is drwwn of. This i the farmer's rating and no tarmor wiWth a vaiee of his progerty, bo business man cana frrm sn occurste ootimate of bow be stands Anenctaily. Incrensed camh may bo doo to qpropoty is wihn wi, o« tmesmawkh teiiiin way in Ds io impreovement uaid 4 a fermee io talling bobind, the feerommoys «Th anmghatins Wh Twitt.. Ohan whitn n man io diocomsaget and Oitis o in making »o progrem, bien iwreatortes wBQ tall him thet be io betrer of (han walking Into a banak and aohing tor a the pagen of my hbook Uonk U 1 cwihh huty Incrempacd the yicht ot my whont Reld by two bushels and wy cown by Bro bucshets 1 would huvo sreattiecd a sabstantiinal probt from hoan" R 1 While the tarmers may it io is to Bs pwiees on thekr peoboiin, thay .?o*."" comte pwobuction. To »sabuwes Ds aast they uast Te kawoe wiik Un w--mes in the vrahee of aB progerty wouch to yoorge Un yoogrens t Yion abagride the sam totss of Obe fhem aws in the coamhry. l lnventory is indftepenmesithe The bhasts of any «pttaom w tnttw Lo comnptlng in The ansaal qrogearty Ts hbecping books on Theit besinesms has Increased remartably in recont yeare, bat fhe rsember of bestnecsiihe tor» sinte,. ho Souud San mewhat O 44208 second year his income from the farm, after paying all expenses and Interest on the money invested, had been increased over $3450. -- . ' Costs Can Be Reguated "I bave dincovrered." nmys m tinem bookkewoper, "Tst the kind o man yoo bare on a pwh.oae willh an the particulss team, often makes quits a wticn of theit terms in ways thast whi #ge net incoms in the seventh year they had bhept accounts, | . An lown farmer tound at the ond 0f the Orst year bhe kept books that craps led to Hrestock brought mors money than wheu sold outright. Mis Agures were increased. He soid some of his «crubs and bought good cows. The well as the number of acres per horee, were below average. He rented more lInod and replannet bis Aelds, 1o that Wite--Next stme you apont no at the sint> please Wt u t . ipsiances namber --a thousanitom where tarmets have profted by hnow-- Ing their business. Accounts kept by nivetsen tarmers in liinctvs lod them o improve the erganization and eper-- A bank in Meorovin, tnd., tents snctd Mahing a long Esvemng VA for me should you so desire in the primaries next April. Ts | My first announcement made four years ago of my inten-- s : I understand and fully realize that the choice of the Re-- 3 publicans of Lake County will be made after a careful scrutiny & of those who will aspire to the office. My thought is to have you : weigh the candidates--whoever they may be and then go to the l polls and vote for the one you b:lieve best qualified to fill--the position. There will be several men to select from. e Your duty is not only to vote for that candidate but to use --your influence for whom you believe to be most capable and ef-- --~_ e ' _ For the second time I come Sefore the voters of Lake * --M ton to be a candidate for Sheriff was withdrawn in order to make way for a man who saw service in the World War, this with the thought expressed then that I should surely file peti-- tions and run for this very inportant office in the year 1926. 71. J. STAHL Very Sincerely, w y