, OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS ',_ Frank H. Eger: _ Hardware®~ _ Plumbing Heating TELEPHONE 17 ~ ' J.. E. NORDGREN . _ REPRESENTING METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE Co. 232 APPLEY AVENUE "LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINC The Greatest Advancement Made in Range Construction elain Tables=--=Not--even the top of UNIVERSAL Porcelain _A few years frotu now, we beleve tat there will be very few ranges sold which are not Porcelain No one who uses a Porcelain Ranges will ever go back to the old bldek stove. Experience has so.perfected UNIVIT Porcelain that it will not chip,--crack, peel ar discolor from heat.--It is ideal for stoves and will stand more abuse than any other finish known.~ ~~ ~ Phone 154--M Stove Plant and issued exclusively on Universal Stoves. AN INSPECTION OF-- THESE STOVES AT OUR STORE WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THE UNIVERSAL IS THE LAST WORD IN DESICN AND CONSTRUCTION. . LONG GROVE CIDER MILL Will be open on _ Phone 41 Chas. D. Proctor Insurance of all kinds IF THOSE OF OUR PATRONS WHO ATTENDED OUR EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR IN LIBERTYVILLE, AND DID NOT RECEIVE COOK BOOKS AND OTHER PLEASE WRITE OR TELEPHONE ME, | WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE THAT THE DESIRED LITERA TURE 18 SENT THEM. **UNIVIT* Porcelain is made only in the immense Universal TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS . After My, August 13. Barrels and Kegs for Sale _ Phone Libertyville, 657--M--1 * LUBERTYYILLE Lake Zurich, Minots. || Dr. J. H. Heslin | l'l!rl.'tndln.kobertl.flouweu An Milwaukee Wednesday of last week : to attehd the.-- *V¥isconsin state fair. L. Mrs. Paul Sitz and son, Frederick, spent the week end with the former's .motber and sister at Ock\ Lawn. > | _Mrs. Joseph Metcal{f {fell trom a lad der Wednesday afternoon at the Fred [:flh-nh-l a broken ankle, and wos \ } . ~MARCELLAING . FAC | SHAMPOOIN | TREAT Permanent Waving done by the New Rteam (il Process, No breaking, no Langworthy's. TREATMENTS3. BOBBING AND SHINGLE BOBBING S N O W'S -- Miss Busie Easton of Elmhurst and Fred. Protine of Chicago,-- were here Sunday evening visiting at the home _Mrs. Thomas Bushold, of -- Chicago, is a guest this weelCat the John Dein-- lein home. * Robt. Groner hos returned to Lexing-- ton, Va., where he is at:ending school, and the Misses Grace and -- Gladys Groner have returned to Aurora, where PHONE 306 A son was born to Mr. ond Mrs. James Jedlika on Wednesday, Beptem-- they will attend school this winter Minn., where they have been visiting rebotites for the .pu&.ul.h: xz Dr. J. Hastie Odgers, of Chicago, will preside at the last Quarterly Conler-- ence of the First Methodist church next Thursday evening. At this meet-- ing repors of the year are given by the various members and certain plans ore made for the next year's work. Dr. Odgers is syperintendent 0f the North-- ern District of Rock River Conference and bas charge of about 70 ehurches in the forthern part of Cook county, and in Lake and McHenry counties. _ ~~Has anyone beard from Joe Har" His friends bere are inquiring for-- him, but nary a word There was a rumor afloat that the Canadian autborities were after him for not having a Bri'-- ish lHcoense on his flivver, and he may be languishing in the gaol of the coun-- try on the north. However, he hasn't called od Dennis to get him out, so he is lkely free. Chicago, spent the week end here. 614 No. Milw, Ave,.. Libertyvil'c Insurance REAL ESTATE s Phone 260--J SPECIAL RATES, $15.00 FOR 32 w« RLA OR LE8S. 50e FOR EACH For Appointments Teleghone 438. Local and Personal cluding Traction and Electricity. The doctor is the only one in this immediate vicinity using the lai est impreved Precision Electron-- it instruments for diagnosis and treatment of Chronice Allments. The instruments havge the O. K. of the best physicis.s of the country Consultation FREE 406 Milwaukese Ave., Libertyville is fully equipped to take care of oPATHY: Short Items. of Especial Interest to Libertyville People MARCELLANG, MANICURING, FACIALS SHAMPOOING and SCALP sted at Farm Bureau Of 824 N. Milwaukese Avenuse. anteed Boft: Marcel Wave. FRED H. SMITH "LIBERTYVILE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10; 1925 Buying or SBelling, .'Zazaly .%9' Notary Public 'l'""m have & in-- -- Mrs. Fred : Jones--was here--Monday visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. D. Nat+ ley, and family, Mrs. Jones was on the way to her home in Denver, Col., after: vis/ting reda tives in southern In-- The old standby H. N. Maxham, was missed this year at the fair. However the Collins--Doane Monument Cp. had as part of their display a large granite stone, recently made for Mr. and Mr:. The justice courts were about the busiest places in town the past week. The usual large number of speeders were assessed the customary fines, and the plain drunk cases loomed to asizable figure. The village jail was taxed to capaci:y over the fair days. The two--year old child of Mrs. Mont-- automobile. Who has i house, fla: or rooms for| K 4 PREILILM® JR EWE N -- -- rent? Place a clasified ad in The In-- [ " dependent, and you won't have to wait "als m m" lorig for-- tenants. Calis are received _ _ a comedy every day by folks 100KiNZ fOT BOMC : B _mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemememmemmmene place to live in the best town in the ons n o y --yeapnanl northern par:; of Illinois. ~-- _| |Saturday, September 12th: = | 5 & s ~--MTs: Mary L. Trigge; wite of Thomas-- "Negri; in an Emest Lubitch Triggs, died at bher home in Milford, p'm & lowa, Tuesday night, Sept. 8th Sbe s 7 ' had been in failing bealth for the past 1 ; e A * 9 mopurs, frei mc sr -- . | Forbidden Paradise .v s P 3 ' + ;- a k # . ~x _ had--made her home for a number--ot~# Wigh Rod La Rocque, Adoight aye. * wares tho. . aexfersy : ©Manjou "ai¥ Pacline Srarke. Tts. Lilly A. TVigegs, of Clarion. i proate * s and Mrs. Julla Loomis, of Half Day. §Pola Negri as the Queen With gomery Le Goff, of Chicago, fell Sat: urday evening and broke its leg. Mrs. Le Goff and children are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. County National nitely determined to suc-- ceed through his onw in-- dividual effort, accepts the slogan "S A FET Y FIRST" in his every endeavor. APPLIED TO YOUR FINANCES You are cordially invit« ed to avail yourself of the "SAFETY" of this Institution for your surplus money. '""'The Bank of Servpice'"' T" THLAX s a 1185 who is defi-- tae" trip Oy Pillows . . . . pair $2.50 -- f Comforts . . . . . $5.25¢ Blankets ... $2 to $18.75 . | _|l W:; W. Carroll & Son Co. ' September 10 and 11 : reno and Walter Hiers, in a ' Paramount Picture | "Flaming Barriers" L. Also "HIS HIGH HORSE," Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Georg» Fmdy of 'Lansing, Mich., have been herevthis week visiting at the home of Jay Frudy. .> -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Plots had for guests over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Will BReckwith ond two sons and two daughters, also A. W. Lockwood, all of Chicago. s ' , At the meeting of the members of the Methodist church, following the morning eervice of last Sunday. E. E. Marsh was elected delegate and Mr#. J. Frudy alternate delegate to repre-- sent the church at the Annual Confer-- ence to bg;}_l_eld at Elgin, beginning October 7th. * e jeabban ty was Oe yoi rpmninny + ifraviatncher . mance. Also a comedy. with Robert Frazer and Clara Bow. It's a story of Custer's last fight--of the red men and ro-- Thursday and Friday, Thursday and Friday, September 17 and 18: York News. York Graphic. . "Packed with big moments and *'The teaser is one of the sea-- A zppy comedy drama in which love tangles, jealousies and les-- sons in etiugette all mingle in a mediey of laughter. Also 'E':m »9 _ t'::.J =>~--| On the Map!| With Claire Windsor, Pat O'Mal-- ley and Robert Frazer. © From the novel by Courtney Ryley September 15 and 16: _Lun La Plante in _ *'The Teaser" -- now picture ever made! Filmed atop the Mighty Rockies. -- _ 'The White Desert Also News Reel and Comedy.. Telephone 29 -- .. * . Many Loves. FALL BEDDING Something New--CURVED BLOCKS FOR CATCH BASINS. High Test Blocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. Libertyville Cement Works Libertyville Lumber'l' _ Company > <|-- We are offering to investors a limited---- -- _ number of f ab, 6# Investments 6% HIGH : GRADE----=---- "' FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS g _ Secured By iz }" Choice Improved Libertyville and~ _ |_ . Lake County Property Denominaitons $500 to $2500 C . ~~~~~ Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 t -- TELEPHONE 47-- _ Down by the Old Depot--Been there twonty years. Telephones: Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. Many buildings going up. We can help you make YOUR home better. . Makes an old house new--plaster right on it. See it--try it! > First National Bank | al We invite your inquiry THE PERFECT INSULATION mt sn en