CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Sep 1925, p. 6

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____you ask me to indijcate where the _ _ Mliinois Manutlacturer's Association * hss in a kingle instance ¥illified the _ | We Buy and Sell I SELLERS & «1 ~--PETERSEN paroien»>You as officers of the Assn. . have not minced matters and minced EP eke ib wrome / Frat. te e ~ber . . * mitted wholesale® delivtery of prison-- "JREAL AESTATE John M. Glenn, Secretary of the . IMMlinois Manufacturers' Assn., doesn't ~thing the Sun should criticize --the _--~' saksociation because he and its presi-- ;, ~dent, Mr. Pies, have caustically cen-- «* sured Governor Small on the theory P that he doesn't administer the fl: _ don and parole law as they think -- _ John M, Glenn Believes Migs. ~~-- Should Enter Discussin~> ----'-- Even to Criticising Gov. ----*Burely --you do not contend that we ¢ have no right to criticise." A *~ You Turther say, "Surely you do not bold that the Illinois Manufacturer's _ SAYS ATTACKS ON ~----§MALL JUSTIFIED The individual members of a Manu facturer's association, no doubt have ters as an association, I feel that 1t is undermining one of the props of an Institution of this sort. /. You ask where 1 think the Gover= nor has been villified by your Assu. I--think Jt has been done repeatedly when you personally and your presi-- dent questioned in such docided terms the Governor's judgment in the mat-- ter of pardons and the judgment of a perfect right--to feel as they wish relative to the individual merits 'of Injection of the Mifg's. Assn. into this eontrovxersy. relative to pardons and paroles, 1 be'i¢ve, is a mistake,. Cer-- talnly the Mfg's Assn. has the right to ask its members to express them-- melves adversely to a position taken by the Governor, but it has not, 1 think, as an Assn. that same preroga-- ---- My opinion in this matter is that the TMinolis Manufacturers'® Assn. 4s an associstion formed 4n an impartial way for the promotion of the manu-- facturer's interests in~ this state. Its success, I believe, will depend largely upoh the ability of its officers to keep themselves out of politics and the Assn. has --not the right to ask its members'to express themselves ad-- versely --to--a position ~taken by the Governor," and add, "Have not the citizons of llinots the privilege of exercisiny their rights and expressin® their views to the Governor?". 1 do not believe you will sustain any such should . The letter below written by the Sun to Mr. Glenn adds further interest to the discussion, it being in reply to a letter from Mr. Glenn com-- menting on the Sun previously taking exception to the agsociation injecting itself into state politics: -- -- My Dear Mr. Glenn: . s ~Replying to. your letter of Sept. lst. -- T have not received as yet the editorial referred to in the "Manu-- facturer's--News," of August 29th, in which you say you replied to an edi-- torial --printed in the Daily Sun re cently, relative to Governir Small's position in the matter of paroles and pardons in l!llinois. 1 have ordered sent to you an article we printed in last evening's. Daily Sun in which we reprinted letter from your presi-- dent, ;Qhr:u Piez; and> had -- some Amail than under previous goveraots, Al there is to it is that you question his jndgment; and take the: position that after heating certain evidences he And" His parolé board have acted un-- wincly and that their judgment was fauity. That of course resolves itzelt to a maiter of personal opinion, and you and your officers assume to say that your opinions and your jJudgment are better than Governor Smail's. As the Ga¥ernor and -- the Parole Board are in the position to get the ooo Bept. 3, 1925. Mr.: John M. Glenn, (4 ~ SBec. Illinois Migs. Assn., ~ t «_ --Chicago, Tlinois. ' * Pieam 481 1| eeeapysrofun® BRoet g 3 A * : > '* "'l ¥ ANDQPICIAL PARTIES LAKE COUNTY AND LIBERTYTVILLE tative to our feelines in NPip Cns Saee .. "During the Iist week Jn July and the first woek in August, the summer apple market suffered one of the worst Uue to the large supply of northern grown apples forced on the market without regard to price. It was for-- tunate that most of the lilinois crops were marketed betore this glut. country will show a slight increase when._compared with last year. The most of this increase is in the north-- west sections, Illinois and New York being the only abrreled apples statos "Business men of southern I!linois are showing considerable interest in the future fruit and vregetable industry in that section. The business men's organizations have in view assisting -- Lan ce en mt e ce m eertes There will be one--third more apples Fhfi:' Wise and Velma Fits called mm)ga-:uuu&uum.u George Zimmer--and> Werdncr according <to a~ report %hmr'nhanalnuumonumuhwu crop of Eve.Teasers made by the I11i-- |evening. > nolg ~Agricultural --Assoctation --to J. J. } ~M\r.--"apd Mrs: Roy Rippberger, son, Doerschuk, far madvisér~of the Lake|Howard, Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Elinore County Farm Bureau. *s and Elizsabeth Davis, Robert Litwiler *The quality of apples over the en--|420 Velma Fite motored to Liberty-- tire state is exceptionally. good this |Yille Wednesday. s year." states A. B. Leeper, Centralia,| Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McCandlesc sall-- --the fruit--and vegetabie de--|@d a; the --Bernie Gedry home one day partmen: of the I. A. A: and manager|last week. . -- . , the Ilinois Fruit Growers' Exchange| Mr. ond Mrs 0. T. Bohnam of Chi-- and .who has ju tsocimpteedshrdlueee |CAK0 were here over Bupnay visiting and whotha, just completed a person--|the latter's sister, Mrs. Dell Smith. !..' first--hand w trip over 'the ':lr and Mrs. Ed Brown, daughter, who are "on the outside looking in." Your antagoniim to the Governor in this respect hrs been continued and I cannot help but feel that it is a --personal feeling between individu-- al members of your assoctation and the farmers--in their vicinity to get larger returngs trom tAeir lands, and Sate. "We found very little fungus dis-- ease in the well kept orchards and in: sect injury less than usual. *In some sections, on account of the extremely dry weather, the growers were unmable to obtain water at the proper time, and these particular or-- chards show considerable injury from the second brood o fthe coddling moth. In generat IMinois will produce this yearone of the best quality crops of In'é apples In years."*~" ~ o uo-udthymum'?botmnd- "Ben Davis leads the vari¢ties show-- ing the greatest increase, followed by Inside 'Tacts 'of these various cases Mtg's. Assn. AS AN ASSOCIATION. I Turther believe that the Mig's. Assu., which is comprised of manuy heartily approve of Governor Smaill's board, therefore it must follow that it cannot be with the absolute approy-- al of all of your members to have you and your president personally enter a controversy in which you make no hesitancy in declaring that Governor Email has-- over--stepped his bounds and that his judgment is faulty and that you would assume to correct it. Possibly ~there are many, of your manufacturing members who do not approve of your policy and I cannot help but feel but that you have taken this upon yourselves individually to may not approve of your policy. It 4s natural to assume that in the large membership, such as you have, that there would be many that would be just as heartily in favor of the Gov-- ernor's judgment on these matters as there are who would conincide with your opinion.. thought in mind that tnany of them CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS . LUNCHES and SANDWICHES HARTMANN HOUSE DANCING EVERY mnc: STARTINC MAY 30 MUSIC BV BLAGK CAt ORCHESTRA Editor, Daily Sup. ROBERT HARTMAN, Proprietor over the entire ON MILWAUKEE AVENUE WHEELING, 11.LINO18 Frank Pfammenstill of Chicago epent couple of days o with hi, slxtor, Mr¥ Frank Amann, Mrs. Ann RicWordson and Kate Stadtfield. & _ Mr. and Mrs. George Daizilel of Wau-- kegan were Round Lake callers Wed-- nesday forenood.* * . I- Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and son of Bristol, Wiz., colled at the home of the (ormers daughter, Mrs. Jim Triggs. Tillie Amann and a friend of Chi-- cago visited at the Frank Amann home Bunday. ~The Round Lake school openeg las* Tuesday. Miss King, Miss Sheidon and Eloise McCandiless spent a couple of days with her aunt, Mrs. Lee Ben-- 'dlkztm M M Rmily and Nellie Stanton of Lang Lake called at thy Milford Amith home Monday. t Mrs. B. K. Tucker spent a few days with friends in Antioch. » Victor Poo and Miss Ruth McKoy at« tended the Libertyville fair Mogday. Mrs. Leo Hendee and son, leroy, were Waukegan shoppers Saturday. Mr lnst week. 4s 0 ui age _ Mr. ond Mrs. 0. T. Bohna: cago were here over Bupna; the latter's sister, Mrs. Dell ; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, . Lilah,.Mr--and--Mra--G--64-- A. M. White George Ravy P A. M. White, George Ray, Phil Ingid-- man attended the Palatine fair. Miss Ruth McKay of Chfcogo spen a few days at the Ada Daley home . Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kretschmer of North Chicago called at the Emma Hu-- son home Saturday afternoon. ° Mrs. Edward Lorkin and davighte?; lIAllian Larkin, of Long Lake, were Round Lake callers one day last week. and Elizsabeth Davis, Robert Litwiler and Veima Fite motored to Liberty-- ville Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McCandlesc sall-- ed a; the --Bernie Gedry home one day last week. s souge _ Mr. ond Mrs. 0. T. Bohnam of Chi-- cago were here over Bupnay visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Dell Smith. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown, daughter, Tw . " |Mre. Ray Page and baby 'of Chicago spent Sunday at the Jim Curran home. * o & Mr. and 'Mrs. Nick Kretschmer of AILA RDATUh NY UITITEI! > |NorthChicago wore in Round Loke on Charging that her husband is giv.| Mrs. Mabel Litwiler and children en-- over to drunkenness, and enjoys|and Mr. Herrington attended the Bel-- ln. n N e en eal en io a eme l4 C in a bmc'm":'dH"'"'"'m';' NdURGERD |and Monday with friends at Munde--" "cheim, -- her husband, Lester D. Leach, de--|_ Wiliam Schulz of Chicago spent the serted her. .They were married, the|*°@* end ot the Milford Smith home, bill shows, at Clio, Mich.; in 1910. Miss Frances Wise returned Menday Two children are affected by this|to her home in Milwaukee, Wis., after action. Andrew, 13 years UOid, ana|®Dending.two weeks with her aunt, Josephine, 11. The mother asks the| Mr8. Lena Wagner, custody of: both eh,w charging Frances Geary of Grayslake and Ray that he is an unfit person to-- care|Bchulander of Chicago camped on the for them. . § > ~~ | Miord Smith form last week. * Mlopnoommapmommmmmand Miss Evelyn Bauer spent Tuesday #4 4 EU 4 4 * t 4 & & 4 4 4 % 4 4 |aofternoon at the Gifford White home. at the George Zimmer--and-- Werdncr| _ Mr. and Mrs. Gifford White, daugh-- homes in Arlington Heights Thursday|{er, Merie, .and son, Waker, motgred evening. ~ Te to Chicago one day last week, _ _ Nr.'and Mrs. Roy Rippberger, son,| Miss Della Amann spent the week Howard, Mrs. O. A. Howard, Elinore end at the Polly Prim Tavern at Mc-- and Elizabeth Davis, Robert Litwiler| Henry. ~ f se 1. land, Round Lake, Thursday flied a| William Frost entertoined one of his bill for divorce, in which she asks|buddies of the army, G. Severidge, of the custody of the child, Marjorie,| Chicago, over the week end. _ 16 years old. * *4 Edith Dawby of Spokane, Washing-- The defendant, George Cleveland,|ton, called at the Frank Amann home she married March 14, 1905, andjone day last week. they lived ~together until two years| Mrs. Mike Luby was a Waukegan ago, the bill alleges. -- Desertion is |business coller Tuesday. also mentioned as a ground, the| Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Ripop-- wife declaring that Cleveland @&D--|perger and son Howard, Mrs. Harry sented the house for Eagle RIiv¥eT|ruirs aona Trainvras matnrad tn Wania. M ndusir ce >> > t ar * ie panitnins: 'fll'lflvl:laid Charles Bauer were Lib-- Mrs. Edith Clevetand, Round Miss Chris:ine UMiman of Long Lake as does Mrs3. Cécile Leach. day and Monday at the Wiliiam Huson oo..&coo.-go..i.. --Mins !lm Smith spent Wedneb-- y bu . *_ |North Chicago were in Re CHARGED BY WIFE * |s2 zs xz * WAUKEGAN -- WOMAN SUES WHEELING 6 and 17 Mre. Mabel Litwiler was a Chicago caller Saturday. -- Andrew Batzner of Waukegan called &At fhe . conk Amann home Baturday. ~ Evelyn Luby and Vivian Martin en-- Deitt and Delores motored to Wauke-- gan Wwednesday forencon. Miss Merle White spent Saturday a comple of weeks with friends and--r a'ives in Milwaukee. Gtabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 163, or residence 20.J. On all busingess _ Mr. and Mrs+ Robert Bracher and Mr. ond Mrs. Herman Molidor attend-- ed the Elkhorn fair Tuesday.~ . 296 Broadway New York, N. Y. FREE _: 5 Tube Radio Set FREE Send self--addressed, stamped Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. In the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and WE BOUGHT .A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN f Schanck Hardware Co. The Heating Men Who Satisfy -- motored to the Palatine P T qpemetiyzt in ;--':' Frins C a *# poration counsel under Mayor Thomp son, died at the Highland Park hos pial Wednesday night, Sept. 2, from an electrical shock which knocked him from a telephone pble 30 hours pre-- vious near Everett. § _ Young: Cleveland, who was work: Iing as a lineman for experience. was employed by the Public Service Company of Northern lilinois.. He YOUTH WORKING il} " PA iet siea 9 S uen i 4 e £ eb e ts wa T% e P eogen se s ie an Sabee Peur" Ten E. J. Bell Sale Stables--| Single Dump Wagon for Hauling Ashes, Etc. Phone No. 256. Bartlett--Morris Realty Co. ~-- Harry Madill Bartlett Phone 18 HORSES BOVGHT AND S$0LD 531 N. Milwaukee Avenue TEAMS FOR HIRE Park'hospital where he lay between life and death for,30 hours,. Interna: cmm'mdm"f:o volts. of electricity by the A verdict otaectdut'lduthmm For Lake County circulation, Call for Mr. a uie darkd SB 0i C Un 4C on roxngs. aaln .24 | Meats Each Monday Night at 8 a'ciech ":fil ' MRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ °_ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Meets Znd and 4th--Tuesday of Eaon _____. Wonth at Qridiey Mall. _ -- Visiting Companions Cordially Invite® _ * Res Pbone 136M Office Phone t# Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Office in First Natiorm! Bank Building Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 1 to 8 p m. Residence on Broadway. opposiie Parn LUIBERTYVILLE, ILIJNOI8 By U. 8. Government Veterinarian ) C. Grirneil, Inspector in Charge Cdflg,'l'uud for Tuhb--r--nom FREFFE OF CH ARGF = EDW. L DPDuBOIS, H P.--_-- . CHAS. D. NALMEY, See'y. _ _ "__*~"~ Allver, Dinmonds, ~I neto boints, false teoth, jowelry; and valuablss. Cash by return CASHJ Tor 014 Gold, Piatinum, INSURANCE WI.I.-lnduhnuhbu and material on your house ecomplete for a set figure so gou way know just what cost will be Going to Build? Moks 8. & A. Co,, Ostego, Mich, R. L. GONSALVES Attorney at l.awv 8 ~CABERTTVILLEK, ILLiNO18 Phone 2174 Phone Libertyvilis 144--.A--1IMA Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY VETERINARY SURGEON TELEPH INE 66 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS ) 329. _ Libertyville, . im Office With Farm Burscau, WILLIAM MoLAIN. Beo'3. MANUFACTURELA 116 South Gemese S. Brothor are Cordi>"y invites TUVRM, _ MaARY carvev, AYTORNEY AT--LAW » at Home on Cook Avenue Telephone '6J DR. J. L. TAYLOR No. 272 R A. M. Y WATERS, N. G. A. A. Grandy ACME CAMP No. 176 _ -- N¥ "%A. Mosets First and Third@ LODGE Ne. 950 No. 131 ILLIONIS *r »=%

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