Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd White and son of Waukegan visited at the home of t the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A C i Watson, Sunday. -- womg Miss lsmlbmnm beécame the ----~---- -- Bride of Morris. tke Thursday. . The ~ng wedding took place in Waukegan, after which they enjoyed a short trip. . -- The regular meeting of (to P. T. &A will be held at the echool Friday _ evening at 7:30. The annual etection 6 -- of officers will take place, and refresh-- + ments will hbe served. A}} tbe members ¥--~----{ #re requested to be present. * _ The H. A. Bruce Co., presented a _i m;m;_.ddm,,-h:gnm A. L. Payton and son, Marvin, were in Chicago Monday on business. Mr. Marvin Payton remained for a several days' visit. . M The lLake Zurich Day Picnic, held at Renef,an's Park Wednesday of last week was well attended. The married * -nmunhnummdmflnr from the unmarried men Mr. and Mres. Rockenbac}, received <he p-r.l-n fgt the _______yohn L. Schad, Waukegan ha1 =~~~@erchant, through fi;m _ _Mr. and Mrs Waliter Laun and Har °* ~ ty Schaefet, with Mr. and Mrs Mein ers of Barrington, enjoyed a trip to @:arved Rock over °e weef, ond. ick list. Mr. and Mrs. CL,as and Mrs. Harold H old time dance at D Saturda yevening. | ERes: APDETRISTOIT AeRReRt D eniRl c Kastern Star gave a reception for Mre. Harold Hans Monday evening. 1x members of Lake Zurich were on the refreshment committee. Bunco was played. Mrs. Hane recetwred a beautifal linen lunch cloth asg a gift. _ Attend the r\:g Cireus® at Liber-- tyville FAYr next Gunday aft-- ernoon. Given by American Legion. Remember our suciioneer, Fred Grabe, at Glenview. Telephone, office 164, or residence 20J. On all business calls, charges may be reversed. it Mr. and Mrs. LoOWRPu REUEPY T """ Howard, of Barrington, visited here on Baturday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Cory of Chicago vistted one evxening last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoeft. o cce ic be c a ALake _ Mr and Mrs. John Fink daughter, Margaret, at D _ Attend the Flying Circus at Liber tyville Fair Grounds next Sunday aft eruvoon. Given by American Legion. ville business caller Monday. . Mrs. Joe Fitz and daughter, Veima, of Round Lake, attended a linen show-- er given by Mrs. Barney Amann on Wedriesday afternoon of last week in bonor of her daughter, Mre Valentine Broadbear, whose marriage took pleceé Sept. 2nd. They will make their home in ILibertyville, where <hey have the good wishes of their friends from this vicinity -- o --. Mr. and Mrs. Earlt-- Ritta entertained a number of friends from out of town Sunday. * George (CWenau!l of Gilmer, formerly of this place, who is confined at the Paltine bospttr! with a fractured leg, which be sustained last January, is now getling along nicely. His leg was placed in a plaster cast and hbe is able .o sit up';fla many Triends from here hope he w1ll soun be able to return to # # 4# 4 4 4.4 4 # 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 *# _ LAKE ZIURICH * _ John Hirn was taken to the Palatine bospital for treatment last Tuesday Mrs. Heary Tekampe was the guest o relatives in Waukegan a few days last week * John Frederick and {family enter tained friéends from Chicago Sunday and _ Hulse, last _ Tuesday filed & petition in the circuit court ask-- in gthat the wA1 'of* bi%. brother, the late Julius Schad, be »set astde on the grounds that at <the time of the writing, Julius Schad wos of un-- *sound mind. hy Julius Schad died July 21 of this c'r and when the will was read, bhad ° bequeathed to his brother, the petitioner, the sum of $100, stat-- ing that "John had enough." Eu gene Schad, son of John L., was to receive $4,000 while the balance of an estate valued at approimately $23,000 was left to Mrs. Hattie Scehad, a sister--in--law of Julius and John, and <ier sons and daughters, John K. Schad, Bernard _ Schad, g.l."k' Schad -- and .Dorotky 5. Nib ink. . ' *FREM ONT CENTER * The case has caused considerable discussion ever since .the death of Jullus and shortly after the reading of the will, it was evident that the matter would be contested. Hardware . Merchant Sets This community was @addeped Sat-- John L Schad, Wauk WILL OF BROTHER _ _ BE SET ASIDE . was second of Unsound Mind. :;o:l";ll had a good time. 4 Mrs. Edward Erns#: and son of Barrington, visited here on 1 Mre. Cpas. Weaver and Mr. Harold Hans attended the dance at Diamond Lafe last A N T 1O C H Fink visited their at De KaW. has been on *the of the _ Attenmd the Fiying Circus at, Liber tyville Fair-- Grounds next HSunday at ernoon. Gfven by American Legion days at the home of ker mother, Mis Vida Mooney recently, She has now returned to ber school work in Cam paign. c ho S " Burke, only son oi Mr. ang Mrs. Louis Rurke. Billle dad been pHaying with several children on Main stree,, and the slanted to cross the sireet near the Llgu school, and in some manner be slumbled and fell in {ront of a large ]wurmg car. The driver was going slow and endeavored to avoid hiiting the [ eci_d, vurch» is unable to plop cthe : Cal.. As soon as possile tae urivi. Miss Anna Dudley returned to her home in Vernon, Mo., after spending ieveral weeks at <he home of her mother, Mrs. Dudley, and Mrs. J. W Monda yeyening at the home of Mr and Atrs. W. &. Burnette, Dr. Chauncey Bhorman passéd away after being 'n i1 health fer some time. He had come out from Chicago to spend some time with his broiher, Mr. Burnett. Dr. Shorman was born on a {arm near the York House church, northwest of Wau-- kegan, Sept. 16, 1860, and he leaves lu mourn & son of Chicago, besides other relatives. Mr. u@nd Mrs. William Davis and children of Milwaukee, came down Sai-- urday :o see their mother, Mrs. M. Dcvt{, who has been sick for several days."~. Mrs. Davis and the children .emained for several days. brought (d the Strang undertaking os:! tablishment, where the inquest was| held Sunday afterndon. Fuxeral serv> ices at the Methodist church Monday afternoon, with interment in Monaville cemetery. i -- _# es o 5e ho shon at poss@ie ie i; eX | b+ 1. Barrett, Basis of a Coun-- chks k 4 & ae «winiye. | : . % slopped--and picked_ ihe.c!'!i. ap. and } .W?wmn rushed him to a physician's office, and | n j then started for a hospfal, but the | $3 atfifl_Heanng' child died in his mother's lap before| B. J. Barrett, jailed last week in Mrs. Margaret Davis has been quit« Dredging® and Re-- clamation Work. Artificial!Lakes, day about 11;30 a. m. GVeL the, agcl C EC woze~=~~--I was-- 49-- £0 1 itttoateet us POLICE HISTORY * mt *s5--1 irke, only son oi Mr. and Mrs. Louis ) * |out in a row Boneless Briskets . . . . . . . . I1Ib. 18c Boneless Rumps . . . . . . . . . Ib. 18c Boneless Rolled Ribs and Chucks . . . Ib. 18c Plate, Heavy Beef . . . . . . . . Ib.1R2ic Our corned beef has made us famous. There is none better obtainable even at higher prices. Whenesyou can buy for cash and save money? CORNED BEEF WILL BE ON SALE FOR 10 DAYS Here is your chance to get a No. 1 corned beef dinner for little money -- Boneless Briskets . . . . . Boneless Rumps . . . . . . Boneless Rolled Ribs and Chucks Plate, Heavy Beef . . . . . . Kaping & Sons __ Ingleside, IIL. Channels, etc. CASH and CARRY MARKET Old Rittner Building LEONARD C. BLANK, Prop. WHY PAY MORE? Trade at the CASH and CARRY for QUALITY SERVICE and DEPENDABILITY "He said so much," Col. Smith sighed after having Barrett on the "And what did he say*" "It amounted to nothing; be is !-mooth and olly," was the reply. «> Barrett, according to an arrange-- tent with Commissioner J. V. Bak, | was to ge' nictures of all _the po-- fl'lceme.u. write their history and put , It in book form.. The merchants f\'ere to Tinance the '*know your cop | per' booklet. .Part df the money 'Tidence game Th connéction with the police history that never went to press, is enjoying the rain on the outside today.-- The promoter of bocks, and the : special deputy© of Sheriff Peter HomI man, was released before Justice! Hervey-- Coulson Thursday on bonds of. $5,000, with Joseph Oltusky as| surety. That assures «his appear | ance in Waukegan for prelitninary hearing in justice court. I Barrett was on his. way before he got real confidential with States Attorpey A. V. Smith, who caused his arrest after the city had ordered the warrant. B, J. Barrett, jailed last week in Music by Percy Rowell's Radio Band CHAP IS LET OUT ~IN $5,000 BONDS RAINBOW GARDENS Every Saturday and ' Sunday LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 d m mfi cs ucce omm at the GIBBONS PARK chants| Attend the Flying Circus at Liber-- ir-- cop-- | tyville Fair Grounds next Sunday aft-- noncylernoom Gh'gn by Amertcan Legion. * jout in a row at the 'threatened. cajoled and gthe merchants who bal for the schemg. . Ye make restitution by th sald he--would,. but didn A class of 82 were confirmed at St. Joseph's Catholic church in Round Lake Wednesday morning. Several from here were members of the class. Mrs. Orson Washburn . spent the week end bhere with relatives. While here she had the misfortune to fall and break her wrist. born Sunday, Sept. 20th. Mr. and 'Mrsa. Elmer SBtickles and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hook returned Friday fro ma visit with relatives in Bangor, Michigan. H. J. Wheelock, J. W. Schlosser, K. ' C -- Harver--and * B--J._Brace s,--.. >Fm»*-- day with friends in Fast Troy, Wis | --George Thayer and daughter, Jessic, have returned to Grayslake to make their home, after several years spent in Ashland, Wis. R. B. Godfrey and Kenneth Mc-- mara spent Sunday with friends in Waukegan. Ir.lfi"Url. Jack Walters are the proud nts of twins, boy and girl, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hildebrandt an son spent Sunday at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tegan and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride left Wed-- nesday for Mendota to attend the fair. GRAYSLAKE oo Ni *A 3 Aly s lhontnnp insinuated ked at pay gwas asked e council, -- i ze Menathroits s mourth Pov s e accile ie en 0A oi ae ty ns ie -- > c : OA _ o~~, QUALTTY ~CONSTRUCTION --~typical .c s highest--priced --------------_> ~* _/ QUALITY CONSTRUCTION--typical of the highest priced _ °_ _: --~*>ou can get anywhere css in' the world, Note these Points of -- _ Wm--llbmud"hmud. k e nsm G SPRING mwN--W seenk--~>=~=~~ * elliptic springs give great comfort and t % & * * / FULLY ENCLOSED CLUTCH--single plate, dry disc type, the --~ easiest you have ever handled. « To _.... FISHER BODY--of high quality, with fine car construction and s Libertyville and Mundelein -- . --easily reached on the North Shore Line _ L® The Worlds Finest Low Priced Coach * Chevrolet.offers : V V--ONE--PTIECE WINDSHIELD--easily raised or lowered, with Full cowl ventilatior, absolutely water--tight. DUCO FINISH--in beautiful sage--green and black, color and lustre last indefinitely. -- _ « i. @u"" -- 1 m Llith 5A !zgim = l LAKE ' MICHIGAN 2 PEVO P VOOP 7 These are but a few points that indicate the superior quality of this fine coach. To build such a zoach at so low a price is the most this hne coach. To build such a coach at so low a; mmwu&.wflw world's greatest coach value. See it today. ALEMITE LUBRICATION--a modern very convenient lubri-- o e m nrer o l f * -- for Economical Transportatian _ + s s + x soume -- P w ® * i «e Sm Foe.--Inicpas '-t.- e " " f *i w »aak ons tigt on acncinfe ie ' +200 :h CI /*Q_HEVRO-I.E W ------«'-----"--':8"-' s onl ;!~ »~~ s | ¥ | < | . e/ » = LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE : Luce & Earl Phone 202 | Amadie : uality at Low Cost _ madlt: LAKE BLUFF 2| RPatu av.. * LAKE Forest un eun ro. @ \ HALF DAY RD * (la) Sichieah % ) \promwoce L AnD ons DEERFIELD no.'%; \ CLAVEY RD : mMR \ourncor DUNOECE no.\ 4 \uesaan wooos TKA WILLOW RD R \ T GLEnvie w ' t _ SImPsoNn 5T. \| DEmPSTER stT3 EVANSTON OAK TON ST. * \ T he Scenic CHICAGO LOOP alues& Value & Thousands are seeking the natural * lendors of this beautiful vicinity-- @ the rolling hills, the stately oghks, the ;\ «+<%'__ tz enaillifi"" _ __, . _~cnnce. . ice & Price -- J Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. --~*~-- early deve of this desirable section, t.!:e'Nnnh'mLm is preparing fully to meet the requirements of the thousands of m:mim who even now are laying their plans to live there. The Libertyville--Mundelein Division has re-- cently been double tracked to meet the out change or transfer. Shore Line will be completed. Fast, frequent service will then be avail-- able from Libertyville and Mundelein New High--Speed Service Over Skokie Valley Division Early in 1926 ' Eatly in 1926, the new hid:m Skokic Valley Division of the Every day we are asked how to get there. E d-y.toofwene-ked -mndln n::gko&k\/a ley Division of the North Shore Line which vill'mhfu service to Libertyville, M and the entire Lake County Countryside. Here is the way to reach Libertyville and Mundelein now-- a short, pleasant journey. Take the North Shore Line to Lake Bluf. Transfer there to the LibertyvilleMundelein Division of the North Shore Line. Trains leave every 30 minutes from Adams and Wabash, and from Wilson and Broadway. hanc&velopmadnthumpha 'f in this attractive section. 4 The high--speed electrified rastroad ' > of this F. O. B. Flind, Michigan numbers of people are PACE k . ie onl d