CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Sep 1925, p. 4

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~ * The K elvinator freezing unit '.' 4 is colder than ice and it stays * solder It never mekts away-- %.. » " -- n & + 2 Electncity keeps it cold. As 4 long as curtent is supplied, f the refrigerator is thoroughly . .. _~~.~--Plower Mission and Reliet--Miss «--<*~*Kisie Chase, _ Gurnée. > + s 'M:'m\lodiw Temperance-- _ _ Mrs, Chas. Malcolm, Waukegan, iss Literature -- Mys. Ruth Warren, *«--«-------- Smith, WA KAPINC & SAUNDERS We, the members of the Lake County W. C. T. U. assembled in our Annual County Convention, }ft our hearts and voices in gratitade to God tor~His: constant--guidance and> the success achieved. Loyal Taemperance Legion (Color 'd)--ln Fansie Boyd, Waukegan. _ Resolutions adopted were as ftol 4 F PA abstineace, © purity, -- good~ eitizens--hip Ne *A \c00 w. c. T. U' and respect lor all law and that our t 9 . n pledge b.nds us to secure by all prop 4' ~rATl ng F p er means the enforcement of the ie k > "} COLJN |~Y_'A" Righteenth Amendment, and that we wxr=**/*.._**--~*| urge all patriotic women of the coun-- § 4.: .; sz ty to become members of our organ-- Convention --eld in Msthodist|ization and thus insure a greater _ z> AAifaicer agall & c power of influence and be it, -- (PH trum wellys. wmlkmd --° _ Further Resotved;--Phat i wolnes of all ho. § | . _ fon patriotic men and wotheén C .. '.m' Dra__'w_s__B'g Crow churches of all politeal parties and § ©"Phe Lake County W. C. T. U.| women's organizations to take, part ,'"' P94 its t tieth annual conven-- in a campaign for ott'c'ent Q'tl..l' lay of.last week at the|ship to the end that at our coming pdist thurch, Waukegan. _ it 14] clecttons--~mea»--~--may.. ha..@hdsen. _ Feported to have been one of the will be true to their duty~ and--high ' most success{ul~ conventions in the| privilege in law euforcement. *Ahilstory (of the county --~Organization. Resolced, That we express orr ap-- ~--WWednesday afternoon's session was| preciation and (loyalty . to --all offi-- . .& bugy one. A very unusua} and tal |Cials who are enforcing the 4aw--| -- ented speaker was Miss Grace Leigh| thereby demonstrating that the law : Seott, who spoke on "Social Morali | 44 be .eknllorcedL wl.wn_'omcials are . Temperance and Mlasions -- Mrs Sadie Baird, Waukegan. Young Peopie's Branck--Mrs.-- Roy Twentyman. Waukegan. _ Loyal Temperrance Legion--Mrs. W Bocial Morality --~ Mrs. J enaie James, Waukegan. -- _ Boldiers & Sallors -- Mrs W. L Farmer, Waukegan. Bunday Schoolis--Mrs. Jennte Just, Waukegan. 3 Sclentific Temperance Inst.----Mrs E. Garrett, Zion. + Babbath Observance -- Mrs. Carl Hanson, Waukegan. . Pariamentary Usage--Mrs. Edith Welton, Waukegan. Mother's Meetings--Mrs. Elizabeth B. Price, Waukegan. * Treas.--Mrs. Estelle Garrett, Zion. .Buperintendents' of Departments: __Americanization--Mrs. Rose Nelson North Chicago. T . o ~ Anti Narcotics--Mrs. Florence Cris Waukegan.. Union . was presented with a beautiful American Fmag, giv-- en by Mrs. Florence Crispin, Supt. of Anti--Narcotics, for the most work done the past year along. this fine. Vice--Pres.--Mrs. E. May Tibbetts, Lake Forest. * Becretary--Mrs. H. J. Haggerty 6f Liberty vilie. ~*% Treas.--Mrs. Estelle Garrett, Zion. President--Mrs. Mary Metcalf, of Waukegan. . C The election of ofticers resulted in the following selections> _ .. s "Miss Irma Hoimgu'st, remdered <a pleasing solo. _ _ _ ~ a : Publicity--Mrs. R..E. Thomas, Wau-- Prison Reform--Mrs. Andrew Et Medal Contest--Mrs. Mary Mercer, -- . Lake l ~~AIce That > | Never Melts| a,. Kien.... .-- .=_ * Bible in Public Schools--Mrs. Al Kelvingtor electric refriger-- ation can be quickly installed in your refrigerator. Phone or call for details (%: C Mi¢p.: Jin!!fl -::m-mwnmg N AS x 'MM P ce Ati--ORB £ --proceeds will be;contribut-- peetaigs ie ..'.'.'-'.".';.':;4;610' ':%ew WL *& L l ie ce e n t e in e Harrty H. Gardiner, the world famous human fly, will climb the walls of the eigh:--story Waukegan National Bank world war veterans a% Great Lake®| more back in the promised land. Naval Training Station.-- Everyone m|. _ -- s e k the viltlge should be wearing the iittie | --Miss Florence Kiepper is reported as blue flower Saturday. And there will|very i! at her bome on First street. -- be n oobjection if you want :o make a «im tinemmmmmmmmmmmemt o _/ large boquet. FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie opportunity . presented_ through our building Monday evening, Sept. 25th. | The retiring president, Mrs. Tibq betts and the incoming president, ; Mrs. Metcalf, were each presented with a beautiful W.C. T. U. bar pin of gold set with pearls. ; appreciation <to . our 'retiring presi. The itroops and the fort wore pro-- o { nounced 4 1 , E...3 dent, Mrs. May Tibbetts, for-- ber. n execellent _condltm. -- n splend'd leadorship, untiring, unselt |the future a parade and review will be ish zeal for our cause and that we held on Menday, Wedngldaylnd Fri-- carnestly pray that a well deserved;da yof each week at 4 <p. m. These rest may restore hber to bealth and reviews are guite w.pcucuhdr. as t'ho strength. 4 post coniaink .. lrflnery and cava'ry Renglvod. "That ~ w6e -- extend our|units, in Mflu_m the infantry gar-- heart--left thgaks to all who bave in |rison. The--public is invited to attend aby way contributed to the <success}these reviews, and inspect the Fort. of this convention. -- j o s * The retiring president, Mrs. Tip 4 J0¢ Hmart is home again.. He and his betts and the incoming pmtdom.,ll':""- young l;'r- Corcoran, arrived Mrs. Metcalf, were each Upnsent.; 10 ou'e'be"m.mh_ hn:lqé':l"c ;:rl':hn:' :'bo:: :lu:ol'd "Sal 3?§uwp'effi: 1j "** P " (assed "0':' Milwaukee avenue, bu Smmall 4t m on account wbout a week's growth £¥A & 46 4 t 0 t 0689985 3 EiC Nidt _ avoguiee AI. On the »otuch * -- . ADDITIONAL LOCALS "smp it took about 15 days, six of which I % % % 4 % & % 4 % % %4 * % % » x h;&?fitzfi:ihm°mfl_.m'.u: --Forget Me--Not--day_will be 'obserred |ufa and fortityde fo get up some of the Resolved, 'That ~ w6 -- extend _ our heart--left thgaks to all who bave in aby way contributed to the <success of this convention.. : : @».:,;,;u:x;:%gm PFAGEAXNT of ""=v« |IPROGRESS _ Resolced, That we express oir ap--| preciation and loyalty . to all ortl-_i clals who are enforcing the -lav--' thereby demonstrating that the law | can be enforced when officials are . trué to their oath of office. -- : Resolved. That we express in deep appreciation --to . our 'retiring --prest--; dent, Mrs. May Tibbetts, for> hber splend'd leadership, untiring,~ umlti ish zea)l for --our cause and that we carnestly pray that a well deserved rest may restore hber to bealth and strength. t' s Thursday and Friday September 2425th -- 'The Lady Who Lied Sunday, September 27: _ Blanche Sweet, Ronald Colman and Lew Cody in MARSHALL NEILAN'S y 'The Sporting Venus "hs s--v o¥A s¥l tvim» wanted ts Fa ker owa life. AFo good Tuesday and Wednesday, kins Adams, A thrilling melodrama filmed in France, Scotland and England. A tale of a headstrong titled reel and Hodge Podge. _ _ O'Brien in _ a timely picturization of the cel-- ebrated novel by Samuel Hop-- lat?y and a fortune--hunting prince. Also a Kinogram news September 29 and 30 : Virgima Voallk and Eugene a --tund for the benefit ol--disabled.| on & stih} hunt.-- However he is on"ar Don't Miss This One-- * SIEGE" UDITORIU +_j'] 1J -- Auspices Waukegan-- North Chicago Chamber of Commerce all who attend. 'The aftair Wilt be" --~ on three sides of the court house. . Attend the Fiying Circus at Liber: tyville Fair Grounds next Sunday aft-- ernoon. _ Given HM";}%"'E Tuesda y!?,.zz . Major Wittiam S. }Gnvu, U. 8. A., commanding the 6th Corps Area, inspected "the. regular 'army troops stationed at Fort Sheri-- {dan." This was the first inspection 'after the strenuous summer months #* \Camp Custer, Mich., and Camp Sparta, Wisconsin, the civilian training camps. FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Collie pupples, 6 weeks old. Bergeron Stocx Farm, Lake 8t. Road, 2 miles west of Léibertyville. Phone €67%#J4 -- -- _ 39 » Ld Attend the Flying Circus at Liber-- tyville Fair Grounds next Sunday aft-- ernoon.. Given by )(qg' show ever staged in Lake obumf'anld that all Libertyville and county people are especially invited. lvemnmi'"';lfi be free--no paddle wheels, doll racks and the usual clap trap. An instructive Kfl"fix Industrial Exposition, under e ausplces of the Waukegan Cham-- ber of Commerce. -- Secretary Frank Fowler says this will he the biggest DA NCING Supreme Circus and V audevilie N GEN. ADMISSION, 25e IN THE HEART OF THE:CITY ; _ Open Mon COURT HOUSE SQUARE || || Tetepnone No. 5 _ SPECIAL AND ADDED EV'ENTS Nl('iHTLY | Auto Fashion Show Parade Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. The cntire field of business, romance and en-- chantment ransacked to make a grand total of UNEXCELLED ATTRACTIONS! at RAY BROS. | Diamond Lake EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT McCormick's Orchestra _ LETS GO _ TREMENDOUSLY IMPRESSIVE EXHIBIT S _ Don't Forget LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 100 Harvest Home Festival will be cel~ brated in English Sept. 27. Let us make it an offering of thanks to the kind Lord of the Harvest 'by bringingz fruits and flowers of the garden, fietd and forest. ° Mission Festival Sunday, October 4 Services at 10 o'clock. Mission Schoql and worship -- ST. LAWRENCEs EPiSgcopar |& we'come to a"'. Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. «> °_ n' egecc--Gem + * . . Services on Sunday, Sept. 27 (the| ~ BT. JOSEPH3 § 16th Sunday after Trinity) are: f Rev. Martin J. Nealis, Pastor Holy Communion .at 7:30 a. m. First Mase Sunday, 700 o'clock, Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11. |$@PGard time. ~_. . Church School at 10 a. m. Second Mass Sunday. 9:00 o'clock Minois ranks twenty--third in area of the states, but third in population. -- There are 7,000 miles of high--volt-- age electric transmission lines in I}-- -- Coal, the -- report -- says,> was 'nm'* discovered in the United States by Joliet ~and Marquette in 1673 near what is now Utica, Ul; * sw ,1 ~ lIllinois <~produces four _ times as much --mineral wealth each year as Colorado. * linois' super--power system Illinois' corn acreage reaches an average of 10,000,000. acres a year. according to a report issued by the Chamber. of. Commerce citing facts ~At 7+30, the Evening Service. ~Junjior and Epworth ":'Wmm lggei x o---- Other Facts on State's Prog-- _ ress Told by Chamber of Rev. Arthur W, )%ohm.?utor > 1 0 4 m. °.' : e c e FIRST METHODMST EPISCOPAL 10,000,000 ACRES ~-- OF CORN A YEAR HURCHES | LONG GROVE [" _' Gold--Seal --~ _ | j ' Congoleum Art--Rugs u | J _W. LEE KAPPLE-- a welcome to all. Bunday'morning .will be Rally--Day. A combined church and Sunday School service at 10:30 a. m. Promotions and reports of departments and some ex-- ercises by the children. . You are co>-- dially invited to come. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. p.m. Evening service at 7:30. The pastot will speak on "The Real Purpose of the Story of Jonah." Good music and w#tgome. _God loves.a cheerful giver. FIRGT PRESBYTERIAN Sunday: School at"9:45 a. m, W. G. Wells, Snpt.-.-.. «* 8 . musn 32 PR seule w LLBW bo ult Wrew »he itsachers and pupils of--the Su»> day SBelooi will take*part th the serv-- lee and bring--their offering mis-- ston boxes tor Mission Chape} in Chi-- cago; also-- a special offering will be taken up for missions, -- Everybody| missions, and Rev. J. J. Brown of the gltyl hl:luloa in Chicago, will speak in D& k €"o«w ; K ® :X at 9 o'clock: Rev, A. Von der _ BT. JOHN'S EV, LL . HERAN ; Rev. Eimer C. Kiessh. g, Pastor 'Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. . English Services at 10:;:30 a. m. . Second Mass Sunday, 9:00 o'clock an¢~--* time. _ _ _ Dally Masa at 7:00 o'clek.~ s CHRISTIAN 'SCIENCE SoCIETY Third Floor, First"Nat'l Bank Bidg. Bunday School at 9: 45 a. m. Bervices Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Subject, -- "Reality." A NEW METHOD. ~For nerve and chronic allments.-- If yYou are not enjoying health, why not try Naprapathic treatments. . They hare been found effective in re moving the cause of many 0b stinate and obscure alilments® There is nofhing rough or painful in the manipulation of the trained Naprapath. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays ~~qvER FORD SALESROOM _ Libertyville Phone 483--R Ray Furniture & Paint Store You really should come in and look over the beautiful assortments of Gold--Seal Conzolgum Art--Rugs and Gol'-Senl Congoleum By--the--Yard we are displaying. This modern, umury floor-co\henng has won the enthniasiic approval «4 millions of housewives throughout the country because it combines beautiful designs and rich 'colorings with ease of cleaning, durability and low price. _ We sell. the guarantecd material you see advertised in all the leading maga-- zimes. It always carries tlr: positive pledge of satisfaction or your money back. p:{terns keep their beauty and freshness for years. They need i never a_nl or "'kick up" at the edges. _ _ Gold--Seal Congoleuim Art--Augs will lighten your work and add to hours. And their economy will save you money. Every housewife prides herself on an attractive, wellkept homee, and Gold Seal Congoleum Art--Rugs help her to keep it so with little effort. _ __.-- 7";>ir waterproof, seamless surface is cl¥ined with a damp mop. The colorful Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings ir you are--{} §&--ous acrobatic feats upon the wings of an airplane, ""':j "dize~~<al standing on the top wing while the plane loops the igop, : tive in re a PARACHUTE JUMP. + g $ ' -- *~_--"MQ "~Forémost of alf serial acrobats, performing ute and haamd. * OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS ADMISSION: Children 25¢, Aduits 50¢, Children under 8 years admitted free if accompanied by parents. No parking charge. The. world's most harzardous sport. Professional--riders only. MOTORCYCLE RAC AUTO POLO A FLEET OF PLANES Performing the most difficult aerial feats and maneuvers that The most spectacular and thrilling auto game of the age. Two expert State Fair Teams--Illinois vs. Wisconsin. Sunday, FLYING CIRCUS $ a2nienarmt n tm ve WORLD'S FAMOUS AVIATORS! Auspices of tl:a rlfi:fiéa; l.;m-;; FAIR GROUNDS® CHAMPIONSHIP need no fastening, your leisure y im

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