CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Oct 1925, p. 3

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% The Lake County school exhibit, displayed at the State Fair, Spring-- 2 _teld, earned second place in the awards, T. A. Simpson, county super-- * inteéndent of schoo s, announved Sat-- redimadl=~~~1MILY7 ~upos i\ --peteyn trrinttihefair-- * ~MHis wife accompanied him on the wz trip. . . i:'! & p» iMoM'& :", Mr. and Mres. E4 Knaak, of Downers Grove, spént the week end with Mrs T. I. Knaak and family. Mr. «nd Mra. R. Williams have mov ed into <heir new home on Eugene 3t 'The Deerfield grammar school r T. A. will meet ner; --riday afternoon Earl Kreas of Passaic,. New Jersey. apent several days last week with his parents, Mr and Mre B. 1. Kreas. Miss Dorothe Johnston of B'ue Island, visited friends and relatives here over the week end. Rally day exercises will be held at '_"Q.Mz,'.tthn Sunday Schooi next Mr. and Mrs Howard Gibbs and son Jack, of Ravinia, spent Sundgy at the F. Biedersiadt home _ ~L 22 Mr and Mrs E Pisbert of Chicago were the Sunday gue's of Mr: av'¥ Mra. Gus Klemp. A class of two girls and eleven boys were confirmed at 8. Patrick's chureh a Everet! Wednesday of last week Bishop Hoban of Chicago officiated at the exercises _ _ Mr and Mrs F. imabahn visited --Mr labaho's «ixter, Mrs J Krum. in Chi cago Sunday y Mre: Roy Stace and lt le daughter. Patrtcia, of Millwaukee, s#pent la«t week at the home of ber mother, Xir« | P Scully y eP | Mra W. Wilmot and daughter Clara of Waukeran, were guests at, the R. YVant home over the week end -- _ Mrs. Martin Murphy of Highland Park, entertained _ five _ ladies> from Treerfield Fridey afterndon--~--~~*~~~~ Mrs. Fred Horenberger entertained at a lunch in ecompliment to Mrs F Bosold4, beim, who has been visiting M Rommel ~for .be past 'About tenx members,of the Ervange}« Teal church attnded the zrion Fest!: val at 8t. Pezer's churfh in Northbrook Bunday evening. *' Amos® thé tadiex--whoattended the First Annual Convention of the North Illinais IMstrict of Evangelical Wom en's Societies last Tuesday were Mrs. Piepenbrok, Mrs. Fred Horenberger, Mrs F.labahn, Mrs. Chas. Selig, Mrs. E. Wiliman. Mrs. J. Wiliman, Mra. John Ott and Mré. J. Huebl. TE \.__ 4 fh t coctstrcctitihsinctoomene PPBRPTECCOCRETCT 12ammy dt Uhilar#o. mn': the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George OtL "Mrs.> Ray Reede entertained the bicycle; best bicycle, noris hunter; Young Matrons' Bridge Cluy Wednes-- best zroup of. pleasure cars, Nash; U# 4 #% # *# #o 1 % # 1 # # # 1 *«------~I0 CE RF LC LD The exhibits this year were far bet-- ter than in the past, and it took the judges almost all of one day to de-- termine the <prizes. The Quality Store Grayslake, Illinois .This allows the fifteen schools $90 in prize money. 1t is to be divided evenly. The exhibit was of school work, art,; needlework, a miniature building. ' -- There were fifteen rural schools that contributed to the Lake county display, and it was far superior to most of the exhibits, and it was the opinion of Mr. Simpson that the county would© have given Putnam a better race had a better booth been procured for the display. * R. B. GODFREY 296 Broadway New York, N. Y. lars regarding this Putnam county won first place, get-- ting the award over the 102 coun-- ties in the state. FREE 5 Tube Radio Set | FREE Send self--addressed, stamped Wins' High Place in Competi-- tion With 102 Counties in 27X21--4 yards with 2 matched ruffed tie--backs. Special. per pair Ruffed Curtains Crossbar Scrim ISPLAY SECOND |#2's AT STATE FAR & 79¢ at the | The Deerfleld carnival was a grea: Putnam |#uccess, even though it rained all eve-- th been |Ding. siundreds of people stood on + \the streets to-- watch the parade. On ols g90 |account of the _ rain <he dance was dlvlded'h'ld in' the Masonic Temple. The school 'pande. commftee, consisting of Rob-- niature | °I! Williams, Miss Laura Karch and | Mrs. R. E. Pettis, awarded ribbons to b.. ,,, |the foilowing: ~~_--TY. Deerff.e d Tumber Co.; -- most + ortginal car, Garden Club of Deerfleld; * *) most humerbus entry, 6:g fashioned ; ~Obcert orchestra practice eve;s illanda'y evening at 8 o'ctlock. Sunday School orechestra prace every Thursa-- :dny' evening at 8. Junior choir pree tice Friday afternoon at 4 Sentor \choir practice Friday evening a: 8 All impmbvn are urged to regember these _ EYANG * BUPXGALO, CHURCH Rev--R M, Williams«, Pastor. .. Sunday School at 9 45 a m Morn in@ worship at.l1 Christian Endea; or at 7 p m. FEvening service atos® Prayer Mee.ipg and Bible Rtudy Clas Wednesday evening at ®% _ Concert ~orchestra practice eve:s at the rest door south eeive their D. Inman, Bob Ve B. Greenslade, Bill son, Ada Johnson. 6. Greenslade, Bill Mitche!ll, B. Clark son, Ada Johnson, Gertrude Gerke, F. rtrau*s.--Mrs--A--A-- SCHOIZ. LIUGFrA_ X-- Wright, Carrie A. Mmock, J H. Thom W The following are nam'ss. of winners who have not ye; called for the pirzes awarded to them: a-- + "=+> Donald-- Clark; Arthir Mentzer, For-- reat Haggie, Mrs. KnicKkebocker, Au-- gusita 1:@EE!Ie( A. H. ..astfield, Mrs. H. H. Green, Mrs. L. Peters, G. Joha-- son, 0. R. Barngrover, |Mitswor.h, A. T. Pearson, Chas Man. R A Wi}«on, 1). Inman, Bob Vetter, F. Greens lmmae, _ Wilitam Krumback _ was swaaded the radlo wet~...--=--~~ RIf * w **% 'A Mr. Console of Chicago' drove away in the new 'automabile given by mss TY Address .......... City and Stat ed, please enter my ordér for one copy of "Prostitutes" before *the special offer expires. ... USE THIS COUPON.____ Aeme Publishing Co., f 165Broadway, New York City. Gen:iemen: For the $1.00 encios-- Name ... Bes: group of children, Deerfle.d | :DE school; best organization marchin«,| t**° Boy Scouta; best commerciat car, W.| A! Barrett;° best pleasure car, _ Albert | Ds : Franklin; best group of commercial|t}® I cars, Leco Oll Co.: best horse drawn|state _ Mrs. Carl Anderson is substituting 'ln the Oak Terrace school of High-- wood, during theabsence of the regu-- _lar teacher, Missg Bernice Tucker. wAs THE TRUTH DEPICTED IN AaA MORE FASCINATING MANNER PUBLISHER'S PRICE 31 Direct-- Only ---- Burglarsy broke -- into the electric shop of: mr. Desmond Saturday eve ning and belped themselves to several vacuum eleaners, irons and other mer-- chandise valued it $250. Miss Laura Karch and Paul M. Dietz will be united in marriage next Monday. * | ~~NIF and TyFX: Henry-- Hercheptoder, of Chicago, have come to live wi.n Mrs. Herchenroder's--péarents, Mr. and Mrs. Saltenverger. Royal, Neighbors'. gonvention a~ Lake ¥Vita Tuesday. Ee w zns --3 THE MOST REMARKABLE NOVEL OF--20TH CENTURY ~ Miss Laura Muhlke of River Forest, spent the week end at the R. M. Vant The picture which has been purchased for.the room haying the most parents Rev. J. G. Eller, 6f Naperville, --and Rev.--and Mrs. WRBtiams--were--dinner guesis of Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Stryker v'riday evening.. « H Four Deerfield women attended the Finma 'redging? and Re-- clamation Work. ArtificialfL akes, Kaping & Sons Ingleside, HI. ANONYMOUS M our Order TO--DAY ert T UCcKkes can present the lence of A. G. Klemp, o of Knaak's garage, and -- a wa mds FAIL 1ase,. P Jagusch, W A t Wildhagen, I)r. O'€on R. Sherman. $.100 \ Limited offer Now Only EALIMTY! . ADVENTURE m 1e | _ Next Sunday aftérnoon the Lak«.Co / "l'ornlhlp Sunday Conventionp wfll te ! held at the United Evangelical church in Highiand Park. Rev. Andrews wiif' give an address. and Mrs. Chn:o-ri Wessling will give a reading. The co-- ventio nppens at 2:30 o'clock-- t : Pierce Announces, Move e | Secure Freedom otf -- FIRST .PRESBYTERIANX CHURCH Mark 3. Andrews, Minister Next Sunday --will be observed .s rally day at 9:30 a. m. Scholars pro ~Nert Sunaay 1# ~our big raly ~day Come and bring your friends with you. #unday School will convesne at the usual hour» but not in the Gsuat way In the evening Rev. Williams will preach on "Safe«ty First" at our re«u lar evening service. C ome af 1 enjoy the Inspiring son service and messaga --G-- . Fred~ Co.tnam, the cartoonist, who: was to have .been with us two weeks| ago, but who was unable to come on account of the death of his brotheéer,| has promised to be here next Sundiy' morning and give his message, "rm, Inves:ment of a Life," in pjcture and| story. Everyone will enjoy hearing | and seeing Mr. Cottman, so be on | present Price $275 R. V. Rasmussen _ P regular weekly rehbearsals and be _Music by Percy Rowell's Radio Band | To BE SOU@HTN _ ' VIEW OF VERDICT a 8. Lumley, Attorney William -- L. | pu Pierce of Belvidere, chief counsel for 1y Premont and Clarence Hoy in _their |of CHMINBI trial two years ago, Puesday | of announced that he would make imme diate applicatton for their paroie be-- | T. fore the board of pardons and paroles lby 'at Joliet. . of | '"The verdict backs up the char es that there was a conspiracy * gend the Hoys to prisod. Theréfor they were illegally convicted. _ "In view oifi the facts that were brougkt out in~ the Barnee:Lumley trial,." I intend to set up the record of the case --before the parole board as soon as possible,"" Plerce stated. "I aesume that we. will get iIng before the parole board two weeks." * If eucéessful in securing parole for big clients, the Belvidere eattorney an-- nounced that he would seek their par-- don through Governor Len Smaill. A a result of the conviction o Judge C. P. Barpes and Attorney W 31.55; Butter 7d 3y, 25.24. ______ _ > _ _ .. _ DAM'S DAM--Maid Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 7y. 27.85. SIRE'S DAM--O F C Chicago Pietje. Butter 7d 5 y, 27.61; Butter 365d 919.42. | The Bull Himself is a Good Individual With Good Rump and a -- Tail Setting. He is a Little More Black Than White. RAINBOW GARDENS Born May 11, 1924. His five Nearest Dams Average 32.1 Lbs. of Butter in Seven Days Without a Skip. SIRE--Chicago Pietje Champion DW Rag Apple Spofford De Kol. Butter 7d 4y EImwood Farm Holsteins D A N C Every Saturday and Sunday LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. OCTOBER i. 1925 For Sale . Chicago Rag Apple Pietie _ GIBBONS PARK a Nea to ( John Hirn eatered the Palatine ho« pital Wedn+sday of last week and sub mitted" to a s--rious operaion Friday He is resting as well as could be exr pected under the circumstances. Mre. lee Landwehr and daughters Jean and Roslypo, are visiting Tss Mra. Prouty in Elgmn,. while Lee Lan' Mre. Louis Hertel was in town a short time, and the repor.s of Dr, Her-- tel 'ar? not very« encouraking & wehr and a party of friends are an. & trip to North Dako:a. -- -- . The regular meeting of the P .T A. Miss Margaret Fink was athom: ter the week end from De Kalb col lege. -- o_ ° | The East Fox Lake Cemetery So clety will hold its next regular meet Imx wich' Mrs. Arthur Cashmore. a: | Deerfield. Dinoner will _e served. A! members are requested to be prosent Sm aftemoon,; October :. --with Mr: Louis Linds:rom. . The courké, of ljectures being deliv ered by--the fRev --D~T_--Campbé e been well attended. The closing lec: ture will be given Thursday evening. The Half Day church wil} visit the Presbyterian chureh at Wheeling next , Sunday. Rev. Mr the speaker. t 4 % 4 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 % % 4 * L A KE Z2U RICH *# : -- * hA --mnniauming--~zco0!s>»> t --AgeL Toor tday was very well atterfded. The new Ichurch school year begins with nfext sunday, and parents are urged to send |their children to the < church school ' punctuously and regularly. Let us ral-- ?ly with earnest,purpose to the work of the kin _and in all departmenls -- _The week night meetings for the fall and winter were begun with thi meeting. . Every Wednesday evening congideration o6f some phase of the until Christmas will be devoted to the program of religiouws education.. Th« adults and especially teachers and members of <he.teacher--training class are requested to be present. -- The first of the fall and winter P. T. A. meetings was held in the Pres-- byterian church Wednesday evéening of last week. "After a short musical program, . Mr. Andrews delivered an address on "Present Problents in the Field of Religious Educasion." . Re freshments and & social hour were en-- joyed after the address. . Evening musical service at 7:30, with & $Nort addross. ~A cordial Ihvita-- tion is extended to all who may ve seeking a church hbome ;o worship with us. ' school. Aduit bible class in the audit-- orlum at. the same hour. Congrega-- tional rally service a; 10. 45. The pas-- tor will speak on the theme, "Dwelling and rraising." -- moted las: Sunday will assemble in Te Suupeen m-».- ::.'___ '.'i Campbell will oe wl meet Thurs from their trip :o Michiman. | -- | Simon --Isaacs of Milwaukee wase the . M ENOA U SR OSX C UASHLLY NBA TE L. Slimre..» ..« PA .. .. nrnes: on on prtes uts mroysmine Bd mt ic s ut nB on mc ie inacioemen 0sns tllies 400 AOODAK unrmans 0000 it visiting Mra--Flora Clarke. + ~ n -- -- co n n in im in in nc t cfi t ce ons ces n E. "Mr--"#n8 "Mrs. ~Albert _Preya" 2t it ------~Aa--At* ~----~B2, -- n ts Adaughter are expectied back this wWeek * U e ' C en E arr in SA aee from their trip :o Michimn. _ -- + & C f av -- marry and Ray Ullrich were visi:ors here one day last week. 1+ It is rumored the John Meyer place has been sold to Chicago partfes, and when the present tenants move the bouse will be rémodeled fnto a two-- fiar building. w _ Henry Schennfng, who Ras been i:l . # 4 for the past two months, shows im-- Anthh provement « . Mrs.*Emit Picke has been visiting tA Metrose Park the past week. About ten days aro a telerraph dis--| patch printed in a newepaper told of . the trazi¢c death at Lincoln, Neb. of | James Keéling, a Zion youth, who --waa.qnthia way home from the--har. ; vest fields of North Dakota, The dis-- ; patch said he had met death ur_lder a | freight train. $ What about the n=w extension of the --North Shore Line ? M Mizs: @ SQ'Q%& 5o d io mess, a f The purpose c;f the <\38)}> fuld. Irovl enable s No Seotch Trespass Law Although Scotlapd is.Fnown for its many regulations and laws that regu mte human conduct, it has one di# tinction in the way of human liberty not shared by muny other couggries In Scotiand there is no law of trespass and*indications are that there will be mone for many yei's a Zion authorities now -- have writ ten to Clarence Bucy in North Dak»-- t3, with whom young Keeling left a few weeks ago to work 1 the harvect felds. They wish to find out whether or not their son left for home at t.e time the fatal aecident. was reported to have occured. The----parents are nearly 'frantic because of the uncer: tainty in the matter. The parents of the boy in Zion im-- mediately appealed to the Zion police and a message was sent to the aun-- thorities of Lincoln. Monday a mes-- sage was received in Zion statin= that they have no record there of such*a--death. s*8*% * h 2# Parents of James Keeling Try to Check Report of Death > * Under Traifi. .= '% "1 PORTED KILLED IN AN ACCIDENT " : PAINB;TI NG 7 H«fi Industrial Plants-- Farm Buildings SAVES: * _ __ Phone 200--J COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY I Will Give Estimates on Work Within 20 Miles of Antioch TIME A Tried and Proven Process NOT AN EXPERIMENT DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC ST7ATION mHe and Mausoleums Do You Know That Milwaukee Railroad Co. , The high-- speed clectrified railroad Thehills, trees, and flowers, the wind ing Tountry roadways, the pure air ot the Lake County Countryside may be yours--yours to enjoy not only once or The Lake County Countryside, with its many fine country estates, has m attracted Chicago people as a beau place to visit. 'gt the absence of ade-- quate fast transportation has pre-- vented most peoplé from considering it as a place in which to live. Now that is fvar. changed. An existing arm of the Line, recently douhleotncked.oir'vu thetbl.:ktCouz Countryside, inc uding towns Libe:millelndMunddcm' . When the 'n";;??u w44 Chicago in 1926, fast to :\ill open this uilutinrl\ome com-- munity as Chicago's newest subuth. employed in The purpose of the extension is two-- fold. rtu'fll enable the North Shotre Line tooffer even faster service between Chicago and Milwaukee. And it will open vast new home areas to those PHONE 1855 M _ _: MONEY » w Lumber Yards ie No2 ult 25 ANY people are ez okie Va extension the North '3»" Line now LU:Iblrl:Kfm_ m n . h e is the answer to these queries. * , including the towns of ind Mundelein. When the tracks are complete early MformbntoChkm his alluring--home com-- hicago's newest subuth; s . PE Ntpe omccomsegee SURFACE ||-- caihfcta s# @4 ruihciten it s #alR

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