w¥ \/_-- John W. Foster, Fox Lake, «* _---- Balks at Paying Damages for -- Inr--~~~~.:----~. x--».DGeAd AnNnIMal .._..,. .. _ is well known in this vieinity, havinZ t4 lved here all her life. -- The best wish-- --*-- _-- es for a happy wedded life g£o to'the N: ~ Remember -- our -- auctioneer. Freq | Masiter nmoberi Junn-- imowwreu 10 EFOlL 'Grabe, at Glenview. Telephone. office Atkinson, Wis., Sunday. ~ . 163, or residence 20--]J." On all business | --Mro.Andrew Harrison--was--a --Chi-- calléy charges may be reversed. if|cago visitor Friday. > * George Reld. agriculturg! instructor Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lowry have pur at.W. T. H. S.. gave a very interestin chased a ne &rd Seddun. taik last Thursday night from xvv'f Rev. Mr. J .--of --Gary, Ind., Mr:--Reld_spoke on --vocationa' ufl-h:; m guest at (be Van Deusen home "%"@:wjmq k. . ly;:...:fl ¢zA.zag>" es m.* " Mc and Mrs Willfam Hushes re |_ mr. and mrs. BUIn waly. and Tiitrit ou, HH _ REIBUOT 5T [IL__ T .lamnnsd Wan Froncon" fre °f*hak Beveral xrmben of _ the-- Royal Neighborse this community attend-- eA nty conven'ion at. Iake Vifl 3%- new methoers were ini-- ---- Mr. and Mrs.:G. H. Reld returned Bunday from Springfield. where Mrs. Keld ~and ~baby~attended © tho State An ordingry dog is not worth $75 in the opinion of John W. Foster, Fox lake. who fled an appeal Tues-- €ay in the circuit court in an °ef-- The Y. L. B. C. will bo!d i's yearly meetine Oct. 3rd, in the church par-- lors. This is also the time for eTec-- tion of officers, so all members are reques:ed to be present by 2 p. m. assessed against him in t the Jus-- tice court of George T. Lester, Fox Lake, recently. e #peciat ~meeting --Ocober--80.--at--the homee of Mrs. Anna Swanson. . October 2nd Warren hirh school vs Barrington will play the first footba! game of the season. Be suyre ind at tend and encourage the home team. * Foster had been accused of shoot-- ing : an animal belonging to Lee Phillips, a Fox Lake justice of the peace. According to Attorney Al-- bert Hall, who has been retained by Foster, he shot the dog because it bhad been getting his chickens.. C P';}')_Hp;_'. ',-wl;o' _was recently made defendant in <the county' court on Injormation filed by States Attorney A. 'V. Smith charging him with hold-- ing' court while under the inluencte of liquor, took the inmitial by suing for $75. It was Justice Lestor who held up the judgment for the full amount. S + June Miller. spent Sunday G UV R NE E APPEALS CASE 5 »o. 'senesee St., Waulcegyan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative © Phone 144.W " Libertyville, 111. GIVE A THOUGHT TO LIGHT The very essence of modern aims in home lighting is to harmonize beauty with usefulness. Fixtures are furnishings --not perrnanent parts of the house itself They can be moved when you move. Re--installation is simple and inexpensive. There is no reason why otherwise perfect effects should be marred by fixtures of inferior type or incorrect design. Let our lighting specialists assist' you to obtain all --the beauty. and comfort that electric light can add to your PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Lighting Units--Part of the Furnishings OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS in -- Mrs. John Paimer, Miss Vida ral-- mer and Phyllis Palmer and Mrs. Ed Polka motored to Lake Geneva last and vacation at Winters, Wis. Mrs, winslow is staying with the children at the Arthur Van Patten home. cille Sponenberg -:-uh' mm bBler in Waukegan SBunday. of all 8. 8. members obtaining an av-- erage of 85 or over for the year. The certificate indicated that the 8. S. was 100 per cent, having completed the gt;ne ef the International Sunday ool Association. Mrs. 'Ames has worked hard during the year, and was given a rising vote of thanks for her untiring efforts. . --The OQriginal Circle wil} present a three act play, ~Safety Firs:," at tae high school October 9th. s=.. c Mr. and Mrs, L. J. McClure enter-- tained company from Chicago the past week, Mrs. Clara Washburn and baby re-- turned home Wednesday of last week from the Lake Coun:y General Hos-- eral_ were promoted and Mrs. Am Mrs. James McVey, who has been very ill., is some better and able--to ride ou'. * Mr. and Mrs,; Frank Dibble motored to Woodstock last Sunday and spent the-- day--at the home --o/--Mrs. and----Mrs. Many from bere attended the West Kenoshs County fair, held at Wilmot, the latter par: of last, week. Waliter Palmer returned home Sat-- urday, after visiting at the home of his sons at Eyanston and Chicago. Mr. and ¥rs. williim Davia ansd two _ laxt Sunday the Sunday -- School held its promotion day exercises, Sev-- eral were promoted and Mrs. Ames Ed c ny 010 on Aith e -- e 4 Rihrrrdentnceced Pihoctubea tard o e t l e t k O to Geneva, Delevan Lake nd' .a 180 of that place. The M#"W,M ed iess e wfim Tuaekday, Sept 45 wraal Mha hrids is the only daughter of Mr. week. 'If an auctionéer is wanted, call Fred Grabe, Glenview. Telephone, office 163, or--residence 20--J. On business calls charges may be reversed. U Mrs. Pearl Hampton of Los Angel»s Cal., is spending a few weeks wih her mother, Mrs. J R. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. srank Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn, Miss Margaret and Mrter Robert Dufin-- motaored to Fort Atkinson, Wis., Sunday. ~ . cago visitor Friday. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lowry have pur chased a ne &rd Seddn. Rev. Mr. J« . --of --Gary, Ind., was a guest stt 'he Yan Deusen home mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Patten and r and Mrs Lewis Yan Paten left A N T 1 O C H SteHaA _ Next Sunday at the Meéethodis: church will be Rally Daw in the Sun-- day School, at 10.30 a. m. There wiil be. no preaching. service. ... _____._._._ Tuesday evening at the Methodist church there was a recep:ion given in hoonor of the school boards and faculties of the grade and high school. The affair was at 80 'clock, and at-- tended by a goodly number. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pierce, former Antioch In 1830, mccording to the Depart ment of Agriculture, three hours of human labor wite req'uired to produce a bushel of wheat. and now it takes ten minutes. Furm invention. largely American,. is one of «he greatest 'com tributions to human €ase and well--be log in the fast ~entury c n« at Wooster Lake, it was learned Mon-- day, on the advice of physicians, including Dr. Kron, nationally known alienist. _ ; ~ kn His illiness was hastened by a& land deal in which he had been involved, it is thought. Graham owned a va} uable piece of land, which he hbad farmed for years, and which be had agreed to sell to Bartlett for a sub division. 'Bhe abstract» was brought down to date, but before 'a _ deed eould be procured, he was sent to the sanitarium. h l ' children 'of Milwaukee motored down Saturday, and on Sunday, Mr. and MrS-- ~rthur--Hadloak and . son, How-- ard, of Chichgo, and Mr. and Mrs. w. A. Christofferson, of nmenosha, motor-- ed out Sunday and spent the day at thke home o ftheir motheér, Mrs.: Mar-- Cl nesreigior snn' y PC CETC OOPBRPTRIETTTTOC I 'The offer, it was understood, was for about $52%5 and acre. of about $68,000 for the entite ftarm. A_ _ mort-- gage of $13,000, it is -- said,-- was against the land. making a total in-- rame of about $53,000.. < » _ __" '"!--h; is under the care at the present, and it that he will recover. Thomas Graham*Removed to a Sanitarium Before Deed to Land Can Be Procured. -- Huamanity's Debt to America -- CarOK" thovre ~stwci $68,000 TRANSFER OF FARM PROPERTY 4210500 Mle & mt iihe t t vetn d Davis, all refurning on Sunday ze of Miss Gené of doctors s . believed + TWO--SECTION SPRINC TOO; it HARROW -- 1 35--GALLON GASOLINE TANK hss 1 SULKY CULTIVATOR 1 CHICKEN SHED _ 1 McCORMICK MOWER _ * " _ 1 PORTABLE HOG PEN <<oC. 1 EIGHT--FOOT HAY LOADER 3 SETS DOUBLE HARNESS _ PUBLIC SALE ~---- THURSDAY OCTOBER 8, 1925 Db0orA o R:ea intes 50 ALL HIGH GRADE GUBERNSEYS 36 Head of Milkers, some Fresh Milkers, others coming in soon--six just coming in with first calf ; 5 yearling heifers; 1 Heifer 7 months old; 1 Bull 18 months old; 1 Bull 5 years old. 4 HORSES--1 Team Gray Mares 10 yrs old ; 1 Sorrel Horse 12 years old; 1 Pony 12 years old. TERMS OF SALE--Sums of $20.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchaser to execute good bankable note bearing 6 per cent interest from dat». Having decided to quit farming, 1 will offer at Public Auction on the Schager Farm, two and one--half miles east of Libertyville, 6 miles west of Waukegan, on Telegraph Road, on : No goods to be removed until settled for. FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer.-- 1 CASE TRACTOR, 15--27 H. P. 1 TWO--WHEEL DUMP CART 1 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR PLOW 1 WAGON BOX 1 JANESVILLE GANC PLOW 1 TWELVE--FT. SPRING TOOTH HARROW 1 WALKINC PLOW 1 JOHN DEERE MANURE SPREADER 2 CORN CULTIVATORS 1 ONE--HORSE CULTIVATOR 1 DEERINC GRAIN BINDER 1 CASE THRESHER--22--inch 1 DEERINC CORN BINDER 1 SET OF BLACKSMITH TOOLS 1 JANESVILLE CORN PLANTER 1 INTERNATIONAL FEED GRINDER 1 KENTUCKY Light Draft GRAIN SEEDER 2 SETS OF CGOOD WORK HARNESS 2 HAY LOADERS -- 4 SADDLES 1 STOCK SADDLE 1 SIDE DELIVERY RAKE _ 1 DUMP RAKE 3 FANCY SADDLES ' 1 CASE SILO FILLER 1 ROLLER 3 RIDINC BRIDLES 1 TANDEM DISC FOR TRACTOR 1 SET PONY HARNESS 1 THREE--SECTION DRAG HAY ROPES, HAY FORKS and PULLEYS 1 POTATO DICGER _ 1 CORN SHELLER 1 FANNING MILL . 1 MOWINC MACHINE 1 DELAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR 2 FARM WAGONS WITH HAY RACKS DELAVAL MILKERS, 3 Units and 4 Pails 1 FARM WACON WITH CRAIN BOX 30 MILKX CANS * 1 FARM WAGON WITH WATER TANK OTHER ARTICLES too Numerous to Mention TERMS OF SALE--Sums of $25 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months wiil be given, purchaser to execute bankable note, bearing 6 per cent interest from date. No prop-- erty to be removed from the 'premises until settled for with the Clerk. _ 19 HEAD OF COWS--4 Fresh Cows; 1 Springer; balance good milkers; 4 Heifers ; ; 3 Year-- LORA 'rrui:i; MARY ca~~=-- lings; one 1/, year old Bull; 1 Holstein--Buil, two years old. ~ ' n rerimmmesirtes ""'1_ o opr* HORSES--1 Bay Team, wt. 2600, 7 years old;-- 1 Bay Team, wt. 2400; 8 years old. . LBERTYVILLE CHAPTER HOGS--1 Brood Sow and 6 Shoats, average weight about 90 pounds. .. o4 -- No. 272 R A. M. HAY AND GRAIN--400 bu. Oats; 50 bu. Barley; 25 bu. Wheat; 35 tons Alfalfa Hay in the ; barn; 10 tons Timothy Hay in barn; 5 toms wild uvland hay; 20 acres Check Corn, cut. l [ 4A 35 HEAD--OF LIVESTOCK 1 DUMP HAY RAKE _ ____ T ONE--HORSE CULTIVATOR 1 THREE--SECTION DRAG 1 POTATO HILLER ' _ . SAIURDAY _ _ OCTOBER 10, 1925 FARMING MACHINERY, TOOLS, £ETC., 1. DEERING--CORN--BINDER ----------------------2 HEAVY WAGONS-- ---- 1 MILK WAGON 1 DEERING GRAIN BINDER . . -- 1 GRAIN BOX 1 HAY RAKE ' i '}',,"mo,mssw"[-l'um -- '* _ 1 FIVE HORSE POWER ENGINE . CHANRANEE Y¥ vamaann _ _ " 200 0. *L m"' £ pAae e es : Y TaAwWecuit 1t CoontEr y pi w C -- T FEERD U TTCK _= @ ~----~=~----" Commencing at 12 o'clock, the following personal property, to--wit: oo ies o o se o es in op 2 . en uh n e o on t n id 4 on n wl 2 ces 2 e t P Pn ooo i s en e neld o n Pnd o L e o ul n n e 3P oi t Pss | se . BROWN, Jr., .. W. NAGEL, > Having decided to quit farming, 1 will sell at Public Auction; on the place known as the Nich------ m'f'~"°¥.'.'.'.i" ~*"" tm dflFll'.. Illil'f east o endee orm, -- ile west o 0_'.21, z/x ; m north of Mundcicia, on yaama . (Cites aas _ l on M# 192x «: m w «.. .E J. SCHAGER _ __ ALEX OSTOWSKI, rror. Farming Machinery, Implements, etc. n + mopmanm n migoes ue e w Commencing at 10 a. m., the following personal property : 12 MILK CANS 1 BOB SLEICH 1 HEATING STOVE 18 CGEESE AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES JOHN ROUSE, Cler .----'--'----fi ]|| n Gridtey--tHall, First N i Bank . / _ * mluucua.. vw::-"', Neighbore 'M E. A. BROWN, Jr., ... W. NAGEL, Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls LIBERTYVILLE LODGE No. 950 Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock --FIR&T--NATIO0UAL BANK BLDOG. . Visiting ~Members Cordially Invited. .« M. SCHROEDEE. N. G. WILIJIAM : McCLAIN, Secy. n LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOG Meets 2ng and 4th Tuesday of Kacn Month at Gridiey Haill Visiting Brother are Cordi~"y Invites LORA STVURM, -- MARY ca~=~~v, Office in First Natiom! Bank Building HMours:--1 to 3:30 and 1 to § p m Residence on Broadway. oppost:e Par¥t LIBERTYVILLE, JLLINO18 FREE OF CHARGE By U. 8. Government Veterinarian ) C. Grirneil, Iqspector in Charge 'hone 329 * Libertyvilie, i4 FRED GRABBE Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES --__ A SPECIALTY CASH For Old4 --Gold, Piatinum, Going to Build? wumhhnkbhbu complete "for a set figuré so you mway know just what cost will be INSURANCE ______ SBiver, Uiamonds, mag neto points, false teoth, jowelry, R. L. GONSALVES :.qimlq. Cash by return Moke 8. & R. Co., Ostege, Mich, Phone 217--M . LIBERTYVILLE Phone Libartyville 145.R--1MAR Cemetery Work of Every LIBERTYVILLE, ILLJNOI®8 LUCE BUILDMING L Phone 136M ____Office Phone 18 --_ _ LIBERTYYILLE, ILLJONIS8 VETERINARY -- BURGRBONX TELEPH )NE ss LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS MARBLE AND CRANITE Office With Farm Bursad. 116 South Gemese St. *_-- WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS MANUFACTURER Oor ayrornev atraw » _ P at Homéa ob Conk® Avenue PR. J. L. TAYLOR A. A. Grandy Telephone COLUMBIA | LODGE ---- No. 131 -- --"'.406'0"" k 'Co:;o?onfl :n' ACME CAMP--NO. 178 _ _' Meets First and Third Friday Nights of Each \& Te