la~-- Sebastian Stipe Estate ~*M loséfi?mppmml" l ~-- Matter Is Heard. ___.__ Calvin Ellis, Libertyville. Report of distribution filed 'and 'approved; f ~estate closed. Shares. '_of Edward Eilis and Albert Ellis paid to County M mt PBOUBUDE. ssm ue s oo aromegres corye marcies ony 6. Joseph H: Morris Waukesan. Pe-- ©--~~--/@tion for Pfobate, of Wilt ffed and + set for hearing October 26, 1925. _ ---- *--~«--~-- Feseph --Jackson, ----North Chicago. E- M-ho Tor probatéa 0f v;m filed" and 3'--3-1-""9.-&" l-h'u's B0 4. Lc figh. * DeerBox ... ZAEMPTE \ o n LK Sawy cae® U s the morning. "© ~Junty Préestdent 6 o7 Han aralliiia'e 2 s MW" : + l on e renie k tears ____-- proved.~ in "wr----~~ e of Deerfiefd. was. elected pr piieen e espaakaanaye l t t ...' 1. ie mssn uit :¥ o > > > + f iz esusimass. + T wrum |.-- Miss --Kathryo--£ i > e e o o o --# ol Gurnee,--¥vige .presiden~ w ~4 6 *¥ * *r¥€. l n d a lady from Highland Park was |visit with friends ¥ L A KE YILL A #| elected chancellor, and the recirder of 6 f _ Mr. and Mrs. Fre a Deerfield camp was chosen secretaly | a--zinson, Wis., sp€ « and treasurer. pasi with E % 4% 4 % 4 4 4# * t #%-- % i ~Amin finnarvicinep Taniuity Tiall New-- ""'th:e:k'-- c _ New Skokie Valley Division'.$.mtes,.wvilh filed **'in probate colurt Prursday, was ap APPROYED; PROBATE <--COURT KEEPS BUSY John J. Lancaster, Libertyville. Will admitted to probate. . All prop-- erty given to wife. Letters Testa mepntary issued to Catherine Lancas-- ter. Bond of $200. Petate eonsists of _real estate . in Florida. Proof . of heirship taken. o . _ _ * Estate: Wastel Sebastian . Stipe. Highland Park. Proceedings: Final report approved. Estate closed. ~ David T. Newberg, Waukegan. Pe-- tition to establish heirship filed 'and set for bearing Oct. 12, 1925. . If an auctioneer is wanted,; call Fred Grabe, Glenview. | Telephone, office 163, or residence 20J. OQn business ealls charges may be reversed. U Mrs. Stefling, who will be better re-- membered as Mrs. Agnes Shepardson, proved by Judge Martin C. Decker, who heard eight cases. Dering .left more than $2,00,000 to his heirs. The 'call Monday was as follows: Jackson K. Dering, Lake Villa. In-- ventory and Appraisement 'bill ap proved. Sale of Chattel property au-- The inventory of 9e o * will bring high--speed electrified transportation to one-- of Chicago's most attractive home. areas the .«estate of ake .Villa' filed Jp-"'w ¥* poagias" cPuent' TA 3y Pui" 4. sig« | was extinguished before much damage was done. and Saturday with friénds in the city. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hooper enjoyed & few days' vacation at the Dells of Wisconsin last week * . __Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller went to --Chicage the' first of the week, and from there" will go to Missourl and spend three o ffour mon'ths with rel-- atives and friends. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mr#. Will Peterson on Tuesday, Sep tember 21st. | -- Missg Mary Kerr spent from Friday until Monday with relatives in Evans their son, Edgar. . and . hfllfl{l and while There attended the State fair in Springfield. They also visited Btarved Rock, making a very --pleasant trip. . On Tuesday of last week the Royal Neighbors of Lake county held the d a lady from Highland Park was elected chancellor, and the recirder of Deerfield camp was chosen secretary and treasurer. State Supervising Deputy Dell New-- ton, of Peoria, was presgnt; also Dis-- trict Deputies Jennie Chils:rom, Tees-- Mrs. Paul Kean, wife of a former pastor here, attended the Royal Neigh bor convention Tuesday of last week, and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Cannon. They live in Evanston with a charge at Lansing, I!l. . cal camp. ~The day was ideal, abd|_."__"~ waorh euests of * relatives" in early in <the morning they began to Eleanor. were guests of 'relatives~ tm arrive, and 160 women were present Chicago the past week, * tor the afternoon session, with fully Henry. Hertel, who has been quite 200. for the evening. § -- |f1 for some time, was taken to the "The business. session-- was Heldi.__."" Memprial hospital at --Wauke-- the mmmpmm»-&mm re» San *duhatnd s k us -- TeiphMrars, Sn e 3c »NVacz -- ~--op 'isg~--*an.romoms* . of . Hin. £09-- dale, Gorman, Welty, Hanson and Pearman from Chicago and districts further south Mrs. Schaefer of Chi-- cago favored us by acting as musician during 'the entire convention, besides giving a splendid rendtiion of radio listeners. _A sechool of instruction was given in Miss Laura Reinbach of Chicago was a guest of her brother, LCarl Rein-- bach, and wife over the week end. The Ladies'® Aid held the regular meeting and annual eleciion of offi~ cers with Mrs. Fred Hamlin Tuesday. team exemplifying the work and State Deputy Newton giving much valuable "In the evening a class of 22 was adopted, some coming in from the vis-- iting camps, the initlatory work being done by Cedar Lake camp. The hall was very prettily decorated with flowers and lamps, making. it look quite bomelike. The viaking depu-- ties were each presented wit han em-- broidered towel, and the local camp ing; when an automobile® belonging pesiap n hy i tomn.cocnniipis sith. spent last Friday . _ The high--speed electrified railroad OURTEEN thousand--imhabitants * 'for every sduare mile of its area that is the ave rage density of pop-- ulation in Chicago. Compare this with wpu;ple City, whkhmm o:'llyhifiid per square mile; or ew Ofleans, which has a population of \2,175 per square mile; or with Los Angeles, where there is an nvcnfi of only 1,563 inhabitants to eac square mile. _ . Such comparisons make one realize the great need for new, spacious yet removed from its bustle and _ con-- gestion. The new Skokie Valley Divis-- ion of the North Shore Line, now under construction, will help to fll this great need. Early in 1926, this new Division will be completed. Then will be available a fast, zequent. electrified transporta-- tion service direct from Libertyville and Mundelein, in the Lake County Countryside, to the loop district of Chicago. Already, the North Shore Line serves these attractive towns; m{ North Shore Line ticket agent will tell gu how to get there. .But service will faster --and direct--without--change --when the new highspeed Division is completed. This beautiful, rolling, wooded home section already possesses tity convent ences ------ C&igec and schools. Now comes the final and most important of all necessities -- Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. is ~home ~at~ Wauconda. Maurer, a retired Chicago police m~~ _ ..-- gathering cabbage with his wife. Suddenly, before his wife was aware of his condition, he fell to the ground. She summoned aid, but when the aged man wa* reached he was propounced dead.. Apparently ~.With his wife standing at his side, Willinam --Maurer, aged 74,, dropped Mrs. Henry Hapk®® and daughte:, Eleanor. were guests of 'relatives=~ in Chicago the past week, a _ Willie Bhaer of Chicago spent Sat-- urday and Sunday a* the home of his uncle, George Hertel _ _ * FREMONT CENTER* % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 &4 4 4# 4 4# E. J. vie:zs and family of Liberty-- vilte spent Tuesday evening at the Willow Farm. « George Hironimus was a Wauconda business caller Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henschel of Fort Atkinson, Wis., spent several days the past week with their cousins at the Willow Farm. * George Hironimus and sisters enter-- tained a number of their friends :t thetr home--Sunday ~afternoon. ------------ Monday night, and the jury returned a --~--4'et that death was caused by _ _A number from hbere attended the Milk Producers' meeting at Gilmer on Monday evening, and nearly all in this presented its Orgcle, Mrs. Avery, with an loed tem set. * . The two reg:aurants and the hot l furnished meals for the convention, and alltogether, all felt that it was a very successful convention. The meet-- ing next year will be held at Deerfleld. distance DIES SUDDENLY l:"f IN HIS GARDEN|*-- @ARE > RECGTOT, MCC __I'l.'llvy!vu late _ the sarden" of 'nata=*ly ~st was held in Wauconda Mra, Asa B. Groves and son left last Saturday for Port Arthur, Texas, and they 'will gpend the winter there. Mrs. ~--~«@ami§e--4Hartcime agd= <glgter,» mrrner mt t Wt on 20 * s ie @ A0l = Irene, were in Libertyyille Monday. |_ . ow Groxes has been visiting at thé home of her paren:s, Mr. and Mrs. D G. White, Mr. Groves left some time ago. Herbert Mogg of lowa, visited rela-- tives and friends here last Friday. Elmer Rich, who is attending nor-- mal school at De Kalo, spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Charles Snyder spent several days recently at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 'Chrigs Thompson. * BStanley Checis was in Chicago un business Monday. Mrs.. J. W. Schlossér entertained her ucw;'x: Misses Sirohauser, of Chicago 8 y s Mrs. Pete Thompsen entertained a number o ffriends at a aghower Thurs-- day evening in honor of Mrs. Jack Mr.--and Mrs. Charles Glosaor. ._Mr. Stedman had a sate of house| ~ hold goods on the C. O. Smith lMAwn| : Saturday afternoon * > * . Last Tuesday afternoon, at the| .. home--of the bride's--parents, in May-- *@#p wand. wra® anlemnizoA Qh'm'ifl-f"kfl"'n: For Lazke (County circulation, place your advertisement in The .correct internal troubles, stimulate vital --organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist 'on the original genuine Gorn Mapau. Mr FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world-- bladder disorders, rheumatism, PUBLIC AUCTION OCTOBER 10, 1925 C O eenmccmmmmmmmmen Ihv'ngded'dhflfu--';,lflullt'hifitm}-&cphahinn&fid- olul'u-.c-e-uflc'uddlldnfhfiu-.ou-hlfdenddlmu.2'/3-iu north of Mundeclein, on 35 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK _ I'MOFWNCm;lw;hhl«p_dr .; 4 Heifers; ; 3 Year-- hp;uol'/,yccdlfl;lmu.tnymdl. -- $ HORSES--1 Bay Team, wt. 2600, 7 years old ; 1 Bay Team, wt. 2400 ; 8 years old. HOGS--1 NM"CMW'@M"#. HAY AND CRAIN--400 bu. Oats; 50 bu. Barley; 25 bu. Wheat; 35 tons Alfalfa Hay in the barn ; 10 tons Timothy Hay in barn; 5 tons wild upland hay; 20 acres Check Corn, cut. FARMING MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC., 1 DEERING CORN BINDER 1 DEERING GRAIN BINDER £ 1 JANESVILLE CORN PLANTER 1 TWO--HORSE DRILL 1 FOUR--HORSE PULVERIZER 1 JANESVILLE SULKY PLOW 2 WALKING PLOWS 1 TWO--SECTION SPRING TOOTH HARROW 1 SULKY CULTIVATOR 1 MCORMICK MOWER 1 EICHT--FOOT HAY LOADER 1 DUMP HAY RAKE . 1 ONE--HORSE CULTIVATOR 1 THREE--SECTION DRAG 1 POTATO HILLER TERMS OF SALE--Sums of $20.00 and under, cash ; over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchaser to execute good bankable note bearing 6 per cent interest from date. No goods to be removed until settled for. _ s o [ * ALEX OSTOWSKI, rror.. FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer. _ _ _JOHN ROUSE, Clerk. MHAARLEM OIL --SATURDAY mall CA U G FR O E LtFCH--P-- ing at 12 o'dleck, the followine personal property, to--wit: _: ________ _ COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY Phone 200--J ~ _ .FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY Phoue 41 . £ . Lake Zurich, hee Bs CITY'§ skyline thrusts itselr up from the baze. Har-- l & bor craft shrick noisy, welcoming signals. 'The in-- --coming liner slowly finds her berth. Cordage creaks; & gangplank is thrown out; and home comers feel beneath~ their feet the reassuring touch of firm earth. 'To some of the travellers the port is but the outer edge of Home. 'They must journey many miles--perhaps across . the continent--in order to get to the places and the people 13 roward which their thoughts reach out. _ But to these homing thoughts there is no barrier of dis-- tance. For America bas a nation--wide communication agency that wipes out the miles as if by magic. Instantly it ':uthemv'enunmmd in touch with those whose voices yearns to bear. To him the symbol of the Bell System's universal service is a sign that be is indeed «'back home,'* however far from the nation's rim that home may be. DowWN BY THE ELECTRIC S7 ATION MONUMENTS and Mausoleums ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. 2 HEAVY WAGONS 1 MILK WAGON > 1 GRAIN BOX 1 HAY RAKE 1 FIVE HORSE POWER ENGINE 1 CIRCULAR SAW 1 FEED CUTTER {0 1 SIXTY GALLON KEROSENE TANK 1 35--GALLON GASOLINE TANK 1 CHICKEN SHED . * 1 PORTABLE HOG PEN 3 SETS DOUBLE HARNESS 1 SINCLE HARNESS 1 HEATING STOVE 18 CGEESE 12 MILK CANS . 1 BOB SLEICH ~ AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES Back Home Lake Zurich, Mlinois. l| Office at Home on Cook Avenue 1000000000000 300 ommc TO'Ophnn. '"J 1 3 First. W 1 Bank irk' &%u"vw"fifis Neighbors Weliceme E. A. BROWN, Jr,, .. W NAGEL, M,mmnxuumnu!m. . FIRST --NATIONAL--BANK BLDG.---- Visiting Members Cordially invited. -- © M. SCHROEDER, N. G. WILLIAM MCCLAIN, Secy. Month at Gridtey Mall . Visiting Brother are Cordi: y Invites LORA STVAM,~ MaARY ca~~~v, _LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINQIGS Meots 2na and 4th Tuesday of Keon Cattle Tested for Tuber--v;om FREE OF CH ARGF By VU. 8. Government vaterinarizm. D C. Grirneil, Inspector it Charge Phone 329 -- Libertyvilie, in Offlice in First Natioom! Bank Bulldieg Hours:--1 to 3:30 and 1 to 8 p. m Residence on Broadway. opposiie Pars LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOI8 lu.MZOJ.v"fia'hu 163 Reverse Charges on' Business Calls ._FRED GRABBE Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY . . MARBLE AND GRANITE _' MONUMENTS Cemetery Work of Every Going to Build? INSURANCE wumuhflh& and material on your house camplete for a sot figure so you way know just what cost will be CASH For O01d Gold, Piatinum, , _~__*** Aillver, Dinmonds, masg-- I neto points, fdise teath, jowelry, \| and valuables. Cash by réturn R. L. GONSALVES MHoke 8. &A R. Co., Ostego, Mich, Phone Libertyvillie 145.--.R--1MR Phone 217M -- LIBERTYVILLE LIBEXRKTYVILLE, ILLIONIS8 Attorney at Law LUBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI® LUCE BUILMNG ¥ETERINARY SURGEON TELEPH )NE 66 LUBERTYVILLE, ILLJNOI8 Office With Farm Buresu. 116 South Genese St. . WAUKECAN, IMHLINOIS MANUFACTURER OF ATTORNEY AT--LAW No, 27? R A. M. DR. J. L. TAYLOR Prefect Correspon--4~~-- Mests First and Third Friday Nights of Each C 6 No. 131