f _FEDERAL COURT w5 i Jms Igote MAllY¥ ol JA GTHAIRC,. pPasSS--| ef away me m« pacc of i «* GAMIGNEST ER® PILLS > Mitkke kunaeut idriktaa-- wars hold. at the ® 6 BULLETIN ® C' In circuit court last Monday the petition to carry the case to the suprem : court was ~dénied. ~----Petition;--by--attorneve *t*or--the Bocr ~Line, falled Monday in cireult court, asks that a damage action, started by David Rotham, for Max Schoen-- feld, deceased; for $10,000 be taken from the ciroujt to the federa) court.. Schoenfeld, an Antioch fruit_ mer-- chant, met his death more than a| year ago on the liake Villa vrossing of the Soo Line. He had been on his way to Antioch from Kenosha, and another person was riding with him aet the time of the accident. / ¥e Bhe Jeaves relativée and friepda in this._ _ _ .. _ . . "Tetupy.--_-- .. .:. ~.. [r Lara e en mb e n Sn e C 1 The L. A Van Deusen flnilTi'ifioV»dl C / to Waukegan Saturday to their now | to. L. chak There will be no preaching services , ubn.s.: at the Methodist church next Sunday, e as the pastor, Rev. E. L. Stanton,; will , fif"::.fi be away attending conference. The, RiWbon Tas Sunday Schodt will be held at th>|PrFM¥~p" usual time, 9:45 a. m. | years regarde at the Methodist church next Sunday, | fith pror @rpautt for CHLCHHS TER 8 as the pastor, Rev. E. L. Stanton, will ; GorD metallic bores, m'ltd wilk B " 6 be away attending conference T. | Ritfbon. 3.'4"..:°:."¢§-'u7."8§.'7." % p W 1 | Drugatst " # Sunday Schod will be held at th*) pyZMOND BHAND PILL® for tw--nty--firo usual time, 9:45 a. m. | years regarded as Best, Safest, A\woey> PR oiis'ie, Miss Myrtie Peterson and Bertna -- . Verrier are in Chicago taking a busi sg"l!n BY ALL QHUGG'!§T|§ ness course:. Miss Pecersen spen! the' TRIED EVERYW"ERE TESTED The croseing upon which the acc+ dent happened thas been the souree of a fight ever sines.. © The county and the state together have sought to get an overhead croesing or some safer means of passage for traffic The commerce commission had the matter under consideration at one time, and an appea} was taken on their decision. Some months efter the death * suit for damages was filed in the'cir cult court. ~ Attorneys Petition to Take I mo.. q *A Insurance of all kinds Phone 154--M L1IBt] Charles F. Fitzgibbons ~ REAL ESTATE r L1ST YOUR PROPERTY HERE 1 . Commission $ Per Cent : j Office Phone Milwaukese Ave.and 8t. Paul Ay. Dapot -- Res. Phone P85--; LIBEARTYYILLE, JLL. © 104. w Profitable Jersey Cattle, You Can Buy Them in This Sale NOTARY PUBLIC Mr. W. A. Brewerton, owner of THORNBURY FARM, sells his small, but select, herd of High Producers in this sale. IF YOU WANT ONE OR A CARLOAD OF Monday, Oct.19, 1925 Cedar Crest Farms 125 Administrator's Sale All Cows are Not Alike. Jerseys Produce the Richest --Milk and are Nationally Known. FOR A FOUNDATION OF HIGH CLASS RECISTERED JERSEY CATTLE IT. WILL BE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE _ TO ATTEND THE SOME OF THE BEST JERSEY CATTLE IN AMERICA ARE Chas. D. Proctor TOM DEMPSY, Sale Manager, WESTERVILLE, OHIO OF THE J. K. DEERING HERD OF PRIZE--WINNING AND RECISTER OF MERIT JERSEYS AT Xallr of La Grenge, pass o ht HEAD OF CHOICE ANIMALS TO BE SOLD AT YOUR OWN PRICE (51 Miles M\n' of Chicago) ke Villa, IMlinois INCLUDED IN THIS SALE For a Catalog, address chased from --Jas Savage on Main S _ --A @ard was received from Mrs: A. Yan Patten. stating they--are located 43 miles from Winter, Wis., and are enjoying a fine trip. . L M. Hughes bas moved into the new building, just finished on his '0% on Ida avenue. -- R -- Mr. and Mf'shzm Middendorf and Mr. and Mrs. nry Reichman have returned. home after a motor trip to Chetek, Wis., where, they visiced Mr. Middendort's sister, 'Mrs. _ Chauncey Barker. > a a Mtr. and Mrs. James Webb will soon move into their home recently pur Mrs. William Kelly, who has been ill for some time, ig~about the same. Mrs. J. Winne was called to Chica.so the latter part of last week by the gerious illness® of her sig:er. -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mastné enter-- tained relatives wnd friends from the city over Saturday and Supnday. Miss Augusta Hucker and a friend from Chicago spent Bunday with rel-- attves here. C N m, Word has been recelved here from Mrs. Fred Brown, stating that she was Operated on Tor goitre at the Lyuther: an memorial hospital. At present she is doing well as can be expecied. ° John Horan was a business visitor to. Chitago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kincade are spending gome time at Chetek, Wis. Ing a three weeks' vacation at their Cottage--at Casse--LaAke,--Minn.---------- -- Miss Anna Shepherd --of Oak Park e ~roiudts Wesanstiny enb Awrarods y and spént the time with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Shepherd. Guests Saturday and Bunday of Ms Margare; Davis were Mr. and Mrs. W. la@yis and ~family ~of: Mitwaukee, and Mr. and lg-. Bamue} E. Mesha and family of Chicago LIBERTYVILLE 125 99 a future in Waukegan and _ Lake county real estate and convinced aI number of" North-- Shore residents to invest here, with the result that a| number of his cliefts enjoyed buge profits. More recently he had taken a decided interest in the move to bring more factoriés to Waukegan and North Chicago, and up to the time that he was taken Iil he bad| worked on' several of these projects.: Besides the-- widow he leaves two sons, Lieut. . David G. Erskine, a West Point graduate, who is sta-- tioned with the army in Texas, and Robert Erskine, who is athletic The deceased, 'who was 53 years old, was ons of the we!! known bus-- iness figures of the city and as far back as 10 or 15 years ago he saw , Robert. James _ Erskine,> . moneer" real estate broker of the city, died Thursday afternoon . at the Yictory Memorial hospital where _he had been -- admitted Sept: 24. €~ He had submitted to an operation for appendicitis, but this failed to improve his condition. Kidney com-- plications contributed to the cause of : death. _ ols Ti Operation for _ Appendicitis Fails. to Improve Condition ~--~"SHt o0at Wah.---- _ CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS. -- LUNCHES and SANDWICHES MUSIC BY BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA RESERVATIONS FOR BANQUETSs s TE ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. IT'S A CERTAINTY TH»T HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE OTHER THAN FRANZEN QUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NEEDS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY. LAUNDERERS, CLEANERS AND DYERS . Phone Libertyville #7--R. ~ Libertyville and Highland Park RELIABLE --LAUNDRY WHY HAVE A "BLUE MONDAY?"" <LET US TAKE AWAY YOUR BACKACHE, YOUR ~ ~ CHAPPED HANDS AND YOUR FROZEN FINCERS. -- AND SPECIAL PARTIES HARTMANN HOUSE -- WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO CGET AWAY FROM THE DRUDGERY OF THE WEEKLY WASH ¥ _ 5 ---- "_--, Telephone 50--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. DANCING EVERY EVENING, STARTING MAY 30 m c sHEEECING--TLELINGIEK _ __--_*_-- ~~~-- on MILwaUKee avendge--~ --~** * Franzen, Jr. WET WASH {[umber 20 POUNDS FOR 95¢ The family residence is at 402 Julian street. m He was a member of @ family of thirteen, of whigch there ~are only three--Hving--The Brokines have 4lonsg } been establishéd in the county. 1 sister are also left by the death. The funeral services are to be private and will 'be held Saturday afternoon.. It is requested fhat tlpw- These insects live from eight to ten years as &4 general rule, although specimens in rcaptivity have been known to réach the azge of fifteen. .'The brain of an ant is about the site of the head of a darning needte;~ Dredging and Re-- clamation W ork. Artificial Lakes, -- Channels, etc. Kaping & Sons Ingleside, III. -- Facts About Ant TELEPHONES WHEELING 6 and 17 Subscribe for the Libertyville Independént $1.50 a yr. Schanck Hardware Co. ||-- WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. in the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and advancing market. _ Prepare Now -- Don't Shiver Next Winter F0 W Auncnge n q d--zan . .OCTOBER 8. 1925 ExCePtionaAu Ripings Comrort The Heating Men Who Satisfy J A °M ES MO R ROW & SO N ness, studied and expérimented with these details for years. Their findings were ultimately incorporated in the design of Dodge Brothers Motor Car--without question now a vehicle that ranks with the first in this vitally im-- portant feature. _ 3. * % 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS W t LSw . sttndinelt aftecd ntodidet ~ Drmint A PbA d 4 A 115 have exceptional riding comfort. Otherwise, you will not. Dodge B'rqthers, with characteristic thorough-- if the seats are deep enough and the proper distance from the floor; if the seat backs are correctly pitched for relaxation; if the up-- holstery is sufficiently stuffed and there is pienty of leg room; above all, if the springs are rightly designed and of proper length, you will The riding comfort of a motor car is not de-- pendent upon its length, weight or cost, any more 'than%comfort of efhofi_ depends upon its size. [ * *~ _ U the seats are deefl ;amndh and thi eesuroumes * «~-,a'."'§~';' e Adies + l,n.vm"'"' t \ o wA 0 -- Snntit is ooomn ie 4000 + o anywm n# #y mm Wt s m car Tok 6 ». 1 2e i