a0t hesitate to recommend 1t to -- any dis-- tetning buyer playet," which for all pract-- THBils Instrument In a splendld4 bargain. It Is Tamous tor eweet tone and durable construction. Plays all #8 notes with almmost Rumaen touch. This plano may be had in @ither oak"or ma-- -'ml. Never again will you b¥ sbie to buy this " 'plano at so great a reduction ... ... .. . . '3 mpness with a fow graceful curves 1 be a woman's best help if she ats to be fashionable this Fall. l:o"n:u-lormmu-m new . frocks, which --ate istleas and fit closely to the natural ks nothing on a lean or ire. The Winter girl of 1925 will & girl once again, smart but sup-- fln_f\(vu-:oui' pexihint __ _ vas, --by. a--little Atting--here and a ie whaping there, Are attemipting show some kind of waist. Little Edmmhn'fl'!"' ad in frocke, Uke pocket vleats AIST ~LINE: IS$ "SHOWN w Frocks Follow Lines of w and Women's Quest: CORVES BACKIN _ STVLES OF FAly. Is erpected that the new fem+ Inshlona will lead to the aboli-- of bobbed hair, a style which is idy on the CAownward grade here. * newest styles are conducive to eof to thousands of her -'lm pwers, for--women need no long: be thin. y § fomen will now be able to give their ekipping exercises, Turkish BOME ARK GROTESQUE he-- of the evening and ~dance are grotesquety trimmed with golidfsh, complete with bubbles; $175 er, and will doubtless facilitate and more graceful walking and . . Rvening. gopus--hare tight t and ~skirts ~Aaring out from ago in the quest to get thin. the-- World ~War, are "'rp. ""'..-. wng ~ + wa y ~FREE! 1% Roll Seleo-- During This and -- other ~weight--reducing s which they took up a few «tyle, while they arse trim-- Katch SPECIAL PLAYER }Y' s"\«s:r ':,e- ks 90 # uk $39 Used W. P. oman Upright y3+0%4} t ' The first lighthouse built by . thé6 a--.chucauuc.y.atb;: pumbered . 300,000 or . ever two--thirds Of the total number of species in the animal world. There are 18,000 fshes, 1400 amphibians, 3.500 teptiles, 12,000 birds and 3500 maromales, on «Hexk that there were 518,000 species in the mmmn;v.'-&:: la: d upon him by the pr + The American girl.has fallen deeply -mmmma'---m in love with her, but t tell her until he had comeinto possession of a check for $1 ,000 which was to clear &mumufi' "to the United in ovnis Ainn. Cofl nc' ie vearamnmii on s on Sensiiinee made, treats his wite Uike the cad he is and she Anally goes of to plunge heins'~~--~ a --ss0rikes 1or her people Into the Slaming crater w Pele, a 104 ! * CE y ® .;*"; w 7 ty s week when . the world's record--break-- hy dramate ui "Pha Iufo oc rar adise," will be presenied by -- Man* ager . Bistare at the Majeixtic® theatre. "The Bird of Paradise" tel}s a story ol--bow a white --man--landed --on one ot the Hawailan iolands, and at once tels in love with a girl who turned. out to be the last survivor of King Kameha kameha.. She loved the American, so they were wed. + ie 3* Among those on the isiand is "Ten-- Thousand--Dollar" Dean a ~ beach comber, and drunkard. He refuses to eat poi and has "kept his body clean" during the time he was otherwise dis-- integrating. yul v%s While young Dr. Wilson is succumb ing to the bliandishments of the-- Ra wallan princess, Dean feels the upiitt of the young American woman who &A years comes sou looking a beachcomber," al-- gqurls, and bobbed" kuif looks out of TEF OB 17 JS Te place, ° MCME Ee e L2 uen 0 hpmecs. ocm ons it P TE MBE a i\ y t .¥ c 6. * 'pa':»ommlssffi ------ HERE NEXT WEEK Sapte unA d * . 9w z-'-oc!! eo:;_: tion. -- A bar-- in { imighegt +) Old rewidents of _ this city know -- t h e quality of the t event of the ~__ > . ~WITH NO PAYMENTS DUE UNTIL JANUARY, 1926 --~~ > On any piano selected. 'diu this Sale, may . obtain special terras arrange-- iE I&WI 3 fiABS IN WHI('g{n q\) PAY. "&w your choice, you peed pay NOTHING .c DOWN. Pay only a nominal sum to éover our cartage costs and the piang will be ~~ _ delivered at ornse. « * ; Would you hurry if you had a chanee to make some easy money! Of course you .. would, well here's your chanee, Your dollars are doing double duty at this great Sale. > To those who lack ready cash, or have another instrament to offer in trade, we offerterms of NOTHING DOWN! apartment at the Plazs hbotel, poarls, Ohce --owated --by -- the royal housebold of Persia, and other jewels stolea-- trom the dreasing table of Mrk. mgmm of the Totk ant 'uoy in pouc (bergrmriers Travg: 'While mmmm to was Now 'York. Dit --14.--The Donaiine mystery of this yteat gyom thelt to | $450,000 JEWELS RETURNED; MYSTERY The jeweols are batk but the search **~ §47 (" ~<--Nethinig Goes to Waste_*" ml"thlm-dlqflo_ uz-;'fi_a.:."'": Aat factoridy, . whilg the stink re-- n-u"nmm arp made into give, and the mduumuan-rmb dh%(hfl-' self a permanent shgre?!»~ Dailse wxfll * s X¥e ce wh A Erying Need . *' And ~weuldn't It be a wonderfol thing if, while marta was getting a permanent wars, papa could buy him-- whigh heve a tendency. to--crack It. ~Bubmerging giass unter water doct --not necépsariiy--mean that it will cut 2y L. Whs# In placed under water dar easler, but it is much less Ukely to Wfl police and they won't talk forcrime to Mquor. _ _ _ _ _ _ * f _1 --J.."I had been drinking with some Categ ts brty Yom ep ie P pame in Under Weter pdniiaptefh Get ic t A group of high grade phonographs. are gon®,. stands rd the upright Belect Tt c e remty a yalue fat : fot it. A if This is a $175 Two--tons CoBsola Phonograph, w itih »ml Radio tons arm and coimpart-- ment. a beautifu) inafruamobt represents Attitude for Success He that would relish success to a good purpose should keep his passions cool <--and --his expecitations low ; and then It is possible that his fortune w"&m;tyu" vantage always rises by surpring and is almost always doubled by being un wm,--ouopuloum. - Reatrried a third time. Whes, 1here ho wantsa third wife be is married to § trop so that when he actually dots take unother wife tha counts as hB fourth, d'l' in '-".":'.m-whq-n] $ es wl 'be passed 'm Friday. it_being the Aret time in criming! 'court bis ce tee O PrlK trouble with bim. . 1 wan atruck several times, but do not recal the shooting."~ Combination Radio and Phonograph -- (lintin ies = Tha N1 Te in ul > nnnsiae t in PC C EeE hoh Seali es tvBer ie ntt 4 ~ 3 =" °_ peeic is O P e n _ Nee o. C ME We NE ' :"_'\-':;"?'f' ;# *--.___b"' 5 k Jn uh .m"*. and materials "f~?~~-~"~" Married to a T ' o n * % Mindg" in. the BeAgab cannot -" .____ Velours, Satins, Felts' & brocade : < C Alter that, all 42 vague in A -- regular $80 walue cA set you R will be gled t> i% qwn. » io m ui se oo th l . 207 . t e .. Chickens for All _ ~ On the farms of this country are fire chickens for évery man, womar aad child in the entire United States, _ "What's the matter with the kavgae Proo?" asked the manager of the circus "Gotta bad case of blue deviis," re plied the keeper. "We gat .Dlocked during the parade this morning and Re had a chance to watch the pedestrians do their stoff and its made him teo} A back number when it --comes to hopping -- and _ jumping."--Cincinnati Enguirer, d taining a total of 4,106 pages. Japanese Braille Bible The complete: Bible transiiterated to Brailie type printed in Japanese This handsome fAve tabe radio may be had in your cholce ot several eanbinst do-- aignse . Walout, Mabocaar or Oak,. The loudspeaker is selft contained, as" are the batteries, leaving no un-- sightly mess of wires on the A FIVE TUBE RADIO BARGATIN! Peeved the Kangarop Pay $10 Down B T290 sz pribey 5 Tube Radio Console Pay $5 Down -- $5 a Month $4.95 4129 « Included in this apecial price arse a domplete outAt of accessotries, leaving noth-- Ing else to buy,--and ready upon delivery--No charge for Installation and sarvice NEW HEAD OF ION AU} Indianapolis, Oct. u.~fihi'_ '::» Hadotn of. Top ansas, today, be-- American Legion Auxiliary,. _ -- *1fke . Her election (9. the nost. came at w meetingof the nuanllm,'_** 4 the natnional executive> W 5Y She succeeds --Mrs, Dorothy Hopper of | Hawail, $10 a Month * w mm sperate $50.00, Complete with all s w a wC * ste