-- POLICE SHOOT 2 -- _ LOCAL YOUTHS IN _ DARING HOLDUP CLARK JOINSE CHASE ' Policeman Clark hbeard the show and dashed-- in their.direction He M)a('uu.ou,..?-abfm men race out of the alley and tors south in Genesee street. "Get that map." Stewart shouted to hbis brother officer. Clarkt needed no such request for he already was in bot pursult. Stewart returned to Kilbawme and bead hbitm -- removed to the hospital The victim of the rob bers -- was taken to the police station #here hbe remained unconsclous for smoort seconpd man * Clark, in bis report. to _ Chie{ Lyon. asserted that he recognuized the feeing iman as "Snick" Mills. At Washineton «treet Milis turned east fired point blank at one of them. The bullet struck Kilbane in the left leg. He dropped to the ground but the mother man kept on runming. Reeing that be bad "winged" one man the officer kept after the sec ond. y "EE'?S-'- merentteses $1.00 to $1.45 "Stop or I'll 'shoot," the officer shouted. . The mes pald ao attention to him and kept on running. The officer fired a sabot into the air abd again DPENS FIRE ON THEM At that time the officer was about 100 feet away. Without waitigpg for more be hastened in their direction, revolver in -- hand. When be ap proached within 50 feet the robbers beard bim and started to flee west toward Genesee strest. pockets Grayslake, ~Illinois R. B. GODFREY L 44 k t | Seik Th Aulones teefe t Made of high grade un-- | bleached cotton with _ some fine wool Washington street he shouted for Amazing New Treat-- ment for Headaches SLEEPING GARMENTS DECKER & NEVILLE The Quality Store D¢. Denton's Ages 2 to 6 _ Theae s«tema are painted in lettere 1N inche«e hich. The posts which snpnort them have been painted with atrineés. mnuch like railroad posts, &n they --will be noticed more readily Thev are being {ilmminated at night in no autoiet can offer the ercuse that ho did not see the warning sign LOING TO BEAR DOWN It is rumored that now that thee «sirn« are in poaition the Zion justicea will not be em lentent --with speeders as they have been in the paat. The sneed limit within the buei neea part nf the city, that is from Twentv--f(th streat to Twenty ninth street. ie 15 millea an hbour. Elee where on Sheridan road. Inside th-- gity limite, the speed regulation i« *"A mile« an bont . 8o ftar a«s, known Zion is the fire olty in the state of HMlinois to make Its warhning signa for motorists so At the eame time his police an-- nounre that the epeed limit must be attict!y adhered to, and that a policy of moare rigorons prosecution of of-- fenders will be followed in future. DENY SPEED TRAPS Citr ofMelals of Zion deny the charre« made from time to time by autoiet«, that a epeed trap is being maintained there. The buge warn-- Ing eirrs have been adopted to re move any doubt on this point, and to put the matter squarely up to the autoist in case be is arreated for er-- reedineg the apeed limits laid down, Thore are in all six of these signs nosted in ceanspicnoue places on the outakirta Wilbur~Glean Volivea, overseet ot Zion,. who drives at a speed of 23 miles an bour when out in bis 14n-- coln eedan in Kenosha, and has hbis police department plead for courtseous lenjenty in bis case. is havring bhuge electrical sighns srected th conepico-- ous places about birhware entering ion City to warn autoilsts of the low spsed limit that must be maintained within bis city limits. The Kenomha Newa on Fhursday took a gentle rap at Zion lor its auto speed enforcement policy, ba*-- Ing it on the ftact that overseer Voll va's driver waen't :o observring of Kenosha's «ppeon lawse reeentiy when be wan arrested for driving #3 miles an hour. The News maye: KENOSHA RAPS OVERSEER FOR THE Points Out that Zion is Very Strict Yet Its Own Folks Ask Leniency Elsewhere. yet been given a bearing. MILLES MAKES A OENIAL Mills in a statment to newspaper men today made a strenuous denial that be bad anything to do with the attempted robbery. > He admitted That he bad been with Kilbane earlier in the evening but said he did not go fnto the alley with him, but remained on the outside. He salid that be bheard the shooting and wHen be beard the btu} lets whistling past hbim started to ruD to get out of the way. He sald that it was this fact which, caused the police to think that be bad par-- titipated in the affair. 2. Mills to stop. Then be ftred three shots into the air. The nert shot was fired --at Milis and struck hbtm in ~the right foot. He ran several steps and then Gropped in frent of the Chicago restaurant. > . Mills was taken to the police. sta tion where be <was attended by Dr. J. E. Waiter. + At the -- bospital, according rto Of-- ficer Stewart, Kilbane made the fo} lowing statement: "I knew |'d get it 4f 1 it up." _0 _ 0000 00 0 :mmiffwmwm&fm&flm** 2. AUTO RULE IN ZION Th¥$, withorn the uswal signs to guide eae--a guidunce, of course @rcog-- eolonsly scceptedt --the steps become The Crooked Line __ YTou need not be alarme! beonus®e you cannot \ alk s«tmight «*th your ayes closed. The time ton be alarupad i# when you onnot do it with your apyes open! Fow peovnie can ahat thiir «yes and wals in a straizy»t 'inc. lof the stmple reason that fow jairs of Segs are of exactly .e same |engthk, North Chicago--Rer WE Lam-- son. (Holdover). Pion--Rev. H. L. Brett (holdover). Wauconda --Rev. Geo. E. Scheider (holdover). Highland Park --Rev. W. B Doble (holdover). DMamond Lake--Rev. W. C. Pay fer. (Takes place of Rev. Morril} Tope). Lake Bluff--{To be supplied.) Lake Forest --Rer. F. D. Hopkins tTakes place of Rev. 8. E. Edmond-- Libertyville= Revw James«s E. De Long. (Takes place of Revr. A. W Mohns.) York House--Rev. Carl A. lan dah! (takes piace of Roev H A Bréwer). -- North Prairie and Wintbrop Har bor--Rev. Raymond Sanger (hold over). Lake Villa-- ny. (holdover) Grays Lake and Yolo --Revr. . 8. Nye (Takes place of Rev Frank James). OTHER ASSsIGNMENTsS Other Lake county assignments are as follows: Mr. Kelley goes .to Chicago where be formerly lived. His church is about the size an¥ «tremg¢th of the Waukegan church Hi#*+ son, Albert. who is in medical school, will live at home. He will hare a {fine church property, a parsonage heated and lighted free, alsoc a heateg ga-- rage. lt is in a residential sec tiom of the city. The conmgrega tions are somewhat largker than here. and the Sunday school about the " °64e Melhodist church in Chicago The loca! pastorate wil} be f1Hed, Atarting next Sunday by Rev. Eea. :ser Dawe, who comes to Waukegan from the Sheridan Road church of 'Uhilcago. Mr. Kelley is finishing hbis fifth year in the church bere. His re port_to the Rock River Conmference, which met in fm shows & mem., bership of $603 fimembers and a Sun day school enrollment of 709. The Epworth League is one of the larg-- est and mftost active in the Chicago Nortberp distrigt. During the past Mr. Dawe is about 49 years o! age and comes with the highest rec emmendationus. He has dane good work at the Sheridan road church and previousiy at the Auburn Park charch. year the church raised for all pur poses $17,8%00, and in the past five | years about $90,000 _ The member ship Nas increased. and is now m'-) tng rapidly. The mew o pavtor -m] find a flourishing ogurch t The Rock River conference of the First Metbodist chburch closed Mon-- day Right at Elgin: Anovoouncement of the assignment of 400 ministers was the closing feature of the meet ing. Rev. Eleazer Dawe of Thicago is Transferred to First Methodist Church. Villa--Rev. William ! LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENI -- IHURSDaAY, _ OCTOBER 15, fow pairs ) f1. A. Ghoa and wife t same lengt® | AiKemn# and wite WVD #1.0© signs to guide Lot 9, NW afi/r in L.+ TY mm ons ons c ie + > B4 hn Arv in tos De-- C T W j w'te n A. W me| w' 3 Wken m.] _E € s l CTIHN t --W B Incvalstad and wife to. Ra: "fhftl Wilson WD #1500 _ stt #150 Pt. Serse 1%° and 2%4, Grant J W. R o Incvo'atad and wifta to Fred Nenman WTD ©900 3t $1Pt Sere 17 and 14. (Grant | WXken E. Fimer Brook and wife to Allfda Hilla WDM $620. St $#1. Sec. 12. Antinch .oA C Pietechman $2.50. ~ Int -- C A. Newromb to 1 Petroski Need #1%5 St. §0e P: bik ®0 S Wken. T B Tr@amas et al to B P. Rosen: cran« whn t10 Pt bik 4. Smith & AMMams North addn to Wkrn wife Decd $10 A. ¥ Mann w'. WD $10 W. ND Jones to Roy Studer. WD $10. 8t 31. Pt. Sec 20, WXgn. C T T Co. to W. E. Steele and wife Deed $1. 8t. $2 Secs 5§ and 8. Wken s C T T Co. to R. C. Alleran and wife. Deed $1. 8t. $2. Sec 8, Wkgen. Fred Mietliing to Miche! Prymas. QCUD $1. St. §0¢c. Sec. 26, Antioch. 8t. Bk of Cpgo to G 1. Yore an T De--4 $1.000. 2t 1450 P blk 1® Lake -- Bluff. O A. Kiéchel and wife to M. 1 MeNeal apd wlle WD $10 =t $5 CBIk 72 H PX C. W. Ohm and wife to N. M Hubert WD $10. St. 500. Sec. 33 Benton. J. J. Worley and wife to A. Jor gensen. WD $10 Sec 1, Antioch C T T Co to L W. Thompeon Deed $10. St. $2%. Sec. 29, Deer field. S ke. Deed $100. 8St. $6. PL Sec 30. Warren.-- . H. H. Hanna and wife to M. I. Beaupre. WD #1 8t. 500. Pt bix 4 Shades addn to Cedar Lak® Avon. Kaspar Amer N/ F.-- Cbhamberlain and wife to J. W Doyle and wife. WD $10. St. §1. Pt. Sec. 16, libertyyville D. R. Manzer to H. D. Hanson and w1. WD $1. St. $1. Sec 34, Lake Vilin ¢ F D R. Man:er to R. E. Clause® et al. WD 341. Sec 14. .lake Villa J. E. MJims to H. G. Hardt wp §10. S8t. J5. Sec %,. Antioch. C. H. Knaack and wife to V,. I. Kensen WD $8$800.. St. $1. .Pt bik 10, Ladd &, Georges addn to WXkgen. Caroline Soefker Tr and Syngs Bx. Deerfiecld. W. Grimes and wile to R lanyon and wife. WT}) $750. St P RBec .29. Wken. Marie Sin't to° Manu{facturers Ter minal Co. WD $1950. St. $2. se« 28, Waukegan. L. Kemso John -- Skarka -- and ite to J. J Sarama and wife. WD $10. 8t. 50¢ Sec 11. Grant. F. N. Tomlinson to C. A. Newcomb QCD $1. Pt bik 127. 8. Wkgn: _ Fred Jaempler and wife to L. O. Thieme. QCD $1.. St. $12150. Lot 102. 8 W' ad addn. TilHman. --WI+ $1900. St. $%---- Nee #%1 Deerfield. . E. --Giss and wife to E. J. Nord strom. WD $10. St. #$13. Sec 14 J. N. Heath and wife to R. R. Tinsley and wife.. QCbB $1. ~St. g1. Sec. 20, Wkgn. -- -- C. T. T Co to E. D. Rose and wife. Deed $500. 8t. 50¢. Secs 16 and 21, Deerfield. R.:'A. Kanperwur! to 8. R. Rypk-- sel and --wife. WD $10. St. $1.50. Ssec 20, Wkgn. *4 LbAKE CO. TLE & TRUST CO % 120 Washington Bt. Waukegan. * . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS t 0 t 4 4 4 t t# 4 4 4 48 t 4 o Rfforts to locate J. E. Begert in Waukegap failed, and officers were of the opinion that some error bad. been made in giving the name to Niles police. It could not be--learned whether the Waukegan manpn was be-- ing held or pot. Chicago, I!L., Oct. 13.--Death fig-- ured prominently in a most unusual automobile accident at Niles, a sub-- urb of Chisago,. today, when. Harry Conley of Utica, Il!., was fatally Injured after being atruck twige. . + <--eee * '25, Deerfield. _ _ _ ~~ ~~~ i i C T T Co to Ruth Mast. Deed Harrv.Conlev. Utlc_a, III., DWSluo. St. 38.50. Sec 31, 43. _ 13. _ --at Niles After Being Hit by vo k ssmc oas in aed iL i 00e * t | | K Aouks in all k .. Becse an y ~_--_=Awu --attomobites. -]lw:;;.-v m n aiy ue s webvovidiicmange * -- V. H. Sokup to L. J. Yager. WD Chicago, I!I., Oct. 13.--Death tig--| 41. -- Sec. 1(:,' alk:n. £2 ured prominently in a most unu-ual:' E.--C. Yager to L. J. Yager WD automobile accident at Niles, a lub-p)_ Sec. 17, Wkgn _ urb of Chisago,.. toGay, when. Harry| M J Durkin to L J Yager WD $1. Conley of Utica, Ill., was fatally |Sec. 18, Wkgao. * n uinA in Pi n ue W n P on n uie t c o ie se Pidadh 2. e w -- s back to the curb to escape injury himself. when. a second car driven by William -- Curnow, of Chicago, bore': @owr on the pair, striking Conley. --Conley was rusbed to: the Wheeling bospital, where he died. J. E. Begert, of Waukegan, 1!}., struck bim the first time, knocking him to.the pavement. Begert rushed to Conley's side, but was driven MAN KILLED AS roline Soefker et al to Mi nd Syngs Bk. Deeg $1. S T Co to W. E. Steele and lhea and wife to R. F _ and wife WD #1 St~ . 9,-- NW addn to. Lt Ft and wife to A. F. Boay-- OCTOBER 5. 1925 Furnisbed by the 8t. $2%2. Sec. 9. Wken to Harry Jacobs and St 3t St. $250 Sece. 21.' Bank to A Zge! §6. PL Sec 30 to David at §2 50 d H §1 1 ® orgl plat of Lake Blufl W. H. McCullough to E. L. Wash-- burn. Deed $5,000. St. $5. Sec. *23, Warren. A. J. Austin and wife to E. W. Colby and wife QCD $10. Sec. 16. Libertyyille. o . | A. L Rogers and wile to E. Mc-- Willtams et at QCD $§$10 bik. ¢.! W. E. Gunderson and wife to F. Trembacs and wite. WD $132%5. 8t $1.50. Seéa 33 and 34, Antioch. 1. Q. Hook and wile to A. Siver-- ty . lars Anderson to C. A. Johnsorn and wife. WD $10. ~St. 50¢c. See. 32. Lake Vilts £ 9 --> --~* John Crevie and wite to" A and wife. WD $10. 8t $1. and 10, Grant. F. H. Bartlett to A. C. Dahl. Deed §101. St $2.50. Secs 30, 31 and 32. W kgu. wife. Deed 14. Grant. Sec. 32. Antioch. Lars Anderson to C. A. Johnson. and wife. WD $10 St 50¢. Sec. 3%, Lake --Villa. * Avon. WD $7000, stamp $4 C. E. Daniels and wife to Bertha H. Peterson. LoT5, Claytoh adda to bik 8. Org!. Town, Waukegan WD $5500. stamp $5.50. & al. H. Detrick and wife to D. lauletta and --wite WD $765. Sec 2 C. Johnson and wite to A. Thi-- bault and wife. WD $300. St. §60c. Printing Co. Part lot 7. block 6. H. Park. WD $10. Y. . W. C. a. of H. Park to W. H. McPhillip. Part lot 4, and all of lots & and 6 and part lot 7, block 6, H Park. WD $10, stamp $75. 1 E. J. Nordstrom and wite to C T & TR Co, Tr. Part Sec. 13, Ela. Deed of trust $10. . -- --~' j drews. lot %1, J J. C. Due to C. C. Leech and C. K. Robinson Lot 1, block 27,; Zion City subdn, Benton WD $1, stamp $2.50. Bernice Lund and hus to R. Yeo-- man and wif. Part lot 4, block 12. NW addn to Wauwkegan WD $10, stamp §$4.50. Phone 17 R, Hicksa. LOt 5, Goldsmiths> Linden Sub and part Sec 13. Avon. WD $250, stamp $3.50. E. G. Johnson et al to F. T. Fowler Lot 24. Fowlers Cedar Lake subdun Lake Villa. QCD $1. * -- ROBERT LOUIS SFEVENSON Was writing a good ad for this plumbing shop when he said. "A day can only be well spent in the service of oth-- ers." Our every day is used in making homes more beau-- tiful, comfortable, healthful. A Bath a Day Keoeps You Fit in Every Way T. Jensen and wife to C. Nordigian and wife. Jt tess. Lot 21, Jensens re-- subdn, Waukegan. WD $10, stamp $1.50-- m +s , T. Willey et al to Aunie Krucken-- R. J. Dady to filda Beshel. Deed $21,000. St. $24. Sec. 1, Fremont. Hilda Beshel to F. Gray, WD J10 St. $25.50. Sec. 1, Fremont. R. W Burnps and wife to L. Jen-- sen and wife. WD $10. (St. $1. Secs 17 and 20, Wkgn. m . _6 Octover 8, 1825. £. W. Hutchinson and wife to L. B. (oxmtock and wife, jt tens. Lot 4, block %, Qsk Park subdn, Ela WD $3,000. C T & T R Co. Tr.. to F. B. Homer and wife, jt tens. Lot 244 Bonnie Brook subdn, Waukegan. Deed #1. stamp $2. S ln'egér. Lot 22, Glenarm subdn, Grant WD $10, stamp £0¢.: M. D. Meban to F. W. Kraft. WD §$10. St. $1. Secse 32 and 33 in Ela. J. E. Bond and wite to G. C. Gria-- lkey. WD. $10. Si. 31.50' See. 16, Liberty ville. e 1.~--C. Hewitt and.wife to E. W. Bownett and wife. WD $1. St: §0c. Sec--~18, Wkgn. . bien. -- WD $10. Sece 17 and 2#0, Wkgn. Rae Shipman and hus to B. E Newnbam and wife. WD $10 8t $3.50. Pt. See. 33,° Wkgn. R. L. Thorsch and wife to R. !i-nmnad._'WD $10. St. $6.50. Seq C TT Co to Carrie Kaiser. Deed $10. St. $1. Sec 35 and 36, Cuba. T.--X¥.----C.--hA.--ot H ~Fark 4o HE PROFITS MOST WHO SERVES BEST FR A NK H. EGER ind. ux WD °310 ~ B8t1.. $1.450 14, OGrant s H. McCuillouth To F L o Wash 1925 OCTOBER 9. 1925 M ntenytiomonth oatucitts . e 0CP on 40---";_:3. Co to A. A. Stowell and ' $700. St. $1. PL Sec. and wile to C,. An-- 7. & Shaws subdn, Libertyville Sece 3 " _ The Test of Value Comes fl -- 1 . ~ with the RESALE --_-- [ -- 608 S. Dearborn St. J. E. MACK, Auctioneer _ GEORGE WHITE Pedigree Expert || . 40 Females COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS _ LUBERTYVILLE ILLNOG Saturday, October 24, 1925 u... ... 90--------HE A D------50 HOLSTEIN SALE MILWAUKEE AVE., AT NORTH SHNORE LINE. TELEPHONE 449. YOUR INQUIRY 8OLICITED--NO OB8LIGATION. This is our Semi--Annual Hosiery Sale. Qsir roaular PHOENIX Hose, specially-- priced tor this week only. All the new shades. © . Vitality! o Sale Managed by , Illinois Holstein--Friesian Association o E. M. CLARK, Executive Secretary 3 Pair Regular 25¢ Hose for.._....-- 3 Pair Regular 35¢ Hose for ... 3 Pair Regular 50¢ Hose for ... DRY CGOODS _ Ladies' 3 Pair Regular $1.00 Hose for 3 Pair Regular $1.35 Hose for 3 Pair Regular $1.75 Hose for 3 Pair Regular $2.00 Hose for Commission 3 Per Cent « Office Phone -- Milwaukes Ave. and 8t. Paul Ry. Depot Res. Phong »B5--; LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 104 W COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS NOTARY PUBLIC HOSIERY WEEK 10 Bulls 14 Large roomy homesites are still available in Sunnyside Park at prices as low as $17 per ft. Buy Abead of Development for Big Profits® Langworthy's _ Charles F. Fitzgibbons REAL ESTATE a LIST YOUR PROPERTY HERE SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 :30 DOwWN BY THE £KLECTRIC $1ATiONn R. G. KAPING and Mausoleums Good individuals from heavy producing dams. Get ome of these bulls and increase the production of your future herd. ' Most of them are fresh or heavy springers. The kind that will make you a profit. ~ Consigned by 15 Holstein breeders who are members of the Lake County Hoistein Association. All animals are guaranteed to be breeders. Tuberculin tested and sold sub-- ject to 60 day retest... _ Children's Hose to be held at Hose GENERAL MERCHANDISE oo yA1] nnaill $BS50 slsc $4.75. ce $5.00 _ PAGE THREE $1.45