aitre s\ ui'r;}'";'n «ed the --Ehokie Yal af , ASs 'Wwein as LLrvugd -- Sefticeé ~1o ym Afi'' .....1.'_'" -"n_l IA- 4 12 flls .4. oi fls oortocnit fonden it "An contestant may enggest . as many station names A6 ho deaires, wad also may submit as ';'::'.unn tset such station as he ," the contéat: conditions state. "There is no limit to the number oft awards any contestant may receive. Fach name submaiftted must apply to &A apectic station, to be deaignated by num bat. and each name must be accompanied by & brist summary of not over one Wundred words, %:N the name Is cowsidered ap to tor that narttealar «tation. i iss i Fi d 72 8 T T ' s uid wailee -- mt o9 V ie enA t t . --. . Oe o ameanan m e C \ ; Rork in amaaes . 0 ie t o e oi e e C ol beelioas +.o4 .. *' e i Toh s 5M ied s 1 % *"*"*« ' *(%" 2. hes a t es o h oo ie N oo ut o e e e f e t s i ie it c 1e k t L tor 1P oo in o M t ced y xY en . cn. . 0 't + , ; 4 C e F A x se e ie C x t# 0A .ns .0 *) 24 1 + Sum a 5. v %4 12. p C 8 7 _ 5 °*k P . Al c ooan ./' i. e Hoant ;#T3® Je 4 wion ue * 4 s dz .. 19 e § *' unk x* x/ % -- */S¥*' m t Se o o awere "v . e tyA 20 . S PE SAE Y 7 ..3 s 4 . * * uo * P % L s * w Mcz e l e on / 4 g oo ffmiy 0 o un ns) t _ W . X MB > w * # $ * s *' % 1 n s alke is . / C s ; 835. i 4 ty 7 A f on ag mfi , ie io L eus A e + » ¥. $ + «>' . aammighoes . o 4 ® Di o t# 1 4 e i21% . #5% No tm l Pss + % > * / & = # > # A is Awsls 2l iog* N j J 7 *~ w j «t * * [ oak : 3 '. $ * ¥ » ® . '- * # » * is ® A * & E * t % y« » * _ 7\ . P Wiia mue ° ke e o "Awards WA % -- 4. Station eite is at Half Day Road. a1jpining Highland Park, a new con-- crete highway. This picturesque aec tion of the ridge offera evety vériety of landacape--rolling and fiat, wood-- ed &nd prairie. It ie noted for Its beauntifol vietas. C sn e Seere raac -- in making knowa the offictal sta-- tion locktions and conditions for. the _ stution--naming coutest, the_ Norta -- Shore Line reports --excéllent & ress in coustruction ol The B Valley Route, which is scheduted tA * 4g0 into o'onflz, in the early spring of nexrt year. 1 «ompletion wil} nc highspeed electric transportation UMAWIKC*... '"TBitKEOG--And the --Skokio Vali-- r. Station site is at Clavey Road. Highland Park. This section is fam-- aus for its wonds and winding roads and -- pictwresque -- ridges. Tarabail Tract Forest Preserve and (Glencoe public golf couree are close .by. A mile and a balf due eaet i8 Ravinia Park,. where eummer oper®A is held. * ~$. Station site is at Deerfleld Road. Hlizhland Park, known-- as a garden spst of beaut? and famed for its at-- tractive winding roadware. Highland Park municipal golf cBurse is close i. Station site is at Dundee Road, adjoining . Glencoe, near Shabbona Words Foreat Preservre and two goit courses. Dundee Road ia a new ce meat highway comnecting «+*t*¥--Wau-- k*azan Road. ;. Slation site is at Willow Road, adjoining Winnetka, an extremely besatiteo}! road lined~ with stately Fombardy poplars. ~A public recrea-- tiva ground i« nearby. ° _ 2. Station aite ie at Glenview Road, adjolaing -- Evanstod;~ wear Harmd Words and Memoria) Woods Forest Presaerves. Four goif courses are tloms RBy..... . _ t~~ryoys i6 1 The new Skokie Vailley Route pase s through one of the most attrac-- tive and fastest growing suburban fertitories adjacent _to _ Chicago--a section famous for its beautiful trees, Bpacious (orest preserves, numerous 'ol(- courses and other ebundant na-- yral 'advantages for bhome and busi-- Aess life. The rightof--way is either wiruin or closely adjacent to the boandaries of the beautiful North wore suburbe of Evenston, Winnet-- a, Glencoe, Highland Park and Lake reat. y .;.. Jt * The Shore Linse Route of the hKarth Bhore Line passes through these euburbe, beisg paralleled by th» new Skakie Vailey Route on the west: The aim of the contest, it is ecxplatied by the CAnpaur, «s to as Ject--names to be used j-mhmh-1 with the pemes of the saburbs, with a visw to dititrtithing ° the © new Bsokia Vailey stations from those on i+ Shore Ling Route. , -- WHERE SITES ARE --PeAnite locatIn« for the Skokie Valley Route @latione were selected 41 North Shore ilae uficl@kl aft 1»1g considerstion of many poosible with a view to insuring the greatest posilhie convenlence and satisfaction far North Sbore suburbanites. The ofcial sites, with the numbers by which they© are to be designated in sa«bmitting sames in the contest, are: 1. Station site is at Simpson St. Niles Center, near Harms Woods and L .ame Wooda Fobest Preserves and Northwestern Public goll course. _ _ _ ~LAKE COUNTYAINDEPENDENT = Leke Countys Big Weekly Ning cash awards of $100 each will be made for-- the names selected tor the nine stations. In addition, an ex-- tra rash award of 3100 will be made 10 the -- contestant suggesting the name jJudged to be the best of ali those . submitted. A committee of Ore prominent perseons not connect: si with the North Shore Line will serve as judges in selecting the win-- niug names. -- -- Tou ® _ ON NO. SHORE LINE or the new Skokie Valley Route of the Chicago North Shore and 'Mil-- waukee Railroad--the North Shore Line--was made today by the Com-- pany in conjunction with announce-- ment that $1,000 will be paid for the most appropriate names to designate the nine new etatione. -- OfMficial announcement of the def-- nite locations for the nine stations TO CUT TIME TO CHicAGQ ihurttntnntnat000me 00e 0e ue eb criemmeeinnemareaies naricomemersinemmmmme mt mtc en n m omm aommmapenmmemes PLCOWOLNO® GSC2HET than Other Weeklj¢thin County Combined _ VY VOL. XXXIII--NO. 42 °. SEOTION TWO _ LIBERTYYILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINoIS, THURSDAY, oOcCtonrn 1 Electric Railroad --Announces Plan for Giving Prizes for Best Names for Towns. FOR NINE STATIONS will be miads on the bas-- December 1 is set as.the date for closing of the contest. --Entries must be postmatked not later thin --that date to be considered, it is ststed. Annountement of the winnars will be is of, first, the name iteelf and, mec-- ond, the reason the contestant con-- slders the name appropriate. In the event of a tie for any of tha awards offered for the nine station names, the full amount of the award tied for will be paid to each tying contestant. The contest is open to all persons er-- cepting employes of.the North Shore The geese have started to honk their way toward the southland, sev-- eral big flocks passing over the city unday but far too high for a shot. Sheriff E4 Ahistrom and Dep-- uty Jack Froelich were aming the fortunate, however, geftingx a snow goose apiece mnear A Lake Zurich slough,. The birds weighed about three pounds and were in a flock of fi{teen. enough In erxplanation, it was learned from an, nidisputable source Friday that the causes of the late beer king's hasty G@eparture were-- manifold. Pri-- marily, bis wife was reaponsible for It, end is with him now in New York. She has been a prey of nervous fears «inca the day her husband was stot down before ber eyes at their home. Tortio is 48% years old. The man who first came here yeare ago as a trusted lieatonant of the iate Jim Colosima, and who.later essumed the mantle of Wis murdered chief, has bad GEESE HONKING TOW ARD SOUTH They foresaw vyengeance from Tor-- rlo and they also foresaw an attempt on' the part of his enemiesa to antic+ pate this vengeance. But nothing bappened. the Lake County jall at Waukegan. "~Dapper Dan" McCarthy and Earl ("Hymie") Welses, both new!y at lib aerty from a federal -- prison, *were greeting "Big" George Mogan, Max Eis+ns, and other muf:'r ch's:ro{ the l@:te Dean O'Banion gang, eworn en-- emy of the Torrie {faction. LEAVES SBCORE UNSETTLED -- Torrio's scotre was upsettled. He went to prison.still saffering trom bullet wounds inflicjed by enemies right at the very door of his ~home while be was at liberty by court per-- mission to put his affairse in order. The police remembered this and they remembered also the _ desiruction wrbught among the allies of Torrio, the pomd Genna fection, three of whose bers were killed withis a short apace oT USK. Several days ago Torrio Gnished a nine monih¢' --#emtence imposed on bim by the Federal Court, growing out ofA raid on one of his fouriahing breweries. And while he was speed-- ing along the --road to Chicago 7:. mer gun kin gelipped out of the city, leaving the police and some of his lesser benchmen in a state of wonder-- -."t'mr. his willingness to forego w acoe; for bhis gun score 'at pres eat,--reckoned in iegms.oft gangland, is beavily on d4he side of his enemigs. The police learned about it Fri-- day and bresthed in reliel. PFor the lorty--eight hours preteding they. bad breathleasly -- awaited ",o érack . of pistols that would unga the city Into the feared agog war. _ Quietly, furtively, with no bark of guns to mark his departure, the for-- It was to escape this that Tortio, in a manner almost unbeard of in geangland, eliminated himself by one of the satest methoce known. sert, was forestalled the most ter-- rible war of gang vengeance the city ever would bave. seen, with Torrio and a long list of minor leadets mark-- ed for destruction. *' KA garag are i Gewa wa [31Mfistics OUT * reached high up on the Foster of ganz ehieftains and erased forever his name from !htndlhtctflol-cq." And with thig action, police~" as-- Big Underworid Outbreak Is gelleved to Have Been Avoided by--His Departure. SAY HE CHAS REFORMED last year, when the total attendance was only 71,68% and receipts $270,952. TORRIO FLEES _ --CHICAGO TO SAVE --UFE FROM THUGS -- Pittsburghers and their nelghbore took. a livelier interest in the base ball classic thus far than the Wash-- ingtoniana did in the first two games Of the amount already --taken in $186,901 goes to the playera, $62,200 to each club and $54,970 to the advis-- ory council. : Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct, 9.--Statisti-- tlans announted 'today that 85,069 fans paid $366,473.95 to see the first two games of the Worldd Series at Pittsburgh. & * ON IST 2 BATTLES "7!' acHociation was gotten ander way kers loday, when publishers of eight woeekly publications convened. PUBLISMERS ORGANIZIE -- Danvilie, I!L., Oct. 14.=--Organization of the Vermilion county weekly news-- Thomas Gratz, 68, of Libertyville, who has lived in that vMaga for a number of years, Tuesday after noon obtained a licenso from the county clerk to wed Mrs. Eliza At-- tridga, 84, of Libertyyil}s. -- Both have made Libertyvilla: their home \ for years, "">% ' < a week. This is but one of the radical changes adopted by Dartmouch. An-- other is optional chapel every day. while still another :m the compu)sory athletic cotrse for freshmen and #ophomores, all being required to take part in some sport three times MAN, 68, GIVEN LICENSE TO WED Hanover. N. H. Oct. 14 =Ol4 Dert mouth College is . not the same Fteshman coming fnto Hanover oy every train for the first day of the season &t Dartmouth,. didn't realize that they were missing what nsed to be a Dartmouth tradition. Theére wete no 'fratermity rush wel-- comems'"to meet the man who came with a creditable echoolboy athletic record or fame of soma kind. There is to be no more rushing of freshmen for fraternities, the men joining in their sophomore years. Shortly before the hour set for the hnb'u corpus heafting.. E. C. Shieids, Lansidg. attorney for Balllle, recaiv-- ed a telegram from J. A. Miller, Zion attorney, explaining that Bafl-- lie bad gone to. Kenosha voluntarily and wished to drop the habers cor pus proceeding. Judge Carr, when informed of this, said the fallure to notify the court before the hour of the" hearing made It imperafive for him to forfeit the bond under the Michigan law. f DARTMOUTH "FROSH®~ NO LONGER WELCOMED BY FRATERNITY RUSH he allered to come into court roiun-- tartty.-- He did that on Friday enter-- Ing a plea of not guilty and indicat-- ing that he would plead gwilty when his case would come up for hearing on next Monday before Munictpal Judg* John Sliater. That made it un-- Recessary for Kenosha authorities or Baillle to put in an appearance at Lansing for the babeas corpus bear Mighigan courts were snubbed in the habeas corpus hearing which E. L. Bailllie, er--Zion speed cop hbad applied for, Baillieé is out $1,509, the amount of his-- surety bond. This was the information received hbere to-- day when it was--learned that Judge Leland-- W. Carr, presiding in the court at Lanst#z, Mich., had ordered the bond forfelted fellowing Balllie's faillure to--appear before him Monday. When Balllle was first arrested at Pontiac several weeks ago. Kenostna officlals were able. to secure ertra dition procéedings trom, the ?nnor of Michigan for the retur§ ol ~Bail-- lie to Kenosha. And just as the: fugitive was about to be laken out of the court room the gfficials were presented --with a --writ --ot babeas corpus and a new heartog was or-- dereq for Monday, Oct. 12. o Surrendered in the MWeantime In the meantime, bowever, Baillie erperienced a change . of bear; and after 'a conference between the dis-- trict attormey and police detectives DID -- NOT NOTIFY-- HIM Lansing Judge Orders Bond Forfeited When Baillie Fails Kemosha, Oct. 14. --Because the ««--<~C----onuge »Dpeaks Before Asrerican to Appear and th Inspector of -- police, whom they charge were responsibie for the killing of two mion in Saturday Righta--aprising. -- Leaders of the temants have been Jalted and the Tenants' league has been disorganized but apparently the tenants do not pfo?on to accept any compromise until all of the ar-- rested tenants have been released. The temants aAalso demand the re-- moval of the govornts,--the mayor Balboa, Canal Zonme, Oct. 14. --With the American troops in cJmplete control of Panama City and order restored Presidenrft Criara of Panama is today striving to effect A& com-- promise--in the dispute between ten ants and landlords which ha* !ed to serious rioting. . * Representatives of other suburban carriers seeking like increased, it was declared, will await clarifying of the North Weatern's case before proceet ing with their appeals The Hlinola body contends that t» question ia strictly a state matter i which the interstate commission he no part Col. Smith will continge the hea: ing today Wwithout the testimony ¢ witnegses for the company, who hay refuaed to testify further. RESTORE PEACE IN.CANAL ZONE Rail experts maid yes:erdey that i' the carrier; collscts the jncreased rates in defiance of the Hlinois com-- missior, that body may carry the din pute to the United States Supreme Court, to test the supremacy of the two commissions --Despite the reJyusal oL. the . lilinoie Conn,eg;o Commisston" yesterdeay to uphold the 20 per cent increase in suburban féres granted-- the Chicago & North Wesetern Raillroad by the In-- teratate Commerce Comm{ssion Mon day, representatives of the carrier announced today that they wére pre paring to collect the new rates. * "On or before November 23,." At torney R. H. Van Doren for the road eaid, "we will post notices listing the new rates.. On that date we will bo-- gin to collect them. COMMISSION -- WILL FIGHT Heads of Railroad Assert that They Witlt Proceed to Coliect N. WESTERN ROAD DEFIES RATE BAN BY 1. C. COMMISSION Richard C. Davemport of aHrris burg, Ill., present grand master, is also the grand master elect. All business of the session was to be {inished today, leaving tomor-- * Chicago, Oct. 114.--The.grand ora-- tion by eSnator Charles 8. Deneen, grand orator of the grand lodge o Il!nois, Masous, wal the feature to day of the second session of the 86th annual meeting of the grand lodge. * the Raise,. A skidding auto agriven by John Oleon of Chicago plunged into the ditch between Waukeganm asd Ztoa early Sunday morning, causing seri-- ous injuries to Clson. Okon, whose home s at 26117 Wilcor street, Ch+ cago, suffered injurits© which meay cause his death. ~ * * He was on bis way <to Ractoe around 6 o'ciock,. The sligpery pare CRUSHED BY_THE MACHINE John Olson of Chicago Ser-- jously Injured When Car Plunges Off Road. SUNBE CABINET / H CABINET, s Sm ware cmd #2 "o y o o ies WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN-- «_ 428 Ne. Canesse St. -- -- -- 3, 1925 The -- Sunbeam Heater can be seen in actual operation at the Maytag office Maytag Sales I'r; De Balla then admitted, to the mewspapers that his wife was rich when hbe married her but he denies that it was a brilllant match {or him, for be charges she had been involved in @D sorts of affairs, runniog the gamput from assauité and burglaries on upward. He charged ber--with an Intrigue with an Italian musictan. -- awakened in the' night-- find bis wife holding n%.ethte'r:ittu'i'a!ed"'fi'n- dage over his face. _ E . _Dr. Belia charges that hbis wife attempted to poison him. He claims that he collapsed after sipping a cup of coffee that tasted strangely and at another time he declares he n.x;g:c. Oct. 14.--Balkan pblitic® buve lost their omnmopoly on the fromnt pages of Belgrade nwespapers, while the martial affairs of Dr. Bella, a dentist, and erstwhile Amer-- lcan pugilist,, are being discussed. Justice Lee Phillips of Foxr Lake, azainst whom an -- information was fHed ip the county court charging him with malfeasance of office, to-- day mmn before ,.!miu-B 'P.V'L'.Grl::b sons, °t Attorne _ W. M to quash the Information." The Bear-- ing on the motion is set for Oct. 28. He was released in --bonds of $2000. Phillips, according. to in-- formation given 4o -- States® Attorney JUSTICE MOVES TO QUASH CHARGES After reaching the hospital Olson collapsed and his feath was expectei, but the was revived by treatment. Olson was takern to the hospital by ° K. J. Summers ~of 1634 Hosie avenue, Chicago, who was driving close behind Olson. . men}t made motorigg precarious, and his viston was obsécured by the driz-- zle. His car skidded, and he made-- a desperate effort to right it, but the car-- plunged off the road, upsetting. ~--~Oison, "crastred by tizc mcachine, <f+ {ered two broken ribs and a broken collar bone. It was also feared 'he sustained internal injuries. He was rushed to Viciory Memorial hospital, where he--was attended by Dr. J. E. Walter. s . Come in today and let us show you this new and beautiful heating device. It is a new type of heating plant that is designed so attractively that you can place it in any room and it is built so efficiently that it heats and ventilates every room in the five to seven--room house thoroughly and comfortably. You will no longer need to use two or three stoves or a furnace that is too large for your house. The Sunbeam Cabinet Heater occupies no more space than a music cabinet yet it. heats your home thoroughly and with the greatest Here is a new, practicat--and economical method of home heating--the, Sunbeam Cabinet Heater, & warm air circulator that will heat your whole house with one fire. ~ Something New in Home Heating $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE: -- t+*%y * North Judson, Ind., Oct 14.--Ser-- eral hundred citizens of North Jud-- son and nelghooring towns joined the search in the swamp and forest lagds near here today for Louis Nat-- zat, 2, who i believed to bare wan-- dered from his home into dense us-- derbrush nearby. The lad disappear-- ed early yesterday morning,. waddling ix the direction of a dense forest, The officers of the organization are W. S. Purcell, president; Albert Brown, vice president, and Attr. Earle H. Gray, secretary. -- The meeting is also plaonéd --to unit on a program--for a more equt-- table political representation chrough out-- the county. -- * yoters, 2 ieete, 1 m -- wThe . co--ordination of <ali colore@ political clubs is planned to streagth-- en the county organization. s« 1t t# ~atriectiy a buviness meeting to prepare the colored vyoters and mors closely organize them for the com-- ing elections. '_, ® Aity. Earle H. Gray, sectetary of the organization, stated today ' that tt}o meeting is. not held in hébalt "The Lake County Political elub; mm organizatiom of colored -- voters im Lake county, will tazke an accurate census of the negro voters through out tho entire county on. Thursday night at a meeting-- of all colored people to be held at Woodmen's hall; 667 South Sheridan road. TAnE CENSUS OF * _ NEGRO YOTE IN > _ GET _ ACCURATE COUNT Lake County Politicat Club Calls Meeting of Colored People Thursday. starcn swawr For soyv or ~candidates ~buot > #;