_ MOHNTAINPASSET.... > _In the Diplomatic News ..... --«~ SAYS MOTOR CLUB| . . s ut «uy fime ~with ~~-- imrarning. Motorists <who plan --using '~." the -- northern. routes -- through ~ the 1 ./ Woest ate advised by the touring bu .\ Travelers . in -- the. West are _ {> +Warned to Keep in Touch ----IS JUST GETTING UNDER WAY HERE N4 ingu're about. conditions locally be-- fore 'starting their trips. -- Last week mli dirt: rogda in lowa were prat atill .exjats -- in < some -- places. Whare . they are 'dry. enough for trave! they are rouzgh <and. rutted. tmiets Wip aggardicg soutsars. roas c.dn'hu. The e -:l:. detour m OB East m hlgvu between Roundstong and Mt. Vernon is fair and passable at all times, except after very heary Evanston, HL, Oct. 21----Mrs. Mable «e tro Powell, 23, beter known to young men of the world as "Miss ERranston" in the Nattonal Beapty Contest, has filed anit for divorce trom her Wusband, Ned. F. Powell; a on this aurtace motorists are to be caretul of dkidding. tace, the real duck hunting seoson for Lake county is just opening. Altho the stata's official ban was lifted last month, the muddies that came down wore tow and fat betwooen and except for the birds that bred here this sum-- wer, little was doing with the local and the old favorite haunts are again alite with the honking of the prissd hirds. Mean weather brings out the Aucks and that leaves tha hunter who is willing to andure it a better chante ut the birds as the fair woatheor gun-- nors have taken to the feather bods. : -- While therse are still more bhunters num&uu many of in the bilnds are prone to Are heftors the birds gat within range, the hunting is batter now than earlier and the erafty gunners ato bringing down '.Pclhl.'i' ' presarve, where bunting is restricted to certain bours, ramains a popular place, but the most prised upots atre on the lonely little lakes the birds are loss distrabed. Now that the early morning alr has a cold, damp ating: the rain Arissles down or a«now paliets beat against tha Cold Weather Brings Down the Ducks and Hunters are -- "MISS EVANSTON" ASKS A DIVORCE ~~. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- Late Gounty's Big Weekiy w AUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN |__ Motor club to on Iing the IN SIULEN AUIU PSSSa"ctm es _ Josaph Calllaux told members of ® the American 'Debt Commission be-- Chicago, Oct. 21.--Within sevors! that the-- fivoeyear ngre®mat would hours after Davis Dubin, alther be accopted or negotiations for to . police that his expensive roAd--|a permanent settiement renoewsd, and stee had been stolen from Danvill®.|n», apparantiy has chosen the latter II, police telephoned that the BHOIOD | apperpative, on hx b5o toe. tbo driver had beek! AMNEVMOMN ENDCG CIVIL WAR HALTS CUSTOMS MEETING ACTOR IS BURNED Oscar O'Shea, Director of Ma-- lestice Players, Suftfers John -- MHarknaees, y hn ul : lons Injuries. hlmh'h'"'h: burned off Mr. 'Shea's face in two or ta tad bis forvimad was bynet. fls | Sn was As woon as the accident bagpened Uhi a call was made for a physician and the the injured man was ajtended to by | * Ix. J, E. Walter who happened to be in the audience and rendered first ald.| ) alightly. . Despite the pain he is sut-- fering Mr. O'SUhea gamely insists up -".ummmm AUTO THIEE DIES -- IN STOLEN AUTO Louis,; whers he planned to soll--it, An explosion back stage at the Ma-- Jestic thentre Bunday aight nearly stopped the production of "The Bird of Puradisa®" and reauited in paintul burns being recetred by Oscar O' Shea, The play calls for the use of two alooko! torches. One of these torthes brploded as it was being Alled and the blaring ligult hit the tace of MNr. O'SWhea. The presence of mind of FACE IS$ After "caretul considermion," no sction was taken by U. 8. immigration a on charges that beautiful. Gloria Faure traveled from El Paso New York as "maid" in the private car of SHenor Alberto J. 4 dm_mmuaum.uu% gir! vanished from New York when the charges became public. is an actress, a former Mexican revolutionist and a grand4aughter of ¥rancois Vaure, one--time president o Frances presence of mind f 'fined to a 1 slsce July as 4 one .ca.mlmndbw:?:rmulrmw ~mh.g:|:mmmhww;m«m Shea's face in two or fot hospital expenses, charging Rul m....'-"',mmnmhmthw ad was muthmu'odth'mt When "':': his car struck another machine Mrs. e accident bappened Kaspar was thrown against the wind-- taw a ahoststr® _ _ 4 |Shietd, suffering severe injuries to long polics record, ended in the po-- fHoo atation today. -- Townsend was artrested in the com-- pany of his protty bride of threa e ma.:..n,...xuu' Whesaling, W. V¥a. k the ukull. wWOMAN, INJURED, of the sult was flled by Attorney Ham Bebanna. ottour in Ruless® car when it struck snother machine on North Sheridan French government shortiy will sab Townsend will be taken to storm --1,738 . miles qmumm,iu-muw:[:anv_-m ~ $5,000 Damages in Suit Against Robert Rulesz. road, a dltorcese, ied sull today in FRENCH TO OFFER NEW DEBT PLANS RONEYMOON ENDS CREW RESCUED _ _ INJAIL CELL| _ pgom EREIGHTER Detroit, Oct,, 21~--The honeymoon Washington, Oct. 21--No graat sutr-- wWHO DROVE AUTO x $ Pz f f A . $ ~'+.',,_.' S§TH ANNJJAT. SEC-- OCTOBER 17, 192s | W. Odette to Grace Bartholomew Q. C. D. $10. 1At 21, Bik %, Burnetts Addn to Lake City, now Lake Villa. W. C. Parker and wft to W. C. Parker and wt it WD $10. Lots 1% «nd 1*, and pt--of Lot 16, William C. Parkers Yubdo, WHgo~*"~ , W. pakus to J. Graras WD. $5009. Bt. $5. Lot 5, E. J. Yeomans Subda, Heo 3#%, Wikgn. --> L. J. Yeoman and wf to A. E. Phliy-- aw WD $10. St $1 Lot 1%, BXK 1, L. R. Wilder to Wikgn Chamical Co. WD. $10; Lots TY and 11. Bik 1t, Ke Bub of pt of Wkgn Highlands, seo 3%, Wkgen. J. Z. Jacobseon to Alma C. Hansen wWD $l10. 8t $3. PI. of Lot 5, Cso. 08. St. $1. Lot 18, Melody T ooke Puban, §0¢.t5, Linerty viHe. D. 1. Dusa and wtto A. F. Koch WD. $10. St. $1.50. Lot 8, Bik ¢6, Ra Odette QCD $10. lot 2%, Bik 1%, Bur-- notts Addna to Lake City, now Lake and wft jt tens Deed $1. S8t. $%2. Lot 118, Bonnie Brook, Bec 6, Waukegan. Italian -- frighter --Ignatlio -- Floria wore taken safely off the stricken vesasl by the liner President Harding, a r» Central Tr. Co. to H. F. NMorcott Deed $10. St. $386. Lots 1, % and 11%, Sece #4, Deertield4. -- e W. Lemker and wt to T. R. Swan-- ton and wf it tens WD $10. 8t. #§5, Pt Of Sece 6 and 31, Vernon. -- New York, Oct, 21 ---- The twent;-- seren members of the crew of the and ~E. G. Grundstrom and wf to A. F. Morrison and wft jt teas WD. $10 8t. §1. Lot 186,; J. 1. Shaws Subdn on Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 21--Search for parsony connected with three differ-- ent events beliered to hare a direct baring on the solntion of the Latimer Sears murder mystery disclosed here a week ago, is occupying the atten tlon of Kenosha police today. Two men who are said to havre been frequenters of Lovers® Lane, where the Bbodies of pretty Madeline Latimer and Jaimes Sears were found, $10,000 DAMAGE _ --SUIT STARTED IN: COURT FOR DEATH profitable "biackmail" practics along the lanse was being sought, as are compact and a bloodstained waist on the outskirts of Milwaukee, Tuesday, two men who drove their car into the yard of the Sam Gascoins farm on the night of the murder. turned around in his yard and start-- ed back down the road toward Keno sha and the place of the crime. Gas-- coine told polics he could recognire the voices of the men if be heard A third egent 'believed to be of im portance in connection with the slay: ing is the finding of an abandoned nest, whens be ran into a wire and wuas electrocuted. The boy was so jfhmmed in between limbs that there was great diflicult;y in removing It. It had been presumed at the time that the wire bad rubbed against a |!imb until the insulation had been removed. Besides Mr. Runayard Attorneys Qzear M. Lumby and H. L Howard are acting for the Gerretsens. POEICE SEARCH --MORE SUSPECTS AMUNDSEN FAVORS damages. :'_no Public Service com-- pany is the defendant. Attorney Eagene --Rusyard filed In Tree, 'Boy of 12 Amazes Art Critics ree, is Basis for Started by Father. IN MURDER CASE V VJLUIY 4 A Y VR Albert EKrorett, 18, Lake oFrest, } who shot Alex Rossi, foreman of the mmm R. P. Lamont farm, Lake Forest, ~ L | in &.& whils huating, today ~_| Whk ~rel from the county . jail _ @memiumaem -- _ _ _______ _ _| atter he made bonds of $2,000 betotre 'm';r'lb hearing wils set for Oet.'fi".T Hilisboro, 1!1., Oct. 21.--The HALT MEXICAN-- U. S. TREATY --~~lithel Harrington, 16, Miiwaukes, Mexico City, Oct. 21.--Negotiations between tha United States and Moer-- lco toward a treaty of amity and commerce sre at a halt pending disposing of the proposed Mexican lnaw regulating foreign ownerahip. The treaty was to follow the lines of the one now awniting senats ac-- tion insuring friendly trade relations the United States hare stated rights df rewidence: and commerce~ in the foreign land. BOY HUNTER IS _ PUT IN BONDS MHenry Phillips, %4, Chicago. Marquerite Alexander, 31, Chiongo James Nachmana, 34, Mi}waukes. Laurites Larsen, 29, Racine, Martina Skrivrer, 29, Racine, Teunals Van Bruat, 19, Chicags. Edda Bonad, 19, Chicago. MHelen Hutton, 19, Greenbay. Leon Orsadal, 23, Highiand Park. Leona McGren, 22, Highland Park Joseph Percival, 21, Clm Alice Kristensen, 18, Ch John Fuchs, 29, Milwaukese. Norma Baltzor, 18, Milwaukee. _ Ange!l Flores, 2%, Waukegan. Benita Placensia, 189, Waukegas. Louls Oresnick, 31, Milwaukes. Miléred BolR,; 1W West ABts, gnurd Anderson, 2%, Evanston. arjory Willard, 31, Chicago. Bolealaus Salata, 15, Waukegan. Antoinette SaberkK, 20, No. Chgo. James Douglas, 23, Waukegan. Anneits Krpaick, 3, Chicago. Bidney Busch, 2%1, Milwaukee. . Catherine Skinner, 18. Milwaukes. Arthur Juedses, 21, Oshkosh. -- ---- Ann Schnelder, 20, Oshkosh. QOscar Wippert, 21, MHwaukee. June Bergemann, 1%, Milwaukes. I'I'm Kubier, #1, Kenosha. * Miner, 19, Kenosha. Man Myers, $%, n Bylvina EM %5, Fort Wayose. Rhody Moporse, 30, Waukegan. Kraiys Wattg, 14, Waukegan. $ Wilbert Schochow, 21, Wausas Irens Baken, 18, Waussu. Robt. Goyeotte, 21, Wausau. Minnise Krumpolte, 19, Chicago. -- Arnoid Wardins, #1, Mitwaukes. Kdna Voll, 34, Milwaukee. Arthur Vailentine, 2%, Portage. Claudia Willard, 19, Sterens Point. James Varz, 38, Chicago. _ Sylveater Majeske, 21, Wausau. contessions between the United #1 $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE --._ Urbana, I!.--Americans rion»' nounced as "a nation of davenport dusters, cake--eaters and lounge H» ards," by Prof. George T. Stafford of n un i iarne Dr. Stafford is assistant profes-- sor of orthopedics and physical diag» nosis of the University of Illinois." "Mealth : Practice 20 Years Behind"* .;(-}ur"be'llth practices hiave beem About years ~~our" heiith "must us» dour hog:; as utufi% :2 majority of --people give a Ford more care and at-- tention. than their bodies. -- Many paeople resent this statement and will reply that they take Dr. Hoosit's herbs every morning. Of all the foolk JAeh. errots that this race bes been gullty of, the pétent medicine farce Is the worst. We are the greatst natton o( patat medicine suckers tor 'vente" That. Managet Rorace 'Ste weats C & tare announces that the engagement of the "Bird of Paradise" will ex-- tend over a period of two wooeks,.= . _ something practically unbeard of tor-- .@~ stock companies in samall cities. The _ _ "Bird of Paradiso" promises to break > _ . ® «1084 -- 128¢ TCRORE --v.wamw * e m:&lon 'of "today are ifitm Te ferent from conditions of #5 years * ago. In the good old days we were 2 knowledge thal is yours.. live aatur-- ally. Stop this rush and bustle and4 _ Staged lavishiy, costumed btilliant-- Iy and presented by (the Majestic Players in a thoroughly commend-- able manner, *The Bird otf Paradise," ane of the most beantiful Hawullas productions ever written, oponed to Bell's Hawalian Singers, a troupe of UOvre real Hawalians, with their a nust ~ fitut EBWEA .. . _ L.z zic > grabbing tor more financial and so clal _ gains. Give your body s a capacity hbouse at the Majestic theatre Sunday, The stage carpenm-- Practice-- of health= methods | f moved hbhackward almost as rsfl as health knowledgze has p I Prof: Stafford said. --His adiress was °* one of three on the prevention of delinquency, deficiency and depend»--_ ency, and was based on recreation as a means, . Two --other--apeakers-- talked of :nhl,l_rr and . --education. as prevent = A meawi esn 24. 424. mnuw-»uo was 'hot a practical ] s --bf locomotion. We walked, ran, (jumped, swam and garve our bodies muscular expression. We ate simple foods--we lived a biological "Put fnto practice the henith knowledge that is yours.. Live nsatar-- der Campbeil, a new member of the cast, is seen to :ime advantage. in the feminine roles Cecila Ellistt and 8o far as that is --concerned every member of the tast interprets his or her role very creditably. s 5 BOt--robbed-- oft--most --of --our-- muscular~ «; exertion > by -- aelectric -- conventences, _ _~ "BIRD OF PARADISE" _/ A TREMENDOUS HIT _ _ is a difficult one and enables her to display her histmonic ability to great advantage. Richard Allan, Willliam Juie and Aldis Bartiett arse others who dge serve special mention. Yirgh Pritch-- than passing mention. . Today we are a nation of daven-- port dusters, cake eaters and loungs lizards. We try to see how much Hte. "U. S. NATION OF Practice of Health Methodt _ -- NEED _ MORE ~ EXERCISK CAKE EATERS" IS -- * EXPERTS CHARGL Moving Backward, Prof. G. T. Stafford Asserts. ~* ever CATL > 204 .. PORAAEE :. .. PAed . Atattford. " ~We# *./ mm ts +* 642 tA F 44 4&